#nijigasaki school idol club


Kasumi : I’d eat moldy bread for ¥1000.

Emma, concerned : Why would you do that to yourself??

Kasumi : Throwing up is quick, easy, and free, a thousand yen is a thousand yen, and bread is bread.

Kanata : I have been informed by Mia that “Country Roads” is not actually the American national anthem

Shizuku : I feel horrible.

Setsuna : Wanna go set cars on fire? I have some gasoline.

Shizuku : As much as it would cheer me up to commit a felony, I have to say no.

Happy Birthday to our lovely girl from Switzerland, Emma!

Happy birthday Kasumin!

Kasumi’s birthday must be a very lucky day ;)

Two Rinas! (≧∀≦)

Lanzhu, robbing a bank: Alright everyone put their hands up

Everyone: *puts hands up*

Lanzhu, already mad with power: One hop this time

Ai: Did you catch the perp?

Rina: They’re using VPN software, we can’t track their IP

Ai: In English

Rina: We can’t find his computer

Ai: In French!

Rina: Nous ne pouvons pas trouver son ordinateur.


Rina: .– . / -.-. .- -. .—-. - / - .-. .- -.-. -.- / - ……. .-. / -.-. — – .–. ..- - . .-.

Ayumu: Are you okay?

Kanata: Oh god no


Kanata: But for the purpose of this conversation, yes I am

Ai: C'mon! Take one for the team

Mia: No, I don’t want to. Let the team fail

Setsuna:I’mnot a complete psychopath

Setsuna: But I do murder people as a form of escapism, so there’s that

Ayumu: Beating the self sabotage allegations by smiling cutely while saying the most h*cked up thing you’ve ever heard <3

Ai: Karin was complaining about the price of peanut butter at the store and I said “yeah it’s nuts” now she won’t answer my texts

Kasumi: Would you kiss a girl for one million dollars?

Yu: I guess? I don’t have that kind of money though

Kanata: Your honour you must understand I’m just a silly little guy, just a fun little girl. Just a harmless little fun-time girl. You wouldn’t sentence a silly harmless little fun-time girl. It’s my birthday



Yu: I love you

Ayumu: I love you too

Yu: I love you more

Ayumu: I love you more than you love me

Kanata: And I would love it if y'all didn’t do this in the groupchat

Lanzhu: I have this rare skin disease called perfect

Shioriko: Well I’m glad you’re cured

Kasumi: Now that I have received the attention I think I deserve, I will now be incredibly insufferable forever now

Kanata: Caffeine no longer gives me the rush I need to finish work, so, instead, I have Karin periodically text me ‘we need to talk’ to give me the right amount of fear and adrenaline to keep me going

Ayumu: Stop violence!

Setsuna: Threaten your teacher and set your school on fire

Shizuku: No phone, I did not ‘miss a call’

Shizuku: I watched it ring the entire time

Ai: Oh shit, let me call you back there’s a hamburger in my pocket

Setsuna: I have good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?

Yu: The good news

Setsuna: I won’t do it again

