#lovesad robots

#33 Attention! We have made a full circle! I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE! Remember the very first comic pa


Attention! We have made a full circle!
I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE!

Remember the very first comic page, the “oopsy-doopsy” one? The one that started this whole damn thing?
Now you can see it from another angle

More pages (#34-36) on my Patreon! ✨
The whole comic is here on AO3

Post link

New page (34) of “Love Sad + Robots” is up on ⭐️Patreon⭐️!

You’ll find pages 31, 32 and 33 there as well!


Don’t you. Ever. Anger. The office manager.

Even if you’re madly in love and jealous and furious.


PS Also 30 comic pages, YAY!

More pages (#31-33) on my Patreon! ✨

The whole comic is here on AO3


Do you know those moments when you look at another person and go: “What the fuck do you have that I don’t?”

Yep, Nines has one of those.

More pages (#30-33) on my Patreon! ✨

The whole comic is here on AO3


Welcome to Nines’ personal hell…

More pages (#29-31) on my Patreon! ✨

The whole comic is here on AO3.


Now Nines knows that Gavin and Connor are together and he’s about to get through some hard times.

Let’s hope he’ll make it!


Somebody is being loud… Call the police!

Oh, wait.

He is the police.

The full comic is here: AO3!

3 new pages are already on Patreon!
