#dbh tina

#33 Attention! We have made a full circle! I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE! Remember the very first comic pa


Attention! We have made a full circle!
I repeat, A FULL CIRCLE!

Remember the very first comic page, the “oopsy-doopsy” one? The one that started this whole damn thing?
Now you can see it from another angle

More pages (#34-36) on my Patreon! ✨
The whole comic is here on AO3

Post link

Tina: So are you going to ask Nines out?

Gavin: Nah, he’s taken.

Tina: What? Since when?

Gavin: No clue.

Tina: Then how do you know he’s taken?

Gavin: I was instantly attracted to him, and experience tells me that means he’s unavailable.


Valerie: I lied to every girl I ever said ‘I love you’ to. I thought I loved them, but then I met you and realized I’ve never been in love before.

Tina: Aw, I didn’t know that.

Valerie: Yeah, it was eating me up inside. So, I called them each individually and said ‘I never loved you’.

Tina: okay, that seems unnecessary.


!! reading about them in fics is an absolute delight like wth xD!

I love this fandom making them best friends it’s just **chef’s kiss**


Tina: So are you going to ask Nines out?

Gavin: Nah, he’s taken.

Tina: What? Since when?

Gavin: No clue.

Tina: Then how do you know he’s taken?

Gavin: I was instantly attracted to him, and experience tells me that means he’s unavailable.
