#luciel x mc


MC: *does something cute*

707 on his route: lol I don’t care

Narrator: but Saeyoung did care

Can You Hear Me?

When you both live in seperate dimensions, and the only way to communicate is through a script, communication is hard.

He could feel your frustration, hear the things you actually wanted to say.

He felt it all too.

Stuck behind a keyboard and monitors and through his phone, there was you. MC. Main character.

His life literally revolved around you.

His backstory was built, designed and programmed for you. His knowledge was obviously a glitch - when he first figured this whole thing out, the RFA thought he was insane. Thankfully, he knew not to bring it up with them around the next time you reset.

But sometimes it was painful - the resets. He’d be stuck between not knowing and knowing and he could feel the programming going haywire. He’d freeze up and he couldn’t breathe and for a moment, he’d feel as though he was about to die. Then, the code would relinquish, as though they thought the better punishment would be to know his situation and never escape, rather than complete error.

He wanted to speak to you. He still does.

He can tell when you’ve had a bad day, and he yearns to be able to say more than what he’s been allowed to say.

He has very little communication with you outside of the game. He’s hidden all over the Internet - it’s the only way he can get across to you.

It’s tough when your soulmate doesn’t even live in the same dimension as you.

“You are my whole universe. Your breaths become the radiant milky way. But, the best thing I can do for you is to let you go.”

P.s // i’m not crying baby (ಥ_ಥ) *sobsob
