#saeyoung x reader


If he had known.

He would’ve done everything differently. He wouldn’t have let her stay in that apartment. He might’ve even gone against V’s orders. He would’ve forced her to leave.

It would be better to have never met then have fallen head over heels with her, let his guard down and end up here. With her, limp in his arms and warmth draining from her. She had long ceased trying to speak - it cost too much energy.

Her last moments had passed and this was a pain he had never known before. It was worse than anything he had ever felt. She spent her last moments comforting him. It’s going to be okay…

How could anything ever be okay? How could he ever be okay? After what he’s seen. After what he’s done. She was gone. Because of him. Because of his reckless desire for something aside from the loneliness that haunted him in that cold, metallic building of his. It wasn’t home. It could never be home.

If he had known, he would’ve held her closer. Held her longer. Told her more. Been less self conscious. Less bashful.

He would’ve loved her with every fibre of his being, dissolving into her and filling every part of him with her. He smile, her voice. Her.

If only he had known.

MC: *does something cute*

707 on his route: lol I don’t care

Narrator: but Saeyoung did care

RFA members with a depressed reader + how they would respond/try and support you


  • He’s actually really shocked
  • Like, you’re so gorgeous and honestly the most amazing person he’s ever met and he can’t believe you’d ever feel that way about yourself
  • He tries to reassure you CONSTANTLY
  • Which kinda makes you feel a bit bad, like you’re a burden
  • When he hears that he just tries to love you even more
  • He doesn’t really know how to help you aside from reassuring and comforting and loving you
  • So he tries to do research
  • Invites you to go on walks with him for exercise
  • Offers to pay for your therapy
  • Tries to cook healthy meals for the both of you
  • Wants you to get enough sleep
  • All of the good habits that are supposed to help with depression
  • They do, but you still end up feeling numb inside
  • Especially at night
  • He’s so kind and patient and understanding
  • He’ll sit with you and hold you if you just wanna cry
  • He’ll listen to your feelings and empathise but when you start talking about how you hate yourself he’ll cut in
  • “Please, don’t say that about yourself, Princess.”
  • Wants to protect you and make you happy


  • Doesn’t really know what to do
  • He isn’t that connected to his emotions and he especially isn’t that well versed and knowing how to deal with other people’s emotions
  • But he really cares about you, so he makes some calls
  • Provides you with the best therapists and psychiatrists (if you want to take medication for it)
  • Makes sure that all his employee’s and guards and chefs and maids take really good care of you
  • Kind of like Zen - he does his research
  • When you tell him that you just feel really down today he’ll start offering all these solutions that are supposed to help - exercise, yoga, meditation, etc.
  • But if you say you just wanna stay in and watch movies and cuddle he’s totally there for that too
  • If you’re having a really bad day, where you aren’t really talking and you won’t get out of bed, he’ll bring Elizabeth the Third to you because he knows how much you like petting her fur
  • And once he’s finished his work, he’ll come to you and hold you and whisper words of support and care and reassurance to you
  • Will literally leave meetings if he finds out you’re really upset
  • Jaehee doesn’t like that, but she won’t lie - she worries about you too
  • On days where Jumin is on a business trip and you’re at home, you best believe you’ll be getting deliveries constantly with flowers or packages and Jaehee visiting you
  • At first you’re surprised when Jaehee visits
  • But she tells you that he’s worried and maybe you’ll confide in her
  • But you guys just stay in and watch (Zen’s) movies and you guys become really close friends
  • Bottom line, will stop everything to come and support you


  • Knows what it’s like to have deteriorating mental health
  • So can easily relate
  • So you guys talk a lot about your feelings to each other, usually ending up with you both crying
  • But it’s not really a bad thing
  • It’s nice to talk to someone who actually understands without being worried
  • Both of you doing things to improve your mental health - a self care journey
  • Supporting each other on your bad days
  • 24/7 support
  • Strongest couple ever omg
  • You guys can tell when the other isn’t having the best day, so you’ll discreetly help them out


  • This poor boi cries when you tell him
  • Because he’s been there, right in the depths of it
  • He came back but…
  • He would never want anyone to experience that level of pain and suffering
  • And when he found out you had it he just felt so sad - he wanted to take all of your pain for himself because you deserved only the best and all of the happiness
  • Especially since you’re the reason he managed to leave that place behind
  • Will try and spend as much time making you smile as possible
  • Cook for you, making little smiley faces and stuff
  • He’s really sweet
  • Like, the sweetest heart
  • Tells you that he’s there for you, if you need to talk or anything like that
  • Wants you to promise that you’ll call him, text him or talk to him if you ever feel like you’ll hurt yourself or…


  • Kinda figured it out when he did his background check on you
  • Was kinda surprised based on the way you acted in the chat room
  • When you weren’t allowed to leave the apartment, he made sure you got your medication (if you take any)
  • Feels so guilty about pushing you away
  • When you guys are together he tries to make up for it all with love
  • Showers you with love and attention
  • Partly because he knows how tough it can be to see anything good about yourself
  • But it’s mainly because you’re his angel
  • Which makes him even sadder because you can’t see how incredible you are to him
  • Every little thing you do makes him fall in love with you all over again
  • Will leave his work for you if you ask him to or if he feels like you need him
  • Offers to find another job
  • Tried to make changes in his daily life to support you
  • If you decide that you wanna start working out or eating differently or going to therapy or literally anything, he’s doing the same thing too
  • Sometimes dragging in Saeran too, just to show you how much support you have
  • Maybe even the whole RFA lol
  • Just wants you to know you’re loved


It’s in his dreams when he tells her his truest feelings and deepest regrets.

And she stays with him, holding his hand as he speaks, words tumbling over each other as he struggles to get out every thought he had of her - a whole days worth.

She just smiles, eyes soft and gentle.

She never replied.

But that’s okay.

He wouldn’t have wanted to hear those words from her in a dream, anyway.

He tells her in every language he knows. Binary, C++, Python, Java, French, Arabic, Mandarin. He flows into each one, fluent and unwavering.

It’s only in his dreams that he can tell her.

And he has to tell her.

Or he runs the risk of giving her hope that this could work out. That the bomb inside the apartment isn’t the only reason he’s here.

Of course it wasn’t.

But he couldn’t tell her that.

He knew what she’d say. What she’d do.

She’d stay with him and hold his hand, eyes soft and voice warm and coaxing him towards her with peaceful and calming words.

He woke up, a heaviness on his heart he could not explain.

Shaky Hands

It is with shaky hands that he begins to tie the knot around his neck, trying to remember how to tie a damn neck tie like you told him.

He concentrates on the mirror and his hands and avoids eye contact with the people milling around behind him - clinking glasses and the boys are rowdy, already tipsy with their shots of liquid courage.

He needed some liquid courage.

But he wasn’t going to let himself give in. Not now. He needed to be stone cold sober today.

A few hours later, when he stands, waiting for you in the buzzing chapel, he prays and thanks every God he can think of for this moment.

And his breathes falter when he turns to see her, white and pure and beaming as she glides towards him.

His hands take hers and it’s just them. Alone in space and floating in their own little world.

It’s with a shaky voice that he says “I do.”

Momentary Silence

She lay there, stiff and silent and unmoving.

He sat beside her and the nurses and visitors and group members would all try and convince him to go get some rest and that they’ll call him as soon as her conditioned changed.

But he wasn’t moving anywhere. He wanted to be there for her, the moment her eyes flickered open. The moment her hand reached for his.

It had been two days and her condition was steadily improving - the doctors were surprised.

“She must be a real fighter!” They’d tell him, noticing the bags under his eyes, and he’d smile. Of course she was.

Perhaps this is how she had felt, with him so close yet so far. Forcing a drawn line on the floor into a barrier against her. His heart shattered every time he thought about it.

She’d bring him food and drink and a silence that was friendly and patient. Not like what he was used to - where silence meant threat and danger.

Her silence meant peace.

Her love for him meant waiting for him.

The least he could do was wait.

Impulse Buy

It was just a ring. That just happened to be referred to repeatedly as an engagement ring.

He liked to tell himself that it was just an impulse thing - he’d done these kinds of things before. Messed around on Amazon and EBay and ended up with a living room full of singing pickles and glow in the dark flash lights. This could just be one of them.

But when he saw her, he’d catch himself in the process of reaching for it. And thinking about it. The perfect proposal which would lead to the perfect wedding and then the perfect marriage and the perfect family.

Maybe that would make everything that had happened before her almost seem like it had meant something.

It was in the moment when he got down on one knee, at the party, hand already wrapped around the small box he’d made a habit of bringing with him everywhere, that he thought to himself that…

Maybe it wasn’t so impulsive.

Can You Hear Me?

When you both live in seperate dimensions, and the only way to communicate is through a script, communication is hard.

He could feel your frustration, hear the things you actually wanted to say.

He felt it all too.

Stuck behind a keyboard and monitors and through his phone, there was you. MC. Main character.

His life literally revolved around you.

His backstory was built, designed and programmed for you. His knowledge was obviously a glitch - when he first figured this whole thing out, the RFA thought he was insane. Thankfully, he knew not to bring it up with them around the next time you reset.

But sometimes it was painful - the resets. He’d be stuck between not knowing and knowing and he could feel the programming going haywire. He’d freeze up and he couldn’t breathe and for a moment, he’d feel as though he was about to die. Then, the code would relinquish, as though they thought the better punishment would be to know his situation and never escape, rather than complete error.

He wanted to speak to you. He still does.

He can tell when you’ve had a bad day, and he yearns to be able to say more than what he’s been allowed to say.

He has very little communication with you outside of the game. He’s hidden all over the Internet - it’s the only way he can get across to you.

It’s tough when your soulmate doesn’t even live in the same dimension as you.

You make my heart uwu and I’ll never forgive you

- 707 confessing, probably

The Best Thing I Can Do For You…

He knew painstakingly well that you did not love him.

Your words, actions and choices all made it obvious. Every single time you chose casual or another, it meant erasing the possibility of loving him. It was even more painful when you’d ignore him in favour of the CEO-in-line…

But if you were happy…

If you woke up each morning, excited for the day to come and eager to plan another party and talk to him - along side everyone else of course…

Then he could live with it.

The unrequited love he had been programmed with from the beginning.

Sometimes he couldn’t keep it in. He just had to call you… tell you…

Your presence was enough. And you did not love him, he knew this. But he hoped they could love you just as much. Perhaps even more.

He couldn’t give you what you wanted anyway. He was a hacker. A cockroach. A shut in.

What did he have to offer? He didn’t have fame, wealth, earnest work, a potential career or even artistic talent.

He had pain. And tradegy. And what he thought could be depression. He had problems that couldn’t be solved.

So while his love was unrequited, perhaps it was for the best.

That didn’t change the pain every time you decided to start again, ignoring him.

The times you chose him was a peaceful break from the torment he felt. The feeling of you in his arms, loving him, caring for him, choosing him… he tried to keep you away, knowing where it would end, but he couldn’t keep himself away from you for long. You were the magnet, coaxing his metal thoughts away from the logical conclusion that this wouldn’t last.

And he was right.

You always moved on.

Moved away from him and his love, leaving him broken and alone, in the dark once more, the reprieval over.

“The best thing I can do for you is let you go.”

To celebrate one of your favourite holidays of the year (who’s gonna complain about all-you-can-eat chocolate?) you had decided to plan an Easter party for everyone in the RFA.


  • He’d kind of been all pouty the couple days leading up to the party because you were so excited and preoccupied with planning for the party
  • But he didn’t say anything because he loved seeing you all excited and smiling into your planning binder, scribbling down ideas whenever they came to you
  • What was really strange was the night before, where you had made him go stay somewhere else for the night
  • When he asked you why, you just winked, “it’s a surprise.”
  • He decided he’d come early to see you on the day of the Easter party, since he’d really missed you a lot
  • Plus he wanted to praise you for everything that you’d done to prepare - it was gonna be perfect, he just knew it
  • So when he shows up early, he basically kneels over because it’s
  • So
  • Fucking
  • CUTE
  • You went all out with the little bunny and chick decorations, and yellow, pale pink and blue streamers all over the place and lots and lots of treats
  • And then there was you, dressed up adorably as a little Easter bunny and when you turned around to see him, he officially died and went to adorable heaven
  • “Oh! Saeyoung! You’re early!” You smile brightly, walking over with something behind your back and you lean up to kiss his cheek
  • He can’t handle how fcking cute you look, he wants to tackle you with all his love - he’s about to kiss you when you pull what you were hiding out from behind his back
  • It’s a small red felt bag with a little hand made clip of his glasses holding it closed.
  • “I’m kinda glad you came early, I didn’t want everyone to see…”
  • “You made this… for me?” He asks, slightly breathless
  • You nod, smiling and beckoning you to open it excitedly
  • It’s a series of little chocolates - chicks and eggs and bunny rabbits
  • Based on the fact that they’re a little smudgy and wonky looking, he asks if they’re handmade and you nod a little proud of your efforts and he pops one into his mouth, humming with appreciation
  • “Mmmm~ you should become a chocolatier, it tastes so much better than the store bought ones!” He praises, and you smile
  • You guide him around the place and he helps you pin up the last of the decorations before deciding all that’s left to do is actually have the party
  • “I hope they’ll like it.” You say softly, looking around at your work and Saeyoung is there, wrapping an arm around your waist and rubbing his nose against yours
  • He loves affection, what can I say?
  • “They’re going to love it.”
  • When he kisses you deeper than you expected from him, you taste chocolate
  • When he leans back, he winks at your blush


  • He was always really happy to see you planning parties, because you always seemed to really really enjoy it
  • He was so happy when you were happy
  • The day of the party, when he shows up with Yoosung (he didn’t have a ride lol), he wishes he had come alone
  • Because there was so much effort put into this party - the decorations, the pastries that you had obviously baked and dear lord, your costume
  • It wasn’t immodest at all, but something about you dressed up as a rabbit brought him back to his teenage years, where he fantasised about playboy bunnies
  • He had to close his eyes and calm himself down before he could walk over to you and tell you about how amazing it had turned out
  • Throughout the whole night, he was there, continuously praising your efforts and telling everyone about how amazing is she? Like look at all this work and –
  • You getting embarrassed by his praises
  • At first, it was just him holding your hand, but by the end of the night, his arm was around your waist
  • Whispering naughty things into your ear as he got tipsy, making you blush and Saeyoung would tease you 
  • You and Zen totally had some frisky fun time when you got home ;)


  • He legit wanted to help you plan the party
  • But you stopped him immediately, telling her that this is something I wanna do for you and the other members. I don’t want you to worry much about it, plus I want it to be a surprise for you.
  • But this is Jumin
  • He wouldn’t buy it
  • So, he made sure you had more than enough expenses (even though you were hand making most of the decorations, but okay) and he even rented out a nice place usually booked for weddings in the park
  • So, there went your plans for a surprise party for all of the RFA members
  • He wanted to know all the details
  • And when you’d try and regain control, siting this was going to be a surprise party he’d just say I’ll pretend I don’t know anything
  • Right… because I’m sure everyone would believe that, considering you rented pretty much everything
  • But when the day comes, and everyone is together and eating chocolate, he can’t help but feel a little (lot) proud of you
  • You already had enough on your plate - big parties and a part time job and college (you wanted to get your PhD finally) and then this?
  • It was a big hit with everyone
  • He was so sweet, helping you clean up in any way he could
  • Fed you chocolate ;)


  • Yoosung wanted to help you out, so you of course said yes
  • It was just the RFA members, so you didn’t really bother making it a huge deal
  • You just invited them over and shared food and drink and a shit ton of chocolate
  • You decide to put on some rabbit ears and face paint
  • You manage to convince Yoosung to copy you - he does, but only because he can’t deny you when you’re begging him with those doe eyes
  • You always get what you want ;)
  • Once the RFA leave and it’s just you and Yoosung, you get you both a glass of wine and bring the left over chocolate with you
  • So you guys eat and drink until you’re tipsy and in a food coma and you’re giggling and he’s talking and you’re both snuggled up together on the couch
  • You watch Hop pretty much three times, because you both get distracted so quickly, but you’re so determined to watch it completely through
  • But after the third trial, you both just give up and play some LOLOL together
  • You even dressed your players to look more festive!
  • You guys were the dream team
  • It’s even better than the party, but neither of you say that
  • You kind of end up making out and it tastes so sweet that you can’t really stop (so addictive)


  • Jaehee finds it so endearing when you’re planning a party
  • Like, you value her opinion so much
  • “What do you think of this design?” “What do you think of doing this?”
  • She loves how much you include her - unlike her old job *cough*C&R International*cough*
  • She offers to do things for you, but you make sure she won’t do too much because you know she can kind of get carried away
  • So you let her prepare the food, since she loves to make sweets
  • You join in with her and you both end up having lots of fun, seeing the reward of delicious looking pastries for your hard work
  • Having to remake the food because you both ate it all
  • You getting dressed up for the party and Jaehee finding you so cute she can’t really say anything
  • You finding that adorable, so you kiss her cheek and tease her gently about it
  • Lowkey having more fun preparing for the party than actually having the party
  • Oh, the party works out really well

mystictober day 10: seven x mc + space station

seven x mc + space station

words: 690

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!

!! this i dedicate to jay, @galaxytastes, my one and only starboy. THANK YOU for bringing dear sev into my life.

You’re on the moon.

This, you know because of the view of Earth before you- an image you had only ever seen on screen was right before your very eyes. Below you were craters of moondust, and you stand to look outside the glass pane that separates you from the moon’s atmosphere.


There are fifteen little redhead children running around in circles, leaving clouds in their wake. They don’t seem to be wearing any spacesuits, nor you for that matter- a quick glance at your reflection confirming what you had already suspected. You were in your normal clothes.

“Honey?” a familiar voice calls out, reverberating against the steel walls of the vessel you stand in. Whipping your head around to face him, you greet your husband with a smile, beckoning him to join you. And here he was: the king of the redheads himself, wrapping an arm around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

“You should stop letting them have that stuff,” you hear yourself say matter-of-factly. “I know that’s what you just did.”

“What? Nonsense, angel! It’s important that they know what the superior soda is before anyone else can change their wee little minds! Even if they have to share one can,” he chuckles proudly, puffing his chest out.

Sev,” your voice carries that tone reserved for situations like this. “We’re the only ones here. No one can tell them that anything’s better than PhD Pepper… except maybe me,” you giggle, and he shakes his head before wrapping his arms around your waist, carrying you to the other end of your moon-house.

“Oh yes, you…

Your cries and protests are only met with tickles before he finally sets you down in front of a giant telescope.

“I wanna show you something,” Saeyoung whispers with a wicked grin, eyebrows wiggling in excitement.

“What did you do this time, huh?”

“Look into the telescope, my star.”

And so, you do, but not without giving him a look of suspicion.

You’re met with the sight of your name. Beside his, and now your, surname.

Toggling with the lenses, you zoom the telescope out a little bit to see what your married name had been on: a mountain. On Earth.

Your mouth falls into a gasp. Blindly, you reach over to smack his arm. “No, no you didn’t-”

He adjusts his glasses with a smirk that you can’t see.

“Why yes, yes I did, with the help of my trusty laser. Now everyone will know that I married you at the space station,” his voice goes from pride to fondness, pulling you away from the telescope and into his arms.

“Earth knows I love you. Mars is next,” a hushed whisper from your husband as he leans down to capture your lips with his in a chaste kiss. You feel yourself sigh against him as he pulls away, squeezing both of your hands.

“Naming all those stars was enough, you know?” you mumble, blushing.

“No way! I told ya, all the planets in the galaxyshould know!” he chuckles and rubs your arms, kissing your forehead.

He feels warmer this time. You feel this forehead kiss even more than the one earlier and-

Your eyes fly open, met with the sight of your boyfriend pulling himself away from your face. He jumps back, glasses askew with a hand clutching at his chest.

You blink at your surroundings, at Saeyoung’s monitors glowing behind him, at the walls of the bunker- the chip crumbs on his side of the bed.

“Woah there angel, you scared me!” he laughs, coming back to cuddle you again.

“I dreamt of you,” you say, your voice a faraway thing while you try to sink back into reality.

“Ofme?”he says overdramatically, his hand returning to its position on his chest. “What did this lucky alien boy do to make it in your dreams, huh?”

Seven ruffles your hair gently and presses a kiss to your shoulder before hooking his chin over it, awaiting your response.

“There were fifteen baby tomatoes, the moon, and a laser.”

“Tell me everything.

mystictober day 7: favorite cg / matching

saeyoung + favorite cg + matching

words: 525

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment

!! reader is wearing a dress, but nothing other than that is specified.

also, this isn’t my favorite cg cause i cannot pick one, but it’s definitely one of them <3

You feel yourself go still as his hands wrap around you, as his chin hooks over your shoulder. He has you surrounded you now, and you know well enough that there’s no getting out of this. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide- not in this bunker, not when you’re in the hands of God Seven himself.

The heat of his breath tickles your skin and coaxes bumps to come to its surface. You swallow thickly, and you can hear it in your ears when you do- in fact, you can hear almost everything in your ears, including the hammering of your heartbeat. His hands are large enough to splay over your back as he slowly pulls down the zipper of your dress- and this, this you can hear too, every little click that each pair of teeth from the zipper makes resounds in your ears. It’s this very sound that seals your fate.

You can feel the fabric slipping down your shoulders almost torturously, grazing against your elbows as it falls down your arms.

Maybe it should scare you, the fact that you’re standing almost fully bare in your boyfriend’s arms, but you don’t feel an ounce of fear at all. With hands on his shoulders, thumbs hooked under the collar of his jacket, you rest your head against his as you push his jacket down until it falls to the floor, joining your dress.

As much as Saeyoung wanted to rid himself of the rest of his clothes, this was a game. He had to be patient, had to take a deep breath as he felt the pads of your fingers brush against his muscled abs before you lifted his hoodie off. He cups your cheek and presses his lips against your skin languidly, trailing down until they linger in the crook of your neck.

So that’s how you want to play?

You act as an exact mirror of him, both hands coming up behind his neck to cradle his head, lips leaning in to start kissing right below his jaw, getting lower and lower until you make it to the very same spot he chose to focus on.

Exhaling slowly, the feeling of your warmth makes his little hairs stand on their ends, their own special greeting for you. You can hear it, the way you breathe, the way he breathes, each gentle brush of skin on skin and every little kiss you give each other.

It’s a game.

With an upwards drag of your tongue flat against his neck, his free hand clutches at your shoulder, jaw falling slack to let his teeth graze against your pulse point.

Maybe it’s something beyond your comprehension, something more powerful than the both of you that connects you both together. Maybe it’s all the time you’ve spent together, or maybe it’s simply because you’re the 606 to his 707-

But when you bite down, he does too, teeth sinking into skin, lips latching, sucking; tongues laving down at each other’s fresh bruises, at the matching marks you’ve made for the world to see.

He chuckles darkly against your skin.

This is only the beginning.

mystictober day 3: candy

saeyoung + favourite chat / candy

words: 889

wanna be tagged? dm me/comment!


Your boyfriend sings as he selects his assortment from the shelves, holding the bags of sweets in his arms and dropping them into the cart you were pushing along.

Saeyoung smirks, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, positioning his lips right at your ear.

“She’s sweet like candy in my veins~”

No one else was in the aisle, and so, no one else was there to see it when he swayed you as he sang- when he kissed your cheek and let it linger. You can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face, blushing and reaching out to pinch his cheek.

“You’re going to eat all this candy alone?” you giggle, shaking your head at the copious amounts of sweets he had chosen. It’s not like the bunker would be part of trick or treat. There was certainly no giving out of candy to children.

Well, except for the overgrown child who was paying for them in the first place.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, angel?” He winks with a ruffle of your hair. Still behind you, he grabs hold of the handles and pushes the cart to the counter with you between his arms, his chin resting on your head. The sleeves of his jacket had draped over your shoulders, surrounding you with his warmth and the distinct smell of a certain soda. Of course he spilled PhD Pepper on his jacket.

When you get to the register, he one-handedly unloads all his treats onto the conveyor, internally laughing at the way people behind you in line were staring at what you were buying. You were used to this, having witnessed strangers survey the contents of your own shopping cart all the time, but the grocery store wasn’t Saeyoung’s natural habitat. And in true Saeyoung nature, he finds a way to make it entertaining.

“Honey, do you think this is enough for the kids?“ he asks, rubbing the side of your arm and holding you close.

In a snap, you’ve gotten on the same page with him, smiling brightly and cooing at the man fondly.

“Of course, dear. There’s enough for seconds and thirds and any more or their teeth fall off!“

The redhead smirks, looking down at you with that proud twinkle in his eyes. All he does in response is kiss the top of your head, reaching over and handing the cashier some money to pay. Everyone’s eyes widen at the thought of children consuming that much candy, and so, the mission is accomplished… but when has your boyfriend ever stopped at the bare minimum?

“Oh! The dance recital, isn’t that today?“ Saeyoung looks at you with faux worry, mirroring the expression of a forgetful dad as he carries the bags for you.

“Yes, darling, it isn’t for another few hours. We have some time to kill before then,“ you purr suggestively, leaning up to run the bridge of your nose along his jaw in front of the entire supermarket. Make him proud and beat him at his own game. That’s the plan.

He chuckles wordlessly and squeezes your side as you walk out. You don’t see the darkened look in his eyes as you head towards his shiny red sports car that looked way out of place in this parking lot. Oblivious, you smile to yourself, climbing into the passenger seat while he swings the bag onto the center armrest. And then he swings himself into the car, too. In the time it takes to push the key into the ignition and turn the car on, you’ve somehow managed to snag some sour tape from his purchases.

The candy is hanging from your mouth when he turns to face you, and he bursts out in laughter at the sight. With a smirk he leans over and bites onto the other end of the tape, wiggling his eyebrows and throwing a flirtatious wink at you.

“C'mon, ya know ya wanna taste some of this sugar too~“ he says, but it’s muffled by the candy in your mouth. You giggle, and together, you create your own version of the Spaghetti Kiss from Lady and the Tramp, your faces getting closer and closer with each bite. The heat rising in your cheeks doesn’t bother you- it’s something you’ve gotten used to when you were around him.

The silence is thick, weighing down on you like a blanket; but it doesn’t suffocate you. His eyes never leave yours, something playful dancing in those golden pools of honey that you know you will be meeting very soon. But time seems to slow, and it’s as if you can’t nibble on the sour tape fast enough. You can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin now, the telltale sensation that lets you know what’s coming next.

When the very last bit of candy disappears, Saeyoung hooks his fingers under your chin and pulls you in, a little mmmf pressed from your mouth to his as he kisses you deeply, tongue running over the remnants of sugar that coats your lips. You’re not exactly sure what he’s intent on devouring- the candy, or you, but as he pulls away, you don’t miss the glint that shines in his eyes.

He definitely breaks a few speed laws getting back to the bunker.


okay time for seven’s after life piece! if you recall, i started this series with zen, which you can read here: after life: zen

there will be one of these for every character. i think yoosung will be next but it might be jaehee.

you guys voted for the maximum angst so while the last story will have the big angsty conclusion, these fics aren’t going to go easy on you, lol.

zen | saeyoung


Keep reading

requested: somewhat! by anon

a/n: hm I really said time to be sad


-bagel mod alex

- The time between routes was the only time you could say goodbye 

- “Does it ever make you upset?” 

- “Does what?”

- “That this is a game. That none of this is real. That…” she trailed off, her gaze fixing itself to the ground under her, fingers absentmindedly pulling at long strands of grass as she pushed herself to continue, “that you were made for me, for the player, for entertainment.”

- At this, he raised his head, looking directly at the girl across from him. He considered her question for a second before a small smile made its way onto his face, catching her eye.

- “Hey. Someone made me, put so much work into crafting me in a way where I could make you smile every time we meet. In some way, I’m your love letter from the universe, and it’s an honor being in love with you,” he took MC’s hands, “Every reset.”

- At this her frown relaxed, her fingers instinctively interlacing with his.

- He knew he could never know if what he loved was real, not the avatar in front of him at least. The cascade of auburn hairs falling over pale digitally smooth skin… he knew that it wasn’t her. Even as he held her, he knew that it was only temporary, and that the short breath of air he was allowed would soon be ripped away from him.

- He shifted. He could never admit to the pain the distance brought, that at even such close proximity the never-ending ache continued. Maybe during this life they had been dealt the bad hand.. maybe in another life the distance wouldn’t be so great. 

- “But…do you.. do you love me in other dimensions too?” he asked shyly.

- She smiled at the boy in front of her fondly, her face brightening up instantly. “How could I say no to any version of you?”

- “Do you?” he insisted. 

- MC’s smile didn’t falter. “I always love you.”

requested: by anon

a/n:mm hamball


- “it’s mental illness innit luv” mod alex

Saeyoung Choi

-in the chatroom you were always so chatty, never afraid to make jokes or be a major dork, often going along with Seven’s dumb bits, driving the other members crazy… but as with all things, appearances can be deceiving, and social anxiety was prone to creep up at the worst of times

-even with his galaxy level brain, Seven didn’t quite understand why you were so quiet any time you met with him in real life, why you clammed up and essentially put it on him to carry every conversation

-little did he know that as annoying as he may have found it, your own nerves were making you do circles in your mind, and every word you spoke felt like it had to be calculated

-eventually would approach you about it, worried that he was doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable

-after explaining that you were just nervous to talk to him, and hiding behind a screen was easier in letting you be yourself he just chuckles, making self depracating jokes about himself in hopes of making you laugh

-man just wants you to be happy and comfortable

-would bring an actual screen and put it between the two of you when you hung out alone just to annoy you, and it was through that which he hoped you’d open up more, by jokingly “annoying” you, a shitty plan in hindsight but alas

-wouldn’t mind carrying conversations, would pay more attention and purposefully ask open ended questions and make sure you had time to speak

Saeran Choi



-take the anxiety that Seven felt about being afraid he’d done something wrong and multiply it by 1,000

-he’s similar too though in being shyer in person, which causes a bit of an issue in the long silences that follow the two of you around wherever you go

-after talking it out with his brother he decides to confront you about it, if nothing else just to put his mind to rest 

-reassuring him that he’d done nothing wrong was by far the most helpful, and the back and forth conversation that followed where you and him quietly giggled and bonded over being introverts allowed you to understand each other better

-not very proactive, would let you go at your own pace when it comes to opening up, and doesn’t mind the long silences, instead he starts to find peace in them

-that being said, he’s elated when you get a burst of courage to talk more, is absolutely in love with hearing you talk

-gets incredibly blushy when he thinks about the fact that he’s the one making you nervous but that anxiety isn’t caused by something negative. he honestly feels the same most of the time towards you, texting is incredibly different than being in person and he can recognize that

For anyone who needs it ❤️

(I made this chat + VNM using @zentherainbowunicorn​’s Mysterious Messenger program!)

~Post type: Short story~

Author’s Note: Please be safe, this story includes mentions of Self Harm, blood and possible depression.

Please do not read if any of those topics are upsetting or triggering <3


You promised yourself you wouldn’t do this anymore

You promised.
But yet, you couldn’t stop yourself. One moment you were brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed and the next you were reaching into the all too familiar tin in the back of the bathroom cabinet.
You stopped yourself for a second; what would you say if anyone saw you right now? They’d probably ask you why. 

Why? You didn’t know. It was just.. Something you did sometimes. You just needed the slicing pain to know you could still feel pain.
Almost as if you needed to remember there wasn’t just happiness in life.
But no, that wasn’t it. It was because you felt deep down that you didn’t deserve the happiness.
You took out one of the thin razor blades and placed it against your thigh, just high enough to be unnoticeable unless you were naked.
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and sliced.
You hissed and went in again, slightly higher this time. Two was enough, you told yourself.
You rinsed the blade and placed it back in the tin, tucking it away back in the cabinet.
Just as you were grabbing a cloth to clean up the thin lines, now with beads of blood popping up and trailing down, you heard a knock at the door.
“Honey, you’ve been in there for a while,” You heard Saeyoung say through the bathroom door. “Are you getting dressed all nice just to sleep? Or did you have something else in mind?”
He was teasing.
“Oh, um no I-I’m okay. I’m just… Cleaning up.” You stammered, trying to stop the bleeding, but the beads kept returning.
“…I’m going to come in, is that okay?” He said, a serious tone in his voice.
“Um, just-” You tried to say, holding the cloth under cold water, trying to wash off the blood and use the cold to stop the bleeding.
You looked over at the door, noticing you forgot to lock it. Just as you were about to reach for the knob, the door slowly swung open.
Guiltily, you pulled up your pajama bottoms and held the cloth behind your back.
“Hi.” You said, cheeks flushed and hands behind your back. You were sure you looked guilty, but you still tried to act normal.
“Honey, what happened? Are you okay?” He said, cupping a warm hand against your cheek.
“Um I…” You started.
He kissed your forehead, and seemed to spot the cloth behind your back.
“MC,” He said, gently reaching for the cloth. He rarely ever called you by your name, only reserved for serious conversations.
You didn’t fight him, and handed it over.
“What happened?”
He was calm, but you could tell in his eyes that he was worried.
“I… I’m sorry.” Was all you could muster. You started tearing up. “I’m so sorry, Sae.”
“Hey. Come here.” He wrapped you in a hug. You laid your head on his chest and could hear his heart drumming away in his chest while his shirt was getting more and more wet with your tears. He tossed the cloth in the sink and held you, both tightly and gently.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to do it, but it was habit, and- And I just wasn’t strong enough not to. I’m so sorry.” You sobbed, grabbing the back of his shirt.
He could figure it out from your ramblings what had happened.
“It’s okay honey, you’re okay.” He stroked your hair, and slightly rocked side to side, holding you close. “Do you need to be cleaned up?”
“I don’t know, that’s what I was doing when you came in but…” You said, sniffling and trying to calm down.
“Okay, hold on for a second,” He bent down, and lifted you up, placing you gently on the small counter behind you.
He placed a soft kiss on your lips, and tucked your hair behind your ear.
“While I clean you up can we talk for a bit?” He talked quietly.
“Yeah.” You said, taking a deep breath.
“Okay, where is it?”
You wiggled your bottoms down, so he could see the- still bleeding- cuts. You turned away, ashamed at the wounds.
“So,” He started, grabbing the cloth and wringing it out so it was only damp. “What happened, My Love?”
“I just felt a random urge and I figured I’d done it before without getting caught… I told myself just this once and then never again.” You said, turning your head to look at him.
He gently wiped the cuts and the blood around them.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you, okay?” He said, rinsing the cloth and wiping your legs again.
“Okay…” He nodded, urging you to continue.

“Anyways, I figured I needed to.” You closed your eyes, not able to meet his.
“You needed to? Why did you need to, baby?”
“I needed to remind myself that there’s more than just happiness in life.” You felt ashamed to admit it, feeling your eyes filling again.
“Can you look at me for a second?” He said, placing the cloth over both wounds and pressing it firmly.
You opened your eyes, and tried to blink away your tears.
“You’re right. There are things other than happiness and love in life.” He smiled, bitter-sweetly. “But that doesn’t mean you have to feel all of it. I told you before and I’ll say it again, I don’t ever want to let you be in pain. Especially not because of me. When we first met, you told me that you wouldn’t be in danger because of me. Do you remember that?”
You nodded.
“So, I don’t want you to feel like the love that I give you needs to be evened out with pain, okay?” He kissed your cheek and wiped your tears.
He picked the cloth up off of your leg and grabbed bandages from the cabinet. You spotted the tin at the same time he did.
You looked away in shame. You heard the rattling of the tin and the small bandage box.
You looked back at him, his hands holding only the bandage box. He carefully unwrapped a few and gently placed hem on your leg.
You noticed his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth, as he always does when he’s focusing.
After he placed the bandages, he lightly fluttered  kisses around your wounds.
When he placed the box back in the cabinet you noticed the tin was gone, but you didn’t see where he’d moved it to.
He helped you pull your bottoms back up and wriggle off the counter.
“Are you feeling better?” He said, lifting you in his arms.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck, you nodded.
He carried you back to your shared room and placed you carefully on the bed.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” He said, kissing your forehead and stepping away from the bed.
You almost asked him what he was going to do or begged him to stay next to you. But you were too tired to press, and you figured you knew what he was doing anyway from the way his pocket rattled.
You could just wait for him with your eyes shut.
After a few minutes, you stirred back awake to feel the bed dip.
“Sorry to wake you up.” He said softly.
You just turned to face him and nuzzled in closer.
“S'Okay.” You hummed. “I love..Sae..” You said, drifting back to sleep.
“I love you too, Honey.”
