#lucifer s5


Chloe, showing up at the hospital later with a gaping stab wound:

Nurse:Wow, I’m surprised this didn’t kill you!

Chloe:Oh it did.



Asks are open, so please feel free to send me anything (questions, posts, etc) I would LOVE to hear from y’all, wether it’s a conversation about s5 or 6, or personal-let’s go! And I also take short one shot requests if they’re SFW

Whatever you do, don’t imagine if Chloe hadn’t been revived. Don’t imagine Lucifer having to come back empty handed, and Trixie asking him where her mom was-

*potential spoilers for s5*

All of us: Haha Tom Ellis in the Michael battle suit is so hot!

Us when Michael kills Chloe that same scene:

Watching S3 E24 (we all know the one, the Pierce one) and just.. wow. The initial theory on angels self-actualizing. I think it says a lot about how much effort they take into consideration with the show. This theory started in S3 and really hit different in s5. I just can’t believe it’s come this far.

*Lucifer spoilers + S6 talk*

So, Joe said in an interview that the immortality ring doesn’t mean Chloe is immortal supposedly (which might make sense, given that she isn’t celestial). I can’t tell if this is good or bad.

*Lucifer spoilers*

Me, seeing spoilers: haha Lucifer is allowed to go back to Heaven!

Me, when he bursts into flames:

*Lucifer spoilers*

I’m so sorry Lu..

I would rather be stabbed with Azraels blade than ever go through that again.
