#lumity week


Sorry this post is late, but that’s a wrap on our first Lumity week. It certainly ended up smaller than hoped but we are very happy there was still artists and a writer that participated at all. We learned a lot and hope to come back stronger next time around! Big thank you to those who supported and if there are any late entries please @ mention us and we will be sure to reblog it.

Thank you all again and see you next year!


lumity week day 4? it’s 4 right?

really tired but this actually turned out good even if it’s a day late


lumity week day 3: meeting the parents

i was tired of drawing realistic but cartoony came out kind of ugly. that’ll teach me to design them on paper first.

actually they’re always like that

didn’t feel like drawing the blight so here’s an afterwards.


Lumity Week Day 1: Alternate Universe

so i may have intentionally misinterpreted “alternate universe” but it’s the first thing i thought of

today was kind of hectic so i kept it simple. expect something better tomorrow! or actually you know what don’t just in case


Lumity Week Day 3: Meeting the Parents


Lumity Week Day 2: Study Session

due to time constraints, i’ve left it as a sketch. it still looks better than day 1 though.

amity’s trying to learn more about runes but they keep getting distracted and never end up learning/teaching anything


Lumity Week Day 2: Study Session

I’m late because I had work all day :((


Day One: Soulmates / Alternate Universe

Youhave a thread thatconnects you to your soulmate.

A/N: (Fic got… a little long)

Keep reading


Lumity Week Day 1: Soulmate AU

(soulmate au where you have a streak in your hair that’s the same color as your soulmate’s hair and it changes when they dye it)

Also because I’ve seen some confusion about the dates, Lumity Week isn’t actually across 8 days. It was a typo in the planning and I just don’t have the ability to go back and edit the post the 22nd is the real last day. Apologies for the confusion!

Okay today is now the first day of Lumity Week 2021. We will begin reblogging today.. To make it easiest on all the mods please ensure that you’re tagging posts with

#Lumity week

#Lumity Week 2021

And possibly @ us


We are all so excited to see your works!

Hello everyone, the prompts for the 2021 Lumity Week have been chosen!

They are as follows.

Day One: Soulmates / Alternate Universe

Day Two: Study Session

Day Three: Meeting the parents / Found Family

Day Four: Human Realm

Day Five: First Kiss / Trust

Day Six: Magic

Day Seven: Free Day

You may notice some says have two prompts, those are to give a choice of which to follow. The first is intended to be romantic, but perhaps if that one doesn’t strike your fancy then you can can pick from the second which can be romantic or platonic! Or if you’re feeling extra motivated you could do both! We want to leave it in your hands.

Further we would like to reveal the days Lumity week will be happening across. The first day, Soulmated / Alternate Universe will be Thursday the 16th of December, and the last day, Free Day will be Thursday the 23rd.

We apologize for the short notice but we still hope you will join us in celebrating Lumity Week 2021.

The prompt suggestion form is now closed! Thank you for everyone who gave prompt suggestions. We’ll be posting the dates and prompts sometime next week.

The prompt suggestion form will close TONIGHT. If you haven’t suggested prompts yet, don’t hesitate to do so here!

After a long radio silence…behold:

Prompt Suggestions Form

The following form will let you suggest and vote for prompts, and have a say in when the week will take place. It’ll close in roughly a week, so fill it out and share while you can!

Form here.

Lumity Week Mod Applications

Hey Lumity fans! Today we bring you an update. We are extending our mod applications until October 3rd! If you’re wanting to help support Lumity week, now is the time for some last minute forms. We are looking for people who are good with both twitter and Tumblr, and have a love of Lumity. As always, our applications are here on this google form. Expect a message from us on October 4th!
