#macguffin and co



mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo

[image ID:

Four small town British cops stand in a line facing the viewer, pointing a brilliantly yellow/green torch at a dead body lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The body is only visible from the shins down, wearing a pinstripe suit, Oxfords, and pink & purple spotted socks.

From the left: Emma Walensky, a white woman with a squint in a neon yellow rain jacket, holding a small jar of ‘goo’. Next to her is Archie Murdock, with a constable’s helmet, holding the torch, and recoiling from the dead body. His face is in an exaggerated state of shock. Beside him is Detective Sergeant Carl Husselback, a Black man, with his head in one hand in a gesture of defeat and resignation. He’s Terry Crews big, based on how Frank described his muscles. On the far right, is Gabrielle Schreiber, another white woman with red hair and freckles, holding a 1920’s revolver, braced for trouble.

A line of bloody footprints lead from the body to Archie, because he failed his dexterity roll.

Above them all are word bubbles.

Emma and Archie: IT’S AN ALIEN!

Husselback: It’s not an alien.

Schreiber: It was definitely the husband.

Husselback: He’s not married.

end ID]

mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo
