#maesterchill writes



Harry, Harry, Quite Contrary (Fic & Podfic)

Fic by maesterchill and podfic by timothysboxers

(Rating: Teen and up, Fic length: 3.9k words. Podfic length: 26m 9s)

Summary: It’s almost Midsummer, and that can only mean one thing! Time for Upper Itchington’s annual Tidy Streets contest.

Draco Malfoy is supremely confident his street will retain the title. It just takes one contrary neighbour to bollocks things up: a certain Mr Harry Potter.

Content/tags: Drarry neighbours, gardens and gardening, bickering, scheming, village life

Notes: Birthday fic for @celilasart Happy Birthday dear Tami! I hope you enjoy this silly story. Thanks to my partner-in-crime, timothysboxers, and to my lovely betas @tackytigerficand@shealwaysreads

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omygosh i got a fic & podfic for my birthday check it out!! em’s words & tim’s voice *swoon* don’t miss it
