#mafiasebastian stan x reader



Mafia!Sebastian Stan x Baker!Reader

Warning: Oral sex (f receiving), angst, feelings???, unintentional exhibition, let me know if i missed any!

Summary: You never thought you’d be standing at the door of a murderer, but here you are.

A/n: I’m so sorry this part took so long, but i lost motivation halfway through :( I’ll have the next part up soon!

“Here’s your dress, Ms. Y/l/n,” The man says, flashing his smile at you. You give him a tight-lipped smile as you dig through your purse, pulling out your credit card. You’ve been getting ready for your date all day, going shopping for new shoes, buying yourself some new lipstick, and now, you’re picking up your dress from the dry-cleaners’.

You wouldn’t say your exactly excited about this date, but it’s something to get your mind off of last night. You can’t believe you got off to a murderer.

Your parents raised you better than that.

When you called your best friend up, she hooked you up with the seemingly perfect man. You’d met her friend multiple times before, but never thought of him in that sense.

“It’s already paid for.” The man states. You lift your head to look at him, furrowing your eyebrows.

“What? No, I haven’t paid for it,” You insist, grabbing your dress. The man across from the counter smiles, shrugging his shoulders.

“It was paid for by the name of…” He starts, grabbing the receipt to look at it. “Mr. Stan?”

Your lips part in shock, your shoulders falling.


This is what he’s doing now? He’s bribing you to come by his house? You sigh, tucking the dress under your arm and walking out of the small store. You drive all the way home, angry at Sebastian.

What does he not understand? You don’t want anything to do with him. He’s a bad person! How are you supposed to ignore him if he’s calling you and paying for your things?

You walk through your front door, shutting it behind you. You toss the dress over onto your couch, groaning. You wish you could just lay in bed all night, instead of having to go on this date.

You walk down your hallway, entering your bedroom. On your bed sits a white box, with a note on top. You jerk your head around, making sure you’re not being followed. You’re sure you locked your door, you’re positive.

Your heart thumps in your chest, knowing exactly who was in your home. But how?

You walk forward, picking up the small note.

‘If you’re going to be with another man, you might as well look good while you’re doing it. Thank me later’

The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you drop the note, tearing into the box. You lift the lid to reveal a set of white, lacey lingerie. It’s beautiful, you can’t deny that. The flower covering the nipple portion of the bra is gorgeous. You run your finger across the top of the lingerie, picturing yourself in this set.

You’ve never worn lingerie, but you think you just might tonight.


“And so I told 'em, I can’t file your taxes if you’re unemployed!” Jake says, laughing so hard his shoulders are shaking. You fake a laugh, gritting your teeth. Your date has been telling a “joke” about doing taxes for the past 30 minutes.

The restaurant is loud and cluttered. Your black dress is wrapped tightly around your body, as if it’s begging you not to take it off for this man. Your white lingerie is hugging your body, reminding you of a certain man.

You’re bored out of your mind, but you don’t want to be. You really wanted to go on this date to forget about Sebastian, but it seems you’re only thinking about him more. You find yourself comparing Jake to Sebastian, only for Jake to fall short.

You really tried to be interested in Jake, but it’s impossible. How are you supposed to forget about Sebastian when he’s so… Enchanting? How are you ever supposed to be with another man if Sebastian keeps popping up randomly?

“I have to go,” You blurt out, scooting your chair out from under the table. Jake furrows his eyebrows, looking up at you as you stand.

“What? Why?” He asks. You ignore him, scrambling to find your pocketbook. Once you have it, you rush to exit the restaurant, one thing on your mind.

If you ever want to be with someone else, you have to tell Sebastian to leave you alone.


You stare at the door in front of you, swallowing the lump in your throat. The taxi ride here was dreadful, a million scenarios running through your head, not sure which one will actually play out.

It’s dark outside, but you can’t bring yourself to knock on the door. Sebastian is a killer.

Had you forgotten that when you randomly decided to show up at his house? Who says he won’t kill you tonight? You know what he’s capable of. Before you can convince yourself to turn around, the door is opening, revealing a very confused Sebastian.

He’s dressed in his usual— tight, black pants and a black dress shirt. His cross necklace is nestled in his chest hair, where the top two buttons are undone. Sebastian flickers his eyes up and down your body, drinking your image in. You almost forget what you’re there for, until he flashes his white smile.

“What a pleasant surprise,” He says, stepping to the side. You plant your feet on the ground, stopping yourself from going inside. You came here to do one thing, and you know if you go inside, it’ll be hard to leave.

“You have to leave me alone,” You say, your voice shaky. Standing up to a man who has murdered somebody wasn’t necessarily on your bucket list, but here you are. Before Sebastian can respond, you continue.

“You can’t keep popping up in my life. No more paying for my stuff, no more texting me, no more inviting me over,” You demand. Sebastian leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.

“And why’s that?” He asks, his voice deep.

“You’re a bad man, Sebastian. I watched you murder somebody, I can’t be with someone like that,” You say, watching as Sebastian steps forward. There’s a new smirk on his face, one you haven’t seen yet. He uncrosses his arms, dropping them by his side.

“If I’m such a bad man, why are you wearing the lingerie I bought you?”

You gulp, taking a deep breath. He can’t possibly know you have it on under your dress, can he? You take a step backward, creating distance between the two of you. “I don’t,” You answer, your voice quiet.

Sebastian steps forward again, lifting his arm and reaching it out to you. He hooks his index finger beneath the strap of your dress, lifting it from your skin. The white strap of your lingerie becomes visible, a smile growing on his face. “Why are you lying to me, huh?”

He pops the strap back against your skin, his hand falling down to caress your arm. “You know better than to lie to me,” He says, his voice laced with authority. You can feel your mind slipping already, dragging you under, making it harder for you to deny him. His face is inches from yours, his eyes flickering down to your lips.

Cold chills pop up on your arm, where he’s caressing it. “Did he touch you?” He asks, watching as you shake your head, unable to speak. You’ve never been so fucked out, without even being touched. Sebastian leans forward, his nose brushing against yours.

“Good girl,”

With that, you let go, pushing forward and kissing him. His hands drop from your arm to your waist, pulling you inside. He shuts the door behind you, his lips moving with yours. You feel your breath get trapped in your throat, too mesmerized to remember to breathe. He grabs your waist again, pulling you forward as he walks backward. The kiss is eager, desperate, everything you thought it would be.

You feel yourself being pushed against something hard and cold, but you only focus on Sebastian’s hands gripping you, his lips pulling you in. He pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours. You’re able to see where you are now, taking it all in. You’re in his kitchen, your back pressed against the counter. It’s one of the nicest kitchens you’ve been in, but you’re not thinking about that right now.

“Let me taste you,” He breathes, licking his lips. A smirk grows on his face as he squeezes your ass through your dress. “Or am I too bad for that?”

You roll your eyes, reaching up and tangling your fingers in his hair, pushing him down until he’s on his knees. Sebastian smiles up at you, his hands bunching the bottom of your dress up, revealing your white panties. He presses a kiss to the inside of your thighs, his eyes on yours. “Beg me,” He demands, earning a whimper out of you.

You’ve never been good at being vocal in the bedroom– especially not with men. You’ve always felt more confident in the bedroom when you’re with a girl, but you feel completely lost when it comes to being with a man. But you’ve never wanted anything more, so you’ll do whatever he wants you to do.

“Please, let me feel you,” You whisper, tugging on his hair, trying to pull him closer to your center. You can feel yourself soaking through your panties, sticking to the inside of your thighs. Sebastian shakes his head, seemingly unsatisfied with your plea.

You pout, swinging one leg over his shoulder, his face practically touching your panties. “Need you so bad, Seb, ’m aching,” You mutter, tears threatening to slip out. You think you might actually die if he doesn’t start touching you soon.

Sebastian chuckles quietly, reaching up and pulling your panties down your leg. He moans when you’re exposed, your folds glistening and gleaming for him. He spreads you apart with his thumbs, a string of your arousal spreading between your thighs. “So fucking perfect,” He mumbles, his thumb moving to your swollen bud.

You tighten your grip on his hair, resting your head against the cabinet behind you. You close your eyes, letting bliss overtake you. Sebastian presses his thumb against your clit, gently rubbing circles, looking up at you. “Does that feel good, doll?”

You nod, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. Your moan is trapped in your throat, scared to let go. You’re caught off guard when he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking it into his mouth. He sucks on it gently, while keeping your folds spread with his fingers. You moan quietly, working up the courage to become undone. Your stomach tightens, your head filled with fireworks.

When the sensation becomes too much, he pulls away, burying his face between your legs, licking and slurping up every trace of you. His tongue pushes its way into your tight hole, spreading you open. He fucks you with his tongue, earning another moan out of you. This one is loud, louder than you thought it would be.

Sebastian moans against you, reaching up and cupping your ass, pulling you closer to his face. He adds his finger, your cunt clenching around it. You pant above him, your fingers tightening in his hair. You’ve never been this gone before, especially not so quickly.

You don’t care that he’s a bad man. You don’t care that he’s done bad things. You don’t care that he has blood on his hands.

You are completely crazy for this man.

Sebastian looks up at you, his eyes dazed, locked onto yours. “Cum for me, doll,” He rasps, his lips pink and swollen. Your moan gets trapped in your throat as you struggle to keep your orgasm at bay.

But how could you? The most powerful man you’ve ever met is on his knees for you, doing everything in his power to make you feel good.

Despite the clear power imbalance between the two of you, you’ve never felt more powerful.

You feel a wave of pleasure wash over your body, your legs shaking, trapping Sebastian between them. Sebastian coaxes you through your orgasm, pulling back and resting his cheek against the inside of your thigh. You look down at him, attempting to catch your breath.

“Holy shit,” You mutter, watching as he rises to his feet. He smugly licks his lips. reaching out and stroking your jaw with his hand. He stares in your eyes, opening his mouth as if he wants to say something, but he’s interrupted by the sound of footsteps. You both turn to face the man at the bottom of the stairs, who’s dressed in the same outfit as Sebastian.

The man with the brown hair and blue eyes clears his throat, smirking. “Sounds like you’re busy, so I’ll show myself out,” He says, turning to the door. You turn to face Sebastian, your face red and full of anger.

You can’t believe he had people over! He ate you out in the middle of the kitchen, knowing anyone could walk down and see you? You know the mysterious man heard you! When Sebastian turns to face you, his smile drops, his eyebrows furrowing.


“You are unbelievable! Am I some sick game to you?” You ask, pulling your dress back down. You grab your phone, walking to the door. Sebastian follows you, reaching out and grabbing your waist, spinning you back around to face him.

“What are you talking about? I thought we were having a good time?” He asks. You huff, shaking your head. The way you feel now is a major contrast from how you felt earlier. Instead of feeling powerful and divine, you feel cheap and dirty. Did he just use you to make himself feel good? Did he want to show off his skills to his friend?

“You had someone over, Sebastian! I thought you really wanted me, not to just use me to make yourself feel good,” You say, pulling your arm back.

Sebastian’s face drops, allowing you to see a glimpse of what’s going on his head. Before you can figure it out, he’s rolling his eyes, clenching his jaw. “You said it yourself, y/n,” He spits, causing you to flinch.

You hadn’t realized how used to 'doll’ you’d become. Now, hearing him say your name is a harsh slap of reality, reminding you that he’ll never be anything to you and you’ll never be anything to him.

“I’m a bad man; What did you expect?”

You swallow down your response, deciding it isn’t worth it anyway. He’s right, and you know it. He’ll never be the person you deserve– the one that shows up at your door with flowers or the person who tells you how much he loves you every day.

You open the door, walking out and slamming it behind you. You rest your back against the door, taking a deep breath.

He’ll never be the one you deserve, but he’ll always be the person you want.

I Picked My Poison and It’s You

Mafia!Sebastian x Baker!Reader

Warning: masturbation (m and f), mentions of guns, mentions of murder, stalking,

Summary: How did Sebastian know you were thinking about him?

A/n: This is the second part to my Mafia!Sebastian Stan x Baker!Reader series. The third part will be up soon!

You linger in the back of your bakery, leaving the floor to your workers. You haven’t had any sleep over the weekend, the sound of the gunshot replaying in your head. You went home after the party and scrubbed yourself until your skin was red and raw, but you still feel dirty.

You don’t know if any amount of showers will make you feel clean again.

Because you likedit.

Okay, maybe you didn’t like that someone died, but you liked the feeling that came with it. The power, the control, the adrenaline… It’s all you’ve been able to think about since Friday night.

To know you were so close to death, yet you made it out alive… It was all messing with your head.

You flatten your dough out on the flour-covered counter, working it out with your soft hands. It’s a slow day today, meaning most of your workers are listening to music and talking to each other. Normally, the lack of business would be upsetting. But today, it’s a blessing.

You’re not sure where to go from here. Does Landon’s wife know he’s missing? Does she know what happened? Was she involved in whatever the hell Landon was involved in?

You thought about calling the cops, but something stopped you. You’re not sure if it’s the fear of getting involved or the excitement from it all that stopped you, but you quickly put that thought to bed.

What good would the cops do? They’d probably just sweep it under the rug.

You hear the ding of the bell, bringing your attention to the doorway of the kitchen. You can’t see into the lobby, but you can hear the distinct voice; the voice that will be engraved in your brain for the rest of your days.

You hear him speaking with the girl at the register, but you can’t tell what he’s saying. You tense up, swallowing the lump in your throat. What is he doing here? What’s the protocol of a murderer being in your business?

You stand still, your eyes locked onto the doorway. You hear footsteps against the floor before Sebastian comes into your view, his smug smile on his face. He looks you up and down, licking his lips.

“There’s my Golden Girl,” He says, walking toward you. Your hands reach for the nearest weapon, which just so happens to be your rolling pin. You take a few steps backwards, your heart pounding in your chest.

Golden Girl?

You are not a golden girl, and you’re certainly not his golden girl. “Get away from me,” You order, trying your best to keep your voice steady. You keep your eyes on him, not wanting to leave anything to chance. Sebastian chuckles deeply, shaking his head.

“I’m not going to hurt you, doll. I just wanted to check on you,” He says, watching the gears turn in your head.

Check on you?

“You know, after what happened Friday? That kind of stuff can be intimidating for people like you,”

“People like me?” You spit, without thinking. You’ve seem to forgotten what he did to Landon only a couple of days ago; he could do the same thing to you. Sebastian makes his way around to you, his face inches from yours. You crane your neck to look up at him, not wanting to show how afraid you are.

“People who have never witnessed a murder. Sometimes that can traumatize people,” He clarifies, his right hand coming up to trace your cheek. You don’t even flinch, except for the occasional clenching of your jaw. You try not to think about how soft his hands are, despite how much blood they have on them.

Literally and figuratively.

You keep silent, slowly lowering your rolling pin. You don’t know how to explain to him that you’re perfectly fine after witnessing an innocent murder. Doesn’t that make you a psychopath?

What kind of person feels nothing after watching someone get murdered? Sure, the shock was overwhelming, but the only thing you felt after that was… Excitement?

Your whole life, you’ve been the good girl. You’ve gone to class perfectly, never had detention, never missed an assignment, never failed a class. You excelled in everything you did. You graduated with your bachelors degree in entrepreneurship. You wake up every day at the same time, go to the same place, make the same recipes, and go back to your house.

This was the only thing in the past 2 years of your life that was different.

“Unless, of course, you enjoyed it,”

The statement throws you off, jerking your head up to him. Sebastian is smirking down at you, his hand dropped to his side. He’s got that same smug look on his face, the one you can’t stand. The one he had on his face right before he brutally murdered Landon.

How does he know? He can’t know. Maybe he’s just grasping at straws, trying to feel you out. He can’t possibly know how it made you feel.

“Are you insane?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. You’ve backed away again, leaving about a foot between the both of you.

Sebastian shrugs, tutting. “I know you better than you think I do,” He says, backing away from you. He turns his back to you, looking over your counter. You’ve got different icings laid out, testing which flavors work with what. You watch as he swipes his finger through the black icing, flicking his eyes over his shoulder, bringing his finger up to his mouth.

You get a sick feeling deep in your stomach, knowing he’s right. You don’t know how he knows you better, but he does. One look, and you know he knows everything about you. He knows your deepest secrets, your biggest fears, your highest dreams…

Sebastian sticks his finger in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks, sucking the icing clean off of his finger.

You stare straight ahead, your heart sinking in your chest. “Get out,”


You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. After a long, hard day at work, you’re exhausted, but you can’t seem to fall asleep. Your mind is racing with images of Sebastian. The way he towered over you, the way he sucked his finger, the way he smiled at you…

The way he looked holding a gun.

You quickly shake your head, as if trying to shake the image away. What is wrong with you? Guns and violence aren’t attractive, especially when someone was murdered!

But how do you explain the way your stomach feels when you think back to that night? When you remember how intimidating Sebastian looked, how everyone in the room respected him? With every step, he commanded attention. You’ve never met someone so powerful.

You find your hand wandering down your body, your back arching off of the mattress. Your fingers dance over your panties, quickly finding your swollen bud. Your mind goes back to today, when Sebastian was standing over you, smirking down at you.

Is that the same look he’d give you after completely devouring you?

You apply light pressure to your clit, your other hand dancing down your body. You feel yourself soaking your panties, already gone.

If Sebastian knows you better than you think, does he know how you feel about him? Does he know that he terrifies you, all while exciting you? Does he know what you’re doing right now?

You gasp as you push your panties to the side, swiping your index finger through your folds. It’s been a while since you’ve had time to touch yourself, so every light touch excites you.

You think back to the first time you met Sebastian, when you couldn’t stand him. The way he looked you up and down sent you spiraling, but you couldn’t admit it. You’ve never had a man look at you the way he looked at you.

Before you can process it, you’re pushing a finger in your cunt, moaning as you stretch yourself out. You bite down on your lip as you clench around your finger, images of Sebastian flooding your mind.

You hear your phone vibrate next to you, jerking you back to reality. You quickly pull your hands out of your panties, curious as to who’s texting you this late at night. You pick your phone up, an unfamiliar number flashing over your screen.

Are you thinking of me?

Your heart races in your chest as your eyes scan your room. There’s no doubt in your mind about who this is. You don’t know how he got your number or how he knows what you’re doing, but the thought actually… Excites you.

But you’ll never let him know that.

You wish.

Not even two seconds after hitting send, your phone is ringing, his number popping up. You lay on your back again, slipping a hand back into your soaked panties. You answer the phone with your other hand, putting it on speaker.

“Sounds like you’re the one who’s thinking of me,” You tease, breathless. You can already feel your stomach tightening, desperate to feel that sweet release.

You hear Sebastian chuckle, the butterflies in your stomach going crazy. “I am,” He says, his voice deeper. You close your eyes, sinking deeper into your bed.

What is he thinking about? Is he touching himself? Is he replaying every encounter, like you are?

You hear Sebastian suck in a sharp breath. “Tell me how you feel, doll,” He instructs, your cheeks heating up. You haven’t had phone sex since your high school days, when that’s as close as you could get to real sex— thanks to your parents being home all the time.

You’ve never been great at it, but tonight, you feel hot.

You push a finger into yourself again, your walls sinking in around your fingers. “I-I’m soaked, Sebastian,” You answer, earning a hum out of him. You know your answer isn’t enough, so you pump your finger in and out, your cunt clenching around it.

“I’m so warm, a-and tight,” You stutter, bucking your hips up. You hear Sebastian panting on the other end, a visual popping up in your mind.

You wonder if he’s dressed in his suit, undressed just enough to free his cock. You imagine his big, tattooed hand wrapped around himself, his eyebrows furrowed as he draws closer, his pink lips parted as he moans.

“Fuck yourself exactly like I would,” He orders. You moan quietly, adding another finger. The stretch is becoming too much, but you likeit.

You smirk, opening your eyes to stare at the ceiling. “How am I supposed to know how you’d fuck me? You’ve not even touched me yet,” You answer, your voice light and flirty. You hope he doesn’t notice the ‘yet’, not wanting him to know that you really, really want him to touch you one day.

You feel dirty for wanting someone like him to touch you, but the more you try to deny it, the more you want it.

Sebastian chuckles once again, only for the laugh to be cut short due to a moan. “‘Cause I’ll give ya whatever you want, doll. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. Even things you don’t realize you want yet, I’ll give it to you,” He whines, quietly moaning.

Your stomach turns as your imagine him fulfilling your deepest, darkest desires. You’ve been with plenty of people, but you’ve never been honest about what you wanted in bed. Sure, you’ve been choked a couple of times. You’ve even had your fair share of degradation, but it’s never been enough.

You’ve never been comfortable enough to tell them what you actually wanted. You want to be fucked with no limitations. You want them to make you cry, you want them to make you beg. You want danger, you want passion.

You want them to ownyou.

The image of Sebastian’s hand choking you almost sends you over the edge, but you hold yourself back. You choke out a sob, curling your fingers deep inside. “Seb,” You breathe out. your toes curling.

“You want me to own you, baby? You think I don’t know how dirty you are? Tell me what you want, I’ll give it to you,”

Your lips part as you squeeze your eyes shut, searching your mind for what you want most. If you had one shot in the bedroom with Sebastian, what would you want him to do to you? Your lips are moving before you can even process what you’re saying.

“I-I want you to make me cry, Seb… I want you to mark me, want you to hurt me,” You moan, arching your back.

“Jesus Christ,” Sebastian moans, practically growling. You can tell he’s cumming, thanks to the way he’s breathing. The image of his cumming into his own hand finishes you, has you moaning and clenching around your fingers.

You keep your eyes closed as you try to catch your breath, pulling your hands out of your panties. Sebastian is silent on the other line, except for the occasional grunt and the sound of him moving around. Once he’s cleaned up, you hear him clear his voice.

“Come over tomorrow,”

You open your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows. You sit up, looking over at your phone. What is he trying to do? You don’t need to go over there tomorrow. You need to get as far away as possible as you can.

You don’t want to go over there. Not tomorrow, not ever. He’s a horrible man; he’s killed people. But still, you find it hard to flat out say no.

“Uh, I can’t,” You say, quickly pulling the blankets over your bare legs. You suddenly feel exposed— like you’re being watched.

Sebastian is silent on the other end, has you regretting your decision. Should you have just gone? Is he going to be mad?

“Why not?”

You gulp, your heart hammering in your chest. You just rejected a murderer.

What the hell is wrong with you??

You scramble to come up with an excuse, your mind racing. You blurt out the first thing you can think of, which also happens to be a lie. “I have a date,”

You halfway expect Sebastian to hang up or to start shouting. But he doesn’t. He laughs.

“Is that right?” He asks, his voice laced with amusement. You furrow your eyebrows, suddenly infuriated.

“Yes, that is right!” You say, listening to him laugh. Does he think you can’t get a date? Does he think you’re not cool enough for a date?

“I don’t believe you,” Sebastian says, his laugh subsiding. Your cheeks are turning red from anger as you grab your phone, thumb hovering over the ‘end’ button.

“Well, I do, and I’m not coming over!” You say, clicking the end button.

You lay down on your back, crossing your arms over your chest.

As of this morning, you didn’t have a date and you didn’t want a date.

But as of right now, you have a date tomorrow night. You’re not sure when, where, or with who, but you’re going to do it just to prove Sebastian wrong.
