#magnus terry burnsides

Today’s Davenport reminds you to shop at Lowe’s instead of Home Depot. (couldn’t find the empty temp

Today’s Davenport reminds you to shop at Lowe’s instead of Home Depot. (couldn’t find the empty template so just remade it for higher quality)

[image description: an alignment chart titled: “Goin to the Home Improvement Store” Under “fell in the cacti section while wandering around the gardening section” is Merle, while Magnus is under, “Being yelled at by employees while frantically ascending the Forbidden Orange Stairs”. The next section, “taking sick af selfies in the lighting aisle” has “Lup n Taako” in it. After is, “Tokyo drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles” with “Magnus Lup, or Cap’nport”, immediately followed by “Lying on the fucken flatbed, holding on for dear life” with “whoever isn’t currently driving it” with an arrow pointing to the above section. “Loving touching all the carpet samples” has “Barry”, while “Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes” has “Lucretia”. The next section has words crossed out and reads, “JUST WANTED [THE] LIGHT AND EVERYONE RUINED IT” with “The Hunger” written in for it. The last section is “escapin in the ship” with “The Crew” followed by a mischievous kitty face. End description]

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Today’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is anToday’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is anToday’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is an

Today’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.

[image description: Three images! The first is an anon ask reading, “Dav gives Magnus an illusionary dog, talking about the benefits of not dealing with dog poop/ feeding/ destroying furniture etc.” Following this is two monochrome images featuring Magnus, a burly human man with large sideburns sitting on the  floor looking conflicted as he puts his fingers through an illusionary dog. Magnus says, “I love but I can’t pet.” Davenport, a mustached gnome, stands next to him and responds, “Just pet something else and pretend.” Following this is a beat panel of Magnus just looking at Davenport for a moment as he thinks. He slowly reaches up his hand towards Dav’s hair and Davenport leans away and says, “Do. Not.”. End id.]

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Today’s Davenport should know you can focus on both probably.[image description: A monochromatic ima

Today’s Davenport should know you can focus on both probably.

[image description: A monochromatic image of Magnus and Davenport walking together. Magnus is distracted by a scruffy mop dog walking a different direction and announces, “Dog.”  while Davenport pulls Magnus along, telling him, “Focus”. End description]

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Today’s Davenport should not be suprised!

[ID START: A 3 part digital drawing of Davenport and Magnus with colored shadows. The first frame is Davenport sitting cross-legged holding an origami owl and smiling to the right, saying, “And…there! Finished owl! How’s yours looking Magn-”

The second frame is of Davenport with a worn and tired face, looking at Magnus, who is growling and flexing paper claws.

In the third and last frame, Magnus looks back up at Davenport, saying, “… Oh wait, were you trying to show me how to do that?” END ID]
