#daily davenport

Today’s Dav is just a quick doodle Dav to tide you over! :D[image description: A messy scribbly imag

Today’s Dav is just a quick doodle Dav to tide you over! :D

[image description: A messy scribbly image of Davenport, a mustached gnome, laughing happily while moving his flat palms out in a downward motion, signing “Wonderful”. It is meant to be ASL but it could be interpreted as happy stimming too cause “Wonderful” lends itself wonderfully to it. end description]

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Today’s Davenport reminds you to shop at Lowe’s instead of Home Depot. (couldn’t find the empty temp

Today’s Davenport reminds you to shop at Lowe’s instead of Home Depot. (couldn’t find the empty template so just remade it for higher quality)

[image description: an alignment chart titled: “Goin to the Home Improvement Store” Under “fell in the cacti section while wandering around the gardening section” is Merle, while Magnus is under, “Being yelled at by employees while frantically ascending the Forbidden Orange Stairs”. The next section, “taking sick af selfies in the lighting aisle” has “Lup n Taako” in it. After is, “Tokyo drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles” with “Magnus Lup, or Cap’nport”, immediately followed by “Lying on the fucken flatbed, holding on for dear life” with “whoever isn’t currently driving it” with an arrow pointing to the above section. “Loving touching all the carpet samples” has “Barry”, while “Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes” has “Lucretia”. The next section has words crossed out and reads, “JUST WANTED [THE] LIGHT AND EVERYONE RUINED IT” with “The Hunger” written in for it. The last section is “escapin in the ship” with “The Crew” followed by a mischievous kitty face. End description]

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The rumor comes out! Does Today’s Davenport have blood?[image description: A simple comic page featu

The rumor comes out! Does Today’s Davenport have blood?

[image description: A simple comic page featuring Davenport, a mustached gnome, and Taako, a chubby elf in stolen labcoat and fake beard. Taako opens the door as he looks down at a paper, “Alright, Mr. N’Port, We have your test results.” He holds up the paper which has been vandalized with purple marker reading, “NERD” and says, “You’re a nerd! It’s terminal!” Davenport doesn’t respond beyond an “Unfortunate. And my blood results?” Taako pauses and announces, “According to this … you dohave blood!” Davenport says, “Oh Good.” End description.]

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Today’s Davenport doesn’t know how to control bed hair.[Image description start. A colored waist up

Today’s Davenport doesn’t know how to control bed hair.

[Image description start. A colored waist up illustration of Davenport, a tan gnome with an irritated expression. He has red hair, mustache and a goatee. The hair is wavy mess a little past his shoulders. Davenport is wearing a mid-waist chest binder with the trans flag colors and dark brown pants. His tail is swooped behind him also a little unkept. End description.]

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Today’s Davenport is chillin like a…a real sweet boy.

[ID START: A warm digital drawing of Davenport on a ledge, admiring a purple and yellow flower gently held in his hand. He wears a loose red robe bound in copper bands at his shoulders and waist, in addition to knee-length leggings and grey socks. The ledge is decorated with vines of the same kind of flower Davenport holds in his hand. END ID]

Today’s Davenport is wondering if putting flowers on a flower’s grave is gauche.[image description: Today’s Davenport is wondering if putting flowers on a flower’s grave is gauche.[image description: Today’s Davenport is wondering if putting flowers on a flower’s grave is gauche.[image description:

Today’s Davenport is wondering if putting flowers on a flower’s grave is gauche.

[image description: two images following an anon ask reading, “ I know this is a silly prompt but I need a laugh and you all are my hope spot. My gladiolus which was basically my emotional support plant died today after a long battle with Fusarium rot, which I’m devastated about as it was due to bloom in the next fortnight after 2&½ months of love, joy and care. Could I have Davenport overseeing a plant funeral for Merle or something please? Thank you” Following this is Davenport, Barry and Merle at a plant funeral. Dav reads the rites as Merle is inconsolable messy crying as Barry pats him. Dav looks confused as he looks at Merle’s bibble, “-and to conclude these services for Gladys the Gladiolus, I’m going to read a … traditional Pannite chant possibly: Paaaaan Paaaaaaaaan he’s the maaan. Pan pan! Whooo Pan!” this is cut off by Merle’s louder crying. The last image is Merle tossing himself onto Barry and hugging his leg while Barry and Dav try comforting him. Dav whispers to barry: “D-don’t you have any necromancer powers to help?”. Barry whisper-replies, “Plants don’t have souls; I kinda need those to work”. Merle wails, “GLADYS HAD HEART” in response. End description] 

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Today’s Davenport is just. Thinking.[image description: a scribbly textured drawing of Davenport, a

Today’s Davenport is just. Thinking.

[image description: a scribbly textured drawing of Davenport, a mustached gnome leaning forward while he sits with his fingers interlaced. Behind him a Starblaster flies with the Bond engine pulling white lines off of Davenport]

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Today’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is anToday’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is anToday’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.[image description: Three images! The first is an

Today’s Davenport gives Magnus Advanced Dog Photos.

[image description: Three images! The first is an anon ask reading, “Dav gives Magnus an illusionary dog, talking about the benefits of not dealing with dog poop/ feeding/ destroying furniture etc.” Following this is two monochrome images featuring Magnus, a burly human man with large sideburns sitting on the  floor looking conflicted as he puts his fingers through an illusionary dog. Magnus says, “I love but I can’t pet.” Davenport, a mustached gnome, stands next to him and responds, “Just pet something else and pretend.” Following this is a beat panel of Magnus just looking at Davenport for a moment as he thinks. He slowly reaches up his hand towards Dav’s hair and Davenport leans away and says, “Do. Not.”. End id.]

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Today’s Davenport just. Got rid of the door.[Image description: Three images, the first an anon ask Today’s Davenport just. Got rid of the door.[Image description: Three images, the first an anon ask Today’s Davenport just. Got rid of the door.[Image description: Three images, the first an anon ask

Today’s Davenport just. Got rid of the door.

[Image description: Three images, the first an anon ask reading, “Today’s Davenport is making sure NO ONE leaves the Starblaster- even if he has to barricade the door himself!”. The second image is split between two panels of Taako walking past Davenport. Davenport says, “Can’t leave the ship right now”. Taako responds, “Watch me, homie.” Taako pauses off screen and asks, “… Davenport?” Davenport asks what. The last image is a redraw of that “where’s the door” meme from d&j with Taako saying aforementioned phrase. Behind him there is the frame of the ship door but no door. ]

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Today’s Davenport is surrounded by his family.[Image description start. A question from anonymous as

Today’s Davenport is surrounded by his family.

[Image description start. A question from anonymous asking: “Pirate themed birthday party for the captain?” A full colored illustration featuring all 7 of the Starblaster crew. Davenport, a gnome with red mustache and goatee and hard pulled back with a bow, is in the center with Merle, a glasses wearing dwarf with a bushy grey mustache and beard and his hair pulled back into a bun. Davenport is happy crying and rubbing tears away from his eyes. Merle has two birthday hats with pirate flag skull bones and a bright colorful shirt with flowers and leaves. To the viewers left is Lucretia, a dark skinned human with white short cut hair in blue clothing, she is holding a green wrapped present in his hands smiling as she comes in to join the group. Next to her right is Lup, a dark skinned elf with blond hair with purple tips, wearing a red robe and a purple and pink pirate hat with a pink bow. Next is Barry, a light skinned human with brown hair and glasses, wearing the same birthday hat as Merle and in red robes. Both Lup and Barry are floating behind the group. Magnus is a tanned human with red messy hair, wearing 3 hats, one on his head and 2 on either side of his head on his ears. He is placing a bright blue pirate hat with a yellow feather on Davenport’s head. And last but not least on the viewers right is, Taako, a dark skinned elf with blond hair with pink tips in a loose braid, also wearing the same hat as Lup, in a purple and yellow outfit. In front of him is a blue cake with a little pirate ship on top to look like its sailing through the seas. Everyone is happy to celebrate Davenport’s birthday! End description.]

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Today’s Davenport may be a little soaked.[Image description start. A colored illustration of Davenpo

Today’s Davenport may be a little soaked.

[Image description start. A colored illustration of Davenport reaching over the edge of a short wall looking a little wet. His shoulder length red hair is out and his shirt is sticking to him. Davenport is holding a bright red pirate hat with a yellow feather over the wall. He is staring out at the viewer with a disgruntled look. End description.]

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Today’s Davenport is holding on![image description: a purple-tinted sketchy image of Lucretia, Barry

Today’s Davenport is holding on!

[image description: a purple-tinted sketchy image of Lucretia, Barry, Merle and Davenport in a big hug pile with Dav at the center. They are a mess but they look very happy.]

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Today’s Davenport has been practicing.   [Image description start. A sketch of Davenport looking out

Today’s Davenport has been practicing.   

[Image description start. A sketch of Davenport looking out with a grin on his face and sword in his right hand. He has a mustache and goatee and his hair is pulled back in a ribbon. Wearing a collared shirt and waist high pants, and his tail is seen wrapped behind him. End description.]

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todays dav brought his jansport!

(id: a simple, cutesy pencil sketch of Davenport carrying a large backback, the background coloured with yellow highlighter. end id)

todays davenport is relevant again, somehow.

(id: two pen sketches of Davenport done in blue ink. In one, he’s drawn from the waist up, looking off to one side. In the other, he’s in profile, laughing and saying “Honestly i can’t believe you’re all still here.” end id)

Today’s Davenport is an unfortunate participant in an lesson of Newton’s 1st law of motion!

[ID START: A 5 panel comic of black and white line-art; the first panel, Davenport, a gnome with pointed ears and slicked-back hair, raises his arms in surprise as he’s hit in the face by a ball on a string. A voice off-screen says, “Oh sh- Dav!” Barry comes into view with his hands raised apologetically, saying “Holy wow I am so sorry Captain, are you ok?” He’s met with silence and a blank stare. In the awkward silence Barry says “Physics huh?” before being met this time with folded arms and a much more threatening stare. END ID]

Today’s Davenport espressos his feelings.[image description: A five paneled comic featuring Davenpor

Today’s Davenport espressos his feelings.

[image description: A five paneled comic featuring Davenport, a mustached gnome, and Barry, a large human with a mullet. Barry is washing dishes as he calls over to Davenport who is walking by, “Morning Cap’n! There’s a coffee for you on the table.” Davenport responds, mid yawn, “This is why you’re my favorite child, Barry.” Davenport groggily picks up the cup before looking down in shock! “This..” Davenport starts. Inside the cup, a super ominous skull floats on the surface of the coffee. “B-Barry, this is… This is great! You’ve really been improving at your latte art! :)”. Barry smiles sheepishly at Dav’s praise.]

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Today’s Davenport is just trying to read, Merle!![image description: a super messy tilted drawin of

Today’s Davenport is just trying to read, Merle!!

[image description: a super messy tilted drawin of Davenport, a mustached gnome, and Merle, a bearded dwarf, in a ruckus. Merle is leaning his back against Davenport’s back and swings his arms as he talks about something. Davenport laughingly suffers as he is crushed forward and Merle’s hair is in his face. His page lost in his book, he pushes back but Merle’s leaning a lot. End description.]

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Today’s Davenport should know you can focus on both probably.[image description: A monochromatic ima

Today’s Davenport should know you can focus on both probably.

[image description: A monochromatic image of Magnus and Davenport walking together. Magnus is distracted by a scruffy mop dog walking a different direction and announces, “Dog.”  while Davenport pulls Magnus along, telling him, “Focus”. End description]

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Today’s Dav enjoys a quiet moment on the bow[image description: a messy blue toned sketch of Davenpo

Today’s Dav enjoys a quiet moment on the bow

[image description: a messy blue toned sketch of Davenport, a mustached gnome, Taako, a wizard-hatted elf, and Lucretia, a curly haired human, relaxing on the bow of the Starblaster in a foreign sky at dusk. Davenport faces outward with his eyes closed, enjoying the breeze. Taako leans on the railing and stares towards the supposed sunset while Lucretia sits with a journal on her lap, documenting the various things in the sky, like floating isles and large creatures. end description]

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Today’s Dav better duck.[image description: a phone photo of a pen drawing of a starry Fisher stacki

Today’s Dav better duck.

[image description: a phone photo of a pen drawing of a starry Fisher stacking crudely carved ducks on a sleeping Davenport. Fisher is a large jellyfish creature seated on a pillow on the couch next to Dav. Davenport, a mustached gnome, is slightly curled up on the couch asleep and unaware of the many wooden ducks piled around him and the one actual real duck Taako asleep on his lap. End description]

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Today’s Davenport should not be suprised!

[ID START: A 3 part digital drawing of Davenport and Magnus with colored shadows. The first frame is Davenport sitting cross-legged holding an origami owl and smiling to the right, saying, “And…there! Finished owl! How’s yours looking Magn-”

The second frame is of Davenport with a worn and tired face, looking at Magnus, who is growling and flexing paper claws.

In the third and last frame, Magnus looks back up at Davenport, saying, “… Oh wait, were you trying to show me how to do that?” END ID]

Today’s Davenport is a bit frigid.[image description: an anon ask reading, “Davenport (and friends bToday’s Davenport is a bit frigid.[image description: an anon ask reading, “Davenport (and friends b

Today’s Davenport is a bit frigid.

[image description: an anon ask reading, “Davenport (and friends bonus) cooling off? It is to dang hot”. The following is a three paneled comic. Lucretia leans back against the kitchen counter near the fridge while Taako makes something. Taako, doesn’t turn around while he asks, “Can you, pass me the milk?” Lucretia looks surprised as the fridge opens up and Davenport leans over the door to pass Taako the jug. “Here” says Dav. “thanks” says Taako not looking. Lucretia looks with an expression as Davenport retreats back into the fridge and Taako continues his activity without comment. End description]

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