

El paraíso en un garrafón, pulquito del bueno gracias Don JB por hacer magia

En Ecuador también se recolecta el néctar del maguey y se le conoce como tsawar mishki. Una vez ferm

En Ecuador también se recolecta el néctar del maguey y se le conoce como tsawar mishki. Una vez fermentado, se le dice guarango.

A diferencia de México, en Ecuador esta bebida se consume sólo en áreas rurales y no hay en las ciudades un lugar para beber guarango o tsawar mishki, como sería una pulquería.

Tiene que ver con el racismo y la discriminación, pues el tsawar mishki también se da a los animales como alimento en las comunidades indígenas.


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My show at Art Bug Gallery opens on Saturday!

The Triptych of Maguey, the sacred plant of Mesoamerica, will be on display at this show! It consists of  the central painting, in which appears Mayahuel, Lady of Maguey, and two accompanying paintings of Pahtecatl, Lord of Pulque, and Ometochtli, Lord of Drunkenness.

Our ancestors considered alcoholic beverages to be a means of communication with the Teteo. Drunkenness is a state of divine connection, through which inspiration, devotion, love, violence and courage are shared with us.

You can find these paintings as prints in my Etsy store!

In this scene, Mayahuel, Our Lady Maguey, appears breastfeeding a plumed fish. It is a profoundly symbolic image which shows Her role as mother and nurturer. The plumed fish is a visual metaphor that alludes to Mimich, one of the most ancient divine ancestors of the Mexica. Lord Mimich was a chichimeca, part of a nomad group, and His death represents the foundation of the first villages and cities. The symbol of the plumed fish refers to preciousness, which can be found in the wisdom of our ancestors. The scene, thus, presents Mayahuel, the plant of maguey, as nurturer of humankind from the most ancient of times. 

You can find prints of Chichimayahuel in my Etsy store! Click here!

Magueyes descansado bajo el cenit. Mexico 2018. follow me on instagram @lucilaramosphoto @lucilaramo

Magueyes descansado bajo el cenit.
Mexico 2018. follow me on instagram @lucilaramosphoto@lucilaramos

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