
 “All good things are wild and free” - Henry D. Thoreau.My piece “My Wild Feelings

“All good things are wild and free”
- Henry D. Thoreau.

My piece “My Wild Feelings” my piece for the The Gallery of Good Art Artist Collective Auction is open!!

Using as a model the beautiful Mahafsoun<3

Size: 12x15 Inches
Materials Watercolors, color pencils, acrylics and pastel on 250g/m Archer paper.

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Instragram: @enysguerrero

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Happy equinox my dear creatures of the night!

I choose this magical day to present you all ‘The High Priestess’ My piece for the upcoming @78tarot deck. Using as a model my dear friend and amazingly gorgeous @mahafsoun

The theme of this 78tarot deck is ‘Ecological’. Quite interesting theme and also necessary.

It is a fact, our disconnection and lack of empathy towards our mother Gaia is the root of an endless number of negative and destructive behaviors that stand out in our society. We tend to see the earth as something that belongs to us, when in fact, we are the ones who belong to the earth.

I have looked for a way to connect the theme of this year and this sad moment for Mother Earth, with the piece of The High Priestess. (One of my favorite Tarot cards)

The High Priestess tells us about the hidden knowledge, I think that much of this sacred wisdom comes precisely from the depths of the earth, from the depths of the being. I have tried to represent in a metaphorical way, how we all remain connected to 'the source’ and to this collective consciousness, with the branches that emerge from the center of the drawing. So, we could all have access to this knowledge, we just have to look deeper in ourselves.

The symbols that appear in the arms of the priestess and around her, are small winks that suggest part of the knowledge that she herself possesses. One of her hands is also covering one of her eyes, to remind us that sometimes, we must close our eyes and listen to our intuition.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” – Carl Jung

Mahafsoun dances to “Beyond The Stars” by Myrath
