

Mala-An orientation which is created or influenced by maladaptive daydreaming or fantasy prone personalities. 

For example a Malasexual person might feel pansexual usually but may feel more asexual during a maladaptive daydreaming episode.
An orientation specific to people who experience maladaptive daydreaming due to a neurodivergence such as: schizotypal personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizophrenia or similar.

Term coined by: Unknown


[Image: Flag with 11 stripes, the first and last 5 stripes taking 1/3 of the flag each and the center stripe taking up another 1/3: The outside stripes are mirrored going from light purple to dark purple and the center stripe is a medium purple].

Full size [Here]


[Image: Flag with 11 stripes, the first and last 5 stripes taking 1/3 of the flag each and the center stripe taking up another 1/3: The outside stripes are mirrored going from light green to dark green and the center stripe is a medium green].

Full size [Here]

Flags below are the same format as above but the colors replaced with the colors of the specific attraction types.





Designed by:1nklash

Color meanings:Unknown

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

back during the original run of this blog, at someone’s request, i designed flags for malagender, malasexual, and malaromantic. i’m not sure how i feel about them now but i thought i would repost them for proper documentation, since i noticed the flags on a couple of wikis lacking information that i could very easily provide! if i were to design them now i’d probably do it differently but it’s still worth recording. (if you see them credited to 1nklash, that’s my old deviantart!)


a gender that is influenced by one’s maladaptive daydreaming or another similar condition. mala- can be used as a prefix to further specify the user’s gender experience. 

the blue and pink are just because those are frequently used on gender-related flags, but the colors are in a gradient to represent the mental transition between reality and daydreaming. the large grey stripe in the center symbolizes the gap between those two states and the gender one feels in those states. the grey stripe can also be replaced with other gender pride flags.

i made malatransgender as an example:

malasexual and malaromantic:

the malasexual flag is purple because that is a color frequently used in flags to denote sexuality. the malaromantic flag is green for the same reason, but with romanticism. i know that purple and green usually specifically represent asexuality and aromanticism but i wasn’t really thinking about that at the time, i just wanted to distinguish the flags :P these flags have the gradients and the large stripe in the middle for the same reasons as the malagender flag.

i made malapansexual and malalesbian (with the old lesbian flag, this was before emily gwen designed the sunset lesbian flag) as examples
