

People give you funny looks.

It is also not a good method of initiating flirtation. 

emmassissystuff:sissyteri137:auntiesuzette:I want to see you sissies post this card posted on




I want to see you sissies post this card posted on your blog, let everyone know you have given up your rights!

I am a sissy, no longer a man, my sissy hole needs and craves being filled

done ^___^

AAAAAAAAND they’re gone

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“My beloved Lady. It’s a huge need for me, to express my happyness about last night. I know you know how I feel about that, but you should always say what you feel :-). I never could imagine something more tasty, more natural and more intensive, than our sexual interaction. Our way of expressing feelings to each other. How it’s possible to articulate what you feel for a woman better, than with a slap in a face? What could be more beautiful than a face of a natural beauty, drenched in cum, spit, ass- and cunt juice? Or even better: Making a sweet cocktail of love from that, fill it in a wine glass and serve it to the lady you love. What could be comparable to that? Drinking a good wine together? No way. How something can be more natural and tasty for a woman, than the tastes of her man? I never felt more happy in love, life and a relationship than now. Is to treat you like the lowest piece of meat I ever could imagine, the reason that I love you even more? Or result of that I love you even more than someone before? I don’t know, but does it matter?

Just to imagine the picture, you with open mouth, sticked out tongue and widely open eyes, a face covered in spit, strong shadows under your eyes, chocked with a hand on the ground, supported by the whole weight of man’s body, the other hand slapping your breasts, turning out your nipples, while the cock, just from your throat, which was slapping your face, now is roughly banging your asshole. Which man would not love this picture, of this totally abused piece of shit, how she’s trying to say "I love you”, while she nearly cannot breathe? My nature is just having the wish to degrade this worthless whore even more. “Slap this beautiful face, spit on it, show her her real value” it’s screaming. And my love for you, my heart, my feelings are answering: “Yes. But do it as violent and rough as possible. That she understands, that this is real, pure, natural love”. I don’t know how a man who is really loving his woman can act or think difference. How a real woman can want something different in life, as feeling pure feelings? Explain me, what could be closer to that? How you can express in sex more love? Stroking or choking? Kissing or spitting? How a woman can show more trust and love, than with asking for cum and spit? Begging for slaps and purest, deepest and meanest degredation? A man in his nature want to dominate, a woman to enjoying submissiveness. How sex could look more ideal that that?

Who began to slap you? Me. But who enjoyed it so much, that we developed it such strongly. You. It’s our nature. In the cultural and espacially in our human nature. Can there be a better way to show love? There are other wonderful ways as well, but this one is for me, right now, the most amazing way. If you would ask me one year ago, how a natural, happy relationship is looking like, than I would maybe thinking something more or less sexistic like: A couple at the beach. He’s showing the direction, she’s looking what he’s showing and smiling. Or more rude: The captain on board, the maid in the cabine. Today I would think something like “A man standing with his foot on the face of his at the ground laying whore, with her ass in the air”. I am sure you know some details you would choose additionally ;-). You have no idea how deeply thankful I am, for what you’ve shown me. This way of thinking, which is currently the only right one in my mind, is creating so much happiness and beauty. And without you it wouldn’t be possible.

For a man, degrading is love. For a woman, being degraded is love. One thing in life, where black and white are existing, in this fucking, hardly understandable world full of gray. Isn’t it great, that there is one clear answer for this one question? I know you would answer yes. And if I would be close to you, I would take your hairs, pull you down to the ground, putting my hand around your neck while the other one is giving you slaps in your face. Maybe I would spit at your face. And you would become wet. Because you’re one of the rare examples of a woman in the today’s world. And I wouldn’t have to say “I love you”. Because it’s screaming out of every slap.“

her beloved Lordtohis beloved piece of shit in January 2012
Quando você ama de verdade uma mulher, vê-la gozar assim é muito mais importante que o seu orgulho m

Quando você ama de verdade uma mulher, vê-la gozar assim é muito mais importante que o seu orgulho masculino. Controlar a sexualidade dela não me faz mais homem; mas deixá-la livre para gozar no pau de quem ela quiser e ainda assim ela voltar para se aninhar nos meus braços, isso sim faz eu me sentir cada vez mais homem.

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FLACCID (aka PAUMOLICE) is my experimental project about masculinities and the soft cock taboo. ProjFLACCID (aka PAUMOLICE) is my experimental project about masculinities and the soft cock taboo. Proj

FLACCID (aka PAUMOLICE) is my experimental project about masculinities and the soft cock taboo. 


Anonymous survey:  http://bit.ly/flaccid-survey1

I’m coming to realize, by personal experience, talks with friends and online forums, that there is a certain generalized insecurity around this and not much is talked about it. I would like to hear stories and maybe see some patterns on how this happens. In the future I would like it to be something printed like a fanzine.

If anyone wants to help, you can answer an anonymous survey, send it to friends and if you want, follow our channels to be updated with some results and reflections. I appreciate the safe space and I’m always open for constructive criticism. Obrigado❤️

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My Brethren It Is Easter

As a gift that keeps on giving, I wanna share The Chosen with you, if you haven’t heard of it already. It’s a show that is HBO quality giving what may be the most human depiction of Jesus’ life in all of media.

It’s a passion project done by multiple denominations of Christianity, entirely crowd-funded, and it is completely free to watch.


Have a manful easter.

The Voyage of Life (Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age) by Thomas Cole

is a series of four paintings created by Thomas Cole in 1842, representing an allegory of the four stages of human life. The paintings, Childhood, Youth, Manhood, and Old Age, depict a voyager who travels in a boat on a river through the mid-19th-century American wilderness. In each painting the voyager rides the boat on the River of Life accompanied by a guardian angel. The landscape, each reflecting one of the four seasons of the year, plays a major role in conveying the story. With each installment the boat’s direction of travel is reversed from the previous picture. In childhood, the infant glides from a dark cave into a rich, green landscape. As a youth, the boy takes control of the boat and aims for a shining castle in the sky. In manhood, the adult relies on prayer and religious faith to sustain him through rough waters and a threatening landscape. Finally, the man becomes old and the angel guides him to heaven across the waters of eternity.

There’s a list of “99 Steps Toward Manhood” going around written by some conservative Christian. I decided to ask an AI for some advice on manhood by starting it off with a few items from the aforementioned list. I think the AI gives better advice overall:

temple-of-apollo:NAKED MEN OF THE BURNING MAN FESTIVAL: Hot dicks everywhere



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A while back I heard my friend (male) insult another dude by saying, “You look like the kind of guy who wouldn’t go to Wal-Mart to buy his girlfriend a box of tampons” and I still think about that crowning insult sometimes

My dad once called another guy “someone who thinks loading the dishwasher once in a while makes him less of a man”

I like your dad already

one time my dad’s boss was giving him shit for always leaving work early so he could get home and help my mom with me when i was a newborn and his boss said “i’ve never changed a diaper in my life” really proudly and my dad responded “i’d be ashamed to ever admit i was that worthless of a husband”

oh WOW

This is by far my most popular post.

warriormale:Nude images of male athletes, gods and fighters could be found everywhere in ancient Gre


Nude images of male athletes, gods and fighters could be found everywhere in ancient Greece.


These images were displayed wherever people gathered, to serve as symbols of Areté or Manly excellence - to remind the ancient Greeks just how much they valued and cherished Areté. 

These male nude images were symbols of Righteousness, that when a Man had Areté, that he was in total possession of his Manhood.


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 “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it’s these thing

“I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald (September 1896- December 1940)

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“Let me tell you something kid, everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never t

“Let me tell you something kid, everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either ‘cause they’re too scared, or because they don’t recognize it when it spits on their shoes. This is your big chance, and you shouldn’t let it go by…”

Excerpt and picture from The Sandlot, 1993

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“Aristocratic gentlemen in Europe, and sometimes in this country, go out with a couple of friends an

“Aristocratic gentlemen in Europe, and sometimes in this country, go out with a couple of friends and try to kill each other with swords or revolvers at twenty paces. Why don’t they settle the question with their fists? There would be no loss of life and it would be equally effective in determining who is the better man.”

John L. Sullivan (October 1858 - February 1918)

(note: John Sullivan was a bare knuckle boxer and the first American athlete to earn over 1 million dollars)

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“Dress like you’ve made something of yourself in the world, even if you haven’t.&r

“Dress like you’ve made something of yourself in the world, even if you haven’t.”

 Style Rule #24 (courtesy of Men’s Health)

(pic: Humphrey Bogart)

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“There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.” Edwin

“There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.”

Edwin Denby (February 1903 - July 1983)

(pic: Fred Astaire dancing with his son Fred)

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“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”  General James

“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

 General James N. Mattis (Born: September 8, 1950)

(note: one of the rules Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq, source: http://mostexerent.tumblr.com/)

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“Don’t let it end like this. Tell them I said something.” Pancho Villa (June 1878

“Don’t let it end like this. Tell them I said something.”

Pancho Villa (June 1878 - July 1923)

(note: reportedly Villa’s last words quoted in Famous Last Words : The Ultimate Collection of Finales and Farewells)

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“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circ

“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”

Hunter S. Thompson (July 1937 - February 2005)

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“We live at a time when man believes himself fabulously capable of creation, but does not know what

“We live at a time when man believes himself fabulously capable of creation, but does not know what to create. Lord of all things, he is not lord of himself.”

José Ortega y Gasset (May 1883 - October 1955)

(excerpt from The Revolt of the Masses, 1930)

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“We are such spendthrifts with our lives, the trick of living is to slip on and off the planet

“We are such spendthrifts with our lives, the trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.”

                      Paul Newman (January 1925 - September 2008)

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“Because you’re mine, I walk the line.” Johnny Cash (February 1932 - September 200

“Because you’re mine, I walk the line.”

Johnny Cash (February 1932 - September 2003)

(photo: Johnny & June, Folsom State Prison, 1968)

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If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow a

If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.“

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 1807 - March 1882)

(excerpt from Driftwood, 1857)

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“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”                           Mark T

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”

                          Mark Twain (November 1835 - April 1910)

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“For decades, in show business, the ultimate goal of every comedian was to host The Tonight Sh

“For decades, in show business, the ultimate goal of every comedian was to host The Tonight Show. It was the Holy Grail, and like many people I thought that achieving that goal would define me as successful. But that is not true. No specific job or career goal defines me, and it should not define you. In 2000 —I told graduates to not be afraid to fail, and I still believe that. But today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.”

Conan O'Brien (excerpt from Commencement speech at Dartmouth, 2011)

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“Search others for their virtue, and yourself for your vices.” Buckminster Fuller (July

“Search others for their virtue, and yourself for your vices.”

Buckminster Fuller (July 1895 - July 1983)

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“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” Dr. Martin Luth

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (January 1929 - April 1968)

(picture: Birmingham, September 1958)

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“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true — hard work pays of

“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true — hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.”

Ray Bradbury (August 1920 - June 2012)

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“And finally, in our time a beard is the one thing that a woman cannot do better than a man, o

“And finally, in our time a beard is the one thing that a woman cannot do better than a man, or if she can her success is assured only in a circus.”

John Steinbeck (excerpt from Travels with Charley: In Search of America)


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