
18th century manicule illustration. From the front matter of Nouvelle Pratique d'Arithmétique (1697)

18th century manicule illustration.

From the front matter of Nouvelle Pratique d'Arithmétique (1697). Original from Lyon Public Library. Digitized May 30, 2012.

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10/28より発売の「コスメキッチン監修 Organic Beauty BOOK vol.8」(文友舎)の「ポジティブな自分をキープするためのセルフメンテナンス術」特集(P.26〜31)にてイラストを

10/28より発売の「コスメキッチン監修 Organic Beauty BOOK vol.8」(文友舎)の「ポジティブな自分をキープするためのセルフメンテナンス術」特集(P.26〜31)にてイラストを担当いたしました。全国の書店等にて発売中ですので、皆様是非お手に取ってご覧ください☺️よろしくお願いいたします✨‬

I illustrated for Bunyusha’s magazine “Organic Beauty BOOK vol.8” which is on sale from 28 October, 2021


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MarginaliaAs a followup to the earlier Manicule post, here are two more interesting examples of margMarginaliaAs a followup to the earlier Manicule post, here are two more interesting examples of marg


As a followup to the earlier Manicule post, here are two more interesting examples of marginalia. The first is an eye, which I have never come across before in any other book. It reminds me of when I was a music student and players would pencil eyeglasses into the margins of band or orchestra sheet music, meaning “look at the conductor.” This one presumably means the opposite, “look closer at the page.”

The second is another manicule; although, this one is better rendered than those in the previous post. There is a nice shirt ruffle around the wrist, and perhaps knuckles or rings depicted at the base of the fingers.

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