#maps and atlases


I love this band and a good live video, so I figured I’d post this. (Moving Mountains – “The Cascade”)

Speaking of live shows, I need to go to one. Soon. It’s been too long. Unfortunately I had to skip out on Matt and Kim in Baltimore last Wednesday, and their June 28 show at the 9:30 Club is sold out. Feh. But, at least RX Bandits and Maps & Atlases will also be at 9:30 on July 9. I need to round up some people for that.

Maps and Atlases + Young Man and Hustle and Done at The Crocodile


  • Sunday night. Pretty good turn out for a Sunday. 
  • Fantastic crowd
  • Really amazing solo dancing guy during first two bands at the front of the audience. His moves included: casting out a fishing line and reeling it in, jumping jacks, and my personal fave playing air guitar but look like you’re stroking the worlds biggest d*ck. Seriously though, people were taking video of this guy. 
  • Hey why is there no drum kit set up for the first band…
Hustle and Drone
  • Okay everyone settle down, they don’t have a drummer but it all works out in the end.
  • I love it when the first band of the night is surprisingly great. Dave Davison from Maps and Atlases even came out to watch.
  • You know that awkward space between a small crowd and the stage? The audience doesn’t want to get too close in case the band sucks and most bands react to the space by either ignoring it or talking about it uncomfortably. Hustle and Drone had the confidence to know that space would dissipate in a song or two.  The music literally drew the audience in. 
  • They were confident, comfortable in their own skin and had balls big enough to cover Radiohead (Idioteque).
  • Vocalist Ryan Neighbors had some of his own great dance skills behind his keyboard. The pink light box behind him served as an excelled backdrop for his fancy leg moves.
  • Best way to introduce a tune: “Chicks like this song”
  • Do me a favor and check them out the next time they come through your town.
Young Man

  • Five piece from Chicago. Took a few songs for the band to hit their stride. 
  • Nice, dreamy sound. Easy to listen to and get lost in. Their recordings do not capture the essence of atmosphere in the songs this band plays. Very pretty.
  • Number of Periodic Table of Elements shirts on stage:
  • Love the way everyone in this band plays their instruments. Their sound is very clean and very tight and each song changes enough to keep you guessing. 
  • Great simple set design with amp stands that were glowing pyramids.
  • Giant bass drum on the stage looked like it was going to fall into the audience while the bass player was hitting it. Watch out.
  • Cover of Tears for Fears “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” was  unexpected but really suited them. 

In Conclusion

I give this show 6 stars. One star for Hustle and Drone and all their awesome. One star for the craziest dancing fan ever. One star for The Crocodile keeping it real. Three stars for Maps and Atlases nailing it.

xoxo A 
