#maranta leuconeura


Find the repeated plants! There’s 3, variegation difference doesn’t count.

If you don’t know the name, describe the plant or the location.

These are second floor plant shelves. I got the shelves at IKEA. They were really not expensive at all and I’ve had them since 2019. I always move plants around and add more plants every now and then.

If there’s any plants that intrigue you, please let me know in the comments!

I am internally screaming in excitement!!! The details were added and the upper leaves were filled!

Thanks @rckelly (IG page) for your amazing work! It’s perfect!


Our youngest and alpha of the group, Mochi.

She is our 1 year old Shiba. When we joined our family, she was definitely into my houseplants and outdoor plants.

I was able to train her not to touch the indoor plants, she quickly noticed the change in my soul, energy and voice ‍

However, she has been dedicated to destroying and eating anything I attempted to plant in my garden bed. Last year I grew a lot of stuff from seed and I was so damn excited and she ate them all, like the whole thing, she would even pull the roots!

Solution: Next month my husband is going to build a wood cover, so it stops her from getting in (Evil laugh).

Have you trained your dogs? Are they interested in your houseplants?

Why are prayer plants (Maranta Leuconeura) so fascinating??! All of them are so gorgeous, intriguing and alive!

They love:

-Medium indirect light

-Let the soil dry well between watering sessions

-I also add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee grounds

A Devastating Update: My sweet baby, Fight Shrub , has taken a dramatic turn. This is 100% my bad. I know exactly how I went wrong. I didn’t mean to, but good intentions won’t bring her leaves back. She is not dead to rights, but she has lost 75% of her leaves.

Prayer Plant

Cousins don’t always resemble one another so much. My red vein Maranta, Fight Shrub, looks nothing like her cousin Carlisle(Calathea lancifolia).

They bond over yoga every day. ‍♀️‍♂️
