#prayer plant


A Devastating Update: My sweet baby, Fight Shrub , has taken a dramatic turn. This is 100% my bad. I know exactly how I went wrong. I didn’t mean to, but good intentions won’t bring her leaves back. She is not dead to rights, but she has lost 75% of her leaves.

Prayer Plant

Cousins don’t always resemble one another so much. My red vein Maranta, Fight Shrub, looks nothing like her cousin Carlisle(Calathea lancifolia).

They bond over yoga every day. ‍♀️‍♂️

Why are prayer plants (Maranta Leuconeura) so fascinating??! All of them are so gorgeous, intriguing and alive!

They love:

-Medium indirect light

-Let the soil dry well between watering sessions

-I also add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee grounds

Just for a change here are my calatheas (now it’s officially Goeppertia btw), some of them at least. They are growing like crazy! And they do love some water. Some are so clumped together that I can’t afford that much space to spread them. But I love their shapes and colors.

The best part is to note how they move their leaves during the day and night cycles. Most get the leaves up in the afternoon and stays up until the next day morning, then it gets down. That’s why they are called praying plants right? It’s really charming the way they change, makes the room look so much more alive.

Also they are great plants for indoor spaces as they don’t enjoy sunlight very much. Most of mine got a little damaged due transportation or adaptation to my space, but almost all of them are growing like crazy and it’s not even the growing season.

I need a little break from drawing portraits and doodled this Unfortunately my cat chewed up a lot o

I need a little break from drawing portraits and doodled this Unfortunately my cat chewed up a lot of the leaves so this is how my poor plant looks now after some heavy pruning x_x

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