#mark au


MAZE TRIAL ZERO: An NCT Dream x The Maze Runner AU (Report: Day One)


Folder:MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Progress Reports > Folder: Week One > File: Report: Day One

Attached files > File: Potential Subject Profiles

Report: Day One (01/01/231)

  • 12:00: SUBJECT 01 summoned to PREP WARD.
  • 12:30: PREP SHOT administered to Subject during operation to insert BIO CHIP into Subject’s KILLZONE.
  • 17:00: Preparations to insert SUBJECT 01 into MAZE completed.
  • 17:00:08: ELEVATOR activated. Ascent into MAZE begins.
  • 17:00:36: SUBJECT 01 wakes inside ELEVATOR.
  • 17:00:41: Subject attempts to access NAME MEMORY FILE.

BIO CHIP indicates acute activation of sympathetic nervous system: elevated heart rates, incr. perspiration, heightened adrenaline and cortisol levels, widened bronchial passages, temporary deactivation of all immediately non-essential bodily functions.

BIO CHIP measures heart rate past 100 BPM. Peaks at 154 BPM.

Note: Side effects of PREP SHOT include impermanent retrograde amnesia, nausea, spatial and temporal disorientation. SUBJECT 01 may experience fluctuating perception of time in ELEVATOR.

Transcript of ELEVATOR audio recording at 17:00:00:

Recording Begins.

[Elevator gears grinding. Continues for approx. 36 seconds.]

Sedative properties of PREP SHOT fully wear off as SUBJECT 01 wakes with a gasp.

[Nausea causes emesis.]

[Spluttering as Subject recovers and orients himself.]

SUBJECT 01: What the… (inaudible.)

[Subject stands.]

SUBJECT 01: Hello? Hey! — hello?

  • 17:01: ELEVATOR completes ascent into MAZE.

[Silence for approx. 5 seconds.]

[Elevator doors open overhead.]


[Silence as Subject recovers from sudden light.]

Remainder of audio consists of Subject climbing to exit Elevator.

Recording Ends.

  • 17:03: Subject enters HOMESTEAD.
  • 17:03:11: Subject attempts to access NAME MEMORY FILE.
  • 17:03:31: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #43 captures Subject examining the surroundings, spinning in circles as Subject processes INNER MAZE WALLS.

BIO CHIP indicates further activation of sympathetic nervous system: elevated heart rates, incr. perspiration, heightened adrenaline and cortisol levels, widened bronchial passages, temporary deactivation of all immediately non-essential bodily functions.

  • 17:05:37: Subject collapses to knees. Minor bruising occurs. Remains in position for approx. 6 minutes.
  • 17:05:55: Subject attempts to access NAME MEMORY FILE.

BIO CHIP indicates incr. activity of parasympathetic nervous system: decr. heart rate to 99 BPM at 15:10:22. Heart rate lowers to 94 at 17:11:03.

  • 17:11: Subject stands and walks towards SOUTH WALL.
  • 17:16: Subject reaches SOUTH WALL. Knocks on the stone twice. Places his fingertips on the stone and runs it along the wall until he reaches SOUTH DOOR.
  • 17:18: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #3 captures Subject reaching SOUTH DOOR and looking into the MAZE. Remains in position for approximately 1 minute.

BIO CHIP measures incr. activity in medial temporal lobe as Subject processes spatial components of the MAZE beyond SOUTH DOOR. Subject’s sympathetic nervous response is activated.

Transcript of SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #3 audio recording at 17:18:52:

Recording begins.

SUBJECT 01: What…?

Recording ends.

  • 17:20: Subject turns and walks away from SOUTH DOOR. Subject approaches FOREST.
  • 17:26: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #93 captures Subject reaching FOREST and walking west along tree line.
  • 17:28: Subject sits at edge of FOREST, looking to SOUTH WALL.
  • 17:29:35: Subject attempts to access NAME MEMORY FILE.

BIO CHIP indicates activation of sympathetic nervous system and heightened activity in prefrontal cortex.

  • 17:48: Subject stands and walks toward SOUTH DOOR.
  • 17:52: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #3 captures Subject pausing in front of SOUTH DOOR.
  • 17:52:36: Subject enters MAZE SECTION 6.

BIO CHIP measures incr. heart rate, peaking at 137 BPM at 17:57:36.

  • 17:53: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #4 captures Subject walking slowly down SOUTH DOOR CORRIDOR.
  • 17:54:19: Subject reaches first alternate path. After careful consideration (heightened activity in prefrontal cortex and medial temporal lobe), Subject turns right.
  • 17:54: Further exploration of SECTION 6. Encounters 3 dead ends. Continuous active use of medial temporal lobe and hippocampus indicate spatial memory at work.
  • 17:57:43: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #7 captures Subject staring up at darkening sky, turning back after approx. 9 seconds and retracing steps to HOMESTEAD.
  • 17:59:50: Closing of all MAZE DOORS initiated.

BIO CHIP measures sharp incr. in adrenaline levels as Subject breaks into a sprint.

  • 18:00:00: MAZE DOORS close. MAZE BEASTS #1 through #8 are released into the MAZE from respective SECTIONS.
  • 18:00:00: Subject collapses to knees. Further bruising occurs. Remains in sitting position for approx. 1 minute, recovering from fear response.

Transcript of SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #3 audio recording at 18:08:57:

Recording begins.

MAZE BEAST #6: [Screeches]


[Subject stands and distances himself from CLOSED SOUTH DOOR.]

Recording ends.

BIO CHIP measures activation of parasympathetic nervous system and incr. activity in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.

  • 18:10: Subject approaches ELEVATOR and opens hatch. Subject examines contents of Elevator and jumps in.

Transcript of ELEVATOR audio recording at 18:10:14:

Recording begins.

SUBJECT 01: [Reading labels on boxes] WICKED.

SUBJECT 01: What the [REDACTED] does WICKED mean? (Inaudible.)

Remainder of audio consists of Subject reading labels of equipment and supplies aloud.

[Click as Subject turns on a torch.]

Recording ends.

  • 18:11: SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #43 captures objects being thrown out of Elevator. First, a sleeping bag, followed by a bag of clothing. Continues until all supplies are unloaded from Elevator.
  • 18:15: Subject climbs out of Elevator and closes hatch. Proceeds to organise supplies.
  • 18:23: Subject completes supply organisation. Begins setting up makeshift tent.
  • 18:39: Subject completes tent set-up. SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #78 captures Subject starting to eat in rations.
  • 19:11: Subject sets up sleeping bag and prepares for sleep.
  • MAZE BEASTS continue to howl and screech throughout the night. As a result, Subject experiences difficulty falling asleep. Audio recordings from SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #78 coincide with BIO CHIP measurements of bursts of activity in sympathetic nervous system at 19:12:37, 19:23:40, 21:05:36, 22:46:29, 23:07:47, 23:07:49 and 23:34:40.
  • 23:38:47: Subject attempts to access NAME MEMORY FILE.
  • 23:39:56: Subject accesses NAME MEMORY FILE.

Transcript of SURVEILLANCE CAMERA #78 audio recording at 23:39:57:

Recording begins.

SUBJECT 01: Mark.

[Subject laughs and repeats his name twice.]

Recording ends.


Folder:MAZE TRIAL ZERO > File: Official Proposal to Dr Ava Paige

To the desk of Dr Ava Paige

Date: 03/01/230

To Dr. Paige,

I write to you in regards to a new experiment proposal from the Department of Experimentation.

In order to map out the neural pathways of those Immune to the Flare in hopes of developing a universal cure for all, there remains an inherent need for new and efficient ways to stimulate subjects with an adverse environment for observation as to how Immune brain structures differ from those susceptible to the Flare virus.

Thus we present for your consideration:


in which subjects are placed in an unknown environment (The Maze) and are tasked with escape.

Please see the Details of Stakes Involved, Predicted Cost and Ethical Implications, attached as separate files.

In its preliminary stages, we have selected 10 Potential Subjects to participate in the first Maze Trial, to which we have coined the term Maze Trial Zero.

Profiles of Potential Subjects have been attached as separate files for your viewing.

We thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jeong Jaehyun

Head of the Department of Experimentation

World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department (W.I.C.K.E.D.)


Folder:MAZE TRIAL ZERO > File: Potential Subject Profiles

Subject 01

Name: Lee Minhyung (Mark)

Age: 18

Origin: Toronto, Canada

Status: Immune

Notes: Given his being the eldest of the group, he has already displayed acts of leadership for his fellow subject candidates. Seems to have a particular affection towards Subject 02.

Subject 02

Name: Park Jisung

Age: 15

Origin: Seoul, South Korea

Status: Immune

Notes: Youngest of group. Initial tests showed highest fear response to given stimuli alongside Subject 04. Close observation and comparison of results recommended.

Subject 03

Name: Lee Jeno

Age: 17

Origin: Incheon, South Korea

Status: Immune

Notes: Most compliant to directions. Frequent mediator of conflict between subjects (see Subject Observation Report 03.1.3). Initial tests show increased intelligence and advanced problem solving skills. Physical tests show consistently high results. Seems to have formed a friendship with Subject 07, who arrived at facility on same day.

Subject 04

Name: Lee Donghyuk

Age: 17

Origin: Seoul, South Korea

Status: Not Immune

Notes: Brought to facility as control subject while recruiting Immune siblings. Initial tests show advanced problem solving skills and highest fear response to given stimuli alongside Subject 02. Close observation and comparison of results recommended.

Subject 05

Name: Zhong Chenle

Age: 16

Origin: Shanghai, China

Status: Immune

Notes: Brought to facility by mercenaries in exchange for reward money upon finding him Immune after Crank attack. Seems to have formed a friendship with Subject 10, who is the same age. Hostile towards staff. Total of 4 behaviour warnings issued thus far.

Subject 06

Name: Huang Renjun

Age: 17

Origin: Jilin, China

Status: Not Immune

Notes: Particularly uncooperative in initial transport process to facility (see Subject Observation Report 06.1.1). Additional personnel called in for restraint when subject managed to get a hold of guard’s taser and proceeded to attempt escape. Controlled doses of amnesia-inducing pills administered, subject now cooperative and willing to follow orders.

Subject 07

Name: Na Jaemin

Age: 17

Origin: Jeonju, South Korea

Status: Not Immune

Notes: Surrendered to W.I.C.K.E.D. by parents at Korean Peninsula control border. Mostly compliant, if not silent. Initial tests show increased stamina and physical ability. Seems to have formed a friendship with Subject 03, who arrived at facility on same day.

Subject 08

Name: Liu Yangyang

Age: 17

Origin: Düsseldorf, Germany

Status: Immune

Notes: Surrendered to W.I.C.K.E.D. by parents at Germany control border. Only speaks to Subjects 05 and 06, given the language barrier between the rest.

Subject 09

Name: Osaki Shōtarō

Age: 17

Origin: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Status: Not Immune

Notes: Recruited at Japan control border. Has refused to speak since arrival to facility, even to Japanese-speaking staff. Otherwise unable to communicate with other subjects due to language barrier.

Subject 10

Name: Jeong Sungchan

Age: 16

Origin: Seoul, South Korea

Status: Immune

Notes: Seems to have formed a friendship with Subject 05, who is the same age. Initial tests show advanced problem solving skills and good physical ability.


An NCT Dream x The Maze RunnerAU

What if Alby wasn’t the first Glader?

  • enjoy as i write purely for self-indulgence, born from my love of the series and a passion for putting my biases in fictional situations of mortal danger
  • this series will be formatted as report files from W.I.C.K.E.D. as they test out their maze on our seven boys from NCT Dream
  • there is no y/n in this series, only secondary observation reports
  • to clarify, this plot can be read as a ‘prequel’ to The Maze Runner by James Dashner. there may be references to preexisting characters, however they will not be active agents in this series. technically, this is an alternate universe for the dreamies, not thomas and his friends.
  • the warnings below should be enough to prepare you all for what’s coming lol. buckle up

⚠️ tw: major character death, violence, grievers, swearing, graphic depictions of gore and blood, weapon use, possible spoilers for The Maze Runner series. i cannot stress enough that you should read at your own discretion.

naturally, the genre is horror and will involve scientific observations to suggest adverse emotions, such as fear.

  • this is a work of fiction closely tied to James Dashner’s novel series, The Maze Runner. while i do not intend to plagiarise any of his works, i will be using many of his plot points, including the maze, grievers, w.i.c.k.e.d., and some characters, e.g. Dr. Ava Paige, etc., however, the details of the plot will be of my own imagination.
  • i do not own these characters, nor do i own James Dashner’s name or those of NCT Dream’s members. i am merely borrowing them for alternate universe purposes.

Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Pre-Trial Preparation and Planning

  1. File: Official Proposal to Dr Ava Paige
  2. File: Potential Subject Profiles
  3. File: Details of Stakes Involved
  4. File: Predicted Cost
  5. File: Ethical Implications
  6. File: Map of the Maze

Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Progress Reports > Folder: Week One

  1. Report: Day One
  2. Report: Day Two
  3. Report: Day Three
  4. Report: Day Four
  5. Report: Day Five
  6. Report: Day Six
  7. Report: Day Seven

Folder: MAZE TRIAL ZERO > Folder: Conclusion

  1. File: Discussion and Advice for Future Development