#thor imagines


I’m loving seeing all the Jane and thor gifs for the new Thor Love & Thunder . And I was thinking.

Who wants Jane x Thor x daughter reader ?! Cause I do!

Too Trusting-Thor Odinson x Reader

(GIF credit to@slice-of-thunder)


Summary: (Y/N) starts to sense a pattern whenever Thor tells stories of his brother, and she can’t help but point it out to him.

Characters:Thor Odinson x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Arguing, fluff


As Thor told me yet another tale about Loki, I had to stop myself making faces or rolling my eyes, because I knew what was coming next as he spoke. Although he was telling the story in a joyful way, I knew that he had gone through a lot of hurt due to his brother. This was how the anecdote would go: Thor was the hero, he needed help, bargains with Loki, everything goes smoothly until Loki betrays him and/or fakes his death. The day would still be saved but Thor was still upset over his brother.

“My love, did you hear what I said?” Thor asked.

“Yes, I did.” I didn’t mean to snap.

“What is wrong? Did something happened today? I’m sorry, I never asked, I just started rambling.”

“No, nothing happened today. It’s just…” I didn’t know how to go about this without hurting his feelings.


“Thor, these stories are all the same.”

“Oh, I do not believe they are, I’ve been on many adventures and quests, none are the same as the other.”

“Not the stories per say. It seems that every time Loki is involved he…he uses you.”

He scoffed with a smile.“What?”

“He always either betrays you or lies to you about dying. I just thought after all these times, maybe you would clock onto it.”

“Are you saying I’m stupid?” he stood from the bed where we had been lying opposite each other.

I sat up.“No, of course not! It’s more like, you’re too trusting.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Sometimes it is.”

“You don’t know Loki, you’ve never met him.”

“I know, but what else am I supposed to think when all the stories you tell me portray him as the cunning one?”

“That’s what he is though, the God of Mischief, it’s in his nature.”

“I understand that Thor, but I thought mischief might mean playing tricks on people. Not invading Earth.”

“I told you about that time he turned into snake and bit me, right?”

I sighed, it either wasn’t getting through to him or he was too stubborn to admit I was right.

“You don’t know my brother. He’s…misunderstood. He did not receive the love father gave me as we grew up.”

“Well, that’s very unfortunate but what did you ever do to him?”

I could see he was getting angry now. I really didn’t want this to turn into an argument, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But if I couldn’t tell him, who could?

“Thor, please can you just sit down? I really didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Well I can’t stop thinking about it now. Who else sees me as an idiot? Was I a fool in front of all of my family and friends, my friends from work?”

He was pacing now, slowly, but it was clear to see he was trying to keep calm. When he was angry it wasn’t pretty. He had never directed it at me, and I know he wouldn’t now, however this had hit a nerve.

“No one sees you that way.” I crawled to the egde of the bed, now sat on top of my knees.“I only brought it up because I don’t like thinking of you in those situations. I just…it sounded like you didn’t realise what was happening in those moments.”

“I would like to see you battling monsters and evil men, I don’t think you would come out of it lightly.” he spat.

My mouth dropped open. Now I was angry too. I stood on the bed, only just coming to eye level with him.

“This isn’t about me winning any battles! I know I wouldn’t last a second out there. Why aren’t you acknowledging this?”

“Because no matter how many times I gave him a chance he let me down!”

A sudden crack of thunder made me jump, I faltered on the bed, almost falling. Thor moved to steady me until he saw that I quickly regained myself. But it was weet to see him still caring even though we were bickering.

I let a few seconds pass by, a small trickle of rain gently hit against the windows. OK, it wasn’t a huge storm, that was a good thing.

“Thor,” I gently said, stepping down to the floor,“I’m sorry for confronting you about this. I thought maybe you were in denial. And I understand why you would be. You love Loki, you want to give him second chances because you’re a good person, you see the good in everyone. But you can’t let yourself be in harms way when things like that happen. What if the next time he betrayed you-”

“There may not be a next time!” he then looked like he was thinking.“Oh, I’m beginning to see what you mean.”

I calmly continued.“What if next time he betrays you, you get seriously hurt, or killed even! And even if Loki quickly regretted his decision, it could be too late to save you.”

Thor lowered his head. He hated being wrong, just like I did. I watched as he turned his back to me, sitting on the end of the bed. I had learned that although Thor liked to be alone with his thoughts, he did need a calmer person to talk things through, make him see this all from a different perspective.

“I didn’t meant to make you sad.” I mumbled, looking out at the rain.“I hope you know I said all this because I love you. It would crush me to see Loki go behind your back again.”

He didn’t say anything, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Slowly I approached him, kneeling on the bed again but behind him. I rested my whole body on his back, wrapping my arms around his torso as much as I could.

“Please talk to me.”

“I know you are right. But I don’t want you to be.”

Oh, he sounded so sad.

“Neither do I. You now I didn’t say it out of spite against you or Loki. It’s just hard to paint a pretty picture of him.”

“I know.”

I kissed the back of his shoulder.“Do you want to be alone?”

“No.” he placed a hand over mine.“But, please can we not talk about this anymore?”

“Of course.”

“I wish you could meet him. Or have met him before he turned into what he is now.”

“Me too.”

“I hate disloyalty and dishonesty. I am sorry I got angry but it is a difficult subject for me to talk about.”

“I know. Shall we just go back to lying down together?”




A/N: Hey guys! This isn’t a request but is something I thought of and I thought it was kinda cute heheh it is an Avengers x Reader fic but you could tell that i was leaning towards a special lil thunder god Anyways, I hope you guys don’t mind me posting my work first while waiting for me to complete the other requests…well, enjoy!

You trudged through the hallways, a big sigh escaping your lips as you ran your fingers through your hair. It was not a good day for you. You messed up a mission and got badly reprimanded for it, you knew you deserved it because it was your fault but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a shitty feeling.

“Ugh…” you muttered as you dropped your head and stared at the ground as you walked. Shutting yourself in your room for the next few days didn’t sound like a bad idea.  

Pausing in your footsteps, you realised something. You didn’t want to wallow, well, at least not today. Scratching your head, you wondered how to cheer yourself up.

You frowned, you could stay in your room to watch netflix or play your games. No, you don’t want to stay in your room. You continued walking as you thought about it, gasping when you realised what would do the trick. Hugs!

You loved hugs, the feeling of someone holding you close and safe was wonderful. But who should you hug?

Smiling to yourself, you knew what you could do. You were gonna have a competition to find who gives the best hugs. Excitement buzzed through you as you went to find your first competitor.

As you reached the living room, you saw Bruce sitting on the couch watching the news. You shuffled up behind him and tapped his shoulder, making him turn to look at you.

“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted, standing up as he saw your expression. “What’s wrong?” 

“My mission didn’t go too well,” you said with a sigh, looking at your feet.

Bruce walked around the couch to stand beside you. “Oh, it’s okay, no one is perfect, you don’t have to worry about it. Do you want a hug?” 

You nodded as he pulled you into his arms. You rested your chin on his shoulder as he soothed your back. “What happened?”

“I don’t really wanna talk about it,” you replied. Bruce nodded as he he hugged you for awhile more.

“Feel better?”

You pulled back with a smile. “I do, thank you, Bruce.”

He smiled back as you waved and turned to walk away. Warm and nice hug. You’ll rate it an 8/10. You continued smiling as you went to find the next person. 

Going to another floor, you walked down the hallway, you saw Tony in his lab fiddling with some stuff. You walked into the lab, gaining his attention.

“Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked as you never came to the lab before.

You were pretty close with Tony so you didn’t want to act too much. Pouting, you raised your arms out. “I want a hug.”

He scoffed. “What are you, five?”

Keep reading

I love this❤
