#masochistic emasculation fetishism


A reminder for everyone to STOP USING TUMBLR and to JOIN NEWTUMBL……. and perhaps you will face divine judgement from the COSMIC GAIA OF LOVE & JUSTICE!

95% of our fetish online. Equivalent to a music mainstream dominated by Justin Bieber. I speculate t

95% of our fetish online. Equivalent to a music mainstream dominated by Justin Bieber. I speculate that a general distinction can be made between the crude work of those who haven’t read MEF fiction and those who have (do). That isn’t to assume that all MEF fiction is all of quality, far from it.

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“Autogynephilia” really just means “I’m hot and I’d fuck me.”

Wanna see what “autogynephilia” really means? Set the adult filter off and search “sissy”

Wow! I imagine if this happened to me in my younger days, it would have put me off of vagina and girls for good! Sobbing, tears running down my face, the feeling of oncoming vomit….

Come to think of it, it would make a suitable punishment on part of mothers for introverted boys who get caught trying to look at scantily clad women (men are of course fine!). Very much like the traditional punishment for a child who is caught smoking, who is forced to smoke a whole packet in one go.

Father always had forbidden mother from exposing me in my vulnerable boyhood years, to her world of dance and countless other feminine (& homoerotic) things she so loved. He would angrily warn her that such things would make me into a “faggot”.

Father had long since separated with mother and had moved across the country. Last he heard, was that on most school nights I was dancing with mother to help pay the bills. He knew exactly what happens at the dance shows (and especially backstage).


It would be years later where I find out how he expressed how happy he was never to have witnessed the shameful sight of what I would have become under mother’s influence.

Join the Masochistic Emasculation Fetish reddit group!

It was with the innocent naked play of us introverted boys, that a simple gesture of affection, gave way to a tense silence. An indescribable desire to caress his inflated member, where I was then taken by surprise by pulses of liquid splashing across my face. What followed was another overwhelming desire, to take him into my mouth and to repeatedly pump.

We didn’t know it at the time that what we were engaging in was sexual, let alone homosexual. We simply instinctively knew that the other boys could never find out.

Join the Masochistic Emasculation Fetish reddit group!


The problem with “autogynephilia”


I’m thinking it’s just about time to repost this:

The problem with “autogynephilia”, in a trans context, is when it’s applied to trans women. It directly implies that we’re hardly any different from cis guys with sexual fantasies of themselves as women - that we’re not women, but men, and that…


But Zinnia is doing one serious mistake: She is giving the transphobes the weapon they need to destroy all trans women. She is reestablishing the imaginary boundary between “real trans women” and “fetishistic cis men”, based on how gross she personally  finds their crossdreaming fantasies.


Not a mistake at all, she simply isn’t lying (yes that is what you are doing) when it comes to acknowledging a fetish for a fetish, experienced predominantly by “regular” males. She has what is called intellectual integrity.

