#mason mtfl


Well, I quite enjoyed this chapter, despite the fact we didn’t get to interact with Noah. Doesn’t matter though, he’s always the topic of any fucking conversation in this book.

So, we’re back at it: can someone give Noah a break? pt ???/1000 apparently.

The mention about MC’s mom was quite sad, actually. It’s clear they miss her very much. And I quite enjoy when the books mention family and give some details about MC family life. I don’t know, even though I love some books, sometimes I’m just… yeah… and what about MC’s mom? Dad? Sisters? Brothers? Does MC have any siblings? Cousins? SOMEONE??? Because it seems MC was born from nothing. MC has no connections, no previous life before meeting some guy (cause it’s usually a guy, we know PB sometimes most of times like to force a male LI onto all of us and all)

Oh please get over Mason. It’s starting to get on my nerves. Sometimes I wonder if MC REALLY likes him or if she’s just too attached to the idea of dating him because well, he’s her first big crush.

Hmmm THANK YOU??? Finally someone said it. I already love you, Mason’s dad!

NO, PB. I WON’T SPEND A DIME ON MASON. But, hey, let’s interact with Mason on his room (don’t mind actually, he’s a good friend) but I’m sure MC will make heart eyes whenever she looks at him.

Let’s see what happens on today’s chapter. And, ah… USA’s medical bills really such. Whenever I read about how people’s lives get screwed over because of a single medical bill I get really sad and angry, cause you know… no one should have to spend their entire life savings to cover for something that should be, you know, free???

Can someone give Noah a break? He doesn’t deserve all the hate he gets - pt 2? Actually part 6. Noah showed up on chapter 3 and since then everyone tells MC he’s bad news.

Okay, he may be bad news, but can someone just tell MC why??? Cause let’s be realistic, telling one person should stay away from someone without giving any reason to seem very counterproductive, don’t you think?
