#may the queue be with you





ok but at what point did Qui-Gon realize he’d said “The Queen doesn’t need to know” to the actual Queen.

at what point in the battle planning did Padme very deadpan say to him, “the council doesn’t need to know?” or something like that

at what point did Qui-Gon realize that under no circumstances should Obi-Wan and Padme be allowed to become friends because they will sass him to death

at what point did the young Queen realize she and Qui-Gon were saltmates

In the novelization, he knew the whole time.  He knew he was looking Queen Amidala directly in the eye while telling her the queen doesn’t need to know.  Qui-Gon Jinn hasn’t given a single fuck in fifty years.

Qui-Gon Jinn hasn’t given a single fuck in fifty years.

sfw alphabet | ezekiel reyes.

an: cannot remember the last story i’ve uploaded here, so i’m a bit rusty and too lazy to edit. hope you all enjoy this.

p.s.:i dare you to listen to the song I picked, for X, and say it doesn’t fit Ez.

pairing:ez reyes x black!reader | rating:

Affection: How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?

Don’t expect him to declare his love for you in the middle of a crowded Friday night clubhouse party. Ez isn’t a man of grand gestures. He believes it’s the small things that count the most. In public, his acts are subtle. A caress of his thumb on your hand. A kiss against your forehead before he leaves, a wink as he catches your eyes across the room. Behind closed doors, he’s more comfortable letting his lips and hands linger. His affection is often shown through acts of service and quality time. He tries to split his time with you and the club equally. Even if he feels he’s about to collapse from exhaustion, he’ll drive to wherever you are to spend even a few short hours with you. You’re cooking dinner, he’ll help out the best way he can (e.g., buying and measuring ingredients and setting the table is as far as his expertise go). You’ve endured a shitty shift at work. He’ll pick you up and stop by your favorite ice cream shop on the way home.

Beauty: what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?

Ez is beginning to learn the importance of being more than just book smart. He loves that you’re able to teach him new things. He is also not known for his confidence. When often asked to describe the Reyes men, most dub Angel as the one with confidence. In his time with you, Ez has learned there are many forms of confidence. Your confidence may not be as loud as Angel’s–frankly, no one’s is–but Ez loves that you’re not afraid to speak your mind or stand by your ideas.

Cuddle: do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?

No matter how often you tell him it’s not his job to protect you, Ez’s mind only rests when you’re in his arms. He loves the weight of your head against his chest. The soft misplaced kisses you press against his skin as he climbs into bed hours after you. There are nights where the roles are reversed, where he’s the one wrapped in your embrace. Let’s just say, he quickly realized the magic behind the little spoon.

Domestic: do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?

From the first morning, he woke alongside you, this kid was a goner! After years of sleeping alone, the warmth of your skin against his was an intoxicating feeling. The sight of a soft smile forming on your lips as you first realized that, despite all of his talents, Ez was better of filling the role of sous-chef. The relief he feels the second he pulls into your driveway to see the living room light still on. Ez knew he would never be able to go back to his life before you. The two of you, alone, is when he feels the weight on his shoulders lift. All the pressures and expectations Ez is constantly trying to exceed, drift away the moment your eyes light up at his arrival. With you, he knows you only expect to be one thing: himself. He’s still struggling to find out exactly who that is, but he feels it’s easier to do so when it’s just you two.

Ending: if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?

Ezekiel Reyes has a big heart–a trait passed down to each of Marisol’s sons. But bless this man’s heart. Despite being a “genius,” Ez Reyes will definitely pull a “you’re better off without me” break up. He’ll try to do what he’s done his entire life, approach the situation logistically. The club and the responsibilities it demands from him is too much. The dangers they present to you. The time it takes away from him and you. Time you could spend finding someone who can make you truly happy, someone who could give you all of themselves. It’s all bullshit. You know it. He knows it. Ez knows that you know it’s all bullshit, but he says it anyway. He knows there’s a part of him that realizes what truly fuels the breakup: his fear that you were meant to be together in a different life–his life before Stockton–not this one.

Fight: would it be easy to forgive their s/o? how does he show forgiveness?

At the height of the moment, fights with Ezekiel are often one-sided. Don’t count on him to take you head-on in a screaming match. He won’t ever raise his voice at you. Ez wishes he could give credit to the gift of patience, but Ez’s patience is not as strong as he portrays. Ez has a tendency to bottle up his emotions. Part of it comes from growing up in a household with a brother who wears his emotions on his sleeve. The other part comes from the routines drilled into him behind the walls of Stockton. Ez is the type to try and talk things through, but he knows there’s no point in talking to you when you’re angry.

When he’s the reason for the fight, Ez apologizes. He owns his shit. If the roles are reversed, and you’re seeking his forgiveness, Ez’s solution is still to talk about it. He’s not going to rashly cut you off and not allow you the chance to explain your understanding.

Gentle: how gentle are they?

Ez harbors a gentle soul. He shows this in the ways he communicates with you. He listens to your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. He shares his own with you. Even the way he talks to you is different than how he speaks to others. He’s lost track of the number of times Angel has teased him for talking “all soft and sweet” to you. Unfortunately, he does have a terrible habit of treating you as though you are made of glass. Part of it stems from his belief that his lifestyle is too “dangerous.” The other part stems from his fear that hewill cause what you two are building together to break. He tries his best to ease up, but it’s hard to break a habit.

Hugs: do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?

Please do not shy away from them. Ez loves hugs. Probably more once you tell him that his hugs are “magical.” You swear they help erase all the stress from your day. Half hugs? Who even does that? He engulfs you, holding you tight until you tilt your head back for a kiss. His favorites are when your back is pressed against him, your weight relaxed against his chest, his arms tight around your middle. His lips pressing soft kisses against your neck and shoulder as you work.

I Love You: how fast do they say the L-word?

The kid may be a hopeless romantic, but you’re going to have to hold out for the l-word. I’m talking at least five to six months into your relationship. Ez doesn’t confuse lust with love. He’s not going to say he loves you if he doesn’t truly feel it. He knows the power the word holds. More and likely, you say it first. That doesn’t mean you’re on a different page. He’ll say it back instantly. The smile on his face is all you need to know it’s true.

Jealously: how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?

Ez is not a jealous man. He doesn’t flip his lid when he sees another guy talking to you. It’s not that Ez doesn’t care. It’s just his level of trust in you. He also knows you can handle yourself. He does make a point to step in when he feels someone’s getting a little too close for comfort. Even then, don’t expect him to respond with violence right off the bat. His response is usually subtle. A kiss as his arm wraps around your waist, the smile on his lips nothing short of his trademark, easy-going nature. His smile may be easygoing, but the look in his eyes is often enough to get his warning across.

Kisses: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed?

His kisses are soft and slow. His goal is often to make them last. You always catch sight of a grin when you pause to steal a final kiss before leaving. He’s learned what each of your kisses means. His favorites are the ones that needily press against his lips, the lingering of your lips letting him know you need to sneak away for a few minutes.

Little Things: what little things do they love and notice about you?

Ez is a sucker for your smile. He knows all of the forms it comes in and takes pride in being the reason you smile. Family is important to Ez. Always has been, always will be. The kid was already falling, but the moment he saw you getting along with Angel and Felipe, he was sold. Ez loves that you build relationships with each of them outside of you and his relationship.

Morning: how are mornings spent with them?

You can escape the walls of Stockton, but it’s hard to escape the routines you’ve built inside of them. Ez rarely sleeps in. Even on mornings where, he is exhausted, begging for a few more hours of sleep, he’s up out of bed. He always wakes before you, stopping to press a kiss against your lips before he gets up. Don’t expect an elaborate breakfast in bed. Ez can do the basics, make you a cup of coffee or tea. He isn’t much of a cook, so he does know where to find the best breakfast burritos. Ez will help you cook. You’re quick to learn that he takes directions very well. Ez works out the moment he’s out of bed, so you can often count on him convincing you to “save water” and shower together.

Nights: how are nights spent with them?

Don’t try and wait up for him. Primarily because Ez rarely makes it home before you’re ready to go to bed. Secondly, it stresses him out to come home and find you’re up worrying about him. He’s supposed to be the one worrying about you. He’ll always call or text to let you know if he’s going to get home late. Most nights, he’ll make it home to find you’ve saved him a plate. Before he stops to eat, undress, take a shower–anything for that matter–Ez stops by your bedroom. He leaves a kiss against your lips, smiling softly as you shift closer for a second kiss. You always fall back asleep almost instantly.

On Cloud Nine: What are they like when they’re in love?

All smiles. Uncontrollable smiles anytime someone mentions your name. Cheese-eating, ear to ear, smiles every single time. It makes Angel gag.

PDA: Are they into it?

PDA isn’t Ez’s vibe. He’s very subtle with it. But, he is also cheeky AF. So, he’s not one to shy away from grabbing your ass when he’s stealing a kiss from time to time.

Quizzes: do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they forget everything?

Ez doesn’t remember every little detail, but he comes damn near close. He is a man who focuses on attention to detail, so if it’s important to you, it’s important to him. If it’s something that he knows you care and are passionate about, he’s committed it to memory.

Romantic: are they romantic during the relationship?

Is Ez Reyes romantic? That’s like asking if water is wet. Growing up, he saw his mother and father in a loving relationship. He always wanted to find someone who loved the way his mother loved. He’s learned the importance of showing appreciation and love to those you claim to “love.” Ez points outhow much you mean to him and how grateful he is to have you in his life.

Security: how protective are they?

When you’re just friends, he’s the type of person to offer to walk you home or to your car. He’ll make you’re safely inside your house before leaving. He isn’t possessive, but Ez is overprotective at times. He’s used to having to stand his ground and showing that his calm demeanor doesn’t mean he can be tested. The sight of him and his Kutte is often enough to make people clear out, but he will go to blows over you if necessary.

Try: how much effort would they put into dates and gifts?

He’s busy, with a lot on his plate, but Ez takes his time with you very seriously. He tries to make sure the time he gets with you is perfect. Even if it’s a quick bite to eat before he has to head back to join the club. Ez doesn’t give big and elaborate gifts. Instead, they are often small tokens he’s picked up that remind him of you.

Ugly: what would be some habits they possess?

Ez is reserved. His biggest fault is he bottles things up. He knows it’s a terrible habit, but it’s a terribly difficult habit to break. He hopes you don’t take offense to it.

Value: how valuable is your relationship to him?

Extremely. He keeps it under wraps for the first month or so. He’s admittedly selfish. He wants to keep you to himself, away from the club, in the initial stages.

Wedding: do they want marriage? how do they propose?

Ez proposes to you away from the eyes of others. In a place special to just the two of you. His main focus is to ensure you understand why he believes he’s worthy of marrying a woman like you.

Xylophone: what song represents your relationship?

Montana by Daya.

Your arms wrapped tight around him, chin pressed against the leather of his kutte. Nothing but the stretch of road before you. Ez has lost count of the number of times he’s nearly left Santo Padre behind. No bags packed, no planned destination, just the hope of finding a place where he can build the life he’s dreamt of with you.

Yearning: how do they cope when they’re missing you?

He knows it sounds cliche, but Ez swears all he needs to hear is your voice for things to feel right. So when he’s away, he’ll stop to call you when he needs to. If time permits facetime, he’ll pick that as his first option so that he can see your smile.

Zzz. what’s it like sharing a bed?

Chalk it up to years of sleeping alone, but Ez sleeps directly on top of you. An arm wrapped around you, keeping your body pressed against his. He swears it’s the only way he can have a full night of sleep.

late afff, but it’s coming….

Will We Last the Night? — lover of mine p.6

an: randomly started editing this today. gonna have to reread the others before I post this full one

sum: Angel’s hand has been forced. it’s time for him to come clean. his biggest fear is it will be enough to make you leave.

“I keep waiting for the moment you can prove to everyone that I’m not stupid for believing in you, but it’s like you try your hardest to do the opposite every chance you get.”

The words came out faint. Neither of you was sure if they were meant to be spoken aloud.

Angel knew he’d overstayed his time with you. No one thought you’d two last past senior year—hell, not even Angel. He always expected you to blink and see him for what he truly was. A man who didn’t deserve a woman that could only see the good he had to offer the world. No matter how small that “good” was.

Every time he fucked up, a part of Angel wished you have the revelation. Finally, agree with your mother, and leave him alone. Make it easier for your ties to be cut. But he knew you couldn’t. No matter how much he fucked up, cutting ties with Angel seemed impossible.

He knows the reason you hold onto the hope that he’ll become the man you tell everyone he is has nothing to do with Angel himself. Angel knows it’s shitty because he came to this revelation years ago. Years before you. And he’s selfishly capitalized on it for years.

It’s the eight year old boy who is a spitting image of him.

Angel’s eyes, Angel’s smile, Angel’s mannerisms they come back to you every time you look at your son.

Taking Jeyson away from his father is something you could never bring yourself to do.

But the look he finds in your eyes is one Angel has never seen from you in all your years together. It’s the same look he gets from all the people in his life when they have reached their breaking point.

“I promise you I can fix it—“

“No, you can’t fix it, Angel. Because once again, I have to clean up your mess.”

His shoulders fall, a sigh falling from his lips. “I—“

“But the second I handle this, we’re done. I mean it, Angel. You’re letting me and Jeyson leave.That’sthe only promise I want you to give me. I’m not letting you poison my son.

the-pudding-is-a-lie:So I read the “I Have Left the Hearth I Know” series written by the amazing @tr


So I read the “I Have Left the Hearth I Know” series written by the amazing @trueishcolours. And let’s just say. I got inspired.

“Jiang Cheng tries to follow the precepts of the Lan, tries to be married, tries not to remember how Lan Xichen made him fall apart. It doesn’t work.”

Post link


Dumbasses who have never talked to a non-christian in their life will say that religions are cults because they preach salvation and give you rules to keep you in line like y’all do realize that hell isn’t a universal belief???? That Judaism teaches that god wants his people to be just and compassionate??? That Buddhism is about liberation from suffering??? That Hinduism teaches reincarnation? That Islam believes in a just and merciful god? That there are an endless number of diverse and nuanced beliefs that various indigenous peoples struggle to reclaim every day? And you all have the nerve to lump us all in together with the likes of catholicism and jehovah’s witnesses just because you’re too fucking smug and lazy to get off your ass leave your own bubble and read a god damn wikipedia article?


Polyamory is safe for work. Polyamory is safe for kids. Polyamory is safe for day time tv. Polyamory isn’t more sexual than any other relationship and it can be just as romantic, sweet, and healthy.







Do you think Thor ever accidentally throws stuff that isn’t Mjolnir? Surely that’s his startle response. Does he get jumpscared by horror movies and just yeet the phone at the TV and shatter it? Bruce is very wary about handing him stuff. Not because he’s clumsy, but because in Thor’s brain holding item = weapon and he can’t always control that

thor flinging a frying pan purely on instinct because the radio went off

does this mean thor invented “get help” by accident? 

This entire thing is hilarious but @iamnmbr3 as usual, you are on a whole other level with the implication that when Thor is startled he would accidentallyjusthurl Loki at the enemy (or even if he’s just startled at something random, like the toaster).Like. I don’t even know how to express how fucking funny that is to me. 

Which would, of course, @iamanartichokeand@iamnmbr3, imply that Loki was in Thor’s arms, hands, or lap at the moment of being startled. 

Thor(sitting at the breakfast table quietly drinking coffee)

Loki(comes in looking sleep-tousled)

Thor(gravelly morning voice): Good morning, brother.

Loki:Good morning. Is this seat taken? (sits on Thor’s lap)

Thor: It is now. (puts his hands on Loki’s hips)

Loki: How’s the coffee?

Thor:Robust and fresh. Would you like some?

Loki: How kind of you to offer me a taste. (they start kissing passionately)



(Loki goes flying across the kitchen and smashes into the toaster, cracking the counter and taking out the cabinet. Dishes flood down onto him and the floor, shattering everywhere.)



Loki: …we have got to get help for your startle reflex.

Thor: Sorry. (thinking) On the other hand… 

Loki: What do you mean “on the other hand”? You just THREW ME AT OUR COUNTER.

Thor: I meant to do that. It’s a uh, new fighting technique I’m working on.

Loki: And you wanted to fight the toaster.

Thor: … Yes. 





Anyways, y’all better start saving your fave fanfics and fanart under the Disney labels cause it looks like they’re trying to curb fair use/fanworks and I’m sure there’s going to be mass panicked deletions even though it’s probably unnecessary cause AO3′s legal team will fight for us.

You know that 400K yall were so fucking mad about OTW raising?

Yeah, its gonna pay for the travel expenses and court costs that the legal team at AO3/OTW when they protect your shit from getting C&Ded.



Note that Disney would have one Hell of a time serving C&Ds to authors at AO3 - because there is no “contact author” option other than leaving a comment.

They’d have to contact the SITE, which is to say, the Organization for Transformative Works, to deliver a C&D order or a DMCA takedown order.

And the OTW is not going to remove fics because someone sent a letter that says “actually those characters belong to me and you can’t use them that way.” The OTW was created to FIGHT that kind of claim. They are ready. 

Don’t delete your fics out of fear. WE OWN THE SERVERS. They can’t threaten the hosts into deleting anything.

And if Disney thought they had a strong legal case against fanfic, they’d’ve shut down the archive a decade ago, when it was penniless and unknown, instead of waiting until it had won several battles in Congress and got worldwide acclaim for a Hugo Award.

This is important!


210426 Suho EXO-L Japan Update

“Everyone, long time no see! It’s Suho~ I always remember having fun meeting everyone during this chance! I’m not here this year, but please have fun on the upcoming consecutive holidays*! Those working also fighting!”

*Golden Week in Japan


djshaydez: swagakuya-brogami:orioniszeta:runawayalters:rapunzelilo:mage-of-time:arcticsiri













holy shit




it’s back


I have yet to witness something as fucked up as this



Holy shit

This is an ace attorney trial

“Now comes the exquisite twist”

Post link



Screencap redraw of this soft moment in WOH. This is still one of my favourite scenes in the drama (episode 12 special scene) I have rewatched it an unhealthy amount of times… Thank you ZZH for the creative direction, GJ for the amazing acting, and Hu Xia for the romantic bgm

The text is WKX’s lines:

给太阳晒着 还有个

I just feel,
that to be alive,
to have the sun shining,
and to have someone for me to call
is so good.



Kurosawa x Adachi - WIP



I think we’re definitely getting to the point with Dracula daily where some (most) people need to be reminded it is a historical novel, and is going to have prejudices in it. that doesn’t meant dont read it, its important to read these classic stories that have been so warped by time and pop culture! it just means you should be keeping an eye out for the biases that are present, be critical of what you’re reading, make note of what stereotypes the text is applying to minority groups and how that might affect them

my exact thought, just worded better ^^
