#mdzs self inserts


how these mdzs characters would wash your hair for you

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Lan Xichen

  • very gentle about it, because he knows that you’re only letting him wash your hair because you need the help
    •  a broken finger is never a fun ordeal
    • but luckily it is on it’s way to healing soon, with such lovely care
      • but anyways, back to the hair washing
    • all gentle and firm fingers, massaging until all the soapy suds are out
    • and your shampoo if wafting up to him, 
      • he’s especially attentive with putting the conditioner correctly and throughly in your hair
        • maybe because he just likes the feeling of soft strands on his fingers
        • and overall a great time with this man
          • will also offer to blow dry your hair for you as well
            • and you can’t ask for anyone better

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Nie Mingjue

  • it will be quite the learning process with him
    • he’ll be frustrated first with how you’ll sit in the tub and how he’ll sit to reach the water and that takes a good 15 minutes
      • then the water temperature
      • “that’s too hot! it’ll burn your scalp” when you tell him to warm the water a little more
    • and then how much shampoo and how much conditioner and what not
      • but after that, in the settled quietness of him just rubbing the products into your hair
      • he’s a lot more gentle than you expect him to be
        • not that Mingjue isn’t gentle, you know very well his softness when it comes to you
          • but he massages every spot on your head (and down to your neck) as if to map every place of ease for you
            • you’ll probably learn the reason why some time later on
        • but for now,
          • he washes as dilligently as he can
            • get’s a little bit of soap into your eyes
              • and a bit of water into your ears
              • but his effort, you appreciate tenfold

jiang bros carrying you to bed

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Wei Wuxian  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

  • Wei Wuxian had never quite liked to sleep early,
    • finding his ideas flowing the best in the late hours of the night
    • Wei Wuxian is used to the tightness that sometimes accompanies his eyes on long nights of scroll reading,
      • drafting this, drawing that
  • and with you to bounce ideas off,
    • it is easy for the hours of night to pass and blend away, 
    • for so much discourse and thoughts that make him wish that sleepiness were not a human feeling
      • but alas it is,
        • and when Wei Wuxian had returned to the room with a new warm brew of tea, 
          • with the intent of continuing his late night talk with you
        • he finds you fast asleep, head pillowed on arms that had finally given up the weight of holding your head up for the past hour or so
          • (Wei Wuxian knew you had been sleepy, but somehow, loves the sight of you almost reanimated as you talk about new to cultivation techniques and everything he had always been curious about)
        • Wei Wuxian is quiet when he approaches your sleeping form, tempted to shake you awake
          • a small probe of your shoulder, tells him that you are truly deeply, asleep
            • judging from the greyish hues of the sky,
            • it would be morning soon anyways
      • Wei Wuxian turns back to you, curious as to how you could possibly be comfortable
      • and before he really thinks about it (thinks too much about it)
      • he maneuvers your sleeping form into his arms,
    • your head falls onto his shoulder, fitting right under his chin like you were always meant to fit there, 
      • and your breath is soft and warm as he carries you the few short steps to place you on the bed in the other room,
        • Wei Wuxian watches with a funny kind of fondness when you snuggle into the pillows as he pulls the blankets higher up on your chin
          • finds that when he returns to sit at his table and closes his eyes
            • he sees you in his dreams

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Jiang Cheng  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

  • above you both, the sky stretches out like a dark blanket,
  • bits of embedded stars glimmer 
  • and the world seems so vast in this moment
  • it is a sight to behold
    • and the day’s tiredness bleeds away from his shoulders,
    • when Jiang Cheng sits at the open port,
    • with you leaning close to him,
      • staring up at the same sky
      • you, the person that had always extended a hand to him,
        • tried to see what he was seeing,
        • what he meant,
          • the person that always met him in the middle,
          • even at times, when he didn’t always walk towards you
        • you never gave up on him
      • and it was a gradual but deep reassurance
      • that came over him like the way snow falls to the ground
    • “i love you,” Jiang Cheng says, a testament, a confession that finally comes out of his mouth after years and years 
      • Jiang Cheng says it in a bit of an absent way, only because he doesn’t know how you react,
      • scared that everything will change with this one step too far
        • but when Jiang Cheng hears nothing, and turn to the side
        • he only see you, eyes closed, head resting warmly on the side of his shoulder
          • it makes him smile despite himself, 
          • and although the night sky is beautiful, the changing seasons make the evening a bit colder than usual
            • so even though you don’t hear those words from him (yet)
            • you receive an action with the same meaning,
            • his arms coming up to gently cradle you, and carry you away from the ports back to you room,
              • where each step is quiet, mindful, not to wake you
                • and when he tucks you under the covers, it is with more care than anyone has ever expected of him
            • but you (only you) know
            • that Jiang Cheng has more than enough love
            • more than most would know