#meadow elf

 Sorry for not posting in awhile, got a job back in mid February and have been tired/busy when doing

Sorry for not posting in awhile, got a job back in mid February and have been tired/busy when doing both that and school (I posted this on FA when I did have a job). I am on my spring break from school so here is my proper ref for my oc Lars.

I had been meaning to do a ref for him some time now. After thinking more about elves in my Pardesu setting and my species Daemortis I wanted to design Lars’ design to fit more on it.

Lars is a meadow elf/daemortis hybrid who plays music with Maggot Master (Van). He plays the keyboard while Van sings. He is also Van’s other partner.

So Daemortis tends to have physical traits that are similar to diseases and will have some form of vulture to condor traits. While Meadow elves tend to have pale green skin and have deer traits. I mixed both together and god I made Lars look super sickly. Which I am proud of it.

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