#mega man battle network


Annnd here’s the last part! Credit to @bluebomber-exe​ for the pictures and @officialforteexe​ for commissioning this translation!

Part 3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6WZQyj0tMNJTjJsNlpWTk12Ym8

And the google doc is here!


Rockman & Forte: The Pair’s Journey, Last Part    

Specially drawn for the occasion   Last Chapter


Forte: Jump into the Remote Gate already.
Forte: It is best for you to return to your human.
Rockman: Running away by myself,
Rockman: I can’t do something like that!
Rockman: Let go of Forte–!!
Rockman: Kgh…!
Rockman: Dammit. Open your mouth–!!
Forte: Rockman, stop doing unnecessary things!


Rockman: This bastard! This bastard! This bastard!
Gregar Fragment: YOU’RE SO ANNOYING–!!
Rockman: Uwah–!!
Forte: His mouth opened!
Forte: Now!
Rockman: Wah~!


Forte: Rockman, know where you stand.
Forte: Without your operator, you’re nothing but small fry.
Forte: Nothing more than a burden.
Rockman: You don’t have to say it like that!
Forte: But when you add in a human’s strength,
Forte: You become an irreplaceable enemy to me.
Rockman: Forte…
Forte: That’s why–


Forte: GO ALREADY–!!
Rockman: !!


Forte: So you can once again become my enemy,
Forte: Go, Rockman!!
Rockman: Fo…rte….
Rockman: I’ll wait for you…!
Rockman: For the day I’ll fight with you again,
Rockman: I’ll wait for you, okay–!!


Forte: Aa…
Forte: I’ll definitely come and kill you.
Rockman: Forte…–
Rockman: Thank you.
Rockman: I can go home… I can go back to Netto-kun!


Gregar Fragment: Just to let your friend go
Gregar Fragment: You choose to sacrifice yourself.
Gregar Fragment: Foolish.
Gregar Fragment: As you wish, I’ll devour you!!
Forte: Now that he’s passed through the gate,
Forte: I no longer need to keep you alive.
Gregar Fragment: What!?
Forte: You didn’t realize?


Forte: If it’s just killing you, there’s no trouble at all!!!
Gregar Fragment: Gyaaaaaaaaaah!!


Forte:With this…
Forte:I’m alone….
Forte: ….
Forte: What’s wrong with that?
Forte: It’s just gone back to normal, that’s all.
Forte: After, my path is a blood-soaked one
Forte:I don’t need a travel partner.



Choose whatever way you like as an “ending” for the proudly solitary form of Forte in the previous page.
The next pages are simply just an “extra of an extra”.

Forte: !
Forte: What?
Serenade: Forte…
Forte: Serenade!!
Serenade: So you’ve sent Rockman back, huh.
Serenade: Iya~ Well done!
Forte: You… since when have you been watching?


Serenade: When the two of you started your journey– from about there.
Forte: … (From the beginning?!)
Serenade: The truth is,
Serenade: I’m starting to get tired of being alone
Serenade: If it’s okay with you, together we can–

Serenade: Aah, wait a minute!
Serenade: If it’s only once in a while I’ll even fight with you!
Serenade, Hey, come on!

~This time, END~

This stuff is pretty easy to translate, so I have Part 2 ready! Credit goes to @bluebomber-exe for the pictures and @officialforteexe​ for commissioning me!

Part 2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6WZQyj0tMNJYTZ1R0I5RTFMaXc

As usual, if you’d like to see a little more in detail check out this Google doc.


Rockman & Forte: The Pair’s Journey. Middle Part

Specially drawn for the occasion   Chapter 2


Rockman and Forte, who were tossed to the ends of the cyberworld, were wandering around a remote region, trying to find a way back to their world.

Rockman: Forte, it’s hooooot~, I’m thirsty~
Forte: Don’t spew out such weak sounds Rockman.
Rockman: Here, you’ll get wet.


Rockman: It’s no good…
Rockman: No matter where we go
Rockman: The same scenery just keeps continuing.


Rockman: What do we have to do to get back to our world?
Forte: No matter how vast this space is, it’s not infinite.
Forte: We will return at some point.
Forte: But a human’s life has a limit.
Forte: When we return maybe your operator will have already died.
Rockman: Why…
Rockman: Would you say such mean things!
Rockman: I won’t give up.
Rockman: I’ll definitely return to Netto-kun!


Rockman: So I can laugh with Netto-kun again,
Rockman: Get mad at Netto-kun,
Rockman: And spend time with Netto-kun!!

Forte: What an irritating guy.

Forte: Right now, your operator probably
Forte: Already made a new Navi, and forgot all about you.


Rockman: Shut up!
Rockman: Don’t say something like that so casually when you don’t know anything!
Rockman: You don’t know anything about Netto-kun!!

Forte: What is this hand?

Forte: Have you finally decided to fight me!?


Forte: Fine! Forte: Whether or not we can return to our world; let’s stop that boring talk!
Forte: Right now, right here
Forte: I’ll kill you!

Forte: Mmh!
Rockman: Aahh!


Rockman: What is this guy!!?


Gregar Fragment: You guys, where did you come from?
Gregar Fragment:  This is my territory!
Forte: Is this a monster that
Forte: Was formed by a fragment of Gregar that’s been gathering data!?
Rockman: Forte!
Rockman: Look! On his back!
Rockman: That’s one of the Gateman family’s
Rockman: Remote Gate!!


Rockman: On the other side of the gate
Rockman: I can see Densan City’s cyberspace!
Rockman: If we jump in there, we can return to our world!!
Gregar Fragment: Fools!!
Rockman: Uwahh!!


Gregar Fragment: I will not allow you to go anywhere!!
Gregar Fragment: You will become a part of my body!!!
Rockman: Uwaahhhhhh!!


(There’s no dialogue here /shrug. Bask in the awe of the Gregar fragment instead?)


Rockman: Forte!
Rockman: You covered me…,
Forte: Leave this guy to me.
Forte: It’s been a while since I’ve had prey with a bit of tooth.
Forte: Rockman, you’re a nuisance.
Forte: Jump into the gate already.
Rockman: Forte…!

Continuing the last part in the “Reprinted Rockman.exe 08”

Thanks to the wonderful @bluebomber-exe we have pictures of the special side stories attached to the reprints of the Rockman.exe manga, and courtesy of @officialforteexe I have been commissioned to translate them!

Part 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6WZQyj0tMNJUGJuTU9UeFlyUkk

Here’s a link to the first part, so you can follow along with the translation. For a little more details (some translator notes), you can check out this Google doc.


This is the story of what happened after the ultimate cyberbeasts Gregar=Falzar exploded spectacularly.

Due to the explosion’s shockwave, Rockman had been tossed to the ends of the cyberworld and was wandering an undeveloped remote region.


Rockman & Forte: The Pair’s Journey, First Part

Specially drawn for the occasion   Chapter 1

Together with his arch-enemy Forte!!

Rockman: Here they come!


Rockman: Long sword!
Rockman: Kgh… There’s too many of them!
Forte: I’ll make the trash….


Forte: Disappear!
Rockman: Uwaaaah!!
Rockman: Hey!! What are you doing!!
Rockman: You almost killed me!
Forte: Don’t be naive.
Forte: I don’t intend on becoming your ally.
Rockman: Grrr…

Rockman: The viruses that keep on attacking Rockman: Are all ones I’ve never seen before….


Rockman: Where the heck is this place…?
Forte: No matter how many of these guys I devour, there’s no gain in it.
Forte: Rockman, now’s a good time.
Forte: Fight me.
Rockman: Eh!
Forte: You and I are enemies.
Forte: I wouldn’t mind settling it here.


Rockman: Now’s not the time!
Rockman: Anyway, I’ve got to return to Netto’s location!
Rockman: This isn’t the time to fight with you!
Forte: Tch…!

Forte:Certainly… Even if I defeated him, without his operator
Forte:It wouldn’t have any meaning
Forte:Because Navis like Rockman who aren’t fully independent can’t manifest their true power without an operator…
Forte:One must make the proper preparations to eat delicious meat, it seems…


Rockman: It’s gotten completely dark.
Rockman: Let’s stop here today and rest.
Rockman: Anyways, being together with Forte, it’s comforting.

Forte: …

Rockman: It’s good that you’re with me.
Forte: Traveling with you
Forte: There’s nothing more boring than that.
Rockman: Ehhhh, why?
Forte: With you and I working together, enemies are nothing
. Forte: If this isn’t boring then what would you call it?


Forte: Hn…
Rockman: Ehehe, I’m so happy!
Rockman: That was supposed to be praise right?

Forte: GO TO SLEEP!!
Forte: Hurry up and go to sleep!!
Rockman: What are you doing~!!


Rockman: Zzzzzzz….
Forte: Hmph… finally asleep huh.
Rockman:breathing deeply

Forte:To be able to sleep in front of me
Forte:That would be something you would do
Forte:That tranquil expression…
Forte:Why don’t I paint it over with fear and despair…


Rockman: Kun….
Rockman: …tto-kun….
Rockman: Netto-kun…
Rockman: Netto-kun…

Forte: …!

Forte:It’s like– the moment soon after I started my own journey…


Forte: Doctor Cossack…
Forte: Doctor Cossack…!

Forte: Rockman…
Forte: I will definitely return you to your operator.
Forte: So that one day

Forte: I can kill you with my own hands.

Continuing the middle part in the “Reprinted Rockman.exe 07”

MMBN2! It took too much time gathering V3 Navi chips…


A moodboard for a Slur.exe from mega man battle network with themes of lakes, and soft imagery! I hope you like it!

- Mod Deku
