#shadow man


Anonymous Submitted:

My friend and I were in a city park well after dark just hanging around. We were a little drunk… not too drunk, and we definitely did not hallucinate what we both saw. When we were turned away from it, we heard the little squeal of someone on the swing. I turned around and one of the swing seats was just moving by itself, not swinging wildly, but still, moving. I know it wasn’t the wind because it wasn’t very windy and the swing next to it was still. After a while it stopped and we forgot about it and went up to climb the play structure (we’re 22 but anything goes at midnight). Just as we were about to go down the slide, we saw someone on the swing that had just been swinging by itself. I could barely make him out because the swing was partially shaded by a tree, but everything about him looked very shadow-y, like if he stepped into the light I feel like he still would have been a shadowy man. And he was very tall and I think in a suit too. We were terrified he was going to turn to us and see us, so we jumped off the play structure and ran away.

James: 8/10 Running away was a good call, but maybe the shadow man just wanted to relieve his shadow childhood days. Thanks for sharing the scares!

 This was just a little idea I had, making some new Trollans with a twist…they’re all b

This was just a little idea I had, making some new Trollans with a twist…they’re all based on non-MotU Filmation characters! Two are magic reasons, one is pure relation…the other is because he obviously needed to become one!

Sorsabrine is currently studying at the Academy of Magic. Unlike most Trollans, she has a special ability tied to her that allows her to do wandless magic easily. In her case, just tugging at her ear is all she needs to get her spells working well! Despite her great magic abilities, she honestly wouldn’t mind a normal life without magic sometimes. She currently lives with her two aunts, both amazing wizards in their own rights, along with extra mentors for her abilities. She comes from a very large family, which is where most of the chaos in her life comes from.

Dazgatha is the cousin of Sorsabrine’s aunts. Graduated with high honors in her skills in potion making, Dazgatha has instead decided that cooking is her passion instead. And true, while she makes amazing recipes, it’s obvious her potion-making skills has crept a bit too far into her recipes a lot of times! Despite the fact that she wants to present herself as overly matronly, she has a very harsh temper around others at times, not that the people that draw her ire don’t deserve her temper sometimes.

Chantelroy is Dazgatha’s nephew. A schoolmate of Yukkers, somehow he’s even worse than Yukkers in personality! With a similar prankster streak as his classmate, Chantelroy is much meaner with his pranks, along with the fact that he attempts to play innocent and goody-goody after getting caught. He’d rather get others in trouble to save his own skin, something that often leaves karma knocking at his door. He also gets overly upset when his pranks go wrong. He doesn’t have many friends thanks to this.

“The Shadow Trollan” …is someone no one in Trolla really knows who he is. His tattered robes and quiet demeanor makes him seem far scarier than he should be. In reality, he’s just shy, but he’s also really helpful. He lives in a scary forest, but he’s kind to the animals and helps lost Trollans find their way out, so he’s not really a bad guy at all! There’s rumors that he might be the lost son of the High Muck Muck and the Muckess, but those rumors are unfounded…but maybe?

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Birthday doodle comic for @rockmiyabideusexmachina. No Hope because I lost all mine. ✊

I never get the girl in the cake… XD

Yet again, thank you for taking the time to draw for and think of me on this hopeless occasion! Smiled and laughed, and the final panel is exactly how I feel when people do ask my age, so that fit perfectly to a T for me. Needed a pick me up, thank you for giving it to me! 

Hang in there yourself. I will try to will some Hope back for you. 
