#nanami kento smut


The Sweetest Thing: Wanna Be Yours

Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader

Chapter 5 Summary: Your situation with Nanami has become more familiar to you and your perfectly content with your agreement… aren’t you?

Warnings: Porn with plot, NSFW, Minors do not interact, Dom/Sub dynamics, vaginal sex, orgasm control, light dacryphilia

A/N: Just the epilogue left after this babey. I expected this to be a longer series, but honestly I just don’t think Nanami is a slowburn guy. I hope you enjoy the smut it’s some of my best imo.

This series has a playlist here’s a link

The Sweetest Thing Masterlist

Previous Chapter

You walked into the law firm, for the sake of passing off the last of the needed paperwork to Maki. You wanted to have your part in this whole affair, up until you needed to go to court, over. It was such a mentally draining process, and you wanted to get to the part where you fully enjoyed being a carefree sugar baby for as long as you lasted. It had been a few weeks since you started your agreement with Nanami. You got into a routine with Nanami. He wasn’t always pressed for companionship, but the weekends were solidly his unless he explicitly said something otherwise. You had the whole week to pursue your own interests and hang out with your friends in order to spend the money you got just for being cute and fun to be around. It was a Friday so after this meeting you fully intended to just go home with Nanami. You’d ordered a driver instead of driving yourself for this purpose. So Nanami knew that you were in the building. Your meeting wasn’t too long.

“I’m confident in your case,” Maki said as she compiled the new papers you gave her in a folder, “I mean this one is pretty open and shut. I’m sure I can get you a good settlement. Companies like this hatebad PR. They’ll be firing your old manager and giving you a check before anybody else has to take the fall.”

“Well, that sounds great, I guess. Thanks for your help.”

“Hey, can I ask who you are to Nanami? He’s been pretty diligent about the details of this case. Gojo usually mentors me, I don’t know if you’ve met him.”

“Oh I’ve met Gojo. Nanami and I are good friends. That’s all.”

She narrowed her eyes infinitesimally behind her glasses, then she just smiled, “I see. Well it’s good that he has a smart friend. That blue eyed cretin is hopeless.”

You snorted. It seemed like Gojo got on everyone’s nerves. Your phone chimed and you looked at it to see a very simple text.

  • Come to my office: 1056 top floor

“We’ll see you, Maki,” you waved before going toward the elevators. You thought ryely, as you watched the numbers climb, if Nanami was just always on top. The ride was long as there were many stops along the way, people getting on and off on your journey to the top. There was a group of young adults that got off the elevator on the top floor like you. You wondered what their business was there. They went a different direction than you so you chose not to dwell on it for too long. The names and numbers of the offices on the outer edge of the building were engraved in gold plaques. You found Nanami’s office fairly easily. You knocked before coming in. He was sitting at his desk, a sturdy looking thing made of dark wood that almost made him look like a villain as he sat behind it. He was reclined, just slightly, in his chair.

“Hello, Mr. Nanami,” you said in jest as you came in, because he just looked so official behind that desk.

“Close the door behind you please.”

“Oh,” you gently pushed the heavy door closed so that it wouldn’t slam. When you looked at Nanami again, he was curling his finger at you in a come hither motion.

You stepped all the way up to the desk, only for him to roll his eyes at you and gesture to go around the desk.

“Oh,” you giggled, going around to be on the same side as him.

He sighed, “You’re lucky you’re cute because sometimes…”

Your jaw dropped, “Sometimes what?”

He raised an eyebrow at you.

“I don’t like what you’re insinuating. I was a well established woman before you ever came along.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” he chuckled. He pulled you in front of him, so that you stood between his open legs. His hands rested on your thighs, thumbs rubbing across the silky smooth fabric of your dress. It was a very pale gold. Nanami gifted you a vintage Viviene Westwood corset top last week because he noticed how much you loved the designers romantic style. It looked great on you. You spent the better part of the morning staring at yourself in the mirror, because you were just so pretty to yourself. Nanami was just affirming that belief with the way he was looking at you.

“Have you eaten today?” he asked you casually, like he wasn’t feeling up your thighs.

“Yes, I did. I had a nice little lunch at that bakery you took me to last week, and brought croissants home for you because I’m thoughtful like that.”

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Hm, salmon. I don’t really care how it’s prepared, you can surprise me… but I want those green beans that you made that one time.”

“Tomorrow, I’ll cook for you. I have to work overtime today to get a project out the door, but I’ll order something in for you.”

You stuck your lip out. You preferred when Nanami cooked for you. He was a great chef, “But it’s a Friday.”

“I know. You’ll have me to yourself the rest of the weekend though.”

You sighed, “I guess I’ll find something to do all by my lonesome tonight, while Mr. Nanami deprives me for his work.”

He scoffed at your dramatics, but the small smile on his face told you he was willing to play along, “That is cruel of me, isn’t it? I demand that you’re free for me every weekend, and then I’m not free for you. That’s not fair.” He dipped his hands underneath your dress and felt nothing but bare skin. He’d requested that you didn’t wear panties to the office, so here you were, commando, in front of him.

“Yes, sir. I think it’s very cruel,” you breathed, leaning back heavily against his desk.

“You know what I think is worse, you get to go home, and relax while I’m stuck here, thinking about how pretty you looked today.”

You blinked owlishly as his hands went between your thighs. He wasn’t considering what you thought he was considering, right? There was no way he’d do this at his place of work. As you thought that, his fingers swiped through your sex, collecting the wetness there.

“How wet you were underneath this pretty dress,” he continued, “I’ll be thinking about how I could have bent you over this desk and licked this pretty pussy. Or I could have just fucked you, taken out all the many of frustrations on you. Listen to you moan and beg… but I don’t have time for that unfortunately.”

He took his hands away from you, and then casually sucked your arousal off of his fingers. Your jaw was basically on the floor. When he went back to reclining in his desk chair.

You cleared your throat, “Sir, can I ask for something?”

“You’ve come to this office looking as you do, and now you want to ask more of me, fine what do you want?”

“I want you to use my mouth.”

He raised an eyebrow at you, “Your mouth.”

You nodded, eyes glued on the prominent bulge in his pants, “Yes, sir. Because um you’re right it’s not fair… and you work so hard to take care of me and I think you deserve a reward. I think I should take care of me.”

“And why your mouth, sweet thing?” He asked, tilting his head slightly.

“Um, well because I don’t know if I could be quiet enough if I used my pussy,” you answered. You were getting better at falling into your role with him. After a few months together it just came naturally. Nanami didn’t have to force dominance, it was there in his demeanor all the time, but he really only desired control when it came to sex. Though you suspected he wouldn’t find it hard to run your world all the time. However you were beginning to get the idea that he enjoyed your witty banter too much to try to extend this role past sex. If you were honest with yourself though, you’d do anything he told you to.

“So you do have a brain. My baby’s so smart. Get on your knees.” He rolled back his chair a bit to make room for you to do as he said. You were on your knees and waiting for him to give you permission to touch him.

“Go on, make it quick, and don’t make a mess,”

“Yes, sir,” you said, hastily unbuckling his belt to get him in your mouth faster. You’d never admit this to anyone, but having Nanami in your mouth was almost soothing. You liked to feel his thighs tense and hear his breath speed up. Sometimes it almost felt better than when he took care of you… almost. You were heeding his request, making it quick without making a mess, and his hand was at the base of your ponytail, pushing and pulling you in exactly the way he needed. You likedit when he used you to get off, when he treated you like nothing but a toy, because you know how much affection he’d shower you with later. You did your best to look up at him, only to see that his head resting against the back of his chair, and his jaw seemed like it was slack with the power of his arousal. It made you take him deeper, fighting against your gag reflex every time he hit the back of your throat.

Nanami tensed suddenly, and you paused wondering what was happening to make him sit up straight, “Back up, get under the desk.”

You chose not to question and instead scrambled backwards as he rolled his chair forward. And then you heard the door fly open.

“Nanamin!” Gojo called, “I’m sending the interns to get dinner for us. What do you want?”

Nanami cleared his throat, “Where are they going?”

“I want pho. But they can go another place too if you want something different.”

“No, pho is fine. I’ll just text Yuji my order.”

“Okay cool…. Y/N you want anything?”

Your heart dropped as he called your name. You felt Nanami tense too.

“I know you’re under there. I saw you come in here and you never left.”

“Uh… no… No, I’m fine.”

“Alright, take good care of him, yeah? He’s had an attitude all day.”

You rested your head against Nanami’s thigh feeling your whole body set aflame with embarrassment at having been caught. You could hear Gojo’s laughter trailing down the hall.

Nanami sighed, “Well… finish what you started.”

“Are you going to make me repeat myself?”

Just like that you took him back in your mouth.

By the time you left the office, you saw the crowd of young adults coming in with food. Gojo peeked his head out of his office and grinned at you.

“You gotta little-” he pointed to your chin and you touched immediately, mortified that you might have had cum on your face. Of course nothing was there and Gojo burst out laughing again.

“I’m telling Kat about this,” you hissed at him before leaving. He only laughed harder.

Once you were at Nanami’s place you called up Kat to tell her about your unfortunate situation. She’d laughed harder than Gojo did, to the point where you almost felt offended. Her gasping cackles eventually coaxed you into laughter too.

“Did you finish the job?”

“Well, yeah, he told me to.”

“Oh you subby bitch,” she snorted, “he told me to.” She mocked the innocent voice you used when you answered her.

“Shut up!”

“You don’t ever think to cause any trouble?” Kat asked you, “Do something rile him up a little?”

“No,” you shook your head.

“… Probably for the best. He’s not crazy like me, I like ‘em wild.”

“I know. Your thing with Gojo proves it.”

“Oh yeah, he’ll pay for his stunt today the moment he comes over.”

“So you’re letting him into your place now?”

“Don’t start with me, you basically live with Nanami. When’s the last time you went to your apartment, that he pays for.”

“Yesterday! I was there all week. I go to Nanami’s on the weekends.”

“And you wait there with open legs for him.”

“Only when he asks me to. Sometimes we just go do stuff together. Like last weekend we went to this really cool Van Gogh exhibition and it was like his work put in motion and projected all over, it was really beautiful.”

“Oh so like a date.”

“A hang-out between two friends,” you corrected.

“Did you two fuck afterwards?”
“… Yes.”

“So it was a date. And then last weekend the two of you went wine tasting together! You’re dating.”

“We’re not dating!”

“Did Nanami tell you that?” Kat asked, her tone was teasing but you supposed you had a point. If not for your agreement you’d definitely conclude that the two of you were dating, but that was the whole point of an agreement.

“Yes,wetalked about it. Neither of us want a relationship.”

“Right, you just wanted to sign your whole life over to a sexy blond. I get it, I guess. But do you think he would be angry if you decided to date someone else?”

“Well we’re exclusively having sex with each other.”

“I didn’t say have sex. I said, go on a date.”

“Yeah, I’m sure he’d be fine,” you shrugged.

“Uh huh, well on one of your friend hangouts I suggest that you flirt with someone you think is cute.”

“Why would I do that? That seems rude.”

“You flirted with other people while I was around before. We’re just friends, just like you’re just friends with Nanami.”

“Okay, but you don’t pay for my way of life, Kat. I’m not trying to upset that man without good reason. I like getting paid to be cute.”

She rolled her eyes, “Whatever. Satoru’s throwing a party next Saturday night. You should come so I’m not bored while I’m there.”

“You’re going to parties! What are you and Satoru?”

“Well according to you, we’re just friends.”

You rolled your eyes. She could be so petty sometimes. You couldn’t stand it, but you thought a party might be fun so you ultimately agreed to ask Nanami if he wanted to go. Weekends were his anyway, and for the allowance he gave you weekly, you were more than happy to keep it that way. It didn’t really matter to you that he monopolized your time. You didn’t mind it. What the two of you had going on was easy, it was uncomplicated. Trying to label it or assign a certain emotion seemed unnecessarily messy. Things were simple and neat. You did relationship stuff like cuddle, go on dates, confide in one another, have mind blowing sex, but you didn’t spend all day wondering if he’d leave you for some other woman. He might! But there would be no hard feelings.

Right after you had that thought, a certain tightness came to your chest. You didn’t like that thought at all. You figured maybe it was because if he gave up with you it would be because he no longer found you desirable, or you displeased him somehow. That’s what bothered you, his displeasure, and it was only natural that you felt that. You preferred submission after all. Unfortunately, this thought occupied your mind for quite a while, even after Nanami had dinner sent to the penthouse.

  • I miss you. Will you be home soon?

You sent the message, and then you were immediately put off by how needy and domestic it sounded. Home? This wasn’t your home, it was his home. But it was still a home right? It wasn’t weird for you to say it like that. Sometimes Kat was the worst.

  • Miss you too sweet thing. I’ll be home in about two more hours.

His response set off butterflies in your stomach, and you realized that you were smiling … over a text message. Kat was onto something. It was so annoying when she was right all the time. Which was not good, because Nanami was still reliably treating you the way he always had. Kat always said that the best way to get over feelings was to go see other hot people. Where would other hot people be? Gojo’s party. All that being said, you wouldn’t give Kat the satisfaction of being so immediately right.

By the time Nanami was walking through the door you were reading in his bed wearing a dainty negligee, only because when you went to you on one of his shirts you were repelled by just how domestic that was. He came by and kissed your forehead.

“What’s today’s book?”

“A modern gothic romance. I think you’d like it.”

“Your last recommendation was really good, so I trust you.” He tugged the sheer hem of the negligee and tugged it lightly before walking around you the en suite, “That’s nice. I’m going to fuck you in it.”

“Well it’s a good thing I’ve given up on panties, huh?” you said, glancing up to see him getting undressed. You looked back down at the words on the page but you weren’t really reading them anymore. Instead you were watching Nanami get undressed. His jacket went first, then his tie, unbuckled his belt and pants to untuck his shirt. Then he glanced in your direction and you looked at your book. You pretend to read for a bit until you hear the jingle of his belt buckle moving and you looked up to see him take off his pants. He tossed his close into the laundry basket again when he looked at you, you looked at your book. He came over and swiped it from your hands, and tossing it on the bedside table.

“Kento, you made me lose my page.”

“Oh no,” he said sarcastically as he crawled on top of you, he pressed a kiss to your neck, then down to your collarbone.

“That story was just getting good.”

“Then why don’t you tell me about it?” He proposed between kisses.

You took a deep breath trying to steady your already pounding heart, “Well, it’s about this witch… who uh, ah.”

He bit your shoulder and then kissed it going back up to kiss just behind your ear, “Go on.”

“She um accidentally proposes to a demon when she’s young and ugh, he comes to her aid when she’s older.”

“Sounds very interesting, I should have made you read to me, since that book was so compelling.” He skimmed his fingers across your shoulders, dragging the flimsy spaghetti straps down to get a better view of your chest.

He made good on his promise to fuck you in your negligee, and he didn’t stop until you were utterly spent. Your body was mostly useless because your muscles were too spent to move. Like always, Nanami cleaned you up and you settled against his chest afterward. You weren’t exactly sleepy but you were too tired to move. He picked up your book, and started reading it from the beginning aloud to you. You weren’t terribly far into the book, so you didn’t mind hearing him read to you. What you minded as the way his free arm was wrapped around, stroking your arm with his thumb. This was just the relationship stuff that you both wanted without the relationship. Nothing was getting any deeper than that. You would prove it. In between a page turn you spoke up.

“Hey, Kento, Kat told me that Satoru was having a party next Saturday. Can we go?”

“Are you going to see Kat or Gojo?” Nanami asked.

“… Does it matter?”

He paused, staring ahead blankly for a moment, “I guess not. If you want to go, we can go. It will stop Gojo from complaining about me never going anywhere with him.”

“Cool… thanks.”

When he had his fill of reading he let go of you… and you noticed that he turned away from you in bed. It didn’t have to mean anything at all… but you wondered if he was upset that you might be interested in seeing Gojo. It was probably because that was his friend. You would be upset if he went after Kat… you would also be immensely surprised.

“… I’m going to see Kat. Just so you know. Gojo really isn’t my type,” you said into the darkness.”

“I figured,” he answered just as evenly as he always did, but he did turn over and put an arm around you.

The week following was busy. You had your final hearings for your lawsuit against your old company. It took only two days for them to do as Maki said they would. They agreed upon a hefty settlement check and you were happy to be done with the process. Nanami had been encouraging to get back into writing. You mostly wrote short things that you would read to him in the evenings when he came in, or when he stopped by your place. If Kat asked you now when the last time you went home was, you wouldn’t be able to be so smug. It was just… nice to be around him.

Unfortunately, Kat had planted the smallest bit of self consciousness in your head. You were hyperaware of your own attitudes around Nanami, you noticed how often you smiled at him, not because either of you were doing anything funny, you just… smiled. Sometimes it was because he was cute, especially first thing in the morning when his hair was a mess and he was still sleepy eyes, nuzzling against your chest contentedly for just a moment before he got up to get ready. He was always doing that, but on weekends he seemed pleased as punch to be able to faceplant into your chest and not have to move.

When other people had friends with benefits they went to parties where the inevitably hooked up. They did late night “you up?” texts, not this. They didn’t have shows they looked forward to cuddling on the couch together to watch. They didn’t send each other bad emo playlists of songs that used to listen to when they were teens. They didn’t stay up late talking the way the two of you talked. Intrinsically, you knew that things were very non traditional, but since when was a friends with benefits thing ever traditional. At any rate, you tried to put it out of your head.e

The night of the party saw one of your new favorite dresses. It was a button up dress, tailored so that the buttons wouldn’t gape around your curves. It fit so perfectly that you had a hard time passing by reflective surfaces without checking yourself out. Nanami led the way into the club holding your hand. You were grateful for his assistance because the densely packed bodies probably wouldn’t have moved for you. Your group was up in the VIP section. Nanami offered his arm up the stairs and you were grateful, while your platform shoes were cute and they reminded you of shoes you lusted over as a teen… stairs were hard.

Gojo stuck out like a sore thumb, his hair glowing under the black lights. You supposed there were worse things a black light could point out on him. Kat was right beside him. She saw the two of you first. She grabbed Gojo’s collar and you watched him grin as he bent a little so she could speak in his ear. He turned and waved at the two of you as you came over.

“Well don’t you two look like goth lovers!” Gojo yelled and you rolled your eyes. It was a coincidence that the two of you wore black.

“You look good, hon,” Kat winked at you.

“Thank you. So do you!”

Kat was in a red vinyl dress that clung to the dangerous curves of her body like a second skin. She was utterly breathtaking, but you were used to that.

“Nanamin, I can’t believe you actually showed up. You hate these things!” Gojo called.

“Y/N wanted to come,” Nanami answered simply, not bothering to even pretend that he would have come on his own. Granted, the moment you were here a good part of you wanted to just turn around. Loud techno music was playing, which wasn’t exactly the kind of music you liked to listen to at the club. And you couldn’t look directly at the dance floor because the lights were killing your eyes.

“What are the ladies drinking?” Gojo asked.

You answered because both Kat and Gojo were looking at you, “Oh, um I prefer tequila if we’re doing shots.”

“I’m good with tequila too,” Kat nodded.

“Got it. Come on Nanamin, let’s get drinks, oh Kat make introductions.” Gojo gestured carelessly as he hooked arms with Nanami and took him away from you. Your side felt cold and you felt weirdly exposed without him standing next to you. You adjusted the neckline of your dress nervously as Kat took Nanami’s place beside you.

You looked at Kat curiously, as she linked arms with you, and turned the two of you to face a man with long dark hair sitting in a booth. His arms rested on the back of the booth and he sat kind of sprawled out like he meant to take up as much space as physically possible on the c-shaped bench. Kat pushed you down into the booth right beside him and sat on your other side.

“Suguru, this is the love of my life,” Kat introduced, “Love of my life, this is Suguru!”

You looked up at him, perturbed that you were so close to this man. He was handsome, you supposed, high cheekbones and very straight narrow features that made him look a bit serpent like but not exactly in a bad way. More in a way that unnerved you for some reason.

“Well, hello, love,” he greeted with a smile.

You corrected him with your actual name, laughing nervously before you turned to Kat to see what the hell she was up to. She gave you a smug look that you really couldn’t make sense of.

“I think love suits you so well though,” Geto said.

“Well that’s nice but-”

“You know she’s single,” Kat wagged her eyebrows at him.

Suguru’s eyebrows shot up. You turned your gaze away from him, looking through the loose groupings of people in VIP for Nanami. You could see the bottles on the wall behind the bar. If they went to get shots they should be there.

“That’s a shame,” his voice was right by your ear and the warm air against your neck sent shivers down your spine, “But I thought you came in with Nanami.”

“They’re just friends!” Kat responded.

“Oh, well that’s Nanami’s mistake. I could never be just friends with you. Look how sweet you look.”

You went to respond, to tell him you weren’t interested and then a throng of people moved out of the way and you saw Nanami. He was hugging a woman, and it wasn’t just a side hug between friends, it was a full bodied hug and as you watched them separate he put his hands on her face. You turned away, looking back at Geto, and ignoring the sharp ache in your chest.

“I’m not easily tied down,” you said blithely, blinking quickly to dispel the silly urge to cry, pricking in your eyes. It was as you said, the two of you were not in a relationship. You were just friends and so there was nothing to be upset about. Whoever that woman was, he seemed to really like her. You wondered where she’d been the last few months. Maybe it was a love that got away and that’s why he didn’t do relationships.

Geto was talking to you and you were smiling and nodding, but you weren’t listening, not even a little bit. Did Kat know? You glanced at her and saw the confusion on her face as she looked at the bar. You glanced too, to see Nanami still touching this random woman. Her hair was long and dark. It flowed down her back and swayed with every word she said. They were still talking. Every time you glanced their way they were still in intense conversation, Nanami leaning closer and closer by the minute until you couldn’t just nod and smile at this man talking to you. His voice was starting to annoy in conjunction with the loud music.

“Um… excuse me a sec. You two keep talking.” Kat said suddenly. She got up from the booth leaving you with Geto. You watched her go for a moment a bit distressed that she was abandoning you. Then Geto touched your arm.

“You know, I really find it hard to believe that Nanami has a woman like you around his finger.”

“I’m not around his finger, we’re friends.” The word friendswas suddenly very bitter in your mouth, but you supposed it was the honest to god truth.

“Mmhm. I know how that goes. He keeps ‘em for a few months until he gets bored, or they become a hassle and then that’s the end of it.”

“Is that so? How many girls like me have there been?”

“About 5 a year. When they get too clingy he takes them off the leash.”

“Right, well, you’re kind of an asshole for saying something like that,” You snapped at him.

He shrugged. “I thought I’d just be transparent with you. You’re too pretty to be switched out like that.”

“I know what this is.” And you guessed that was the truth. You stared at the tacky club centerpiece on the table, watching the lights dance in the smudged glass vase. You knew exactly what you were getting in to. It was clearly detailed in a contract you signed. There was no need to get hurt about it now.

“Right, so you both have an agreement. What is it, no sex with anyone else, but flirting? Dating? That’s still on the table. How many people are you dating?”

You stayed silent, narrowing your eyes at this man. There was something cruel in his expression that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

He did not wait for you to answer, “And do you think Nanami’s the same? Thank goodness you’re pretty, love.”

That was it, you’d heard enough. This new asshole wasn’t going to sit and make fun of you while the one you came here with chatted up some other woman right across the room from you. Something had to give. You did your best to get out of the booth as quickly as possible, but it was a booth so you had to scoot across the bench all while you could hear Geto laughing at you. You made a beeline for the stairs. You didn’t care that you’d only just gotten there, you didn’t care that you were going to have to find a ride home. You didn’t care about any of that. You just wanted out. You didn’t want to sit by while some asshole laughed in your face, and the guy you… you actually liked reunited with the one who got away or something. You would walk if you had to. You would walk in those stupid platforms until your feet bled before you sat around for that. Once you got outside of the club you kept a quick pace down the sidewalk, while you took out your phone to order an Uber.

Inside the club, Kat grabbed Gojo’s arm and tugged her over to him. He nearly tipped over, not at all prepared to be grabbed. He turned to see it was Kat and grinned, “Be gentle with me baby, the night’s still young.”

“What the hell is going on? We were supposed to get Kento jealous. Who is that?” She growled in his ear holding his shirt in a tight fist.

“Oh… this is just a sister of an old friend. She came by last minute. We didn’t even expect to see her.”

“Haibara,” the young woman introduced herself by her last name with a kind smile, “my brother, Yu Haibara used to be good friends with Nanami. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. We used to be like siblings all of us,” she laughed lightly. Kat loosened her grip on Gojo.

“Like siblings… so you two aren’t like an old flame.”

“No,” both Nanami and Haibara said and then took a step away from each other.

“Well that was a really passionate embrace for a damn sister!” Kat complained and turned around to look at the booth where no one was sitting.

Shit,”Kat cursed, “Satoru, gimme my phone.” She’d given it to him because her dress didn’t have pockets and she couldn’t be bothered to wear a purse.

“Where’s Y/N?” Nanami asked as he looked over at the last place he’d seen you.

“Where’s Suguru?” Gojo posed in a sing songy voice.

Nanami frowned at that question, “Sorry, Haibara, I need to go. My… friend that I came here with has disappeared.”

You stood outside leaning against the wall while you waited for a ride to pick you up. You kept an eye out for creeps that might come your way, so naturally you saw the tall form walking towards you.

“Suguru, leave me alone!” you called out.

“I came to apologize,” He said, “And I don’t like the idea of you standing out here alone. All sorts of creeps roam around at this hour.”

“Maybe you’re one of ‘em.”

“Nah, I’m just an asshole,” he shrugged as he leaned one shoulder against the wall so he could still face you. He was much taller than he had appeared sitting down, but still broad, easily eclipsing the club’s entrance. You’d quickly learned that you couldn’t walk very far in these shoes and there was no way that you were going to walk anywhere.

“You’re right about that.”

“But I am sorry. I didn’t think you had the guts to just leave. I thought you might throw a drink in his face or something.”

“There would be no point in doing that. It wouldn’t change reality.”

He nodded, “But it might make you feel better.”

“No, I’d just feel bad later. Can’t fault someone else for your own delusion.”

“So what now, you just run off? You don’t want to raise a little hell?”

“No, I won’t ruin Satoru’s party.”

“We were supposed to be making Nanami jealous, you know. It was a whole thing. Satoru’s convinced the man is in love with you and just doesn’t know it yet… I was only going to do it for appearances, but well I didn’t think you’d be so cute. It kinda got on my nerves that he had someone as pretty as you, and you were letting him string you along like this.”

“So you call me stupid and laugh at me?”

“I told you I’m an asshole.”

“Feels like an understatement.”

He chuckled at your tone, “Let me take you for a bite? I know a good place not too far from here.”

“I don’t know you.”

“True, but you also won’t know the driver who comes to pick you up. If something happens to you, multiple people know that I was the last one with you… not that anything is going to happen to you.”

“Mm,” you considered it, it would serve Nanami right… but again he didn’t really do anything wrong. You got your own feelings hurt.

Geto reached out a hand brushing his knuckles against your cheek, “Come on take a chance on me.”

Then someone called your name. It took you a moment to realize it was Nanami, his voice wasn’t nearly as calm as it usually was. It was borderline frantic. You looked around Geto, and the two of you locked eyes. You’d only made it a couple of blocks before you gave up the walking idea.

You cursed and turned the other direction, not wanting to do this right now. Why was the driver so slow? It said they were five minutes away. You could hear Nanami jogging after you, after all you were in platform heels so you were not getting far fast. He caught up to you in no time.

“Where are you going?” Nanami demanded as he grabbed your arm and turned you around to face him, “You’re the one who wanted to come to this party! Why are you out here with Geto?!”

“You don’t have to pretend to want me, Kento. I’ll be okay. You can reunite with whoever that was in the club. And I hope you two have a great life together!”

“What are you talkingabout?”

“Don’t do that! Don’t act like I’m crazy! I saw you! We all saw you! It was like a scene from The fucking Notebook in there! You hugged that woman like she meant the world to you.”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t know! But I know I feel stupid! And I look stupid. And I get it. It’s all my fault because you told me that we weren’t anything so why won’t you let me go?!”

“Because you’re mine,” He said firmly, “And if you would calm down for a second I could explain it to you.”

“No! I don’t want to hear you lie to-”

“That is an old friend. We’re more like siblings than-”

“Nanami don’t say that old overused line. I’ll lose whatever respect I have left for you-”

“I’m willing to risk that because it’s the truth… and I don’t want you to go. She’s an old friend… her brother was my best friend before he passed. I hadn’t seen her since the funeral. I was just surprised to see her here of all places. Haibara was… they both used to mean a lot to me but just as family. I wouldn’t do that to you. I know we have our agreement and I stand by it. If you want to see other people you can but I want you.”

Well, you felt silly. You knew that name. You’d snooped through his stuff and saw a year book to confirm as much. You felt really silly for allowing an isolated moment drive you to running away like that. You’d only just gotten to the party, but you still wanted to leave. You were embarrassed and you felt silly, and you just wanted to curl up in bed and hide from all of these. As you frowned your bottom lip began to quiver.

“I… I want to go home,” you said just loud enough for him to hear.

“Okay, come on,” Nanami agreed, much softer than he had spoken to you before. He took your wrist and led you towards his car. You kept your eyes on the ground wondering if there was ever a point in which you were completely detached. When was the last time you didn’t care about Nanami, when things were absolutely casual and you didn’t feel something more behind all of this. If you were honest with yourself, and it was definitely time that you were, you’d liked him from the beginning. Why else would you make such a harebrained plan? You wanted him, but you thought if you never called it what it was then you’d never have this moment. Obviously you were wrong. You couldn’t have been more wrong, because here you were in his passenger seat glaring out the window trying to had the fact that you were still crying.

It took you longer than it should have to realize he wasn’t taking you to your apartment. You were going to his place. You’d been calling his place home for months, you probably shouldn’t have been surprised.

“Why are you taking me here? I asked to go home. I meant my home.”

He let out a heavy sigh, “We obviously need to talk, and if we don’t talk now we never will.”

“What’s there to talk about? I fucked up. We agreed that we weren’t dating and I caught feelings. That’s my bad, you’re not at fault here-”

“Will you be quiet?” he sighed.

“No, because I know I’m just a drop in the bucket for you. And maybe you’re not letting go because you still find me interesting or you like having sex with me, but I can’t keep doing this knowing you don’t care for me and at any moment you could just drop me like a bad habit.”

“Who told you this?”


“The man who wanted to fuck you? You’re listening to a man who just wanted to fuck you when he told you I didn’t.. What? Did he say I didn’t want you? That I didn’t care about you. Geto is Gojo’s friend. He doesn’t knowme. You knowme.”

“Do I?”

He turned to look at you and found you glaring out of the window, “I thought you did,” he took a deep breath, “Look, we’re going to go up and we’re going to talk. If you still want to leave afterwards then you’ll be with your car and you can pack up all of your things and walk out of my life forever.”

He was always thinking ahead, you supposed. If he just sent you home now it wouldn’t be a clean break. You’d have to coordinate to get the stuff you left at his place, and to come back and get your car. Nanami was always miles ahead of you. No wonder you were so easily blindsided.

You stood in the middle of the penthouse just looking at Nanami. You felt kind of emotionally checked out. You’d cried the whole way here and now you couldn’t really feel anything. All the sharp points of hurt were dull now, rounded as you stood across from each other.

Nanami took a deep breath, “Look, I’ve had agreements with women before but they weren’t like this. It was simple, just sex, they didn’t stay in my home, I didn’t… feelthe need to take care of them or- or have them always available to me but I just knew I didn’t want to share you. Maybe I should have just asked for a relationship then, and believe me I’ve thought about it a lot lately, but you said that you didn’t want a relationship either. Was I just supposed to be egotistical enough to believe that if I asked you, you would change your mind?”

“Yes,” you nodded, “Because it’s you. Because I already do anything you ask me. You just had to ask.”

“You could have asked too!”

“Oh come on, Kento! How was I supposed to know!”

“How was I supposed to know?!”

You both stood there for a moment just staring at one another for a beat before you pulled in a deep breath, “How long have you felt something for me?”

“I don’t know. I just know that I saw you walking away from me tonight and I couldn’t let you leave. Not like this.”

“So what now?”

“That’s up to you. I want you here with me in any capacity I can have you. If it’s the money that’ll make you stay, or the sex-”

“You offered the money, and the sex, I was alwaysinterested in you! So don’t treat me like I’m just some gold digging sugar baby when you gave me those options! I don’t care about your money, and hell all of this might of been a whole heck of a lot easier if we weren’t fucking each other like we were already in love!”

“Just tell me what you want,” he said steadily, “Tell me what you want, and we can go from there. No contracts, no heartless agreements.”

“But I want you to want it too!”
“Just tell me, and we can figure it out from there.”

You felt miserable, but how much worse could it get, “I want you to care about me, hell I want you to love me, and I want to be the only one who gets to touch you like how I touch you and I don’t want you to ever look at another woman the way you look at me. I want to be yours and I want to be able to call you mine without looking stupid.” You wiped your face with the back of your hand. You looked at the floor because you couldn’t bear to see Nanami’s face when he told you that you were asking for far too much, far too fast. You hadn’t been able to stick out this agreement for more than a few months. Now here you were in the deep end, struggling to stay above water. You heard him moving towards you. You weren’t sure what you expected him to do, but you didn’t expect his hand to touch your cheek so softly, as if he thought you might shatter with too much pressure. Who knows? You might.

“So lifelike,” he said softly, and that coaxed your eyes to meet his. His eyes were just as warm as they always were, in spite of the fact that you were just arguing. He continued, “It’s like I made you myself.”


“No, it’s my turn. I let you talk. You want me to care about you? I do. You want me to love you? I do. You want to be the only one I touch, that I see, that I long for? You are. You already are. I’ve been yours the very moment you let me touch you. I’ve only ever taken what you’ve given, done what you let me. Whatever you needed to be with me, it’s always been yours without another thought.”

You realized, with quite a start, that he was telling the truth. He’d always been reacting to your desires first and foremost. His own desires were always perfectly buttoned up and waiting for your approval.

“So if I’d said that I wanted your heart, how soon would you have given it to me?”

“I would have given you that instead of a contract.”

“We are quite a pair huh?” you said ruefully.

He huffed a breathless laugh, though you knew nothing was really funny. You’d nearly ruined everything in less than 15 minutes. It was a new record for you. You’d tell him this much when everything wasn’t so raw.

“If you want to go-” he began but you shook your head.

“That’s the whole thing, Kento. I don’t want to go anywhere ever.”

He put his hands on your waist and pulled you in. You looked up at him, wondering what the two of you were going to do with yourselves after this one.

“I’d really like to take care of you now. I hate to see you cry like this,” he said, pushing your hair away from your face so he could rest his palms on either side of your face.

“Can I have a kiss?” you asked, and he simply leaned down to kiss you, pressing his lips to yours. His mouth moved with yours in patterns you were all too familiar with. You pressed your body against his more firmly, wrapping your arms around his waist. He kissed you until you thought your heart might beat out of your chest, and then he kissed your face, collecting the residual tears on his lips until all he could taste with the salt of your sadness, before cleansing it with the taste of your body as he traveled to kiss your neck.

“Can I make love to you? No rules, just us?” he asked with his lips right by your ear.

You nodded, “Yes.” You were in his arms before you could think of anything romantic or eloquent to say on the matter. He was making the short trip to the bedroom and laying you out on the bed. He kissed every part of your body, licking and biting the places he chose to linger: Your chest, your stomach, inner thighs. Your fingers made a mess of his hair, running through his blonde tresses holding him to your body when he found a sweet spot to tease with teeth and tongue.

Before long his head was between your legs, wasting no time with teasing you going right to sucking your clit. You lifted your head to look at him, seeing his eyes were closed as his mouth worked against you. His arms were locked around your legs, keeping you in place as he coaxed waves of pleasure that made your body roll and writhe like a tumultuous sea. You gripped his hair in your hands, begging him to let you breathe, cursing him, and calling out to God.

“Kento! Ken-! Fuck! Please,” you shouted as he continued sucking your clit while your first orgasm burst through you, making the tips of your fingers and toes tingle and your eyes roll back. He didn’t stop, though he stopped sucking so hard and instead gently teased your already sensitive clit with the tip of his tongue.

He enjoyed the way your thighs twitched with every flick, and how you jolted and moaned as he replaced any amount of hurt left in your body with mind numbing pleasure. It was near maddening just how distressed seeing you cry like that had made him. He never wanted you to cry because your heart was hurting. You were only allowed to cry from too much pleasure, from being overwhelmed with the things he could do to you. He would make this right. He let go of one of legs in order to plunge his fingers where you were already wet and wanting his touch. You gave a surprised little squeal that he thought was darling. He curled his fingers against your g-spot instead of trying to thrust. He wasn’t satisfied until you came again, sounding much wetter than before and his fingers were pruning from being submerged. Only then did he even bother to get take off your dress.

You were startled by the firm yank Nanami gave your dress. It jostled you quite a bit and sent buttons flying across the room, accompanied by the sound of threads snapping under his strength. It was already bunched up quite a bit from his impatience in getting his mouth on any place that he could touch. You took your arms out of the dress so he could toss it away, and you could unbutton his shirt. You didn’t want any more buttons to fly, and after months of doing this you were quite good at unfastening buttons, especially when he kept leaning down to kiss you, so you couldn’t see what your hands were doing. But this part between the two of you was well practiced. It was what came after this that was entirely unknown, but it was easier not to think about that. It was easier to tug his shirt open and let your hands feel the familiar smooth planes of his abs before you moved down to undo his belt.

It felt like a mere blink before he was inside of you, not yet daring to move as he was pressed just as deep as he could go in this position. His forehead rested against yours and you shared each other’s breath, just breathing each other in for a moment. When he moved it was to bring your leg up and rest in the crook of his arm. It let him just the smallest fraction closer, but it felt like he was touching your soul.

He started a slow syrupy pace, hips rolling just as slowly as molasses, pulling out as if he pained him to separate, but taking his time to slide back home inside of you. Every time he moved in he made sure to press in close to the end of you, a firm press that added an uncanny pressure to your pleasure, as if your arousal was a physical weight on your body. He watched the way you choked on your whines when he touched the end of you. He kissed you at random, drinking in your moans as your nails bit into his back.

He sped up when it seemed like might have been getting your wits about you, pulling back to get your legs on his shoulders. His thrusts hit hard, making the headboard hit the wall with a heavy steady beat that seemed to keep half the pace of your heart. The sounds you made were lost on yourself but you definitely knew that you were crying again, you could feel the tears leaving the outer corners of your eyes, rolling towards your temples. You did not realize that you’d closed your eyes, until a particularly hard (and well-aimed) thrust made him hit your g-spot just right as entered you. Your eyes snapped open as you cried out, voice breaking against the force of your pleasure. You trained your gaze on Nanami, where he knelt between your legs, holding your thighs in a grip that might leave bruises later, but you didn’t mind because he was a sight to see.

His, usually, neated parted hair, was askew. A good amount of it falling forward on his forehead. He was flushed all the way down to his chest and glistening with a light sheen of sweat. His bottom lip was trapped between his teeth as he scrunched his nose, almost in a silent snarl. You clenched around him, pussy throbbing at the sight of him. He was a mess and it was because of you. At your sudden tightness he moaned, letting his head lull back, revealing the pretty expanse of his throat, letting you admire the muscle that poured from the side of his neck down to his collarbone. You wanted to bite it. He rolled his neck, as if to stretch before he locked eyes with you, jaw slack as he let out a moan that made your spine tingle. He dove forward, folding you in half with your legs still on your shoulders.

You cried out as he hit the end of you over and over again. Each time was more devastating than the last, shoving you closer and closer to the edge. You gripped at his side, feeling nothing but strong muscle there, perfect for pinning you in this position. He was saying things, promising you the world and promising to keep you forever, just as well as promising to you ruin you as if you weren’t already ruined, as if he hadn’t already made good on that promise ten times over.
“You’re mine,” he growled in your ear before letting his teeth graze against your jaw.

“Yes! Yes,” you chanted, voice taking on a high whiney pitch, “Can I cum?! Sir, can I cum!”

You felt him shiver against you, “Still a good girl, ah, even when you don’t- uh have to.”

“Pleeease,” you drew out the word, long and sobbing as he bullied your insides.

“Cum as much as you want, but I’m not stopping,” he answered.

You gasped, and it was the last breath you got before you fell apart. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you pressed back into the pillow. It felt like you were being torn apart, twin urges to embrace the overwhelming pleasure, and run from it took over your body. As he kept going, moving a bit harder to work past the heavy contraction of your sex, your mind quickly came to a decision. Unfortunately, you couldn’t even get out his name, stuck making “k” sounds and the occasional “o” as your palms glanced off of his sides as you tried to push him back a bit. He let up for just a moment but that was only to grab your hands. He interlaced his fingers with yours before, going back at it, this time with your hands above your head.

“Take what I give you,” he said harshly now that he’d made it truly impossible to escape. The best you could do was pant and moan and whine.

“I should have punished you for the way you acted tonight,” he said in your ear, breath heavy with exertion and his own pleasure, “But you’re never bad are you, just needy. Need me to keep taking care of you, to- ah fuck, to keep fucking you like this. I will. For the rest of my fucking life.”

Your fingers were digging into his hands as he just kept going. You came again and he fucked you through, but this time he pushed in deep inside of you and came. The problem was you thought it was over, that he was done with you and would massage your thighs they he always did when he had you in some odd position for a while, but that was not the case.

He pulled out of you, sitting back on his hunches and let himself slide out of you, watching his come slowly ooze out of you wet cunt, and then he used to fingers to collect it, spreading it against your sex, rubbing your clit, that save for some small amount of friction from his body moving with yours, went neglected. His cum added an extra slip to his touch that nearly drove you out of your mind.

“No more,” you whined, pressing your palms down on the mattress to push away from him. He grabbed your thigh with his free hand.

“Aw, do you think you’ve had enough?” he asked as he kept working your clit in quick circle, “But we’ve got to get you all cleaned up, look how much of a mess I’ve made of you down here. It’s only right.”

“Kento, please!”

“You know your safe word,” he said carelessly before grabbing your thighs and pulling you back to him so he could lick you clean.

Next Chapter

The Sweetest Thing: Dinner with Friends

Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader
Chapter 4 Summary: You go on your double date and wind up crossing a line later on that requires punishment. 
Warnings: Porn with plot, NSFW, Minors do not interact, Dom/Sub dynamics, vaginal sex, orgasm control, light dacryphilia
A/N: I am working on a playlist for this series. It’s not done yet, so I’ll be adding stuff at random but here’s a link

The Sweetest Thing Masterlist

Previous Chapter

You stepped out of the dressing room in a dress that the boutique associate picked out. You were on the fence about it. It made your boobs look good, but maybe it was too much for a friendly dinner. Nanami looked up from his phone when you walked out and then shook his head. You huffed a frustrated sound. This was like the fifth dress he’d wordlessly denied. 

“Is it me or the dress, Kento?” you questioned with a heavy sigh. 

“… Why would it be you?”

“‘M not exactly a size two, so-”

He put a hand up to stop you, “We’re not going to do that. The dress isn’t flattering, and I don’t like the ruching.”

You poked your lip out petulantly. He really nipped that whole rant in the bud. Which was like him you supposed. Still it didn’t help with your growing frustration about this shopping trip.

“This is why I don’t like last minute engagements. I’d prefer to take you to a seamstress, working off the rack is just begging for disaster. These things are made with a fake woman in mind, not a real grown adult.” 

“Do you like how I usually dress?” you asked.

“I do.” 

“Then can I make a few picks, and then show you what I find? I’ve been shopping off-the-rack my whole life… I know what looks good.” 

He nodded, “I’ll be here, take your time.” 

You went back in the dressing room to put back on your sundress so you could walk the floor. The sales associate seemed desperate to either please you or Nanami… your money was on Nanami. He was the one with the heavy black card. You told her about your body type and how you shopped for it, and the accessories you preferred to enhance your overall look. It was intricate but once you explained it you both had three picks each. You went back to the dressing room feeling a lot more confident. 

The first one was a cuter look, with a square neckline and well structured bodice. It was a light flirty pink that you thought was adorable. It was a “no” but Nanami looked more engaged with the process. The next was a red wrap dress that stopped mid calf, the material was comfy. 

“I like the neckline, but the waist line is too high it’s fighting the natural lines of your body,” he remarked. 

The sales associate nodded, “Try the off the shoulder one.” 

You stepped out next in the next dress and you knew it was the one you were leaving with from the way Nanami sat up when you stepped out. It was a wine red, faux wrap dress. The fabric at the bodice mocked a wrap dress but the waist was well structured with steel boning. It supported your chest nice enough that you didn’t need a bra, which was greatly appreciated since it was an off the shoulder piece with cute puff sleeved. 

“Is this the one.”

“It is,” he said curtly. 

Shopping for accessories was far more fun and you had to argue Nanami all the way down to keep him from buying you more jewelry. You weren’t usually a woman to protest to a man spending money on you, but this level of spending was going to take some getting used to. 

“You’ll at least get the earrings,” he said and looked immediately to the jeweler. 

“Kento,” you complained throwing your head back in exhaustion. 

“If it bothers you, don’t look at the price tag. You like them, I like them. I pay for what I like.” 


“Stop it,” he reprimanded as he passed his card over to the jeweler. The man was looking at the two of you deeply amused by your antics.

“You’re being excessive now. The shoes were so expensive.” 

“They’re nice shoes.” 

“But I have shoes at home.” 

“Not those shoes. Should I have put a no complaining clause in the agreement?” 

“I wouldn’t have agreed to those terms. We should have put a cap on your spending.” 

“Trust me, I know what I can afford,” he said and then he leaned down to speak in your ear, “Stop whining before I give you something to whine about.” 

You grinned and then snapped your teeth at him, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” 

He rolled his eyes at you, “You’re impossible. Are you going to be this difficult all day?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.” 

You liked teasing Nanami and seeing little cracks in his carefully composed facade, usually making him laugh when he obviously had no intentions of doing so. The earrings were adorable, they were fashioned like little lilies of the valley with mother of pearls dangling from the carved pearl flowers. The leaves at the base were made of jade. You did love them, and you probably should have known when you stopped and fawned over them what would happen, but you just weren’t thinking. 

When the jeweler came back with a bag and box Nanami slid it over to you and gave you a look that basically dared you to complain. 

“Thank you,” you grumbled. 

“You’re welcome.” 

“I hope the two of you think of us for any other jewelry needs,” the man said and then threw a wink your way. 

“Please don’t give him any ideas,” you groaned, grabbing the bag and leaving before Nanami found something else to buy you. When you finished with your work early you thought that would mean time for a quickie, not shopping. Did it sound a little silly on paper to be upset that he was taking you shopping, sure. But you wanted him to be several inches deep in you before this dinner and now there would be no time for that. 

  When you got back in you had to take a shower and get dressed so you could do your makeup in a timely fashion. Consequently, you were in the bathroom doing your makeup and got the pleasure of watching Nanami come in with his shirt open to grab something out of the medicine cabinet. You paused in the middle of applying your false lashes and just watched him in the reflection of the huge mirror in front of you. It did not take you long to realize that his pants were open too. 

“What are the odds that you’ll have sex with me before this dinner?” you asked, looking directly at his lower stomach. 

Nanami looked at you in the mirror, warm brown eyes meeting you for just a moment, “Enticing, the thought of my cum leaking out of you and into your underwear while we sit having dinner with my friend… but we don’t have the time.”

You hung your head heavily, “Now why would you say all of that. That was cruel. We’re supposed to be friends.”

He shrugged nonchalantly before swatting your ass, “I’m not very kind to my friends anyway. Give me your panties. You don’t need them.” 

“I’m gonna lose my mind fucking with you,” you groaned as you fixed your eyelash, and the lifted the skirt of your dress to take off your panties and give them to him.

“Thank you,” he said nonchalantly before breezing back out. This was going to be an excruciatingly long dinner.

  The restaurant was yet another ridiculously fancy place that you’d never been to. Nanami was early so the two of you wound up waiting, which he assured you was to be expected because Gojo was always late. The two of you were seated beside one another in a booth and you were captivated by the elaborate fish tank across the room. 

“When’s your birthday?” he asked suddenly. 

“Are you still mad I called you a crybaby? I was only joking, I like cancers.”

“I’d actually forgotten about it. But I just realized I don’t know.” 

You told him and then you told him your sun sign and because he looked at least a little intrigued, you told him about the rest of your major placements. 

“So you like astrology.” 

“It’s a good icebreaker. Everybody likes to learn about themselves, even if they swear they hate astrology. I thought for sure you’d tell me it was pseudo-scientific BS.”

“Oh it is. But you were enjoying yourself.” 

“Hm, you were born in the evening weren’t you,” you said with a smug smile. 

“… Yes I think so why?” 

“I think you have a Capricorn rising, but I’d need to know your birth time for that.”

“And what horrible thing does that say about me?” he said with an indulgent sigh.

“It says that your goal oriented, willing to take short term discomfort for long term satisfaction, and it explains your  grumpy exterior.” 

“You think I’m grumpy?” 

“I think you look grumpy. And I think you have a very structured view on life.” 

“Hm, do you read palms too?” he asked, obviously in jest. 

You nodded, “I do.” 

“Oh well what does my palm tell you?” he asked holding out his hand to you. You took his wrist and studied his hands. You used to pretend to know how to read palms all the time just to pick guys up. They fell for it every single time. You turned your body to face Nanami a bit more as you studied his hands. Nanami had strong hands, and yet there was still a grace to him. His fingers were long, but they had a good thickness to them. You knew that intimately. 

“Hmm,” you hummed, “I see. Your palm tells me that your hands make good necklaces.” 

Nanami snorted before he laughed, a genuine smile took over his features and you looked up at him with your own self satisfied little smirk. 

“You’re trouble,” he sighed. 

You let your smile drop as you looked at him with wide innocent eyes, “I thought I was your good girl.” 

His gaze darkened after you said that, obviously looking down at your lips. You could almost see him mulling over his decisions. You leaned in closer in anticipation hoping he chose to absolutely tongue fuck your mouth. 

“Nanamin!” a loud voice made you jump and you turned to see a man with shockingly white hair come over to the table. 

“Y/N?” You turned to see your best friend, Kat, walking behind him. 

“Kat?” you questioned equally confused. 

“You ladies know each other? Please tell me you used to fuck,” Gojo said dreamily. 

“Gojo,” Nanami reprimanded. 

“Satoru, get a fucking grip,” Kat snapped at him, “She’s my best friend, moron.” 

Gojo’s mood was not dampened in the slightest, “I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby.” 

Kat rolled her eyes and sat in the booth first so you could sit across from each other. 

“This is the guy who had you screaming into pillows because you had to cancel a dick appointment?” 

You cleared your throat, embarrassed by her mentioning that, “Uh, well-”

“She was sick,” Kat ignored you and looked right at Nanami, “I thought she would never stop complaining.” 

“Why do you hate me?” you groaned. 

“Waaaait, Nanamin was that why you were so grumpy this past week. Well now I really do have to give you a try. You look like such an innocent thing,” Gojo grinned at you wolfishly. 

Your eyes widened and you felt like your eyeballs might pop out, “Uh, what?”

“Ignore him,” Nanami advised, “I always do. Gojo, you haven’t even been properly introduced. Could you show a little respect?” 

“I skipped a few steps,” he conceded, putting his hands up in surrender. He was wearing sunglasses but he looked over them at you, setting his cool blue eyes on you. The first thing you realized was that his gaze was just… cold, impersonal. 

He continued speaking to you, “I’m Satoru Gojo. Nanamin’s best friend.” 

You gave him your name politely, but decided against giving him a handshake. It just seemed like it would go some other way than the way you wanted, which was perfectly platonic and not at all sexual. 

“Now that I’ve met you, I can ask you a question that Nanamin won’t answer.” 

You raised your eyebrows in question, “What question?”  You heard Nanami sigh heavily and turned your gaze to him curiously. 

“Would you like to be shared?” Gojo asked, “I’m dying to know what could have Nanami so enamored.” 

You looked at Nanami with wide eyes. 

He looked annoyed beyond words but when he noticed you looking at him, “Answer how you wish, it has no bearing on our agreement.” 

“Oh this is a serious question,” you gasped and then looked at Gojo again appraising him quickly, “No, I don’t respect you.” 

“You shouldn’t,” Kat agreed. 

Gojo didn’t look in the least bit offended, he just laughed, a loud cackle that you remembered hearing at that dinner where you met Nanami. 

“He doesn’t respect himself,“ Kat continued.

“You can say that again,” Nanami agreed with a sigh. 

Gojo sighed forlornly, “Looks like the hooks are already in deep. Well I can’t fault you for your taste in women, Nanamin. She’s a looker.” 

“Uh huh… Kat this is definitely the guy you peg on the weekends huh?”

“Oh yeah,” Kat nodded emphatically. She told you about her sexcapades without using any names, naturally. She had a couple of guys in rotation but she actually liked fucking around with Gojo because he was a switch without the machismo. You remembered her words exactly. 

“The one who’s a little fruity?” you added as retribution for her airing out your sadness about missing a weekend with Nanami.

Gojo laughed harder, “Is that my nickname between the two of you? I’m honored. What’s Nanamin.” 

“Tall, blonde, and handsome,” Kat answered immediately.

“I said that once,” you complained as she continued to embarrass you over how deeply taken with Nanami you were. 

“You said it more than once.” 

“You’re an awful friend,” you pouted and you hazarded a glance at Nanami who looked absolutely pleased by the route that the conversation went. 

“It’s okay,” Gojo said, “That’s what I call him too.” 

You had the pleasure of watching all the amusement drain from Nanami’s face. The conversation moved on from you and you were grateful for it. Gojo started explaining in excruciating detail how Kat kept canceling this date. Kat let him talk with a devious little smile on her face. She was proud to inconvenience him… and the more he complained you could already tell she was going to make him eat his words. 

“How long have you two known each other, Kento?” You asked during a break in the conversation b

“Since my first year of high school.”

“He was emo back then,” Gojo said, leveling you with an excited look. You could tell he expected you to make a face but instead your face lit up. 

Kat snorted, “Y/N had a goth phase in high school too.”

“No way! She looks so normal. I mean Nanamin totally looks like he’s still doom and gloom on the inside.”

“Eh she was a bubbly goth. Cute as a button though,” Kat winked at you as she spoke. You and Kat were very unlikely friends in high school. She was a very traditionally pretty black girl and you were… a little weird. She always told you that she adopted you as her friend because you weren’t afraid to be who you were. She said it was brave and she respected it. Kat was always sticking up for you in school, even if she thought you were being weird. She might pull you aside later and tell you to cut the weird shit, but she was a solid friend. 

“Are there pictures?” Gojo asked. 

“Not for you,” Kat responded. 

Dinner with Gojo and Kat was hilarious, but you barely got a word in. Gojo ordered appetizers for the table, and you were happy to listen to them talk. You would chime in when Kat was telling a story wrong, just like Nanami would chime in when Gojo was getting out of hand. It was kind of amusing to see that how alike you and Nanami were, at least in your friendship dynamic. Granted, Nanami and Gojo’s friendship hinged upon Nanami pretending to despise Gojo. You and Kat were very in love. 

“That’s my baby,” Kat said, flippantly, “I’ll go to war behind her.” She ended the sentence with a hard glare in Nanami’s direction.

Nanami frowned a little at the obvious threat, but then decided to let it go. He understood how someone could feel that way about you. You were easy to get along with. Watching you interact with Gojo was telling. You were kind, but firm. All of his flirtations were met with harsh rebuffs, though Nanami couldn’t tell if it was out of respect for him or your friend. Either way, it was funny to watch in action. 

“We could all get together-” Gojo began but was swiftly cut off by three voices.

“Absolutely not,” you all said together, immediately dampening Gojo’s mood but only for a moment. 

“Well, you can’t stop me from fantasizing about it.” he settled. He seemed impossible to put off. At any rate the food was delicious, and you laughed so hard throughout the night that your cheeks hurt by the end of it. 

When dinner was over Nanami made Gojo pull his car around to come get Kat like he was doing for you. Listening to Nanami reprimand him was incredibly amusing. It gave you a moment to speak to Kat alone. 

“What are the odds huh?” you said with a little laugh. 

“Right? I can see why you like him so much though. He’s your type.” 

“And I can tell that you like Gojo. He’s your type.” 

She rolled her eyes at you, “Don’t start and don’t let him hear you say that. He’s already bragging about getting me to spend the night.” 

Your eyes almost bugged out of your head, “You stayed the night?”

“Shut up.” 

“Youlikehim for real, for real.” 

“Yeah, he’s cool or whatever,” she shrugged but you could see how flustered she was under her nonchalant facade, “But let’s talk about you. Don’t think I missed the way you were looking at Nanami.” 

You laughed, “I’m waiting for him to knock my walls all the way down tonight. I’m not even wearing underwear, you know? He has them.”

“Oh he’s a freak freak. Damn, and he seems like he’s pretty laidback.” 

You made a sound at that, “As long as he gets his way. He got so huffy when I had to cancel with him. You thought Ithrew a tantrum about not being able to see him. That was nothing. He had a whole attitude.” 

She snorted, “I never would have guessed. He seems so chill.” 

“Chill on the outside but on the inside I can already tell he’s ridiculous.” Despite your words, you gave a kind smile. 

Gojo and Nanami were having a similar conversation as they walked through the parking lot. Nanami was in his own thoughts, thinking about how swiftly you’d declined Gojo’s offers. He expected you to at least consider it. Most people did. Gojo had a way of charming people. It was usually a good way to vet people. If they could be won over by Gojo, they weren’t for Nanami. 

“She doesn’t even seem to like me a little,” Gojo sighed. 

“Did you plan to go home with both of our dates then?” Nanami said in a bored voice. 

“Well, I planned to go home with you too.” 

“You disgust me.” 

“She’s nice though. Definitely your type. How serious is this really?” 

“We’re friends,” Nanami answered easily. 

“Riiight. Just two friends that stare dreamily into each other’s eyes.” 

“If there’s something you want to say, you should just say it,” Nanami responded. 

Gojo just shook his head, laughing at Nanami’s tone. They knew each other too well for Gojo to think that airing out his true thoughts would help anything. So instead he chose a lighter message. 

“She seems like a real sweetheart, and Kat can and will make good on her threat so… don’t do anything too crazy.” 

“You know what I mean. You get weird when you like people. Dial back the intensity, have fun.Please, if you don’t listen to anything else I say, please hear that. Just have fun for a bit.” 


“Good, well, this was nice. We’ll have to do it again some time… and maybe then you’ll let me take the two of you home.” 

“Never gonna happen, Gojo,” Nanami unlocked his car so he could get in the driver’s side. 

  In the car with Nanami you finally gave your face a rest, though you were still amused by the way tonight went. Nanami seemed content with quiet. The radio played to break up the silence but the music was low. Once again, he put a hand on your thigh. It was especially tantalizing because you had nothing on under your dress. 

“Did you enjoy dinner?” Nanami asked casually, squeezing your thigh lightly. 

“I did. It’s been a while since I had dinner with Kat. Didn’t expect her to be doing dinner with someone. She’s usually not the type.” 

Nanami nodded, “Neither is Gojo. They seem like an interesting match.” 

You chuckled, “He must like ‘em a little crazy.” 

“You have no idea.”

“Well, you know, don’t look at me to wrangle her if that blows up. There’s truly nothing I can do.” 

“I leave Gojo to his business. It won’t affect us in the slightest.”

“Good, good, so uh you gonna do something with that hand on my thigh or are you just going to drive me crazy.” 

He wordlessly took his hand away and you went to complain but then you remembered one of his rules: You take what’s given to you. 


“Hm, you will be,” He answered simply without even the smallest hint of genuine aggravation. You supposed he had no reason to be angry. Rules weren’t there to make anyone angry, they were just a system. Still, it bothered you a little that you disappointed him. Ness used to be a more prominent sex worker, before she got her current job. One night after far too many glasses of wine she got to talking about her experiences in BDSM clubs, and camming with a dom. 

“It’s good when you find someone you have the right chemistry with,” she slurred to you, “You want to please them you know. It doesn’t feel any good otherwise, and when you get into that place when it’s just you and then, it’s euphoric.” She’d smiled thinking about it. Kat said that being in charge she felt a different kind of satisfaction watching her sub go “dumb” for her. 

“It’s cute. Takes a little bit of building together to get there, but when you do it, it’s a trip.” 

You never really felt secure enough to really give anyone that much leeway in the bedroom with you. Maybe it was because you weren’t really in the scene, but it just seemed like too much to trust anyone with. Then again, no one else was writing detailed comprehensible contracts with plenty of protection and fail-safes for you. Also, Nanami did not hop right into setting a dynamic. He learned your body a bit first. It put you at ease… even when you were on edge about being in trouble. There was still a certain amount of excitement to be had from wondering what he would do to you.

Again, getting up to Nanami’s penthouse was excruciating. You fidgeted impatiently, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you watched the numbers climb.They seemed to be going even slower than normal. 

Nanami noticed how antsy you were. You were fiddling with your hands and bouncing on lightly. He couldn’t tell if you were anxious or excited. He didn’t intend to give you a punishment that you wouldn’t ultimately like, and it was a minor offense, so it wasn’t likely to go on for long. He led the way into his place as always. 

“Go to the bedroom and undress. I’ll be there in a moment,” he said as he took off his shoes at the door. He watched with barely contained chuckles as you hurried, barefoot, to the bedroom. Well, he guessed that answered his question. If you’d been dreading this interaction you wouldn’t have gone to the bedroom so eagerly. There was the slim chance that you were afraid of making him upset, but he was going to fix any misconceptions once he got into the bedroom. For now, he went to the bar and made himself a drink to give you time to sweat. 

You were undress and standing in the middle of the bedroom in record time. You wondered around a bit, then wondered if you should get on the bed… but he hadn’t told you to get on the bed. You wondered if you should ask, but then recognized that if he was already on his way, you didn’t want to be outside of the room. So you stayed standing in the middle of the floor. When Nanami walked in you were standing there, completely nude waiting for him. 

“Oh? Seems like you’ve learned to listen,” he said offhandedly as he brought his glass up to his lips. He took a seat on the bed and grabbed a decorative pillow to put on his lap. 

“Over my knee,” he said simply. You crawled on the bed and put your stomach on top of the throw pillow. 

“I’m going to refresh you on my rules. I know you’re still learning. To start, what are the first two rules.”

“No cumming without you, sir. My orgasms belong to you and only you can give me permission to have them.”

“Very good, beautiful, and the other?”

“I take what you give me.”

“And that means what?”

“It means that I don’t reject what’s given and I don’t ask for more.”

“Unless I permit you to beg.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you know which rule you broke? Hm?”

“I asked for more, sir.”

“You did. This is your punishment, I’m going to spank you five times. You’re going to count and you’ll thank me for each one.”

“Yes, sir.”

He finished off his drink, taking his time just looking at your body, spread out on his lap. He looked at the round globes of your ass. He was indulging himself a bit. Any other time he’d give a needy sub more than they could handle when they asked for more. He would have shoved his fingers deep inside you and fucked your little wet cunt with them until you were crying for him. You’d once been skeptical about multiple orgasms being a punishment. He wanted to show you how that worked. But it was better, he thought, to teach you that pain could feel good before he showed you that he could turn your own pleasure against yourself. 

He set his glass down on the night table when he finished his drink, letting his free hand rest against your back as he leaned forward. 

You laid there with your eyes shut, anticipation made you hyper aware of every sensation. The moment he touched you, you jumped. You half expected him to just start spanking you, but you suppose he wasn’t interested in shocking you. Where was the shock factor anyway? He told you what he was going to do and why he was doing it. So you forced yourself to relax as he skimmed his fingers across your skin. His touch was feather light, heightening the sensitivity of your skin. It tickled a little, and you had to keep yourself from squirming his lap as he traced the lower curve of your ass, down to your thighs. He let his fingers skim your inner thighs for a moment, teasing you a bit. You didn’t even have time to suck in an anticipatory breath before he spanked you. First, there was just the sound, and the way the impact sent you forward a bit. And then it stung, not awfully, but it hurt enough to make you gasp. 

“One! Thank you, sir,” you said hastily once you got your breath back. 

“Very good,” he murmured, massaging the cheek he just spanked, firmly kneading it with his hand. His other hand rested on your lower back. 

The second spank hit your other cheek just as harshly, and you counted, “Two, thank you, sir.” 

He alternated between cheeks, and experiencing the blow on an already sore spot made it much worse. 

“Ah! Three! Thank you, sir.” 

“Good job, you can take it.” 

“Four! Thank you, sir!” 

“There we go. One more.” 

“Five! Ah, thank you, sir,” you blinked hard, trying to clear your eyes of the little tears that had collected. They weren’t quite accumulated enough to fall, but they were aggravating. You almost made the mistake of trying to get up, but it occurred to you almost immediately that he hadn’t told you to do so. If he noticed your little falter, he did not say anything. Instead, he kept massaging away the hurt. It didn’t take long for the hurt to simmer into something that had the warmth already radiating between your legs, blossoming fully. Your cheeks were sore and sensitive and they felt unusually warm after his heavy handed hits. He nudged your legs open. to tease your entrance with his fingers.

He clicked his tongue, “So wet, this was hardly a punishment at all was it?” 

You have no idea if he expects you to answer, you don’t even know what you would say. Did he expect to hurt you more, should you be hurting more? He stopped your fretful thoughts by plunging a finger into you, and then one more. Your legs opened a bit more on instinct, making it easier for him to hit deeper. He made no move to go any deeper than before, just shallow pumping his fingers. You bit your lip and let your cheek rest against the backs of your hands where they lie on top of each other on bed. 

“So needy,” he cooed at you in his smooth voice, “That’s the problem isn’t it? You’re just a needy little hole.” 

You moaned involuntarily at that, only to bite your lip to prevent further outbursts. Your face felt like it was on fire with the inherent embarrassment of your situation. You were fully naked, lying across this man’s lap while he was fully clothed. 

“Is that your problem, sweet thing? Are you just a needy hole that needs to be filled?”

“Mm, yes sir,” you breathed, eyes rolling back as he pushed his fingers in deeper. He started slow and steady, pushing down a bit with his thrust, it added weight to his fingers inside of you. Your jaw dropped as you slowly rocked with his movements. 

“But I’m already filling up this wet hole, what else could you possibly want?” 

“I want, ah,” you whined as he sped up just a bit when you started talking, “You. I want you.” 

“You want me, that’s sweet, but you have me. Tell me what you want,” he ordered firmly, but in complete contradiction to his words he crooked his fingers just right to start bullying your g-spot. You realized, he did not mean for you to be able to answer him. As sweetly as he spoke to you, he was setting you up for failure. Despite realizing this, you couldn’t bring yourself to be upset and you certainly do more than let out choked moans as he fucked you with his fingers without an ounce of care for your sanity. 

“Oh? You don’t want to use that mouth of yours?” he said, “That’s okay. I’ve got a use for it.” 

He pulled his fingers out of you and prompted you to sit up, “On your knees,” he pointed to the spot between his legs. You did as he said. He stood then, looking down at you with that seemingly indifferent stare. 

“Open your mouth,” he ordered and you obeyed only for him to immediately put his arousal slicked fingers in your mouth, “Clean those for me, won’t you.” 

You sucked his fingers, licking his digits ardently, tasting yourself on your tongue as you kept your eyes on him. Still, it didn’t seem like you were having much of an effect on him at all. The prospect of it bothered you enough to take his fingers deeper. He pulled them away just as you started. You pouted looking up at him. You wanted to ask if he wasn’t pleased with you, but thought better of speaking before he asked you a question. You couldn’t remember if it was on the list of rules or not, but maybe it would come off as asking more of him than he was willing to give so you stayed quiet. 

“Even when you step out of line a little, you’re such a good girl. Why don’t you prove to me how good you can be?” His hands moved to his belt buckle. Your eyes, naturally zeroed in on his belt, watching his fingers move to undo the fine leather. For a moment, your gaze followed the belt, wondering what it would be like if he bound your wrists with that belt, truly making you take everything he intended to give you. 

You pulled your gaze away from the belt after he tossed it away, instead watching him take himself out of his underwear for you. You kept you looked up at his face, awaiting further instruction. 

“Go on, open your mouth.” 

You gazed up at him, watching his jaw drop with pleasure as you sucked him off. He put his hand on the back of your head, not pushing you closer just holding you. He felt your hands rest on his hips and he looked down to see you taking more of him into his mouth.

“I didn’t say you could use your hands,” he rasped darkly. You quickly put them down in your lap again, relaxing your jaw a bit more as you bobbed your head. Nanami’s grip changed a bit as he helped you keep pace with his shallow thrusts. Instead of making you gag on him every time, sometimes he let the head of his cock nudge your cheek so he could watch it bulge with the pressure.

You were just too pretty for your own good, he thought. Originally, he had no intention of cumming in your mouth. He wanted to fill you up again so he could lick his cum out of your oversensitive pussy. It would give you just a taste of his other method of punishment. Maybe then you would understand, if only by the smallest margin, just how torturous too much of a good thing could be. But you were on your knees for him, and your false lashes gave you an especially wide doe eyed look every time you looked at him and you were so good.Only the smallest of slip ups bred from your obvious neediness, an innocent mistake instead of a drive to start trouble. You were so sweet to him, taking him into your throat, swallowing around him even as tears began to stream down your face. The thing was… he usually wasn’t much for tears. You were just pretty when you cried. You sucked him off like your life depended on it, moaning around his length wantonly even as drool began to drip down your chin. He wanted to make a mess of you.

You watched his brow crease as you continued to suck him off. You really just wanted to make him happy. You wanted him to be pleased with you, to tell you how well you did. You wanted him to call you sweet names while he touched you. The moans leaving your throat were almost entirely lost on you, they were consistently cut off with a throaty glugas you kept bobbing your head. 

“Very good, you’re so good to me,” he praised you, keeping his concentration on your face as he coaxed you into moving just a little bit faster. His cheeks were flushed, you noticed, and he was so beautiful like that. That ruddy blush ruled your world, you loved to see him flustered, to see the edges of his unflappable mask begin to pull back. He pulled out of your mouth abruptly and you whined at the lost, only for him to jerk himself a few more times. You had time to close your eyes before he came  all over your lips, cheeks, and down your chin. You stayed very still listening to his breathy moans as he came down a bit. 

Because your eyes were closed, you weren’t prepared for him to grab the back of your neck and to feel his tongue drag from chin, your cheek, and then for him to kiss you. His tongue was breaching your mouth almost immediately, feeding his cum to you in a lewd kiss that felt more like him tongue fucking your mouth than any thing else. He did this until all visible evidence of his release was gone and then he pulled you back to level you with a firm stare. 

“Get on the bed.” 

  The next morning you were grateful not to have a 9-5, but you were more than a little disappointed to see Nanami go. He got up at 6 A.M. sharp to start his morning routine. He let you sleep in. You were properly exhausted from the seven million positions he had you in the night prior. You woke up on your own before he left out for the day. He told you to simply make yourself at home and to be thinking about what you wanted for dinner, he’d grab it on his way back. He was so casual as he spoke to you, as if you weren’t standing in his shirt from last night, walking very carefully to minimize discomfort. The two of you could have been roommates for all the passion in his voice. 

“Okay, have a nice day at work.” 

“Thanks, see you.” 

For a little while you were confused about what to do. You’d never been in Nanami’s place without him. You could snoop, and snoop you did, but there really wasn’t much of interest save the very organized stash of toys and other sex accessories in his closet, but that wasn’t exactly juicy. You were sure that if you asked about it, he would have shown them to you anyway. Later on you wound up perusing one of Nanami’s big bookshelves and you found a few novels that were nothing but smut. They were top of the line erotica honestly. You couldn’t even make fun of him, he had good taste. 

You found an old highschool yearbook in a lineup of other photo albums. Nanami didn’t immediately strike you as a sentimental, picture taking person, but apparently he was because there were quite a few photo albums. The highschool one was most entertaining. Gojo had not been exaggerating. Nanami’s haircut back then would have made you swoon when you were deep in your goth phase. There was a performative melancholy about him that was so of the time… There were quite a few pictures of him and a dark haired kid who was anything but doom and gloom. The other kid could be found grinning in each and everyone of the pictures he was a part of. In a few he managed to get a smirk out of Nanami. You went for the next year book and found that… Nanami’s melancholy no longer looked so performative, and there were only a handful of pictures of the dark haired boy, found in the background of school events at the beginning of the year. At the very back of the yearbook there was a page full of pictures. 

“In Memory of Yu Haibara” Read the words in the middle of the page. You frowned, closing the book. You tried to imagine it, losing Kat at such a young age. So many things wouldn’t have been possible for you. You wouldn’t have had the courage to spring out as your own after high school and go to a college far away if she wasn’t right there with out. You might not have had the courage to move to a big city… and you certainly wouldn’t have gone to a kinky dinner party.

You pulled out your phone and sent her a quick message: I love you. 

  • I love you too 

Then a few minutes later she texted again: Bitch are you good?

You snorted realizing how that probably looked to just say “I love you” out of the blue. You put her worries to rest, just saying that you were thinking of her and how good of a friend she’d been to you over the years. 

  • Don’t scare me like that. I was about to start hunting you down like we was on the First 48
  • My location is on, genius
  • Nvm imma let you rot in a ditch. Rude ass

Next Chapter

The Sweetest Thing

Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader
Summary: You go to a fancy dinner party at your best friend’s behest only to realize it’s not your normal dinner party. It’s an engagement where very wealthy find other who match their more… carnal sexual desires. With the promise of fancy rich people food you press on only to meet the serious yet charming Kento Nanami whose motivations for attending the soiree are similar to yours. However a night of good company and conversation leads to much, much more.
Warnings: Porn with plot, NSFW, Minors do not interact, Vaginal fingering, Vaginal sex, blowjobs, dom/sub dynamics, service dom Nanami, a sub who’s a pleaser
A/N: Alright, I know I said Nanami was going to get a Pride and Prejudice series but I’m a slut so this is what happened instead. I also said that I would never put out a series before I finished it again… but I’m a liar too so here we are. This series keeps going as long as you all keep engaging with it. So if you want a part 2 speak up!
More Fics From Me

It started out as a joke. It all started as something you and a friend were doing in jest. You didn’t have anything else to do, so you figured what the hell when a mutual friend invited you to a dinner party for the very wealthy. Your friend, Kat, was calling it kinky speed dating. Apparently rich people usually used these parties to hook up, so it was a chance to meet people who were into various things, everything from men who liked to be dominated, to women who could send ping pong balls across the room without using their hands. It was a Saturday night, you were freshly unemployed and you had very little to lose. At the very least, it would be a free meal and a story to tell later.

Oddly enough it was a pretty fancy event. It gave you a reason to wear that dress at the back of your closet that you bought on a whim only to realize it was too fancy to just wear out. It was black and the plunging neckline was deep enough to show off your cleavage but still get away with wearing a bra. You wore pumps by necessity, the dress was just too long not to wear heels.

“Damn, you look good,” Kat said when she came to pick you up. 

You looked at her, she too wore black, but her dress was strapless, and made her tall figure look even more voluptuous, “You too. Are you actually taking this thing seriously?”

She shrugged, “I’m hoping I’ll run into a pay pig.” 

You nodded slowly, “I’m just hoping for a nice meal, that’s it.” 

“You better pray for a pay pig too,” she said as you locked your apartment door. You huffed a rueful laugh. Maybe she was right. You weren’t overly worried about your jobless state. You had a good resume and a degree in a great field. You would find work. You just didn’t want to deal with the daily BS of a 9 to 5. At the end of the day, you simply did not dream of labor. 

The venue was nice, nicer than you expected. Almost… too nice. You’d been expecting an average person’s fancy meet up, this seemed like a big deal. You were happy that you overdressed. It was well lit inside, which was surprising until you signed a Non Disclosure Agreement. So there were people with reputations in here, the kind of people who would pay a pretty penny to be sure no one breathed a word of this meeting. Some small worried part of your brain wondered if this might be a set up. You stuck close to your friend as she ventured towards the bar, where there were a few bartenders serving up drinks.

“Open bar,” Kat mused as you both stood there, “They got money, money.” 

“Mmhm, so have some decorum for once in your life. At least until I eat some rich people food.” 

Your mutual friend came over, her eyes were wide with excitement upon seeing the two of you there. She gave you both name tags and a tablet with a questionnaire on it. You sipped your mixed drink while you looked over the paper. 

“So glad you two could make it. You two even out our numbers. We had a few last minute cancellations, so you’re really saving my ass here,” she said. 

“No prob, Ness. When is food happening? If there’s no food, I’m out.” 

“There is food. I’ll send a waiter right over with some hors d'oeuvres for you two. Once you fill out your questionnaire you’ll be matched with someone who you’re most compatible with. You’ll have dinner with them.” 

You looked at the screen as you sipped more of your drink, only to nearly choke at the first question: During sex do you find yourself in a leading or following role?

“Straight to the point isn’t it?”

“The people here have very specific tastes,” Ness said, “Look, you don’t have to go home with anyone, you can dine and dash for all I care. Just have dinner.” 

You nodded emphatically, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. You filled out the questionnaire, had a few hors d'oeuvres and bided your time. Before long your tablet dinged with a message. It gave you a table to go to. The large room, you realized, acted more as a foyer and you followed the flow of people going to the back towards a hallway. You found your room first. There was a set of four tables in the room, and you noticed the table with your number on it and sat down. The questionnaire wasn’t all about bedroom stuff, there was a good amount of personality based questions so you might just get along with the person you were paired with, at least you’d get along long enough to enjoy dinner. You heard the door open again and another set of people came in. You didn’t turn to see who. It was obvious that the whole point of this setup was to keep things as private as possible. There were dark heavy looking curtains separating each table. to help with privacy. However you looked up immediately when someone came towards your table. He was tall; you noticed that first. You had to crane your head all the way back to look at him. Next he was… broad, probably fit. His shoulders were just something else to look at. Match that with the way his waist nipped in and you realized just how fit he must be underneath that suit. The suit was nice, well-fitted, in fact it was perfect. Almost as perfect as his neatly combed and gelled blond hair. Not a hair out of place, or a wrinkle on his clothes to be found. What a perfectly put together man. He pulled out his chair and sat across from you revealing a face that was more than just handsome but truly visually interesting. He had high sharp cheekbones that hollowed his cheeks quite a bit. His eyes studied you with similar appraisal, even if they looked subtly tired. You might have said bored, if his gaze wasn’t dancing over your form with obvious interest. No, the man in front of you was not bored, not in the least. You wondered if he worked on weekends.

“Hello,” he said politely, “Y/N L/N?” He extended his hand to you.

That was a part of the survey, “Yes, and you are Kento Nanami.” You said his whole name as you put your hand in his, expecting a handshake. Instead he took your hand and kissed your knuckles like you were some kind of beautiful young maiden on the village square. It seemed far more gentlemanly than you expected from a man in this crowd. Your whole face went hot at the gesture. 

“I am. You’ll have to excuse me saying it, but you don’t seem like the type to seek out these kinds of parties.” 

“What gave me away?” you chuckled. 

“Your answers,” he said, holding up the tablet with one hand. You could hardly believe it was the same model they gave you. His hands made it look much smaller. You turned to your own tablet that you’d discarded on the table without another thought. 

“Wait, I could have seen your answers?” 

He nodded, “So what are you here for, if not the theme of this gathering.” 


“I do appreciate honesty.” 

“Well then, my friend promised me a great meal if I came to this thing. I’m sure you’re a great guy, but my primary motivation is the food.” 

“Then we are the same,” he sat back in his chair, obviously pleased by this discovery. 

The serious way in which he announced this made you smile, “You’re here for the food too?”

“Yes, a… friend of mine said there would be great food, and he promised to leave me alone about my sex life if I came here.” 

“Either you despise this friend of yours, or he’s your best friend,” you laughed. 

“Two things can be true at once.” 

His answer made you laugh again. Despite his serious disposition, you could tell he meant to make you laugh. There was a sense of satisfaction in his gaze as he regarded your laughter. He had such warm brown eyes, especially for a man with such a serious appearance. 

“Okay, so what is it that we do while we wait for this ‘amazing food’,” you air quoted, “I imagine everyone else is talking about their questionnaire.” 

“We can still do that. I have a few questions about your answers.” 


“Mmhm,” he picked up the tablet and read off one of your answers, “You said that you simply did not dream of labor.” 

“I don’t. I’m good at a lot of things, but I have no real desire to exploit my talents for this capitalist hellscape we live in.” 

He hummed, “And what do you do for money?”

“Until very recently? I was a columnist.” 

“Did you quit or get fired?”

“Fired. My boss and I didn’t get along. We just couldn’t seem to see eye to eye. He kept looking everywhere but my eyes, you know?”

“And you were fired because?”

“Because I made a complaint… well not officially. Talent reviews came around after I made my complaint and suddenly I wasn’t a team player.” 

Nanami nodded slowly, “You might have a case there. Lawsuits like that are pretty easy to win if you’ve got proof of a timeline.” 

You raised an eyebrow, “Funny you should say that. I’ve got a folder on my desktop full of screenshots of inappropriate behavior. So what are you, a lawyer?”

He nodded, “I know someone who specializes in cases like yours. She’s young but she’s great at her job.” 

“Interesting. I might need her number.” You looked down at his answers as they loaded on your tablet, “Alright, so to you, Mr. Nanami, you said that you called yourself a foodie. Does that just mean you like to eat?” 

“I enjoy cooking as well, but it’s hard to rationalize spending much time on it when I’m only cooking for myself, though,” he shrugged. 

“You look like a man with good taste, you’ve got to be able to make more than a simple alfredo.” 

“You would be right. I’ve taken culinary classes. I’m a great cook. I’m best at Japanese cuisine, but I’m no stranger to Italian,” he said, obviously looking at your list of favorite foods. It was only now occurring to you that that question might have been kink related.

“I’m not picky about my carbs.” 

“I have a weakness for carbs as well. Unfortunately I’m not the best baker, but I can make pasta.” 

“I can bake,” you said matter-of-factly, “I bake better than I cook actually.” 

He raised his eyebrows in an expression of true interest. It was different from the polite human interest he afforded. Now he seemed to be truly engaged. 

“Waaait, the bread thing isn’t a kink is it?” you asked. 

You actually made him laugh that time, “No, it’s not. I like bread in a very… non-sexual way.” 

“Good, because I don’t think I could handle anyone using a loaf I spent forever kneading, and proofing for anything other than its intended purpose.” 

“Already considering baking for me,” he teased. 

Your face was on fire again, “Well, you seemed very interested. I figured I’d humor you for the sake of conversation.” 

A waiter came by to set a bottle of wine on the table. It was your preferred flavor. Then they sat a glass closer to Nanami before he poured your glass. Once they left, you inquired about Nanami’s drink. 


“Ooo manly,” you cooed. 

He hummed, “I’m not surprised by the dessert wine either.” 

You supposed he had a point. You weren’t exactly breaking any stereotypes, “Alright, you got me there.” 

Conversation was easy, easier than you ever found it with a man. Ironically, your problem with men was the way they could turn an innocent conversation sexual at the drop of a dime. Nanami was actively doing the opposite. In an environment where it was expected of the two of you to be talking about sex, the two of you were doing anything but. It was fun. You thought maybe he was having fun too. You talked easily as time passed. You playfully slid him the basket of fresh bread. 

“Knock yourself out,” you smiled, “I had an ungodly amount of hors d'oeuvres.” 

“Thank you. Are you always this generous?” 

You shook your head, “No, not at all. I’m actually quite selfish when it comes to food. Consider yourself lucky. I guess I’m feeling grateful I was paired up with a charming dinner date. I was really ready to suffer in the name of fancy food and free drinks. Saying it out loud to someone who isn’t invested in convincing me to be here is revealing just how badly this could have gone for me.” 

He nodded, “Yes, I have to say the same. I was ready to dodge some rabid woman’s ceaseless advances.” 

You snorted, “Mmhm, you probably have to beat the ladies off of you with a stick. You walk in with your nice suit and your shiny cufflinks, without a hair out of place, I can only imagine the kind of attention you get.” 

He paused in the middle of chewing to narrow his eyes at you. You smiled at his skepticism. You were finding that you were actually a little bit curious about his other answers, the ones you couldn’t spin in an innocent direction. 

“The audacity of you, Mr. Nanami,” you teased with a smile, “Acting like we don’t know about the other answers on this survey.” 

“I thought we were here for the food,” he said when his mouth wasn’t full anymore. 

You shrugged, “What can I say, you charmed me. We can at least talk about the other things, you know if you want. If not, it’s no big deal.” 

He paused thinking it over, “What answer caught your eye?” 

Your answering grin almost hurt your cheeks, “Spanking. You weren’t very specific. Are we talking, belts, crops, floggers-”

“Open palm. I prefer open palm.” 

“Me too,” you breathed. 

“Mmhm, it’s almost as if this was a compatibility test,” He said before tearing off another piece of bread to eat. 

“Well there are things I said nothing about. Like ropes. I said absolutely nothing about them.”

“But you didn’t say no to them, that would be a talking point.” 

“Oh… well then, not off the bat, but maybe after some trust was built I might be open to trying things like that. I actually… don’t see anything here that I wouldn’t be open to trying. Possible punishment… multiple orgasms? Sir, is this really a punishment?” 

“Trust me, it can be.” 

You raised an eyebrow at him, still skeptical, “If you say so, I know what punishment I’d want.” 

He only smiled in response. You continued to carry the conversation while Nanami enjoyed the bread. Drinking loosened your tongue a bit, until you were no longer shy to talk about things on your own list. 

“I think I might like to be choked, as long as you don’t surprise me with it. I had a guy go straight to that out of nowhere.” 


Very. I saw my life flash before my eyes. But I lived to tell the tale.” 

“You know, I can’t decide if coming to this thing for free food is admirable or stupid on you part.” 

“I didn’t put down a degradation kink,” you grumbled. 

“I didn’t mean to offend,” he chuckled, “but these things could be dangerous for a woman… specifically a non dominant woman.”

“Well, every interaction with a man is dangerous when you’re a woman. At least I get fancy food out of this interaction.” 

“Hm, you’re right. So it’s admirable. For the record, I don’t enjoy doing anything my partner hasn’t given me explicit consent to do,” he said seriously. 

“I see that,” you nodded, but you gave him a little smile, “you have non-consent as a hard no.” 

He returned your expression, “You do too.” 

You wrinkled your nose, “It’s almost like it was a compatibility test.” 

Conversation was a bit sparse as the main course came and you were allowed a moment to think things over. Were you really thinking about this? Maybe just for a night. He was handsomeand sweet in a very deadpan way. There was just something about him that you liked. It was probably the most you ever laughed on a date. You told him about Kat and how she talked you into this situation and he told you about his friend, Gojo, when a particularly loud laugh interrupted the relatively dull roar of conversations. There were curtains on either side of you, so you couldn’t see the other tables, but when he heard the laugh he sighed. 

“That’s my friend.” 

“Well he sounds like he’s having a great time.” 

“He’s probably laughing at his own joke.” 

You snorted, before devolving into giggles, “Do you really think?”

“Oh I know.” 

“I laugh at my own jokes all the time. I think I’m hilarious.” 

“I actually believe that you’re funny. He is not.”

“Mm, so what happens now. Dessert?” You asked. 

“… There is an actual dessert, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Mmhm, ugh after eating all of this I’m going to be useless. Do other people take their matches home after all this? I think I’d get a stomach cramp.” 

“Some people are into that kind of thing,” he said dryly. 

You looked at him, narrowed your eyes and then slowly turned your gaze to the tablet as if you were checking his answers to see if he was one of those people. He laughed at that. 

“I’m not one of those people. If I’m honest, I just thought we would exchange numbers.”

“That works for me.”

“What are you doing next weekend?” 

“I’m free Friday and Saturday. Take out your phone. I’ll give you my number. You can give me the details.” 



Kat was over the moon about the fact that your night ended in you getting someone’s number. She went home with the guy she met and spent all of Sunday brunch singing his praises. She wasn’t sure if she’d see him again, but you could kinda tell she was hoping she did. Still she was more excited that you were meeting up with Nanami. 

“I didn’t even know dates were on the table!” Kat exclaimed. 

“Did you ask?” 

“…No. The man was drop dead gorgeous. I was just trying to get in his pants.”

“Well my match was a proper gentleman… who was also there for the food, but we hit it off. He’s taking me to a gallery.” 

“Bitch, if you just found your soulmate Ness is going to demand to be maid of honor at your wedding.” 

“Katrina, it is one date. Damn, aren’t we getting just a little ahead of ourselves?” 

“Oh come on, it’s a little romantic isn’t it?”

“I’m just hoping to maybe get my back blown out one good time. Anything that happens after that is just a plus.” 

 The gallery was a new art installation, neutral ground for the two of you to meet and decide once and for all if the chemistry you had at that party was still there. The two of you texted a bit in between then and now and the vibes were still good, Nanami was just a busy man and he couldn’t be on the phone with you all the time, though his response times after work were promising, up until like ten when you were sure that he went to sleep. He seemed to have old man tendencies, which you loved. You couldn’t be bothered to stay up all night with anyone and you weren’t even that old. To be fair neither was Nanami but it seemed like you both had old people tendencies despite your age. 

“So you write?” Nanami said. 

“I write, but I always thought I’d write fiction… not use my imagination to fuel the machine you know? They say I’m a good columnist, but I don’t think I’m anything special. I’m more proud of my fiction.” 

“I’d say you’re a brilliant columnist.” 

You glanced away from the statue in front of you to look up at him, “You read my work?” 

“I was curious. I like to see things for myself, and I am determined that no agency in their right mind would get rid of you from a talent standpoint.” 

“Right, because you told me I had a case.” 

“Mmhm, and I believe it more after reading your work.” 

You hummed, stopping to study the lithe form of a woman shrouded in a veil that looked so real you almost forgot it was all marble. It was such a beautiful piece. 

“Well thank you. How about you, did you always dream of being a lawyer?”

He shrugged. “I’m good at it. If I have to do something, I  would rather do what suits me. And the pay is good.”

“Hm, prosecutor or defense?”

“Defense. I hate working with cops.” He said the last sentence with so much conviction you could only guess that there was a story there. You found that you quite liked pulling Nanami’s stories out of him. He wasn’t of the natural disposition to spend a very long time talking about himself. However, with the proper motivation you found that you could get him talking.

“That’s what I’m talking about. See? I knew I liked you.” You laughed. 

He scoffed, but seemed pleased by your approval nonetheless. He looked away from you to study another sculpture giving you a chance to study him a bit. Did he have any idea how his jawline put the carved marble around you to shame. Michelangelo, himself, would have taken Nanami as his muse. His bone structure was just a thing of beauty. It was almost rude to the art to have him walking about flaunting his perfection like that. You wondered if he was a bottle blond and if you’d be disappointed or impressed if he was. Blond was a bold voluntary choice, you were sure that his hair’s lightness sharpened his features even more. It was a striking look, but you supposed even if it was natural it took a good eye for style to know to leave well enough alone.

“So you’re a lawyer with an eye for art, good food, and you’re single how?” you struck up conversation again as you stood in front of a tall abstract piece.

He shrugged, “The process of dating is tedious and I’m picky.”

You understood that well enough. You’d been single for some time all because you hated dating. You hated going out with men you didn’t really know and having them disappoint you even though you didn’t expect much to begin with. It was exhausting. 

“If I’m honest, and I hope you won’t think ill of me for being straightforward, I don’t really have the time to maintain a solid relationship.” 

“Mm, so what’s this date for,” you asked patiently. 

“You can think about it as an… audition.” 

“Ooh, you’re one of those,” you sighed. Your shoulders slumped a bit. This was the part of things where he disappointed you. Well, at least you got to see some nice art.

“What do you mean?”

“A ‘high-value’ alpha male. Are you about to ask me what I bring to the table?” You stopped walking, turning so that you were right in front of him and could look him in the eye. There was genuine confusion in his gaze as he looked down at you. 

“That would be a stupid question. I asked you on the date… I’m not asking you to prove yourself that way… and that alpha male study on wolves was debunked years ago. Look, I value both of our time, so here is what I’m trying to figure out about you: I want to know if you’re the kind of woman who can handle a mutually beneficial relationships without emotional attachment… beyond a friendship.” 

You blinked at him, “You’re looking for a friend with benefits?”

“I suppose, but I’d actually enjoy a friendship with you. Most engagements like that don’t actually involve much friendship despite the name” 

You narrowed your eyes at him, “It’s like I made you in a lab.” 

“So you’re looking for the same.” 

You nodded before you turned on your heel to keep walking, “It’s going to sound complicated but… I always thought that if I could just find someone to exclusively have sex with, maybe cuddle on the weekends, and the two of us weren’t having sex with anyone else then I could be happy with that level of companionship. I like my personal space, and room to think. I’m kinda uninterested in the games people play with one another. What I’m saying is… I’ve been looking for a straightforward person.”

“Then our meeting was incredibly serendipitous.” 

“Or maybe it was a very good compatibility test.” 

“Maybe so… do you want to get out of here?”

You looked around the gallery as if you were really considering staying before answering, “Dunno, are we going to bang if we do?” 

He pulled in a slow breath and took a moment to look playfully disappointed with you, before he answered, “Depends, do you have up to date STD and STI testing results.” 

Your eyes widened and you slowly reached out to poke his chest, “God, you’re so lifelike. But you just don’t seem real.” 

“Is that a good or a bad thing?” 

“Good, very good, I got a check up when you scheduled this date… you know just in case. I’ve got my results on my phone. You?”

He nodded, “I got tested before I proposed the date. Let’s get out of here then.” 

 Nanami’s place made your apartment look like a run down hovel. The front lobby alone was something to marvel at, though you had sense enough not to gawk. You walked beside him, enjoying the companionable yet charged silence between the two of you. There was something… subtly intimidating about him. Maybe it was his comfort with silence and his lack of boasting. Any other man would be regalling you with information about how hard it was to get into a place like this, and how he made more than enough to support his lifestyle. In fact, another man might have told you right off the bat that he lived in a luxurious high rise. Nanami’s displays of wealth were far more subtle and not even displays. They were just a byproduct of him. His watch was shiny and deceptively simple. You’d dated a guy once who was really into watches and he used to lust over one watch, the one on Nanami’s wrist. It was a Tag Heuer- Carrera edition. It was a $4000 watch and it appeared to just be his everyday watch. Then there was his cologne. It was more apparent in the elevator now that you were standing so close to him in a closed area. It was intoxicating, masculine for sure, but more of a clean scent than anything. It was refreshing, with the light musk the many masculine fragrances had. It made you want to press your nose into his neck and get a big whiff. 

You peered up at the climbing numbers, wondering just how high up the two of you were going to go. As it kept climbing you looked at Nanami only to realize he was looking straight at you. You raised an eyebrow in questioning. 

“I’m trying to remember if I told you how beautiful you look tonight, but I can’t remember.” 

Your face flushed, “Oh… um I think you did.” 

“Hm, well it bears repeating. You are stunning. I like you in pearls.” 

You were wearing a pair of Vivienne Westwood earrings that you won from Ness in a bet. It was perhaps the most expensive jewelry you owned, aside from a couple of things your grandmother gave to you before she passed. You touched the earrings trying to curb your own smile at his compliment. 

“Thank you. You’re quite beautiful too,” you offered when you recovered enough to respond. 

He scoffed, “Thank you.” 

The elevator dinged and you didn’t get to look at the floor number before the door opened. You followed Nanami out into the quiet hallway. You looked around and noticed that the only other door on this side floor looked to be a fire exit and maybe a storage closet. He opened the door to his place and let you walk in first. You noticed the shoes at the doorway and took off your pumps at the door. It felt weird to even set your shoes next to what were probably thousand dollar dress shoes, but you tried not to dwell on it for long and just be glad that you decided to wear thigh highs with your dress. You hated the way tights could roll up on your stomach. It was aggravating to say the very least, so thigh highs and garters were your solution to that problem. 

“Can I make you a drink?” he asked while you looked out on the far side of the… well penthouse. It was a penthouse with a view of the whole city through floor to ceiling windows. Well, you knew he had an eye for pleasing aesthetics. 

“What do you have?” you asked, tearing your gaze from the view. 

“Quite a bit, but you don’t strike me as someone with a taste for scotch.” 

“You’re right about that. Any tequila?”

“Yes, actually. I’ve got all the ingredients for a tequila sunrise if that appeals to you.” 

“Sounds great.” 

The penthouse had an open design. It was a bachelor pad in the best possible way. It was clean, well put together and the simple yet well thought out design was refreshing to look at. His furniture was mostly neutral tones, with an obvious preference for shades of brown and cream together. There were pops of blue about and it was surprisingly complimentary. There was a bar that separated the kitchen and living room area. You took a seat and watched him discard his suit jacket on the back of the bar chair beside you before going behind the bar himself. 

You took the chance to go through your phone and produce your clinic results. What better time to talk about your status than over drinks, right? You paused, watching him neatly fold his sleeves up until they were at his elbow, revealing strong forearms. It was hot. It was hotter than it had any right to be, especially paired with his waistcoat. The suit jacket was really hiding just how built he was.

He made your drink with expert precision that made you wonder if he’d ever worked at a bar before. You didn’t care to break the silence, or interrupt the view you had as he shook the orange juice and tequila mixture, seeing the subtle flex of the muscles in his forearms and the way his sleeves strained just a bit around his biceps. Why the hell did a lawyer need to be this fit?

“So clean you could eat off me,” you said when he stopped shaking the mixture, holding your phone out to him. He leaned in a bit more to look at the screen and you were immediately distracted by the sharp cut of his jawline. You could only imagine how good he’d look if you were on your knees. It was not often that you immediately jumped to being on your knees, but there was something about Nanami. 

He set the cocktail shaker aside before grabbing his own phone to find his own results. He set it on the bar for you and you looked at the results, reading it over thoughtfully. 

“Clean as a whistle I’d like to blow,” you winked at him as you caught his gaze.

He smirked, “I might take you up on that.” He focused on pouring grenadine into the bottom of the cup, which was a bit different than how you usually saw people do it. Next there was the ice, then the orange juice and tequila. He gave it a short stir, before setting the glass down on the bar in front of you. 

He poured his own drink. It was some kind of brown liquor that he drank neat. You sipped at the drink he made for you and you were happy to say it was perfect. 

“I know our first impressions of each other exposed us to move our… desires more than other people normally do, but for the first night let’s keep it simple. 

“You mean vanilla?” 

“I mean, we’ll find what we both like. Just feel it out.” 

“This is still part of the audition, huh?” you teased. 

“That was a poor choice of words on my part,” he chuckled, “But we’re just figuring out what works, but I have a good feeling about you.” 

You cocked your head to one side, “What does that mean, Mr. Nanami?” 

“I’m usually a good read of character, and I can tell that we’re going to get along just fine.” 

“Right, that’s what makes you a good enough lawyer to afford a place like this.”

He shrugged, “It doesn’t hurt.” He took a sip and licked his lips absently. His lips were a pretty shade of pink, that you couldn’t wait to kiss. 

“So, tell me this, Kento, in your plan for this thing,” you gestured between the two of you, “What’s on the table?”

“What are you interested in? I prefer to take the lead, only because I’m particular.” 

“I like that, I’m indecisive. I don’t know where to start.” 

“Oh? What are your options?” He asked, coming around the bar to sit beside you. 

“Um, well… I’ve been thinking about you kissing me.”

“That’s chaste.” 

You pouted, “Well I already said I wanted to blow you.” 

“You did and I am okay with that, and you can have a kiss.” 

“Just one?” 

“As many as you want,” he indulged you, “I have things I’m interested in, and you can tell me what interests you out of that list.” 

You brought your drink up to your lips for liquid courage and to help with the sudden dryness in your mouth, “Oh? Is it a long list?” 

“Not terribly, at least, not in the case of foreplay. In general, the list is quite long,” he paused for a moment and you noticed him looking at you, “I’ll admit, I’ve been wanting to kiss you, and I do think you’d make a pretty picture on your knees, but I think the view from between your thighs might be better. Thigh highs? Did you mean to tease me?” 

His eyes flicked down to your legs, and you knew that your dress rode up a bit to reveal a bit of your garters, “No, I don’t like tights.” 

“Then an innocent choice,” he said, hooking his finger in the garter closest to him and snapping it lightly, “Well, when I’m done between your thighs, I want to take my time opening you up for me. I think I’ll make you cum on my fingers… if you’re alright with that.” 

“I guess I can find it in my heart to agree to that,” you said blithely, as if it was really a hardship to agree to him eating you out and fingering you. 

“So, we can move from the bar to my bedroom. You can get your kiss, I’d like you to sit on my lap for that, and I want to take my time touching every part of your body until I know it from muscle memory alone.” 

“That sounds like teasing.” 

“You like teasing,” he reminded you, “I do know what you’re into.” 

“Did you memorize my answers?”

“I have a great memory.” 

You drank the last of your tequila sunrise before turning to fully face Nanami, “To the bedroom then.” 

He simply nodded standing and offering his hand as you hopped down from the barstool. He led you past the front room into a tucked away hallway with a couple of doors on either side. The last door he opened was the bedroom and it was a sizable room on the corner of the building, meaning the wrap-around view was breathtaking. He sat on bed first, which appeared much bigger than a normal king size and far more comfortable than you ever saw a man’s bed look. The man had decorative pillows for fuck’s sake. He pulled you with him gently, coaxing you into his lap. You put your knee down on the bed, and you straddled his lap. His hands slid up your thighs, lifting the skirt of your dress so that you could settle in his lap easier. You let your hands rest on his shoulder. Seeing him even closer was somewhat overwhelming. His eyes were such a warm shade of brown, something about them made you a bit shy.

“Hi,” you breathed, when you realized you were just staring at him. 

“Hello,” he gave your thighs a firm squeeze, “You’re even prettier up close.” 

You bit your lip trying not to smile at his compliment. It wasn’t the first time a man complimented you for crying out loud, but the way he said it was just so genuine. 

“Come here,” he pulled you in closer to him and you let your eyes flutter closed as you pressed your lips to his. Nanami was a great kisser, not at all hurried in his movements. He wasn’t over eager to get his tongue in your mouth, indulging you with sweet, chaste, lingering kisses before he ventured to deepening the kiss. By that point you were melting into him with the way his hands rubbed your thighs under the skirt of your dress. His hands were big, and warm, wrapping around the soft, pliant flesh of your thighs. He squeezed them at random intervals, as if he was simply relishing in the way they gave under his palms. His palms were smooth, soothing against the skin, easily coaxing you into relaxing even more under his touch. His tongue brushed against yours and you found yourself leaning into him for more. Your chest was pressed firmly against him and you began to rock subtly in his lap, adding to the ocean of sensations already flooding your body. You whined in his mouth when his hands went higher and he gripped your ass, pulling you against him firmly. He was encouraging you to keep grinding against him. The warmth in the pit of your stomach was blossoming lower, and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. You pulled away to breathe and he kissed your neck before speaking in your ear. 

“Do you prefer to undress yourself, or shall I?”

“You do the honors,” you breathed. He took his hands from under your dress and you lamented the chill on your thighs that it left. But soon enough he was pulling down the zipper of your dress and his hands brushed against your skin as he pulled it over your head. You did spend an embarrassing amount of time deciding what to wear under your dress. Look you didn’t knowthat tonight would end this way, but you didn’t want to be caught slipping. The pretty blue set was as comfortable as it was sexy and you appreciated that Nanami pulled back to look at it, instead of just pulling it right off of you. He traced his fingers over the lace that trimmed the bra cups, and therefore over the soft skin of your breasts. 

“Oh, you’re not a tease at all. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”

“I try,” you breathed unabashedly. 

He kissed your forehead and you thought you were going to lose your goddamn mind at such a tender moment. 

“Can I do what I want now?” you asked.

“Hm, and what’s that?”

“You know,” you sighed. 

He raised an eyebrow, “Refresh my memory.” 

“I want to make you feel good.” 

“You’re already doing that.” 

“Kento,” you huffed and he didn’t seem like he was going to budge so you bit the bullet, “Let me suck you off.” 

“Are you asking me, or telling me?” 

“I’m asking.” 

“Then ask.” 

“Can I please suck you off?”

He paused and you could tell he was deciding whether or not to give you a hard time, “If that’s what you want, let me get a pillow for your knees.” 

“Oh, thank you.” You didn’t expect him to be so thoughtful. He leaned back to grab a decorative pillow to put on top of the plush rug beneath you. You got out of his lap slowly, and knelt between his long legs. You glanced up at him with wide eyes. The view was just as good as you expected. The sharp cut of his bone structure, matched with those warm brown eyes was scratching an itch in your brain unlike any other. 

“Well, go on,” he encouraged. You looked down at his belt and set upon the task of undoing it. There was a bit of trepidation in your movements, anticipation made you anxious. It was an odd mix of emotions. His belt was made of soft yet sturdy leather and you spent no time appreciating it as the buckle came loose and you undid his pants. You didn’t care to get his pants all the way off. Instead, you just pulled him out. Sure he was probably going to have to get his expensive pants dry cleaned but you were sure he wouldn’t mine. He was half hard already, proving to be thick and more than a mouthful. You pressed his lips against the head  to kiss it before. Letting it part your lips. Nanami gave a sharp exhale and you lifted your gaze to see him. You took your time, sucking the head and bobbing your head slowly. You could feel him growing in your mouth until he was fully erect. That’s when you lifted your hands to cover the rest of his length that you couldn’t get to. 

“Mm, that’s amazing. Squeeze harder for me,” he breathed, his voice coming out a bit deeper than he’d spoken to you all night. You obeyed immediately, tightening your grip and sucking him harder. He groaned and his head lulled to one side. He brought his hand down and you expected him to try to push you down his length, something you weren’t the biggest fan of. You put a preemptive hand on his thigh only for him to simply stroke your cheek with a light touch. 

“You’re already so good for me, so proud of you honey.”

Your eyes closed so he wouldn’t see the way your eyes rolled back in your head at his praise. Well if he was going to be like that, then maybe you would give it your all. You relaxed your throat and breathed through your nose as you took more of him in your mouth.  As you built your pace the steady glug glug glug of your movements was joined by Nanami’s quiet moans as his hips canted up involuntarily to meet you. 

“Just like that. Ah, you’re so good at that. Make me- Ugh make me cum. Be good and make me come.”

Your jaw ached a bit but you weren’t going to stop until you did as he said. From the way he groaned, you knew it wouldn’t take terribly long. 

Just like you thought just a bit longer and he was coming. The taste of him was pretty mild which wasn’t surprising. He seemed like the kind of guy who drank a lot of water and a balanced diet. 

You pulled back looking up at him as you wiped tears, from suppressing your gag reflex, off your cheeks. Nanami looked down at you, watching as you wiped your mouth with your hand. 

“Aren’t you pretty?” He murmured, pressing a warm hand to your cheek. You leaned into his touch as he stroked your  cheek with his thumb. 

 You squeezed your legs together.

“Bet you’re wet. Is that getting a little uncomfortable?”

You nodded.

“Do you want me to take care of you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Manners too, huh? I told you we are taking it slow. You don’t have to be so formal with me yet.” He spoke as he kept stroking your face. After another second he tucked himself away and pulled you to your feet. He told you how he wanted you.

You laid on your back with your legs spread wide. Your knees were bent so that your feet were flat on the bed. You were propped up on your elbows to see Nanami. His face was neutral yet his eyes were focused directly between your legs. All the while, his fingers hooked into his tie, loosening the knot until the fabric slipped off of his neck. He tossed it carelessly before moving on to unbuttoning his shirt. Maybe you should have been focusing on the carved muscle each undid button revealed, but your eyes focused on his hands instead, the precise and quick movements his fingers made to free himself of the garment. By the time you realized that he looked like a carved marble statue of some prolific god he was shrugging off the shirt entirely and you were looking at his lower stomach. His pants were still open so you were treated to the view of a sparse happy trail of light golden hair that caught the limited light of the room. He continued towards you gripping your calves and tugging you to the edge of the bed. You yelped a surprised sound at the quick movement as you fell on your back. You lifted your head again to see his amused smirk as he knelt down between your legs. 

He kissed your inner thigh, leaving a trail up to the crotch of your underwear, and then turning to kiss a trail up your other thigh. The anticipation mounted and all you could do was watch. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Something had to give right? He couldn’t be handsome, rich, transparent, and give good head. There were too many good things back to back. What was the catch? His finger brushed against your clothed sex. 

“I can already see how wet you are for me,” he murmured. His voice was beguiling in its calmness. You felt yourself sinking into it as he tugged your panties up to press against your more firmly. 

“Did pleasing me make you all wet?”

“Yes, yes, sir.”

His eyebrow quirked up as he lifted his gaze from your sex to look you in the eye, “Are you calling me sir because you think I like it or because you like it?”

You blinked and realized what you just said. There was no judgment in his tone, it was an honest question. And it deserved an honest answer. 

“I didn’t really think about it. I can stop if you don’t like it.”

“I asked if you liked it,” he pressed his thumb right against your clit. The pressure made your empty pussy clench. 

You whined quietly, “I do. I like it.”

“Carry on then,” he said, looking back between your legs and freeing you from the spell of his eyes. He pressed an open mouth kiss against your sex. The warmth and wetness of his mouth slowly seeped through the fabric of your underwear. Then the stiff tip of his tongue traced the seam of your lips. You rolled your hips against his face. 

“Please, sir,” you whimpered. 

He pulled away and began to unclip your garters so he could pull off your panties. Notably he did not try to take off the thighs highs. He tossed your panties with the same carelessness as he did his own clothing. He had one point of focus and that was at your lightly glistening sex. He spread you open with his thumbs and you were half afraid he was going to do that god awful stiff tongue thing against your clit. But no, he opened his mouth and sealed it around your clit, gently sucking the little bud into his mouth. With each steady pulse, his tongue worried the sensitive bud. It was utterly disarming just how good he felt without much preamble. It never felt this good off the bat. No man ever found your clit so quickly or with such devastating precision. All you could do was gasp harshly and grip the bedding. He held you in place against his mouth as he licked and sucked against your sex. You felt very nearly paralyzed as pleasure washed over your body. 

“Ah, sir, feels… feels so good.”

He sucked a bit harder as he pulled away, giving your clit a little kiss. He did it again for good measure before he started petting through your folds. 

“That right? I can tell, you’re so wet for me, and I’ve bed barely even gotten to work on you.”

You threw an arm over your face trying to hide your bashfulness. 

“Look at me,” he demanded. You moved your arm to do as he said. 

“No need to be embarrassed. I like how you taste, I could spend all day like this,” he punctuated his sentence with another kiss before continuing, “I’m going to put a finger in. Relax, I want you to be good and ready for me.” He sealed his lips around your clit again then slid one finger inside of you. Nanami’s fingers were much longer and thicker than yours and he curved it just right so that he could feel for your g-spot. You moaned when he found that spongy place inside you that sent pure pleasure through your veins. 

“Yes!” You whined, “right there.” 

It felt like there was some other force behind the movement of your body. You couldn’t help writhing in ecstasy as you felt your pleasure rising to new heights. Through it al Nanami kept his mouth perfectly sealed against your clit, moving with you as you squirmed and shuddered. He added a second finger and you knew you were done for. His fingers moved firmly against that one spot. He wasn’t exactly rough, and it didn’t exactly hurt, it was just intense… and you knew what would happen if he kept at that. You could feel the quick curl of his fingers all the way in your lower stomach. 

“Kento,” you breathed, hands going to bury your fingers in his hair. He hummed, an acknowledgement that you were talking to him and an added sensation between your legs. It made you gasp, before cursing, stuck between pulling him in closer and pushing him away. You didn’t think you were actually strong enough to push him away anyway. 

“I’m gonna- ah Kento, I’m gonna ruin your fucking bedding,” you pushed the words out in a rush, looking down at him between your legs. He opened his eyes to meet your gaze, disrupting his look of utter peace, and raised an eyebrow at you, before he added a third finger and started going harder against your g-spot while sucking your clit. 

It felt like he was literally pulling your orgasm out of you as you moaned unabashedly. When you came you threw your head back, arching against the intense sensation of pleasure as you felt yourself gush around his fingers. You couldn’t hear the deep satisfied sound that Nanami let out, because you were just too loud. He pulled away before you could get too sensitive. You relaxed against the bed, trying to catch your breath. All the while you stared unseeingly at the ceiling until Nanami was suddenly looming over you. 

“Still with me, beautiful?” 

“Yeah, still here. Fuck, that was too good. Way too good?”

“Hm, we’re going to have to do something about that dirty mouth of yours. Until then shall we continue?” 

“Yes sir,” you breathed, finally cognizant enough to keep your gaze on him as he got off of the bed to go to the bedside table. It seemed like a bad time to consult with God about the beauty of his creations, but dammit this was unfair. Nanami stood, silhouetted by the cityscape with his pants open, shirtless grabbing a condom. His hair was slightly askew from your hands and you could see the flush in cheeks even in the limited light. There was something about disheveling such a put together man that made your blood run even hotter. Still, despite his outward appearance there was still something prim and proper about him. It was probably just the way he held himself, the confidence with which he moved, that still portrayed him as put together even when he held the foil wrapper in his teeth while he took off his pants. Then of course you were distracted once again by his dick. 

You’d had your mouth all over it not too long ago, you knew it was big, not monstrous but enough to make you wonder if he really knew what he was doing. Honestly, if awful stroke game was the thing that was bad about him, you could handle that. That could be worked on. However, he strolled over to you casually, still holding the condom in his teeth and picked you up to arrange you differently in the bed. He really just put you at the head of the bed before climbing up himself. He knelt between your open legs for a moment then snagged a pillow to put under your hips. You just knew he was going to be stupid good at this part too. 

He ripped the foil open with his teeth, before taking out the condom. 

It occurred to you that you still had your bra on, “Should I keep this on?” 

He glanced at you, “I like it. You went through the trouble of dressing up for me, I wanna fuck you in your little set.” 

The man was a menace you realized. That was the catch. He was going to make you lose your goddamn mind. 

“Are you alright?” he asked at your prolonged silence. 

“Pinch me, I need to be sure I’m not dreaming.” 

He chuckled before pinching your thigh lightly, “Careful, I’m susceptible to flattery too. You ready?” 


“Yes what, sweet thing?” 

“Yes, sir.” 

He hummed a pleased sound before he pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, moving slowly so as not to hurt you. Your brow furrowed at the intrusion but not because of pain, no far from it. Every passing inch of him felt better than the last, and your heart rate was quickly mounting.  You kept your eyes on him, taking in the way the tension in his body made his muscles look even better. The tension in his stomach revealed just how strong his core was. No man had any right to be this perfect. You watched his hips move closer to the backs of your thighs and every second you swore you couldn’t take any more of him. Small desperate sounds left your chest. When he was fully seated inside of you he put a hand on your stomach, caressing the soft skin before his hand settled on your hip. 

“You take me so well,” he breathed, “Maybe I’m the one who made you in a factory.” 

You could only manage a quiet moan as you focused on relaxing around the heavy girth of him. His thumb rubbed against your hip bone absently as he continued to sing your praises. 

“Breathe, for me. You’re doing so well, honey, just relax, let me take care of you. Everything else has felt good hasn’t it?” 

You nodded. 


“Yes, yes, feels good. Feels so good.” 

“Alright, then trust me, I’ll make this even better. I’ve never had a woman so pretty and perfect, I’m gonna ruin you, spoil you so rotten you won’t be able to tolerate anyone else, and that’s a promise.” 

He slowly pulled out before thrusting back in shallowly and even that felt like heaven. You opened your legs wider, wanting him closer. On his next thrust he pulled back a bit more before pushing back in slowly. He was slowly building the pace, coaxing a fever hotter than before. You couldn’t quite be quiet, though you fought to hush yourself so you could hear the low, pleased groans that escaped Nanami as he fucked you. His pace was firm, fast, controlled, and utterly devastating. That harsh clap of skin together might have been embarrassing if you could focus on something other than pleasure, and just how hot he looked, with his eyes squeezed close, obviously getting lost in his ecstasy as you clenched to squeeze him tighter. He went faster, making the head of his bed hit the wall, a hard staccato to keep time with your desperate moans. 

Your legs shook, squeezing against his hips as he fucked you without restraint now that you were more than ready for him. He was relentless in his movements, constantly hitting that spot inside of you, over and over again until your brain felt like it was useless mush inside your head. At some point you were sure you started running your mouth, promising him anything in the world, who knows what the hell you signed over to him, especially when he grabbed the backs of your thighs and pushed your knees back towards your chest, and out a bit, to open you up more to him. At that point, it felt like he was in your fucking lungs, driving the air out of you, controlling the tide of  your breath with every thrust. 

“So good. Fuck feels! Fuck,” you called out brokenly. 

“Feels good?” he rumbled at you. 

“Yeah,” your voice came out far more needy and high pitched than you meant for it to. 

“Yeah?” he teased and you watched him bite his lip as he smiled, a truly pussy drunk expression that you could get used to seeing. 

“Choke me,” you blurted out. 

“Oh?” his dark eyes opened to look at you. He shifted his weight forward, moving in closer as he put a hand around your through. His hand easily engulfed your throat, and as you instinctively held on to his wrist you realized he was choking you with the hand that wore that sexy ass watch. You whined feeling him squeeze the sides of your throat. The heady feeling that followed made your eyes roll back in your head. He fucked you harder, looming over you for a moment before he started kissing, and nipping at the supple skin of your breasts, up to your collarbone. He spoke to you then, his voice right in your ear. The only thing that betrayed the effect you had on him was how hard he breathed. Otherwise, his voice was smooth, deep, and deceptively calm, promising to make you come like no one ever had before as if he hadn’t already done that. Every bit of praise, and promise to take care of you was doing something to your head. 

Before long you had no idea how long the two of you had been at it, but your thighs were shaking, and the sound of your coupling was wet.You came once and he just kept fucking you through it until it felt like that orgasm was just a part of the mounting pleasure that threatened to shake you apart now. At this point, you’d do anything he told you to. Sweat made his hair begin to stick to his forehead, and the ruddy flush on his cheeks matched with his unabashed moans told you he was close.

“Fuck,” he cursed, a truly wrecked sound as you clenched around him involuntarily, “Trying to kill me, honey?” 

That did it, the playful tone, disheveled appearance, and the fact that he’d cursed. You came hard, sinking your nails into him. You would have bitten him, if he was close enough to do so. Your orgasm was a near out of body experience. He let go of your throat once and for all as he buried his face against your throat, moaning as the harsh contractions of your sex made him lose control. You could hear him moan right in your ear, and it was probably the hottest thing you’d ever heard. One thing you knew for sure, you were locked in with Kento Nanami. 

 Aftercare was sweet, and more involved than you expected considering that things were still pretty vanilla. You both cleaned up a bit, sharing a shower that only got a little hot and heavy as Nanami admitted he’d wanted to spend more time with your breasts. When you were clean Nanami gave you one of his under shirts to sleep in. He changed the linen but obviously didn’t bother making the bed. 

“Come here,” he beckoned when he was done. 

“Oh, I get to sleep over too?” 

“It’s late, plus, I think we earned it.” 

“You won’t be mortally offended if I turn away from you in the night. I get hot in my sleep.” You came over and put your hand in his, allowing him to pull you into his arms. 

“That won’t be a problem. I made the A/C colder,” he said with a lilt of humor in his voice. 

“Ithoughtit was colder in here.” 

He pulled you in close to him, and you wiggled about until you were comfortable in his hold. He was incredibly warm, and you couldn’t see yourself trying to escape with just how cold the room had become. 

“So… how was my audition?” you asked after a moment of silence. 

He chuckled, “You’ve got the part.”

Next Part

Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black!reader

Chapter 7 Summary: The bond between you and Nanami runs deeper than you can imagine and as more of the Viscount’s treachery comes to light the bond seems ill-advised and dangerous.

Warnings: talk of death, blood, gore… but still no worse than canon, NSFW, Smut

Who art in Heaven Masterlist

Previous Chapter

Good dick could not give you the will to live your life as a monster… but god damn it, it could make a compelling argument. He held true to his word the night before and did not make you traverse the underground instead settling for the creaky old bed at the very top of the church turret. He found fresh linen, which was a pleasant surprise but now it was ruined. The bright morning light shone on the crucifix above the bed that you had no choice but stare at as he slammed into you relentlessly from behind. You’d made the unwitting mistake of trying to have a much needed conversation with him this morning and this was the result.

He was pressed tightly against you as you spooned and you laid awake for a long time before you perceived the change in his breathing that told you he was awake.

“Nanami, we shouldn’t be so attached to each other. It’s not healthy,“ you said softly, the words made your chest ache as they came out of your mouth.

“I didn’t ask,” he answered blithely, wrapping his arm around you tighter. It put your ass right against his hard-on and your eyes rolled back in pure pleasure. He was absolutely naked behind you so you felt every bit of him.

“And I don’t really care,” he continued. 

“You know how this ends.” 

“Do you enjoy repeating yourself?”

“You’re not listening to me.” 

“No, you’re not listening to me. We’ll work on that though,” he promised as he pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. 


“For a hedonistic monster that deserves death, you are set on resisting pleasure,” he mumbled against your skin, rolling over to be on top of you. His weight shifted you on to your stomach, “A filthy little bloodsucker would be too busy begging me to mark her up again.” 

He grazed his teeth against your shoulder and your whole body shuddered, “Give in to me. Be a good girl and stop telling me things I don’t care about.”

You had enough brain power to recognize that he offered you no way to really win. Well if you wanted him less you could just tell him to let you go and you were sure he would. If you gave into your desires though then you’d be allowing him to divert your attention away from the very real problem that was whatever Nanami felt for you. The obvious solution was to push him away, make him understand that he was going to get hurt, that the longer you played this game the more it would hurt him to let you go. 

It should have been an easy choice, but his teeth were teasing your flesh as he rutted against you. His hard cock dragged against your ass leaving you to remember how he felt inside of you the previous night. Your pussy ached, throbbing greedily at the idea of being filled by him again. You moaned and he hummed a satisfied smile. 

“Do you want me?”

“Kento,” you moaned as he rolled his hips again,

“I know. Give in to me. Let me make it better. I promise I’ll make you see God, my love.”

And that was how you wound up in this predicament, overwhelmed by the wet slap of skin against skin and the obnoxious creak of the old bed beneath you. The metal headboard smacked the wall in the harsh staccato of his merciless thrusts. The impact of which made the cross that your eyes were pointed at, but not quite seeing, jump on the wall. Your gaze was half lidded and your eyes were beginning to roll back. He had a hard grip on your hips pulling you back against him as he fucked into you. 

“Oh God!” You whined, head dropping from fatigue and general disbelief at the way a man you always considered to be principled and disciplined was bullying into your guts, “Ken…tooo,” you drew out his name, voice shaking with force of his thrusts. 

He pulled out of you suddenly much to your dismay. You turned to complain, or maybe to beg him to put it back in, but he shoved you over to your side before manhandling you onto your back. Once you were there, he put your legs up on his shoulders and entered you again. Your legs pressed on either side of his neck, forced together as he brought his hands to your shoulders. His large warm hands slid from your shoulders up to your neck, holding it in a firm grasp that anchored his punishing thrusts. You yelped a loud affronted moan as your whole body jostled with the force of it. 

Nanami’s eyes were trained on you, taking in your breathless fucked out expression. The way your breasts bounced with every thrust was utterly hypnotic. He kept his eyes on the repetitive motion, fucking you harder just to see them bounce and jiggle just a bit more. You held on to his wrists, a natural reaction to the way he was holding you. The full sensory experience of you made it impossible to think of anything at all, mind too frenzied with the sound of your wet pussy gushing around him, the slap of skin to skin, and your sobbing moans. Your jaw dropped, revealing the sharp points of your canines. They’d droppped just a bit more with the flood of arousal through your system. You called out his name again and he fucked you harder in response. If he had the mind to worry about it, he’d be concerned about the integrity of the old squeaking bed you were on. As it was, he didn’t care. He’d fix it along with the altar table later. 

Your orgasm overtook you with vicious intensity, stealing the breath from your lungs, making every muscle in your body lock down and tremble. Your head pressed back into the mattress as your back arched from the overwhelming feeling. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t breath, couldn’t even think. The mounting crest of your pleasure seemed to stretch forever, one ceaseless moment in which you’d never felt closer to another person in your life, and there was that oneness that you thought only existed when feeding, but it was opening in ways you’d never experience from blood alone. It felt like heaven. 

When that moment ended, as all things do, you gasped a harsh desperate sound as you fought to get your breath back. Then you exhaled with a loud moan cursing and calling out to any being you thought might be listening: Kento, God, Jesus, it was all interchangeable at the moment, something you were sure you’d have to answer for on your day of reckoning. Nanami let go of your throat, diving forward to kiss you. Your legs fell open with the movement. His lips were insistent, not rough but passionate as if he meant to devour you this way. You were too out of it to keep up with him, especially since he was still fucking you. 

You were impossibly wet, your last orgasm seemed to open you up to him just a bit more and he was so deep in your slippery warm cunt. He could live like this, spending eternity fucking you. He would have to fuck you for eternity, because it seemed to be the only time you weren’t trying to convince him to live without you. He growled low in his throat pulling away from your lips to kiss your throat. 

“Mine,” he grumbled, feeling shivers spill down his spine as the pressure of his impending orgasm became harder and harder to hold back. The sound you made in response to his words did nothing to help his situation. You were whining and sobbing from pleasure right in his ear. Your nails were digging into his back.

He tore away from you, sitting back on his hunches as he gripped his length, fucking into his fist those last few times before he came. He painted your skin with his cum. It landed on your stomach in white ropes. You laid there, fighting to get your breath back, stomach heaving with your breath. You were far too beautiful, far too good to be any of the things you accused yourself of being. He put a hand on his stomach, compelled to rub his cum into your skin, to dirty you because maybe then he could do what you asked. If you were sullied in his eyes maybe it wouldn’t drive him to madness every time you insinuated you might take yourself from him. Alas, for that to work he’d have to believe that sex had the ability to sully a woman, and he did not. And for him to stop believing in the purity of your heart, then he would have to give up a lot of beliefs about the goodness of people. To believe that you deserved death, would be to abandon his faith entirely. 

He cursed, leaning forward to kiss over your heart, the very place where you wanted him to shove a stake at the end of this. With his lips pressed right there he could feel the frantic beating of your heart. Your chest rose and fell in heavy intervals. He pressed his cheek to it, his nose nudging the side of your breast, and the softness there beckoned to him. He kissed and sucked the soft flesh of your breast only for you to run your fingers through his hair pulling him into you so tenderly, it took him off guard. He tore away from you with a heavy sigh. 

“There is work to do, we cannot stay in this bed. Besides, I doubt it will survive another round.” As if to prove his point the bed let out a long obnoxious creak the moment he shifted his weight. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to you. He rested his elbows on his knees trying to quiet his own mind. He was mostly reminding himself that there was work to be done, and he couldn’t stay in this bed with you. 

He continued, “There are showers in the underground quarters. I will go down with you.” 

When you didn’t respond, he looked over his shoulder at you and found your eyes were closed and you were still in the same position he left you in. 

“Are you alright?” he questioned. 

“You can’t… fuck me like that and start talking business. You could at least hold me after damn.” You lifted a sluggish hand to wipe down your face. 

He stood, causing the bed to groan. Then he picked you up, “We have things to do, but I will assist in getting you cleaned up.” 

Showering with Nanami had been a fantasy at one point, something you thought about on your own, to your own touch. Nanami was always warm to you, which was to be expected. When you hadn’t fed in a while you were usually room temp or colder. His presence now was not as you imagined. He was softer with you, uninterested in pushing you up against the shower wall to take you again. He was always rough when you expected him to be patient, and patient when you thought you might be ravished. He kissed over the place he bit you the previous night while he lathered you in the body wash of long dead vampires. You got a good look at his back as you leaned against the shower wall waiting for him after you were clean. The cross in the middle of his back had red lines over it from your nails. Ancient languages were highlighted with red as well all from your feverish attempt to get him closer when he was already inside of you. You reached out and touched a set of marks, pressing the pads of your fingers against the lines. He stiffened a little under your touch, and you looked up at him. He was looking at you over his shoulder. 

“I’m sorry.” 

“For what?” he asked. 

“These. I hurt you.” 

He huffed a humorless laugh, “While you have a reason to ask for my forgiveness, this is not it. It didn’t hurt and it will heal shortly.” 

You were confused but chose not to speak. You couldn’t quite make sense of Nanami right now and it seemed like he wasn’t in the mood to take questions about it. So, you just shut up, enjoying the view, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong in the very near future.

When the two of you were cleaned up Nanami announced that he needed to go out to meet Gojo, “If you are up to it, you can explore the underground, see if these vampires had any information on our cause.” 

“Okay,” you answered without looking up at him, you were trying to smooth the wrinkles in your habit. It was a futile task but it was something to look at that wasn’t Nanami’s ridiculously handsome face. 

“I won’t be gone long. I’ll come back with food.” 

You nodded. 

He put a finger under your chin and tipped your head back to look at him. He was silent, searching your expression for a moment, “What is the matter?” 


“I hate it when you lie to me.” 

“I want to go with you, but I know that I need to be here. That’s all. Nothing serious.”

He hummed, “I’ll be back before you know it.” He gave you a short chaste kiss before turning away from you to go through the church door. 

You wound up doing as he asked, which wasn’t uncommon for you, but now that you were going through dead vampire’s stuff, you were feeling a little indignant about it. He couldn’t fuck you like a maniac and then give you chores to do like some submissive housewife. The two of you weren’t even married. Still there were supplies, clothing, an interesting collection of records, evidence of an orgy room, a fully functioning kitchen with top of the line equipment, a bathing room and a bunch of other interesting rooms to be found. There were lights in the underground, though they were dim and yellow, adding a sort of hazy look to the stone columns and walls. With the lights on you could get a better look at the high polished marble floors and the baroque style carved stone of the columns. It was quite nice under the church. You supposed it would be ridiculous to spend eternity in squalor. 

When Nanami picked up Gojo he knew his day was going to be long. The white haired menace got in the SUV, took a deep breath then smiled. It was the most unsettling smile Nanami had ever seen, mostly because he didn’t know why Gojo was smiling. He just was. 

“What?” Nanami demanded.
“Nothing. It’s a good morning.” 

“You hate mornings.” 

“Not this morning. I can tell that this morning is going to be very interesting.” 

“We are going to the church to confront the archbishop. I am sure that will be riveting.” 

“No, that will be boring. He’s going to demand you come back to the parish with the leech,” Gojo said and he turned in time to see Nanami’s face twitch in annoyance, “You’re going to say no. He’s going to threaten your life, I’m going to tell him to eat shit. And then we’ll make a formal split from the Rising Star church. Nothing interesting about any of that.” 

“Then what is so interesting that you’re smiling like an idiot.” 

Gojo chuckled, “Your new cologne.” 

“I’m not wearing cologne, it’s the soap that was in the underground. That is all.” 

“Right, and a closed mating bond,” Gojo grinned and Nanami turned to glare at him, “Oh come on, you reek of her. It’s seeping out of your pores.” 

“Mating bonds are-”

“Powerful among vampires. God, I thought you were possessive of her before, am I allowed to look at her now or are you going to try to rip my eyes out.” 

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a full vampire, it’s a diluted bond at best.” 

“Yeah you think your filthy blood sucker will try to take my head off then.” 

Nanami’s hands tightened on the steering wheel, his white knuckled grip tickled Gojo to no end. 

“I’m joking! She’s not filthy… well I guess she wasn’t when I last saw her. But after you’ve sexed her up who knows-”

“That’s enough,” Nanami grit out. 

Gojo sighed slumping in his seat a bit so he could properly rest his head on the head rest, “Oh you’re a fucking idiot.” There was a wistful smile on his lips, “Aren’t you going to kill her at the end of this?” 

“She’s not going to die.” 

“Uh huh,” Gojo nodded, “And I thought I was stupid for falling in love with a damned soul. I didn’t know I was gonna have to kill him. You’re just a glutton for punishment.” 

“She’s not going to die.”
“She’s a vampire. You’re a vampire hunter.” 

“We don’t even know if she’s a vampire. You said it yourself.” 

“She is very adamant about dying.” 

“She’ll change her mind.” 

Gojo pretended to retch, “Oh my god, you are so weak in the knees. Stand. Up! ‘I can change her’” he continued to mock.

“Gojo, she hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s not her fault she was changed, and she’s done nothing but help us kill vampires.”

“It’s not me who you should be convincing. Take it from someone who knows, when the person you love wants other things there’s only so much you can do.” 

“This isn’t like that. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone.” 

“So I guess you don’t count.” 

“She hasn’t hurt me.” 


“She wouldn’t-”

“Nanamin, the two of you are mated and she doesn’t want to spend eternity as I monster. She’s going to break your heart.” 

Nanami gritted his teeth, “Let’s just focus on the church.” 

“Fine… but one friend to another, bonds meant to last an eternity are strong, but a soul’s will is stronger. You cannot save anyone who doesn’t want to be saved. Trust me.” 

Nanami was silent. He was wise enough to know that Gojo meant well. Within the brashness of his words was real worry and real care. At the moment he wasn’t of the mind to receive his words with grace. The mere thought of harm coming to you was enough to make him feel like coming out of his skin. Logically, or whatever was left of his logic, he agreed with Gojo. This was stupid. He’d seen vampires make the stupidest decisions based upon their mates. He’d watched his own father do it. He forfeited his life to protect his mother, even though he knew Cordelius was going to kill her anyway. Maybe he just didn’t want to watch her die. Or maybe he was stupid enough to hope for something different. 

Nanami thought of that night, now that he was effectively mated. He viewed his father differently now. He was much younger, barely twelve when it happened. His mother hid him in a little crawl space between the walls, a place he often went to hide during games of hide-and-seek. He loved it because through a crack in the old walls he could observe his parents looking for him, and his father pretending to be unable to sniff him out. He looked through that crack as his father fought the Viscount Alexi Cordelius, doing all he could to protect his mother in the midst. He thought his father wasn’t strong enough to take on Cordelius, that there was nothing he could do to keep the younger vampire from killing, that the diet of animal blood made his death inevitable, but now he wondered if he was holding back because he wouldn’t risk his mother getting hurt in the all out brawl that would have ensued. In the end, he stepped right in front of an attack meant for Nanami’s mother. 

“Leave her be,” he’d pleaded, “This quarrel between you and I has nothing to do with her. Let her go.” 

“You are a waste of life. I shudder to even call you a vampire, you weak, spineless knave,” The Viscount seethed as he ripped the late Lord Nanami’s heart out. Nanami remembered his mother’s screaming sobs so vividly. He shut his eyes before he could see his mother murdered, but the sickening silence left behind haunted him at times when there was no one to talk to him and disrupt the silence. 

His whole life he’d trained with that moment in mind, learning all the ways that his father could have thwarted Alexi Cordelius if he had the guts to do it. And now he thought again of that, of risking your safety to fight an opponent. He used to wonder why his father didn’t simply turn his mother. It would have been easier if she could protect herself, or if she could even run fast enough to get away from the fight. Now he knew it was not so easy to ignore the will of one’s mate and he knew his mother did not desire an immortal life. 

He would suffer any amount of painful deaths before he let any harm come to you, and he would prostrate himself at your feet before doing anything that would make you hate him. This was perhaps his stupidest decision to date, maybe even stupider than becoming a priest in a losing battle against vampires, because he couldn’t bear to hurt you, but you expected him to take your life.


The church was exactly as he left it. He wasn’t sure what he expected, a disgraced church didn’t look any different from a holy church. That was the whole point. As far as he knew it could still be hallowed ground. It wouldn’t be after Gojo was done though. Nanami knew you would worry if he brought you along so he didn’t protest when Gojo said to come alone. He was going to revoke his blessing from the church and therefore take away his protection. You would worry about the sisters because you were a kind woman and not a hardened soldier against the forces of evil. It was a necessary move to cut the head of the church down. He thought he could straddle the fence on black and white matters. 

The moment they stepped on past the gates Gojo made a sound of discontent. Nanami looked up at him curiously to see the frown on his face. He wondered what he was sensing. His gift of six eyes came with a certain amount of precognition, and hyperawareness. Whatever Gojo saw in the present, future, or past of this place was enough to immediately annoy him. 

“We’re taking this straight to the man in charge,” Gojo grumbled, stepping forward. 

Nanami had only stood before the archbishop once, and that was to ask to postpone your execution until Cordelius was dealt with. The man was incredibly old. His position was one that lasted a lifetime. Nanami’s father saw him seated at the head of the church.

No one tried to stop them as they strolled to the Archbishop’s private office. No one would think of doing anything to impede Gojo’s progress. He was the son of an ophanim, the closest angels to God, and the holiest being they would meet in their time on earth. Their steps echoed on the pristine floor. The double doors at the end of the hallway led to the archbishop’s office and there were guards at either side, an uncommon sight. The bishops at the door held silver blades and stared at Gojo with a sort of trepidation that only came from an unwilling duty. 

“Step aside,” Gojo said on a heavy sigh, “those things won’t even touch me. I’ll tell the archbishop you fought hard.” 

They stepped in his way, holding up the gleaming silver swords to block him, “I’m sorry. We cannot let you pass.” 

“Lack of hospitality is a sin, youknow?” Gojo said in a lilting songlike voice. 

“It’s our orders.” 

“I know,” Gojo batted away their swords as if they were made of wood and he grabbed their arms and tossed them out of the way. They were not hurt in any significant way, just a few bumps and bruises to groan about later. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his dark pants and planted a heavy kick in the middle of the heavy mahogany double doors. They flew open to reveal the scene that had made Gojo frown when he stepped on the premises. 

The archbishop should have been an old man, but life had returned to his wrinkled face. Gojo tsked as he walked in looking from the archbishop to the two vampires sitting in front of his desk. They glared at him with eyes as vibrant as jewels, and just as cold and hard as them too. 

“Well, devils in the church. I wasn’t even gone that long.” 

Fear was palpable in the archbishop’s eyes as he looked at Gojo. Nanami wondered what he thought would be the outcome of this decision. Gojo was always going to come back to the church so he was always going to find out about the archbishop’s treachery. What was the plan?

The archbishop spoke hastily, “There have been vampires in this church for-”

“When I want you to speak, I will ask you to speak. Until then, shut up,” Gojo instructed coolly as he strolled into the office, “A half vampire, and an immortal hybrid never affected the sanctity of this place. We are accustomed to aligning ourselves with those interested in the preservation of human life. The status of their birth, and their transformation was not a factor. What are you doing, old man?” He stopped walking when he was behind both vampires, but his focus was obviously on the archbishop. The vampires recoiled from him, but if they thought to move then they certainly changed their minds when Nanami edged closer, with his hand on the blessed pistol on his hip.  

The archbishop stood from his chair fiercely making it squeal against the flooring, “I am embracing the next step of humanity’s evolution-”

Gojo groaned aloud, “I was hoping you would say something original.” 

“The greatest threat to humans is themselves! They must be thinned! With a chosen few as immortal beings and enough humans to keep us fed, this planet could be pulled back from the brink.” 

“Is that what Cordelius told you? Is that what he sent these two to convince you of? He must have. I thought it was odd that no one had seen you in person in a while. Guess it would have been hard to explain how a ninety-something year old raisin became a young grape again. But maybe you should have worked on your old man voice a little more. You sounded a bit too lively over the phone.” 

“Who are you to tell me what to do?! I am working for the betterment of mankind and God smiles down at my efforts! I am purifying this wretched world! What do you know? You were left behind by your own kind! You’re a disgrace!”

In a move too fast for anyone to follow, Gojo was suddenly behind the desk and looming over the archbishop. His blindfold was off, and he glared at the man with eyes as blue as the hottest part of the flame.  “I wasn’t left behind, I chose to stay. When all of the nephilim gave up on the salvation of man, I chose to stay. Your god does not watch for you. He watches for me and what I will do next.”

“What are you going to do next? Kill me? It won’t change anything.” 

Gojo grinned at that assessment, even as he bent a little to be in the archbishops face he did not remove his hands from his pockets. He had no reason to. No one in this room posed a significant threat to him, “You’re right. It won’t change anything but I can’t risk letting you live either.” 

“I am thinking of the greater good of mankind, surely you can understand-”

“Blah blah blah,” Gojo mocked, taking his hand out of his pocket to make a hand puppet as he mocked him, “It’s nothing personal. Oh, what’s that old saying humans wrote in that book you guys have been raving about for centuries: The lord giveth and the lord taketh away? Well, this is just me taketh….-ing away.” He put the one hand that wasn’t in his pocket, on top of the archbishop’s head, “Well maybe it’s a little personal too. You make me want to puke.” Gojo pulled the head off of the archbishop’s shoulders causing blood to spray all over the office. Nanami pulled his guns at the same time, aiming them at the closest vampire. They turned to look at him in enough time for them to see him shoot. The man pushed the woman aside, taking the bullet to the chest, but it did not hit his heart. The silver bullet made his flesh sizzle and smoke. The woman growled and launched herself at Nanami, a truly foolish move that made him wonder if these two were even trained in combat. 

“Leave one alive,” Gojo directed before tossing the archbishops head like a ball into the woman hard enough to pulverize the thing and change the course of her body as it soared through the air. It allowed Nanami to focus on the man just behind her making his attack. He shot him again but the vampire dodged. At this Nanami wondered what had been the logic behind taking the first shot. Nanami breathed in and recognized the way their scents intermingled. With them so close together it was hard to tell who was who, only that there were two vampires. They were mated. 

“They’re mated. If we kill one, we won’t get anything out of the other,” Nanami answered. 

“And you would know all about that wouldn’t you?” 

“So would you Gojo. Let’s not talk about lengths we’d go to for love,” Nanami gritted out.
“Oh, I really got under your skin. Alright, alright, I’m in a glass house, I know when to stop throwing stones,” he chuckled before joining the fray to get both vampires subdued. It wasn’t hard. They were strong fighters and keeping them alive meant both Nanami and Gojo had to fight. Gojo’s power was absolute and destructive, better suited for obliterating enemies. He wasn’t very good at subduing. Nanami’s expert precision made it possible to inflict immobilizing wounds while Gojo kept them fighting for their lives unable to divert from defense lest they be killed by any one of the blows Gojo threw. 

When their bodies hit the floor they hissed and cursed at Gojo and Nanami bound them and picked up one each. Gojo put a hand on Nanami’s shoulder teleported them deep underground, in a place that very few people knew about. Nanami hadn’t been there since he decided to spare your life. He put the blessed cuffs on the vampires,and set the other bindings so that they could not move. They yelled and cursed the whole time and Nanami was unmoved. Gojo pulled up an old wooden chair and sat in it backwards, resting his arms over the back of the chair in an awkward looking position. 

“Alright, who knows the most about the Viscount’s plans?”

“Fuck you, I’m not telling you anything, you damn sycophant of a lying idol!” the man spit. 

“So it’s you? Well, you should start talking, because Nanami here is precise with a knife he can cut the flesh off of a vampire without killing it, and the best part is, your healing factor will make sure there’s always more flesh to be cut away.” 

“Do what you want to me! I’m not talking.” 

“You?” Gojo laughed, “No, we’re not going to do anything to you. We need you to be able to give us information. I was talking about your mate, silly.” 

Nanami watched the horror flash across the vampire’s face as they met eyes. 

“So first question. What is the woman that the Viscount wants badly enough to infiltrate the church?”

Only four vampires seemed to have lived in this church for a long time. The belongings of the others were still in suitcases. They seemed to only just have arrived. Rotten luck on their part really, if they were a day later they would have avoided this place all together. Or maybe they would have strolled on to the grounds unaware that it was freshly hallowed and died anyway. At least that would have been a quick death. You couldn’t imagine having your throat ripped out by a blood crazed monster was pleasant. Though you supposed it served them right considering the lives they’d taken. Maybe Nanami was right, you were just doing what you had always done which was kill vampires, now you were just… less wasteful. You huffed unsatisfied with that conclusion. It just made you more dangerous to Nanami. Though you supposed you hadn’t attacked him before and you didn’t get the urge to attack him this morning. You also weren’t particularly hungry, and probably wouldn’t be for some time. You found a room with a good amount of very pretty dresses made for a petite frame. When you opened the wardrobe the scent that came out was all at once familiar like cloves and nutmeg. You could see the first young woman you’d come across in this  church in your mind’s eye. The fashion of these dresses was familiar to you. They looked like something fresh out of the gilded age. Beautiful piece with careful embroidering, and she had a good amount of petticoats. Old vampires were prone to nostalgia and seeing their feeders in garb from their prime usually endeared them to him.

When you were with the Viscount you’d always dressed like Buttercup from The Princess Bride. He was an old vampire, he would never say how old but you were sure that the setting of The Princess Bride fit. These dresses didn’t look as comfortable as yours had been. There was so much fabric she was meant to carry around, and feeders were not known for being a strong bunch. Being bled on a schedule made many girls weak and anemic and many vampires didn’t care to take very good care of them, to balance their diet with lots of iron and potassium. Once the blood quality declined the feeder was killed. You supposed you were lucky enough that the Viscount was particular about his girls. You were all monitored by a physician and fed a careful diet to keep you producing enough red blood cells to not only survive but to make a full bodied bottle of blood for him and his guests. 

You made a soft sound of disgust thinking of it. You wished you’d been of the mind to bury that woman. She had been through so much that in the end… she thanked you. You wondered if you would still feel thankful to rest in the end. While you searched around you noticed a journal hidden deep in the wardrobe. You opened it curiously and read the contents. 

“My name is Jamika. They call me Jane but I don’t want to forget what my real name is. I’m terrified I’ll forget because no one calls me it here. I want to go home. I want my mom. I know I’m too old to want my mom, and I shouldn’t cry. If they catch me it’ll be bad. But I want to go home. God please let me go home.” It was dated February 2004. She was probably just a child then. They preferred to get feeders young. The more dependent they were on their vampire masters the less they tried to run. You wondered how she got her hands on a journal, and she kept it for so long. This wasn’t the kind of thing they liked feeders to remember. They preferred that life outside of them was forgotten. 

Another entry read, “I am tired all the time. I nearly fell asleep during my chores. An older woman prodded me with the end of her broom. It left a really bad bruise but I don’t think she did it that hard. It didn’t hurt. I don’t feel good. But when Brandy told one of them she felt ill they took her away and she hasn’t been back. I don’t think she’s alive. I don’t want to die.” 

Jamika had good instincts. To risk the chance of disease ruining the “crop” feeders who showed signs of illness were usually killed outright. Especially if they were a part of a “winery”- vampire run establishments that ran a cover as a normal winery to the human world but they casked and barreled blood to vampires. Her conditions made you believe that she had been in a place much like that. 

You skimmed her journal, feeling tears prick at your eyes as you remembered similar experiences, the post feed weakness, the way they clung to you afterward, seeking out warmth like reptiles even though they’d stolen it all. You remembered the way the cold used to blow right through you. The Viscount used to use it as an excuse to put you under his cloak with him forcing your bodies close together. 

“I was given to a new blood drinker. She is strange but does not seem violent. When I talk to the others they all talk about how great she is, except I don’t believe them. They talk about her like a God. It doesn’t sound right. It sounds… insincere. They all say I’ll love her too, soon. I hope not. I don’t want to be like them. My god I’m so tired. I just want this to end.” June 2011

“They moved me again. It’s underground. They keep saying I’m a special one. If it means they stop biting me I’ll take it. No one has fed from me in three months. I am starting to feel stronger again. The tunnels are hard to understand. I walk them during the day. There’s no sunlight down here but the blood drinkers sleep anyway. I will find a way out or die trying.” September 2019

“I am not the same. They made me drink something and for three days I burned. I thought they set me on fire. My skin feels raw, writing this is loud, and I am so thirsty. God, what have they done to me?” March 2020

“I am losing myself. I have to check this journal sometimes to remember who I am. I am Jamika… but it feels wrong to call myself that. Jamika would have died before drinking blood the way I do. They call me Jane and it’s starting to feel like a more apt name. I know Jane better. I killed a child today. A young feeder, with sweet blood. They want me to be strong. They say I have a special place in a new world. I don’t want to do this anymore.” October 2021

That was the last entry you could bear to read. You’d skipped many more. If that broken-nosed vampire hadn’t messed up this would have been you. If you hadn’t ran and stumbled into the life of someone equipped to help you, you would have been just like Jamika. You closed the journal and stared at the unassuming cover. Her body was long gone, but that wasn’t really her anymore. She’d lost herself years ago. This journal though, was all that was left of the girl she had once been. You would put it to rest. 

You went outside and found that it was much later than you expected. The sun was setting. A certain amount of nervousness went through your body. Nanami said that he wouldn’t be gone long. He had been gone a very long time. You hoped he was alright. The thought of anything happening to him made your stomach twist. Nevertheless, having a task in mind kept you from dwelling too long on it. You went around to the little shed around the back filled with tools. You grabbed a shovel and went searching for a good place to bury the journal. It didn’t take you long to dig a deep hole and when you put the journal inside you murmured a prayer for her. Maybe God wouldn’t hear it because you were a vampire, but maybe it was the thought that counted. You went back towards the church at around twilight, when the sky was more velvet blue with only a thin line of saturated orange and pink at the horizon. 

If you didn’t have Nanami, would you have lost yourself completely? He was there every step of the way reminding you of your rage, your drive to learn how to fight, and inadvertently reminding you of simple joys. An evenly matched conversation in which you feared no bodily harm for your thoughts, the amusement of teasing someone else with no fear for a wounded ego. The egos of vampires ran deep and you’d seen many a young woman be killed because she scorned one. Nanami was not that way. He was calm, somewhat stoic, but his rye sense of humor had been a source of comfort for so long. 

You glanced out at the tree line longingly and then you froze. Like a startled deer your legs locked and you stopped in your tracks, staring out between two trees. Your throat immediately went dry and your heart began to pound. The figure between the two trees was familiar to you and you hadn’t seen it in more than 3 years. The Viscount Alexi Cordelius stood on what must be the boundary between hallowed and secular ground. He was as you remembered him, in a loose white tunic tucked into high waisted pants that you were sure were older than you, and boots that laced all the way up to the knee. His dark hair curled in big spirals that made the hair that wasn’t long enough to fully curl stick up like waves of the ocean. His eyes were piercing even so far away, a subdued grayish violet, like Elizabeth Taylor. 

“Well a vampire nun on holy ground. You really are special,” he said in a voice that was soft like crushed velvet, and deep enough to find utterly soothing if you didn’t know how dangerous he was. 

“Viscount.” You addressed stiffly. 

“Oh, pet, we know each other well enough for me to be more than my title to you.” 

“You don’t know me at all,” you said, taking a step backward. 

“You don’t smell like yourself,” he said, “You smell utterly intoxicating as always but there’s someone else there. You’re mated? You left me behind so easily. I am curious about the vampire who could do what I couldn’t.”

Having him mention Nanami even though he didn’t know him by name set every nerve in your body on edge. Before you could stop the sound you were hissing, like every monster you ever came in contact with. You reacted like a beast whose home had been threatened. 

“Ooo,” he purred, lips twisting up in a beautiful yet sinister smirk, “I’d really like to meet the vampire that tamed you. What would you do for me to keep him safe?”

“I would tear your heart from your body,” you said on a hard breath. The way your body was reacting to his threats was alarming but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to rip his head from his body, string him up from the church steeple as an example to everyone who thought about attacking Nanami. 

“I don’t sense another here. When will your mate be back, I have to see if he’s worthy of my greatest creation.” 

“You won’t touch him.” 

“Will you stop me?” He grinned. You knew that he wanted you to step off of hallowed ground so that he could ambush you. The Viscount was an old vampire, and a natural born one at that. He had powers that you knew nothing about and ones that you couldn’t comprehend. Your only protection was the church, but Nanami would be coming back and he would be vulnerable. 

“I won’t let you take me.” 

“You’re a fighter. I should have known better than to let those dullards look after you, You always needed special attention. Does he know how to take care of you? Does he know to treat you special, or do you allow him to treat you like you’re common?”

“… What am I?”

He laughed, “You’re a vampire. You haven’t figured that out yet.” 

“But I… fed on vampires,” you argued, “And I’m on holy ground-“

“Oh, so you know that already? Is that what happened to my friends in this previously disgraced church? Well at least they went to a good cause.” 

“Am I… can I give birth to vampires?” 

“Why? Did you let that nobody into your secret garden?” He smiled but you still knew his face well enough to detect the anger on it. His thin straight nose wrinkled a little and his eyes narrowed just a bit. 

You frowned at his choice of words and your distaste made his face light up with recognition. 

“Oh you did. Naughty nun,” he laughed, “You are not a divine mother. It would have been a waste to use you as mere breeding stock. No you are much, much more special to me. So you must know I won’t stop until I have you. I’ll do whatever I must to get you back, I’ll even forgive your triste with a common vampire, because you will be the queen of this damned world when I’m done with it.” Though he said his words calmly his lips were tense. They were full, dusty pink, soft to the touch- you remembered- but when he was angry they thinned a bit with tension. 

“What does that mean?” You asked. 

“It means you are so much more than you can even imagine and far more than a simple vampire could hope to handle.” 

“And if you take me, what’s stopping me from just killing you, huh? If that’s what I’m supposed to do? If I was made to kill vampires.” 

“If you think you can, I’d be delighted to go out that way and live as a part of you for all eternity.” 

Your entire being recoiled at that idea. As you went to argue with him you heard the sound of an approaching car. Your heart dropped and it was already at the soles of your feet so it might as well have been in the pits of hell. Nanami was coming back. The Viscount tilted his head listening to the tell tale sound of tires on a dirt road. 

“That must be him. Let me greet my adversary.” 

“No. NO! Nanami! Turn back!” You wailed, not daring to step past the boundaries of the church. If the Viscount got you whatever plans he wished to force upon the world would be another crucial step forward towards fruition. 

“The VISCOUNT IS HERE!” You yelled again as the Viscount gave you a cruel smile. 

“Catch me if you dare,” he taunted before bolting off in the direction of the dirt road. You darted off to, going around the perimeter to the drive and throwing open the church gates just in case he made it in, so there would be no roadblocks. You stood between the gates, peering out at the road anxiously. You screamed for Nanami again.


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Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black!reader

Chapter 6 Summary: After your kiss with Nanami you’re left to wonder at the state of your relationship with him as the two of you go on a mission to take back a small church as your new base of operations. Nanami makes his intentions with you very clear in the end.

Warnings: talk of death, blood, gore… but still no worse than canon, NSFW, Smut

Who art in Heaven Masterlist

Previous Chapter

You woke up with your head pillowed on Nanami’s chest, which was not how you fell asleep. You sat up slowly, so as not to wake Nanami as you made your escape from his loose hold around your waist. As you looked down at him you noticed how relaxed his face was, and how one of his hands rested on his stomach. He slept like the dead, which was a very vampirish thing to do. All he needed was a coffin and he’d be a regular Dracula. You’d never be able to sleep in a coffin. You tossed and turned too much. As you moved away from him his other arm, the one that had apparently been wrapped around your waist, holding you to his side, fell to the mattress. At least the agility that vampirism allotted you made you nimble enough not to jostle the bed as you got out of it. You went to the ensuite to freshen up, and then got dressed.  You couldn’t stand to linger in that bed room. Despite the fact that it had been hours since that kiss, your lips still felt like they were tingling from it. This was worse and better than the way you felt after feeding from him. You hadn’t taken anything from him, not technically, though you were sure it was against some kind of code for him to do that, but he had asked to kiss you. You hadn’t taken any more than he willingly gave. Though you suppose the same could be said for his blood. He had given that freely as well, you suppose the big difference there was that you hadn’t wanted it. You’d made your peace with dying. 

You thought all of this over downstairs in the kitchen, rooting through the cabinets for coffee or tea. You could at least reliably make that. As you set a french press you heard the tell tale whistle of metal through the air and turned fast enough to catch a metal pike that would have gone through your skull. You turned to look at the origin of the weapon and found Gojo wearing a sleep mask, and his pajama pants. 

“You’re not screaming in agony, so it seems all holy metals have no effect on you at all,” he said, continuing into the kitchen as if he didn’t just make an attempt on your life. You stared at the metal pike in your hand unsure of what to do with it.
“Um… did you just try to kill me?” 

“No. If I was trying you’d be dead.”

“Right. Just testing my reflexes then,” you concluded, setting the pike on the counter so you could continue your task. 

“You did well,” he congratulated. You nodded slowly trying to go back to what you were doing, but now you were on edge.

“So how did you sleep?” Gojo asked patiently. 


“So are you and Nanami really nothing more than friends? Because I thought for sure I would hear some bed rocking.” 

You stared at him in open shock that he was bold enough to ask you something like that, “He is a priest.” 

“So? He’s still a man, and you’re a woman. And he’s into that… are you into men?” 

“I like men just fine, things aren’t like that with Nanami,” you said and you weren’t even sure if you were lying or not. You weren’t sure if Nanami would have gone further or not last night. You really didn’t understand his motivations at all, which was weird for you. He was such a straightforward person so you could usually assume the motivations behind most of his actions, but this was a true mystery. There was nothing to really gain from it… right?

“Hm, well if you like men just fine, I’ve always been curious about the pleasures of a vampire, but I couldn’t find one that wasn’t set on killing all humans, and the last time I shacked up with someone who had a thing against humans it didn’t end well.” 

“… Sorry, I’m a nun,” you said in a deadpanned tone. 

He shrugged, “You could just say no. You’re loyal to Nanami and I respect that. In fact, it’s in your best interest. I don’t have a great many friends, so if anything happens to Nanami and even suspect that you were behind it, I’ll make you wish for death long before I give it to you.” 

“I already wish for it.” 

“Well then I’ll be sure you’re begging me to kill you.” 

You sighed, “If something happened to Nanami, I would be asking you to kill me. But I get your point. You’re protective of him. I know my word doesn’t mean much to you, but I would die before I hurt Nanami, and if I’m left behind and Nanami’s no more for this world… well it wasn’t for lack of trying to go with him.” 

“Right…. And you two are just friends. Cool. That’s not confusing,” he chuckled.

“I wouldn’t even call us friends. Just people bound together by a promise .” 

“So you’re married.” 

“He’s going to kill me at the end of this.” 

“So there’s a few more conditions on ‘til death do us part,” he shrugged nonchalantly. 

You stared at him, at a loss for words. He seemed set on misinterpreting everything you said. 

“I have known Nanami since his parents died, which was thirteen years ago. Cosmically it’s a short time, but it’s a good portion of his life. In that time he’s had one other friend, and then you.” 

You cocked your head curiously.
“Before you there was another kid in seminary school, hunting vampires to be another soldier of the cloth. He was killed on a hunt. Nanami left the parish for a few years, and came back when he was 23. He was on his own before you came along. My life has too many moving parts to sit around taking orders from the church all the time. But Nanami seemed suited to the work. Well he used to be, now I’m not so sure.” 

“He’s a good person. I’m not the most religious, but the sisters have nothing but good things to say about Nanami and-”

“Truth be told, Nanami’s not particularly faithful either. He’s just suited to the work. When he talks people listen. And while his belief in the text written by man is not strong, he has a strong sense of morality and in some ways is better. He’s not working for a ticket to heaven, because he doesn’t believe there is one for him. He’s doing it because it’s honest work and it’s good work.” 

You opened your mouth to respond, but heard movement upstairs and thought better of it. Gojo let silence continue on. You made your own coffee, then a second mug of just black coffee as you heard Nanami’s footsteps on the stairs. He came into the kitchen and you turned with a mug of coffee. 

“Good morning, Father Nanami,” you said and you watched his mouth twitch in slight annoyance but he nodded at you nonetheless. 

“Morning. Gojo, what’s our next move for today.” 

“Wait, you didn’t make me a cup of coffee!” Gojo complained. 

You stared wide eyed, “I don’t know how you like your coffee.” 

He grinned, “I don’t.” 

“Then why-”

“Today, I need you two to get the hell out of my house. So we’re taking back an old church. And by we I mean you,” Gojo cut you off. 

“Taking back a church? From whom?” Nanami questioned. 

“Vampires of course. It’s good land, and it’s a shame that the church let it fall in the first place. There’s a small coven, just four vampires who inhabit it. You two can handle that right?” 

“What will you be doing?” Nanami asked.
“I will be gathering the materials to sanctify the church. And I need you two to hop to it. Tonight is a full moon, and if you don’t get it done today, then I won’t be able to get you two out of here until next month and that is not an option.”

With that Gojo grabbed a poptart from the cabinet and left, therefore leaving you and Nanami alone. He looked the same as always in all black, ready to go bust another den of vampires. You found your gaze lingering on him, as if you expected to find some obvious physical change in him after a singular kiss. You shook your head in disappointment with yourself. You could just ask him what that was about. It would be easier than trying to glean meaning out of what happened on your own. 

“Um, Nanami,” you called hesitantly. 

“We should get ready to leave,” he said abruptly, “Your weapons are upstairs” 

If ever that was a hint not to ask your question. Maybe it was just because Gojo was around. Nevertheless, it was hard to get the courage back to ask him about it right away so you just did as he said, taking your mug of coffee with you as you went upstairs to gather your things. The two of you would have the whole car ride to talk about it anyway. 

Except in the car he played music the whole time. It was far too loud to hold a conversation, heavy drums, screamed lyrics, the whole nine yards. Plus, the church wasn’t terribly far away. It was 45 minutes away in the woods, a quaint chapel with vibrant stained glass in the windows. The stone building put you on edge for some reason. It reminded you of the kind of thing you’d see in a horror movie. Maybe it was a place where witches were hanged and people today went missing. 

“What’s our plan?” you asked Nanami.

“Well it’s day time, so they’re probably sleeping. I can’t imagine they get many human visitors way out here. It’s probably just a meeting place for vampires.”

“And we’ll be calling this place home? I can feel the ghosts of racist white people calling me slurs.” 

He looked at you then the church and sort of huffed a little laugh, “I see what you mean. Come on.” 

You thought that the door might be locked when Nanami went up to it, but it opened with a long creak. The inside was nicer than you expected. The stone flooring had a nice finish on it still, and the inside of the church smelled fresh. These vampires were certainly keeping the place in top shape. When you saw Nanami pull his weapon you did the same, taking a silver stake from the sheath at your thigh. You supposed there was absolutely no reason to pretend like you weren’t here to slay vampires. 

Sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows, painting parts of the room vibrant jewel tones. You heard movement to your left, and both you and Nanami looked in that direction. You took a deep breath, smelling the sharp scent of a vampire. To be fair, this place reeked of vampires, but you could tell the difference between a lingering scent, and a new approaching one. This one was like cloves and nutmeg, a strong spiced scent like autumn. It was pleasant, but very nearly overwhelming. The approaching vampire was a woman who looked like she’d just stepped out of the pages of a Jane Austen novel. She took a breath to alert the others, but you’d already darted across the room and put your stake through her heart. You held her body close to yours to keep her from falling too loudly. Her jaw dropped in a silent scream. Her eyes violet like amethyst gems stared right into yours but there was no anger in her stare. 

“Thank… you,” she whispered, and you felt your body go cold. You were frozen there, looking at her pale skin. The skin of her throat and chest were scarred with bite marks, the kind that still lingered on your body if you knew where to look. Just like yours, they had faded with the transformation from human to vampire. Somebody changed a feeder, but why? You leaned forward to breathe in the last of her scent and found that she smelled quite nice. You wondered if that’s what people smelled from you. You turned to look at Nanami with wide confused eyes. He, of course, had heard the exchange. 

“What is this place?” you said softly

“Stay sharp,” he said curtly instead of answering. Truth be told, he had no more of an idea about what was happening than you did.  

You carefully set the woman on the ground, before continuing through the church. But now you couldn’t help but wonder why this place was Gojo’s pick for relocation. What was so special about it? There was a door at the end of a hallway that you opened, letting Nanami take the lead down the dark staircase. You thought that the other vampires would be sleeping, but you could hear voices from far off. This basement had to run deeper than you knew. It was pitch black. Vampires had no need for light. Your vision was a good deal better in the dark. You wondered if Nanami was okay. His vision was not as good as yours without light. With that in mind you gently grabbed his shirt and pulled him back so you could be in front. The stone walls on either side of you were cold, and there was a dampness in the air that seemed inevitable with the underground. This place was obviously taken care of. It did not smell, except for a faint earthy scent, and the ground beneath you was smooth and even. 

As you drew closer the voices grew louder, at least seven distinct voices could be heard. Four out of seven were male voices, two were definitely female and the last one you couldn’t quite place. They’d only said one word. The two of you passed many rooms in your journey, each one was empty. It seemed they were all in a meeting of some sort, in a large hall, that made their voices echo. As the two of you approached the hall began to take on a red glow on the lower half of the walls and reflected off of the floor. 

“Cordelius expects us to be ready to move tonight. If you idiots hadn’t let her get away in the first place we wouldn’t be scrambling now,” a woman said. 

“We found another one just like her!” an eerily familiar voice said. Your heart was in the pit of your stomach. 

“Emmy is a peace offering, if we want a place in the new world that old bat is building we need her.”

“I don’t understand what his damn fascination is with that damn feeder. She was always more trouble than she was worth. He sullied her blood, you know? Emmy’s the real deal. A genuine Eve of the new world. He should be over the moon that we found her. In fact we did him a favor, losing that troublemaker. The church has her now, they’ve probably offed her by now.”
“We know they haven’t! Tara’s security had eyes on her!”

“So they’re torturing the stupid bitch!” 

You heard the sounds of a scuffle and the hard thump of a fist hitting flesh. The man cried out.

“They’re using her as a weapon against us! Do you have any idea what will happen when they figure out what she can really do! She took out one of the undead on her own, and she’s weakened! If she starts feeding like she’s supposed to all of us are dead.” 

You and Nanami were both around the corner from the hall. The lower half of the walls, and the floor were an ominous red, while the ceiling shined a vibrant blue. Maybe they had LEDs in the hall, but why would they? At any rate, it was obvious that they were talking about you. Obviously, if you drank human blood you’d be a stronger, quicker, deadlier weapon, but you would also be a monster. 

“Where is Emmy?” A new female voice spoke, “Doesn’t usually take her so long to come back.”

“Send the other girl to go get her,” the previous woman said. 

“Rebecca,” a man called and you heard the corresponding movement. It seemed like you weren’t going to be able to eavesdrop anymore. This woman would surely see the two of you. You took a deep breath, and among the usual scents of a normal vampire was one like fresh lilac and patchouli. Another turned feeder? You glanced at Nanami so that he knew what you were going to do. You had to stake her, and once you did, you knew the vampires in the hall would react. You gripped the stake in your hand as tightly as you could, then she came around the corner. Death found her before she even knew it. 

“What was that?!” a woman exclaimed and Nanami moved around you to shoot the closest vampires. The sound of his guns firing with deadly precision was deafening as it echoed in the hall. You set the woman on the ground gently, pulling your stake out of her chest before standing to your full height to help Nanami. You turned in time to see an attack coming  from the left. You sprang, your body colliding with the man who meant to take him out. His back hit a pillar before he fell down on top of you. You moved quickly to get in a better position. In his dazed state you got him onto his back and lifted the stake to kill him, then he said your name. It gave you pause, and you really took the chance to look at him. He was one of the vampires who were supposed to take you out to feed two years ago when you made your escape to the church. He had ashen skin, dramatic side burns, and a thin nose that had been broken quite a few times. 

He punched you in the stomach and got you off your balance, grabbing at your wrists to try and restrain you. 

“Kill the fucker with the guns, I’ve got the fuckin prized pony!” he bellowed to the other vampires in the room. You realized that there were more vampires in the hall, most of them had been silent through the discussion. There were too many. At least 15. You’d definitely stumbled across some kind of meeting. The rapid fire of Nanami’s guns stopped with a click and you knew he was out of ammo. 

Nanami let out a heavy sigh. There were at least three vampires coming right at him immediately. He dodged their attack, reaching behind him for the weapon strapped to his back. It was a blessed cleaver, sharp enough to take off a vampire’s head, and the blessings on the blade saw to it that the blow was fatal. Still getting the blade left him open to attacks. A vampire punched him hard enough to send him into one of the pillars in the room. He did manage to get the blade free as they approached. He got back to his feet, unwrapping the blade from it’s cloth bindings. The white, black-dotted fabric made for great knuckle protection as he wound it around his hand. A set of fangs were bared and headed straight for his face and he shoved his fist in their mouth, grimacing against the enormous pressure of supernaturally strong jaws around his hand. He lifted the now uncovered blade and cleaved their head from their shoulders. He had to pry the dead jaws of the vampire off of his hand and it fell with a thud. It gave the other attackers pause. They expected the body of their ally to move but it did not. Nanami used their hesitation to go for you. Four vampires were moving with you, trying to take you from him. He had the time to cleave two of their necks before he was being mobbed again. 

That was all the assistance you needed. With your dominant hand free you were able to attack. Shoving it through the nearest vampire’s chest and taking out its heart. It wasn’t enough to simply take it. If regained in enough time, it could be put back in the vampire. The vampire sure tried to take it back from you. In a knee jerk move you brought the heart to your mouth and bit it, sinking your razor sharp fangs into the organ, and using your now free hand to protect yourself. 

Vampire blood was not sustaining to vampires. If a vampire bit another vampire it was purely for pleasure. It did not trigger the feeding frenzy that could make it so dangerous for a vampire to feed directly from a human host (which is why blood was often bottled or put in special casks for guests). So if you had the mind to think, you would have been confused about what happened next. 

The hunger that possessed you was unlike any you had ever experienced. Suddenly you were parched, throat burning with the need for blood. You had never experienced anything like this… even when you first encountered Nanami’s blood. It was good, great even, but it wasn’t this. You blacked out. 

Nanami heard the vicious growling that erupted behind him as he fought. He recognized your growls specifically, but he couldn’t hazard a look. He could only hope that the sound of tearing flesh and broken bones were by your hand. An old vampire was at his throat. She, of course, did not look old but the power behind her strikes and her abilities gave her age away. He held a hand at her throat, and her hand was holding his other one (the one with the cleaver). Every second that passed her fangs drew closer to their mark. His arm shook with exertion his own growls joining the vicious sounds echoing in the hall. Frantic screams added a truly chilling chorus to the mix. Just when he felt like the arm holding this vampire back was going to give out, something knocked into her like a freight train. It was too fast for even Nanami’s eyes to follow. He saw in the end it was a body that had been torn in half, but did not bleed. He turned in the direction that the carcass came from. You stood there for a split second before you were moving too fast for him to see you anymore. But in that split second he noticed that your mouth all the way down to your chest was dripping with blood. He felt the whoosh of air as you leapt over him on the ground to launch your body at the vampire that had already coiled herself to spring. You both hit the ground hard, rolling around like feuding lions. His eyes took in the rest of the room. Not all of the bodies were drained. Some were bleeding out on the floor, hearts snatched from their chests and discarded with chunks bit out of them a few feet away from them. The red glow in the room only seemed more intense and the blood splatters on the vibrant blue ceiling shone with a ghastly sort of beauty. A sickening crunch and snap called Nanami’s attention back to the fight. He had only looked away for a few seconds. You were crouched over the vampire’s body, the greedy sound of hasty glugs told him that you were drinking her blood. His grip on the cleaver in his hand tightened. 

“Y/N,” he called, stunned by your actions. Vampires didn’t taste particularly good to other vampires. They bit each other for pleasure, not to feed. He couldn’t understand what you were doing. But you turned sharply as he moved towards you, your wide dark eyes appraising him for a split second before you were on top of him. His head smacked the stone floor sharply, and he winced. His weapon suddenly felt impossibly heavy in his hand now. 

“Y/N, dammit this isn’t you,” he said as you loomed over him, “Don’t do this.” 

You breathed in sharply, before your gaze went to his arm, the one holding his weapon. You grabbed his wrist and he winced expecting you to take off his hand or inflict some other form of violence to stop him from using the holy weapon against you. Instead you pressed your nose against his wrist, breathing in slowly. You trailed your nose from wrist up his arm, to his neck. He should have taken the opportunity, taken your head off when he felt your lips on his neck, slick with blood, and warm with the flush of feeding. Yet, he did nothing, paralyzed in the moment. You pulled back to look him in the eyes and he stared at you, confused that you hadn’t attacked him. Your eyes were still unfocused. You obviously weren’t yourself still, but you made no move to attack. You took his face in your hand, smudging blood on his face and yet he found he did not mind. And he didn’t mind when your bloody lips pressed against his. 

Similar to the previous night, Nanami found himself wanting to be as close to you as physically possible. He let go of the cleaver in favor of wrapping his arms around your body, taking you off balance to roll so that you were beneath him. His mouth moved with yours in hurried, hungry patterns, ones you wouldn’t let escalate the night before, too busy worrying about things that had no bearing on your present moment. He could feel the sharp edge of your nails even through his shirt. If you were all there, you would stop this. That thought sobered him. He pulled away from you sharply, ignoring the desperate sound you made at him. 

“Hey, snap out of it,” he said firmly, “Listen to me, you’re not yourself.”  He held your face in his hand to keep your gaze on his. You made another desperate whining sound and he realized expecting you to come down from a blood frenzy while surrounded by the blood you fed on was asinine. 

“Come on,” he said, moving to pick you up cautiously. At any moment, he was aware that you could turn on him. Especially as he moved you away from the blood you so desired. It would be easier to just kill you while you weren’t trying to fight him. Still, he picked you up, carrying you out of the winding halls beneath the church. In the light of day the carnage staining your body was much more gruesome than he could have fathomed in the dark. You were covered in blood, and now so was he. You hissed at the light and his heart dropped a moment. Was this it? Was this the moment where whatever resistance you had to normal vampire weaknesses vanished? Or maybe the abrupt change from dark to light was drastic for such sensitive eyes and he was worrying over nothing.

“Nanami,” you murmured, voice slurred together a bit. 

“I’m here.” 

“Are you alright?” 

“I’m fine.” 

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” your voice was smaller with that question and so he looked down at you. 

Coming back to yourself felt foggy, like when you stop drinking at a party and suddenly the lights inside your brain turn back on an hour later. You’re still drunk, but you’re self aware again, and you can acknowledge that you’re drunk and maybe you feel bad. You felt full, like a bag of liquid sloshing around with every step Nanami took. When you came back to yourself you first noticed Nanami’s scent, and then the warmth of his touch. The last thing you noticed was all the blood on him, smudged across his neck, and  all over his mouth. 

“No. You didn’t.” 

You let out a relieved sigh, “I don’t know what happened. I didn’t even smell you bleeding.” 

“You didn’t go into a frenzy over my blood. I don’t think I’m bleeding.” He set you on a nearby pew and took a seat beside you, “Think,” he urged. “Try to remember, I know you can.” 

You ran your hands down your face, and you felt how wet your hands and face were. They were both covered in blood. And you recalled the time you lost to the blood frenzy. 

“Oh my god. Oh my god,” you whispered. 

“Hey, you only attacked vampires. I don’t think you had any intentions of hurting me,” Nanami said, trying to comfort you. 

“What am I?”

He faltered, “I don’t know.” 

“I’m sorry,” you hung your head. 

“What are you sorry about? You saved my life.” 

“I kissed you while I was like that. I didn’t even ask. I basically assaulted you-”

“Consider yourself forgiven. We’ve kissed before you know.” 

“And you asked me.” 

“I didn’t mind,” He answered. 

“I don’t understand you,” you admitted, sounding utterly defeated, “I’m too tired to try.” 

“Rest. I’ll call Gojo, tell him we’re finished here.” 

You nodded, easing yourself back to lie down on the church pew. 

Nanami lingered for a moment, wishing he had something to cover you with. He didn’t so he set upon making sure that the small church was secure before going outside to call Gojo. The sun was high in the sky as he went out. He took a deep breath to clear his head, and then made the call. He told Gojo an edited version of the events that took place in the church. He didn’t need to know that you drained the blood from over a dozen vampires, he didn’t need to know that you seemed to be a commodity worth throwing ones life over. Vampires didn’t risk their lives easily, and they were set on taking you, not killing you. If they meant to kill you, they probably wouldn’t be dead right now. There were a lot of details he left out for your protection and also for his. Because there was no logical reason why you were still alive after what happened today. If he, himself, had anything close to a self preservation instinct he wouldn’t be lying for you. When he went back inside of the church, he set upon cleaning up any evidence that would make his words an obvious lie. 

When you woke up it was sunset. You stared at the colored light streaming through the stained glass windows for a moment, still waiting for your brain to turn on completely. You felt full. Completely and utterly satisfied, something you’d never felt before. Animal blood kept you moving, it made the thirst bearable so that you wouldn’t be a threat to humans but you were always thirsty. You didn’t feel thirsty. You felt… well you weren’t sure what you were feeling. You got up, and walked around the small church until you found a bathroom. You looked at your face in the mirror. Blood was smeared all over you. You knew that your hands were covered in red, dried blood caked under your fingernails. Before you even looked in the mirror you knew your face had to be a mess. Your skin felt tight with dried blood on it. Still, seeing it was harrowing. You looked every bit like a thing right out of a horror movie… like the vampires you used to see stumbling out of the other feeders’ rooms, too blood drunk to care about their mess. You felt disgusting. You turned on the water and scrubbed at your face, trying to get the blood off as quickly as possible. Then when that was done you scrubbed at your hands, choking on horrified sobs, as tears made your sight swim. Everything was just a wash of red in the sink, until red faced to pink, and then eventually the water ran clear. Your breath heaved and hitched as you cried. You never wanted any of this. You’d give anything to just be a normal woman. 

You noticed your clothes and you knew there was nothing you could do about the rapidly stiffening fabric. You didn’t bring a change of clothes with you. With that, you left out of the bathroom to go find Nanami. You could hear a rhythmic thud from outside and figured it was him. You stepped outside into the light of the setting sun, scanning the area before you heard a grunt and another thud. He was around back. 

He too was in the light of the setting sun, and it glistened on his bare back, that was smudged with blood and sparkling with the sweat on his skin. He lifted an ax above his head and brought it down swiftly on the log in front of him. You moved forward slowly, feeling a bit in a daze. You stepped on a twig and drew his eye. He looked over his shoulder at you and then snatched the ax out of the stump the log was resting on. 

“How are you?” 

“‘M fine,” you mumbled, “Why are you out here looking like a sexy ax murderer?” you asked. 

He huffed a little laugh, turning towards you, “I need a fire for the pyre.” 

“Right,” you nodded, remembering all the bodies beneath the church. Even the sight of Nanami’s pecs, perky and glistening, couldn’t lift your spirits. 

“They were all vampires. You did what we always do.” 

“You drain vampires too?” you asked bitterly. 

“It’s better than draining humans.” 

“I wish I didn’t drain anyone.” 

“They were vampires,” he insisted. 

“I’m a vampire! Worst of all, I’m a cannibal.” 

“I don’t think you are. Gojo already had his doubts about you being a vampire. This proved it.”

“Did you tell him about this? Does he have any idea what I might be?”

He shook his head, “No, I didn’t tell him. It wasn’t important. We did what he wanted, we got rid of the coven here and a few more vampires-”

“Nanami, this is important! You can’t just leave out the fact that I drank from them. And I was stronger! And they were good, Nanami. Especially the girls who used to be feeders. They were sweet,” Your voice took on a sort of mournful throbbing sound because there were tears collecting in your eyes as you thought of those women. They were probably in the same predicament as you, changed against their will after spending a whole life being bitten and fed from. You killed them that way. You were no better than any other leech. 

“Nothing has changed,” He insisted, “You killed vampires-”

“If killing vampires is what we do, why won’t you kill me?! I’m just getting more dangerous! What if I kill you next?! What then?! Do you think I could live with myself if I hurt you?!”
“I don’t think you can… hurt me, I mean. You were in a frenzy, and all you did was kiss me.” 

Your whole body flushed as you remembered the feeling of his mouth moving against yours. The taste of blood was on his lips, and his body was warm and firm against yours. It had felt truly euphoric. 

“Nanami,” you said miserably. 

“Go get another log. I want to have this pyre going before sundown.” 

You knew that meant he was done trying to convince you that you weren’t a monster. He was done talking to you in general, and honestly you didn’t know what else you could possibly say. He could be so stubborn and it was impossible to get him to feel differently about anything. The pyre was going strong when Gojo got there. He looked between the two of you curiously. 

“Damn, what the hell happened to you?” Gojo asked you. 

“There were more vampires than you said,” Nanami answered for you, “17 bodies on that pyre.” 

“… You two are good at your jobs. Somebody’s gotten stronger,” He said lightly, but he peered over his black shades to look right at you. You stared back at him, wondering if maybe it was written on your face just how monstrous you’d become. Maybe you wanted him to know so he could do something about it. Nanami stepped in front of you, obscuring his view of you. 

“Cordelius has turned a lot of women already. There were 7 women who used to be feeders in their midst.” 

“All of them were failures, I’m sure, if Cordelius wasn’t here with them.”

“What’s so special about this chapel?” Nanami asked, abruptly changing the subject. 

“It’s secluded, private, I think the stonework is charming, and it’s on the land where the last fallen angel was slain. So, there’s a lot of power here. It’s the only place in the country where a mother of vampires can be made.”

“What?” You asked. 

“It needs to be hallowed again to thwart him,” Gojo continued. Gojo lifted up a stack of folded clothes. 

“I need a priest and a nun.” 

“I don’t know if I qualify as a nun-”
“You took the vows, right?” He asked and you nodded, “And you haven’t recanted them?”

“I didn’t know that was an option!”

“You’re a nun. Just like Nanami is fully ordained. Change into your uniforms you two. I’ll be sure these remains are nothing but ashes. Nanami took both stacks of clothing and led the way back inside. The moment you were in the church there was a bright flash of red outside. 

Changing into the habit felt more wrong than it ever had before. You avoided reflective surfaces, not wanting to see yourself like this. Nanami looked more like himself back in his robes. His rosary hung around his neck completing the all black clothing. 

“Father,” you addressed sardonically. 

He scoffed, “Come on.” 

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you said frantically. 

“Neither do I. I’m sure Gojo will tell us.” 

There were candles alight at the altar, a ceremonial night, and a few dubious powders. He took a flask out of his pocket and you could only assume it held holy water from the way he flicked it around him. Gojo looked every bit as angelic as one could, with a halo of white hair, bright blue eyes.

“You’ll both kneel in front of the altar and recite the prayer in front of you until I tell you to stop,” He instructed, flippantly. 

You did as he said and Nanami joined. 

Gojo chuckled, “My is that all I had to say to get you on your knees, Nanamin?” 

Nanami glared at him. You might have laughed under normal circumstances. Instead you stared at the prayer written in front of you. Trying to be sure you didn’t mess it up. It was simple, just a few stanzas.

“Alright,” Gojo breathed in, “Begin.” 

You read the prayer ahead of you, only to smell the sharp spicy scent of Gojo’s blood. He had a bright silver blade in his hand and drew the point of it across the his palm. His blood fell from a red line in his hand, but glowed bright blue as it hit the stone floors. A cool breeze rushed through the chapel, you felt it but the candles’ flames did not react to it at all. He blessed the church, reciting words in a language you didn’t know, while letting his blood fall upon the church floor as he walked around it. 

“And done,” Gojo announced. You lifted your eyes from the page to look at him and saw four eyes haloed above his head, “I… need to go lie down. You two, I’m sure you can find something to do with yourself for the night.” 

You looked at Nanami, curious of his reaction to Gojo’s words and when you looked back he was gone. 

“There is an old bedroom up in the attic. I won’t make you traverse the underground right now.” 

“Nanami, we need to talk about this. I don’t understand you anymore. I’m not useful to  you. I’m a liability, an unnecessary risk.” 

“I believe that is up to my judgment.” 

“What do you want from me? This doesn’t worry you?!”

“You heard them down there before we stepped in. You were likely made with the vampire culling in mind. I doubt you’re anything more than a new type of vampire, one that can feed on other vampires. That woman said that if we figured out how to really feed you it would be bad for them. Obviously, you really feed on vampires. It’s that simple.” 

“It’s not! They should be trying to kill me, not kidnap me if that’s the case! None of this makes even a lick of sense. I don’t understand what you’re thinking. Or what you’re doing. Why are you protecting me? I’m going to die at the end of this. You get that right? Do you get that because I’m starting to think you don’t.” 

“Stop it.” 

“No! At the end of this I die! We can’t keep kissing and you can’t keep protecting me. You’re holding on to a dead woman. I’m a walking corpse!” 

“That is not what you are-”

“I AM! I’m already dead. I’ve been dead since the moment you met me.” 

He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you, “You’re not dying!” he yelled at you, “You don’t have to. We could continue living together as we have been-”

“Nanami,” you said mournfully, “You are telling me what you want from me, what I should want for myself. Your word isn’t final. God, are all men selfish, then?” there was a hint of humor in your tone, but there was nothing funny about this impasse you were at with him. 

“I’m allowed my vices aren’t I? I spent a decade alone before you came along. I’d forgotten what it was like to have a companion, for there to be another soul at my side on this damned road to nowhere.” 

“I wasn’t under the impression that I had a soul.” You continued your humorless laughter because if you didn’t laugh you might do something stupid like cry. 

“Soulless creatures burn up in the sun and on hallowed ground, they take from the innocent, and kill without remorse. You aren’t like that.” 

“I could be.” 

“But you choose not to be. Don’t you get that there has never been a vampire with a greater right to eternity than you. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve more than a violent death.” 

“Nanami, don’t get attached to me.” 

“It’s too late for that, you temptress. It is far too late for that. You spend three years straight, flirting with me and now you have the audacity to be appalled when I feel something for you,” He said, squeezing the tops of your arms as he shook you a little. 

“I’m a lecherous leech, remember. A debaucherous demon. A baseless bimbo. You’ve had so many alliterations for me over the years. I know you can’t be getting choked up over me now.” 

“Things are different now. We’re different now.” 

“I’m not different. When all is said and done, if you won’t put a stake through my heart, I know someone who will. You gave me your word, but if-”

“That was before you made me care about you, you damn succubus,” he said harshly. 

“There’s the good father I know and love.” You looked up at him mournfully and he returned your gaze with an incensed one of his own, and then he was kissing you. It happened so quickly you didn’t really even know how to react at first. This kiss was nothing like the other two, it was rough and angry, you could feel the sharp edge of his fangs threatening to cut your lip and tongue. He grasped the tops of your arms tightly as he pulled you in close. Just when you were settling into the kiss he pulled away from you. 

“Do I really mean nothing to you?” he asked, resting his forehead against yours, “the years haven’t softened you to me at all?”

“What does it matter?” you complained. 

“It matters to me,” he said. 

He would know if you lied and yet you couldn’t tell him the truth. It would only make him hold on to you tighter. This was all bad. You had no idea how to handle someone who wasn’t prepared to kill you at a moment’s notice. You’d never encountered any man who wasn’t prepared to cut you loose at the earliest convenience. Nothing good could come out of this for Nanami, and he didn’t seem to care. 

“You’re nothing to me,” you said, “You’re just the next man who thinks he can own me with pretty words and promises-.” 

“Stop lying,” he growled at you, shaking you firmly. 

“You’re nothing to me,” you shook your head, “I’m just another hedonistic vampire, I’m hoping you’ll fuck me on the altar and keep fighting for me until you have nothing left and then I’ll leave and I’ll never look back like vampires do.” 

“I know you’re lying… well partially lying. You really do want me to fuck you on the altar don’t you?” 

“No,” that was a bold faced lie. The firm hold he had you had your heart racing. 

“Tell me the truth.” 

“Nanami, none of this means anything, because at the end I die.” 

“Fine. I’ll look you in the eye and shove a stake through your heart. Is that what you want to hear from me? Violence?” 


“Shut up,” he growled at you, “I’ll make you honest one way or another. You’re just a hedonistic vampire, huh? You’re using me?” he asked and suddenly he was dragging you towards the altar where the candles from the ritual were still lit “Fine. Use me. You wanted it on the altar right?” 

He kissed you again with another hard bruising kiss. His arms wrapped around your body and you weren’t strong enough to pull away from him. Instead you pulled him in close, grabbing fistfuls of his robes to keep yourself plastered against him. Maybe you weren’t as big of a liar as you thought because you were melting in his embrace, knees going weak as his tongue moved against yours. You wouldn’t even let him away for a breath, leaving him to gasp and breathe into your mouth. He had to pry you away with a hand on your throat. Your eyes fluttered open, bewildered by his sudden choice to pull away from you. For a split second, you worried that you’d done something wrong. However, even though you couldn’t fully understand the expression on his face you knew it wasn’t one of reproach. It was dark, full of desire, and it stirred something in the pit of your stomach. He crowded up against you, making you fall on your butt on top of the altar table. You tilted your head all the way back to keep looking at him while he stood over you. He tugged his clerical collar off and tossed it away from him. Next opening the long black cassock to reveal his normal all black attire under it. He never took his gaze from you. 

He kept his eyes on you while he took off his extra clothing, “Tell me to stop and I will, but if you don’t…. If you don’t you’ll have to forgive me for the man I become once I get a taste of you.” 

You were not interested in stopping him. You should have been, if you were a better person you would have pushed him away. But you’re not, and you never were. It would be convenient to blame it on the fact that you were a greedy vampire. Maybe that was the root of your evil, who knows. Either way, you liked the sight of him rolling up his sleeves with practiced efficiency, giving you all the time in the world to think things over and back out. You liked watching him gett on his knees  before you. You used to dream of having him like this but the roles were reversed. You’d dream of being on your knees, begging for salvation from your sins and taking full advantage of the fact that vampires don’t have an easy gag reflex. You never expected Nanami to be gently closing a hand around your ankle and lifting it. His eyes were  heavy on yours, waiting for you to do anything to stop him. You swallowed loudly, as the skirt of your habit slid up and over your knee bunching up in your lap. The angle of your ankle on his shoulder made you lean back, knocking over candles only for them to sputter and go out on the cool stone floor. He kissed your ankle, then his lips trailed up your calf, all the way up to your thigh. He bit the soft supple flesh of your thigh.

“Oh god,” You gasped. 

“Is this all it took to get you to praise God? Maybe you are just another dirty vampire.” he went higher, kissing right at the junction of your thigh to your pelvis, “Push me away now, this is your last chance.” 

You squeezed your eyes shut and made no move to stop him. You didn’t want to. Then he was snatching down your underwear. He didn’t tease, which is what you expected from him. You expected to have to beg him but as always he gave to you willingly, a fact that would eat you alive later and you knew it. He pressed his mouth against your sex immediately and you cursed. His tongue was hot and wet, nudging against your clit in a set rhythm, before he started lightly sucking. He started sucking in earnest, mouth moving against your sex in lewd wet sounds. Your eyes popped open in surprised when he slipped a finger inside of you, and you were staring at the face of the virgin Mary in one of the stained glass windows. 

“Nanami, ah! Nana-”

He pulled away with a sharp smack to say, “You’ll call me Kento.” He went right back at the task of making you lose your mind. His mouth never lost contact with you, moving as you squirmed to keep worrying your clit. He added a second finger, curling both of them against the sensitive spot inside your pussy. He wished he had the composure to make you beg for him, to reduce you to a shaking whimpering mess, but he was far gone, in his own frenzy that he didn’t have a prayer of breaking out so easily. 

You were so warm and wet against his mouth, like a well that never ran dry, he drank from you as if he’d never known water, feeling your essence dribble down his chin. He could tease you because it meant depriving himself of the sweet frantic sounds of your pleasure. The closest he could get to teasing was sliding his lips from your clit down towards your entrance. He pressed his tongue into you as far as it would go, until his nose nudged your clit. 

“Ken- Ah, Oh god, oh god, oh-” you let out a high pitched little squeak as he shook his head, making his nose nudge your clit even more as he enjoyed the taste of your arousal right from the source. When at last he felt like he might burst if he didn’t get a full breath, he slid his mouth back up to your clit, breathing sharply through his nose. 

His relentless ministrations made you cum much faster than you could have foreseen. It was far better than your own touch had ever been and he didn’t stop immediately, grasping your hips in his strong hands to keep his mouth on you. His moans vibrated lightly against yours, mingling with your own. 

Your sex was pulsing against his mouth, greedily trying to draw him in. He could spend an eternity with his mouth pressed against your cunt, letting his lips slide against your soaking petals without a modicum of unpleasant friction. But alas, there were other pleasures on his mind, and the way you were jerking in his grasp told him he was pushing you a bit too far. He withdrew from under your skirt with the sole mission to take it off. Your veil was a bit askew on your head as you lifted your head to look at him. He’d never understood Adam’s decision to be damned with his foolish lover more than he did at this moment. He would turn his back on paradise to run towards hell if you resided there. 

“I am a pious man,” he said on a heavy sigh as he stood in front of you, “but even I have my limits.” As he spoke he unbuttoned his shirt revealing his body to you, watching the way your wide open eyes drank him in. The genuine wonder in your gaze made him feel like a thing to be revered and scorned in equal amounts. If he were smart he’d have listened to you before. He would do as you asked… and yet being unwise won him the beauty of your legs open for him, sex glistening with your own arousal, and his saliva. It earned him the adoration in your gaze, and the beauty of your form. Knowledge of nakedness was a blessing. This was for his eyes only, a gift Adam never would have known if he hadn’t partaken of the fruit. 

“I want to fucking tear you apart.” he grumbled as he abandoned undressing to bite the softness of your breasts hard enough to make you gasp. His fingers entered you again, scissoring and pressing down firmly to get you accustomed to the stretch. 

“Kento!” you whined.
“That’s it, call out my name, maybe that will save you,” he mocked. His shirt was open wide, cross resting against his skin. He leaned in closer, kissing up to your throat and pressing his teeth against the steady beat of your pulse with no intention to break the skin. 

“You’ll have to forgive my selfishness on all fronts. I need to be inside of you,” he said against your fevered skin. He couldn’t even be bothered to fully undress. It was a real injustice to you, but he would work hard to make sure you couldn’t think of the inequality of your nakedness. 

“Ngh, Kento I- Ah,” You looked at him as he took his fingers out of you to hastily tug at his belt. The orange glow of the remaining candles flickered against his body. He was beautiful, always had been, and he’d taken care of you all of this time. How could you begin to be strong enough not to give into desire, to abstain from the temptation he wrought. Your eyes wandered down to the sharp “V” that spilled into his pants, slowly being revealed to you. When at last shoved his pants down enough to be out of the way you got a good look at his cock to see he was already hard.
“Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.” 

He gave you a small reproachful look for using such names in vain, but it did not stop him from hitting your clit with the head of his cock, and then rocking his hips forward a bit to rub against it before he pressed down, collecting your wetness. He did this pattern a few time, easing himself into the pleasures of your body, preparing himself for the feast of your lust. When he finally allowed himself to be engulfed in you he did so slowly, dragging the head of his cock through your folds, down to your entrance, and rocking slowly into you, giving you inch after tantalizing inch gradually. With a syrupy sweet roll of his hips, languid like water but without rush, more like honey dripping from a dipper.  

He still wasn’t teasing you. His body was overheated, like the flames of hell themselves had come up to greet him. You were so wet, wrapped snug around him. Your sex yielded to him so beautifully, molding deliciously to his length like you were made to take him. If he went all in he might lose his mind completely and despite his warning he had no intentions of scaring you off by hurting you. This was about pleasure, something simple, something honest since you couldn’t stop lying to him. You were not a proper hedonist, you were too easily martyred, too satisfied with the prospect of your own suffering. You weren’t a hedonist, but he could make you wone. 

“Kento, please. Please, more,” you babbled at him, sitting up to grab his hips and pull him towards. It’s not that he disliked the sound of your begging, he disliked that you were searching for suffering. As wet as you were he could still hurt you by slamming into you, he could still lose it and tear you apart, without even knowing it you were tempting him towards such violence that he usually kept under tight bounds. You had an inane drive towards misery that he hoped to get rid of for you. He wanted you to beg him for pleasure, nothing more. He glared down his nose at you before he pressed his palm against your chest to push you back against the altar firmly. You hit the table hard sending a few more candles off the edge, tiny tea lights, and candle sticks that broke on impact and flickered before going out. 

“Impatient thing. You really think you’re in a position to ask anything more of me,” he said, but in spite of his words he snapped his hips forward, shoving in until his hips clapped against the backs of your thighs. You yelped, and he grabbed your throat in a firm grip. 

“Constantly asking for things without any real idea what you’ve requested. If you’re going to throw out your life anyway, why not give it to me? Why not be mine forever?” 

He loomed over you know, firelight dancing across his face while his rosary dangled right in your face. 

“Kento-” you cut off with another loud yelp as he started fucking you hard enough that you were worried the altar table would break. The only thing that kept you from sliding up the surface. You felt your coif and veil begin to slide up because you were partially laying on it, which was an uncomfortable sensation. You tugged at it futilely only for Nanami to snatch it off as he lifted you by the throat to kiss him. Each thrust felt like it was rattling every bone in your body, sparking pleasure like flint striking, one spark after another, chasing that roaring flame. You wrapped your arms around him pulling him in close. His breath was heavy, panting when your mouths separated long enough for him to catch a breath. 

“So wet,” he murmured, “Used to- ah- used to think about showing you exactly what you had to look forward to when you’d confess those dirty things to me. Is it what you hoped, do you still think you can handle my vices?” He thought of all the lecherous thoughts you’d inflicted upon him over the years, and you had the nerve to be surprised that he was reluctant to let you go. What could have been the purpose behind flirting with him for years? Were you simply that cruel? You meant to rile him up and then demand he kill you with his own hand. You had no idea what you asked for and yet you were constantly making demands. 

You moaned wordlessly holding on to his wrist to ground you. You felt the hot flash pleasure catch and become a steadily growing fire as his pelvis ground against your clit from the way his body was pressed against yours. One of your hands gripped his lower back, coaxing him in deeper, trying to pull him closer like that was even a possibility. 

He really did feel like he was going to tear you apart if he couldn’t keep himself in check. 

“Bite me!” you squeaked out. He let go of your throat baring his teeth at you as your sex clenched down on him. You always did know how to shake his self-control. He hissed softly as his fangs were bared to you. You moaned looking at the spit slicked canines in his mouth, imagining what they would feel like biting into you. Now there was a request for pleasure. 

“Say it again,” he demanded. 

“Bite me!” you whined, voice jumping with the force of his thrusts as he hit the end of you every time. 

“Beg me for it. Beg me for my bite,” he demanded, growling at you as he grasped your hips with both hands driving into you fast and hard. 

“Please, please, Kento. Please, I need it. I need you to bite me. I can’t…. I can’t trust myself to do it to you. Just fuck, I need it. I need it so bad,” you babbled at him a mile a minute, looking up at him as he was bathed in orange light. He let his head fall back as he groaned towards the heavens. His jaw went slack and he rolled his neck before sitting his dark gaze on you again.

“Kentooo!” you called out and he bent down, kissing your neck and grazing his teeth against your throat, before he grabbed a handful of your hair and tugged it hard. Your neck was bared to him and he bit you. You cried out as pleasure flared up like an unchecked wildfire throughout your body. Nanami shuddered against you, going harder than before making the table beneath creak and crack until it finally gave out, sending you both to the floor and yet it did nothing to break the spell of desire and lust between you. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pushing him against your neck. Your other hand clawed at his back, grounding you so that you could lift your hips to meet his frenzied thrusts. He pulled out of you suddenly, spilling his load all over your stomach and chest, but he stayed pressed against you so as his hips jerked his cock rubbed between your bodies, slicked by his cum and both of your perspiration. 

“Kento,” you whined as the pleasure from his bite put you on cloud nine. You were limp and pliant in his arms, utterly euphoric in your bliss. Every touch from him, felt orgasmic, and you find yourself whining and whimpering like he was still fucking you senseless. A bite had never felt like this before, and you didn’t have the mental capacity to wonder why.  

When he finally pulled away, your eyelids were heavy, but you managed to watch him collect your blood from his lips with his tongue before bending down to kiss you.

“You will have to lend me your mercy. Even at my best I am selfish. And I cannot bear to be without you now,” he murmured it so low you could have deluded yourself into believing that you’d imagined his words. Maybe you had. It was better if you did.


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drabble, nsfw

u and nanami havin sex but he’s being so soft and gentle with his thrusts n u so desperately want him to go faster and harder :( ur literally cryin and holding ur legs up higher, begging him to faster. “please please ken, go harder pleaseeeee” and nanami does nothing other than shush u, pressing a kiss to ur cheek, sayin “you’ll take what i give you angel” before only slightly picking up the pace, leaving u writhing in ur torment and pleasure simultaneously n cockdrunk :(


Pairing: Nanami x Female Reader
Characters: Nanami Kento, surprise person (let’s be real you can probably guess lmao) 
Content: d/s dynamic, blowjob, cum swallowing, dacryphilia, dumbification, threesome, degradation, praise

PLEEEEASE the way this man could take me into overtime O_O

Okay we all know Nanami is a dilf without kids let’s be real


It wasn’t exactly an odd occurrence. Being called to the study that Nanami typically resides in. It was just his wording…
I need you here now.
Usually he’d put it across as more of a request rather than a demand. It feels awfully similar to the events that usually take place after work hours.

“You called for me?” Your voice is quiet as you gently tap on the open door. He doesn’t appear to be in any sort of distress.
Nanami doesn’t even glance up, not a single flicker. “Shut the door and come here.” It’s that tone. The same one that never fails to make you weak at the knees. Instinctively, you do as your told. The door shuts and you glide over to where he sits behind a desk, shuffling piles of paper. “Knees.”
That command you had heard a million times before was ringing though your head. Your eyes widen in disbelief. “But-”
“I said knees.” This being the only moment that his eyes meet yours makes you immediately obey. “Good girl.” His large hand brushes over your hair, stroking you softly. 
Your eyes flutter shut, loving the feeling of him being gentle. You feel a familiar fabric wrap loosely around your neck. As you glance down you take notice of his tie. You tilt your head to the side in confusion. 
“Come.” He pulls you in by the tie, tightening it all the while guiding you to sit on the floor between his legs. Your hands rest on his muscular thighs as you look up at him, already diving into subspace and awaiting his next command. 

Nanami gently grips your chin, his thumb grazing your bottom lip. He didn’t even need to use his words and you already knew what he wanted. Wasting no time, you reach up to undo his belt. Pictures of the night before where he used it to tie your hands together flash in your mind. 
He’s already hard. This must be why he called you in so urgently. You know all too well how much he hates wasting time, so you promptly follow the usual procedure. 

Nanami has always been good at keeping a poker face. If not for his heavy breathing, you wouldn’t even know that he was enjoying himself. From just a minute your throat already hurts, suppose that’s from his almost unbelievable size. But then again, from the first encounter with him you knew he would be packing. 
He wraps the tie around his fist and pulls you up closer, slightly choking you to tighten the space in your throat. As he runs a hand loosely through his hair, you notice the veins on his hands coming to surface. God how they were so pretty. Especially when he’d wrap his hand around your neck. 
“That’s a good girl.” Nanami praises. His voice still low but evidently breathy. You loved seeing the effect you had on him, it was so hypnotising to see such a prideful man abandon his image and give himself over to pleasure. 

By the way the muscles in his thighs started tensing you knew he was getting close. You suck your cheeks in more and take him deeper, trying to please him as best as possible. 
The faint sound of footsteps down the hallway makes you freeze. Sure, if anyone walked in they wouldn’t be able to see you with the desk covering the front. Yet you still panic ever so slightly.
Nanami’s breath hitches at the loss. “Don’t stop no matter what.” He instructs, stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
You nod and carry on, trying to ignore the footsteps growing closer towards the room. Unsurprisingly, you hear the door swing open.

“Nanamiiiiiiii~” A cheery voice rings through the room. Your eyes widen at the sound. You look up to Nanami who keeps a straight face all the while choking you more. “Always working, boring!” The voice beams. 
“Better than someone who doesn’t work at all.” Nanami replies sternly, his voice having a slight shake to it. “What do you want?”
You try your best to tune them out, focusing on the task you were appointed with. Nanami drops his grip on the tie and holds your head down, forcing you to deepthroat his cock. You can’t breathe, you feel the urge to pull back but a warm feeling spills into your throat. 
Once swallowing you pull away and cough, trying to get back the air that was taken. Once realising what you’d done, you slap your hand to your mouth and look up at Nanami, expecting him to be angry.
Yet… he grimaces. 

“Oh, I see~” The voice titters, stepping closer towards the desk. Your face flushes to a bright red.
Nanami scoots back and looks down at you. “Come on out of there.” 
Hesitantly, you stand. Unable to even turn around and look at the other person in the room. Nanami guides you to sit down onto his desk. Your eyes peer over to the glass cabinet in the corner of the room that’s reflection just barely made out the image of him. Gojo Satoru.
You can’t even bring yourself to look at Nanami, you simply keep your head down. 
“So that’s what you were doing.” Gojo snickers whilst stepping towards the desk. “And here I thought you were just a workaholic.”
Nanami rolls his eyes while one of his hands traces circles on your thigh. “She can be a piece of work at times.” He teases, referring to the times you’d disobey his orders or act bratty. “Not today though. She’s been good.” His soft praise makes your eyes glaze over in submission, that was all it really took with him. 
“How interesting!” Gojo’s surprisingly cold fingertips gently trail against the back of your neck. “Perhaps you’d let your most dearest friend take her for a test drive.” You could just sense that idiotic smile even without looking at him.
“By all means. But she only listens to me, good luck.” Nanami leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, watching the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.
Gojo taps his chin in thought. “Then maybe you could give me a little head start. It’s only fair.” 

Nanami cocks an eyebrow before staring intensely into your eyes. “Present.” 
His tone vibrates throughout your body. Before you even know it, you’re spreading your legs on the desk and flashing him your already soaked panties underneath your skirt. 
He smiles ever so slightly and shakes his head. “Not to me. Him.” Nanami motions his head towards Gojo’s direction. You can’t help but feel a mixture of arousal and embarrassment stirring inside you. 
You spin your body around and present yourself to the white haired man. Never in your life had you done something like this. 
Gojo grins widely. “What a pretty sight!” He grazes one of his fingers against the thin fabric of your underwear, causing you to jolt. “And already wet, how lovely.”
He presses his finger slightly harder, right against your clit. You whine and grip the desk in anticipation. 

Gojo taps two of his fingers against your bottom lip. “Suck for me darl~” His tone just as playful as ever. 
Hesitantly, you part your lips and allow him to place them in your mouth. Your tongue laps around his fingers, coating them in your saliva. You had craved to have your lips around something else of his but fingers would have to do for now. 
He pulls his hand away and pushes your panties to the side. Following no hesitation, Gojo pushes a finger inside. You gasp at the feeling of his cold and thin finger now grazing against your g-spot that he found with such ease. You whine as he inserts yet another finger. You tighten around him. 

Nanami’s hands snake onto your hips, the familiar warmth from his fingers seeps into your skin along with the graze of calluses. You lean your head back onto his shoulder, panting against the stimulation. Nanami appears completely unbothered by the scene unravelling before him, yet you know that he’s just aching to touch you. 
The knot in your stomach tightens to an almost burning point. Your legs wrap around Gojo’s waist, pulling him in closer. You want this release.
No. You need this release. Your body screams at you to let go, yet you don’t allow yourself. You fight back against the feeling that overwhelms every single nerve in your body. 
Over and over, you reject yourself the chance of an orgasm. You’ve been trained too well to accept the opportunity. Gojo seems rather confused but still amused at your flustered face, admiring your lustful expression. 
Once Nanami realises what’s happening, he smirks. “Hard to make her come, right?” He asks, trailing his fingers along your stomach. So close yet so far. 
”Admittedly, yes.” Gojo chuckles to himself. “Never had this issue before. I can feel her getting close but then it disappears.” He tilts his head to the side as if to try and figure out what was going on.
Nanami lays soft pecks on your neck sending tingles through your body. “She doesn’t come unless given permission. Such a good girl.” He whispers the latter into your ear. The sound of his praise just adding to your wetness.

“Please-” You whine, looking back at him with a delicious desperation to your eyes. 
Nanami kisses your temple and shakes his head. “Not me. I don’t have my fingers inside you right now.” 
Despite knowing exactly what was going on, you still blush at his dirty words. You turn to Gojo who smiles widely. “Can I please–” Your back arches off of Nanami as Gojo curls his fingers inside you, hitting another sweet spot. “I need it! Please!” Your soft whines soon turning to begging once you feel the build-up come rushing back. 
Gojo speeds up his fingers, watching the water spring to your eyes. “You can come.” Upon the discovery that it took just a mere 3 words to send you over the edge, Gojo marvelled in the power that he held. Your legs shake violently through the orgasm that felt twice as powerful all because of the edging. 

Nanami moves away from you and joins Gojo on the other side of the desk, admiring the mess made of you. “Not bad. But it’s much better when she begs for me.” He gloats, shrugging his shoulders. You can barely focus on the words that they’re saying, all you can do is ride out the shaking.
“By all means, show me.” Gojo motions for him to show how its done. A challenge easily accepted. 
Nanami steps forward and lifts you up off the desk. You can barely stand with your trembling legs. “Tell me, who do you want?” He asks. You can’t tear your eyes away from his, so hypnotising.
“You! Please Nanami- please fuck me! I want you!”
Your words make him grin. “Knees.” Immediately, you drop down wasting no time. His zipper is still down which makes it so much easier. You pull his underwear down just enough to slip his cock out. In a second, it’s sliding down your throat. Deep, deep down just the way he likes it. Nanami throws his head back, encouraging you to keep going. 
Nanami looks down at you, chest heaving and flushed face. “It’s not just me here.” His head jerks toward Gojo. You pull Gojo in by the hem of his shirt and briefly pull away from Nanami. 
Gojo assists in pulling down his pants, letting his cock spring free. With saliva already dripping around your mouth, you run your lips up his length, guiding your tongue to follow. One hand wraps around Nanami, pumping him while you suck off Gojo. 
Nanami’s hand tangles into your hair, telling you it’s his turn again. Over and over you swap between the two until they both reach their limit. You sit with your hands on the floor between your legs and stick out your tongue. The two of them stroke themselves, aiming for your throat as they finish around the same time. Their cum lands not only in your mouth but also on your cheek and partially in your hair. 

They watch as you wipe your cheek and lick your fingertips clean. Nanami throws his head to the side almost seeming frustrated before lifting you up off the floor by your wrists. He grips your chin between his fingers. Your eyes linger towards Gojo who simply watches with a smug smile while slowly rubbing himself. 
Before you even know it, you’re pinned to the desk from behind. You push back against his crotch, feeling the hardness between your bare ass. With a slight grunt, Nanami thrusts himself inside of you. Despite being so wet, it hurts like crazy, your hole being stretched and insides pounded. You had been craving this for so long.  
Gojo makes his way to the other side of the desk and sits down on the chair, watching your face as you’re completely ruined. Your tongue falls from your mouth as you pant. Gojo takes it as an opportunity to put his thumb in your mouth while he continues to stroke himself. Instinctively, you start sucking which seems to make him laugh a little. 
”Want it that bad?” He asks, leaning forward. Your eyes glue to his cock that leans against his toned abdomen. You nod and whimper, unable to use your words. 
Nanami angles himself to abuse your sweet spot. You lurch forward and yelp with tears in your eyes. Gojo stands from the seat and steps closer toward you. One hand gripping your hair, the other steadying his cock.  

You stick out your tongue and lick at the tip that still has remnants of his cum. He pushes himself inside your mouth once again, reaching the very back of your throat. It only makes the tears trapped in your eyes fall down your cheeks. He thrusts his hips forward, never giving you the chance to do it yourself.
Nanami’s hands almost bruise your hips from the force. Every snap of his hips makes your whine. If it weren’t for a full mouth, you’d be screaming out. 
“Aww she’s so cute, getting her holes stuffed.” Gojo cooes while still fucking your face. “She’s even crying.” He wipes a tear from your cheek and licks it from his finger. 
Nanami groans and speeds up. “That’s because she’s pathetic. Clamping down on me like this.” His hand swiftly makes contact with your ass, sending a stinging sensation through your body.
You choke back on Gojo, saliva dripping down your chin and landing on the desk. You look up at him with teary eyes, his head is tilted back while he absorbs all the pleasure. He glances down at you and smiles. “So pretty.”

With the spots Nanami keeps hitting, it doesn’t take long for an orgasm to come creeping up on you. You tap against Gojo’s thighs, telling him to pull away. “Please- m’gonna come- please–” You beg almost breathlessly. 
Nanami tuts and thrusts harder. “Not yet.” He demands. Your mind becomes clouded, you try your best to not let the build-up happen but it all feels too good. Your entire body tightens up at the burning feeling that fills between your hips. 
Nanami feels your tighten against him with your legs slightly trembling. He pulls you in towards him by your hair. “Don’t you dare.” He growls. 
Just the sound of his voice is enough to send you reeling. You cry out with a broken voice as your body convulses through your orgasm. As Nanami pulls out, you fall to the floor. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to–!” You whimper while crawling towards him. 
Nanami shakes his head. “You know what this means don’t you.” He crouches down to your level and brushes his hand gently through your hair. 

The wood of the desk feels cold against your now bare back. All of your clothes are scattered across the room. Your hips ache as Gojo thrusts inside of you. Nanami sits in his desk chair, stroking himself and moaning your name. You whine and beg for him to let you touch him but he simply ignores your very existence. Your hands remain trapped in Gojo’s clutch, you can’t even reach out to him. All you can do is watch him as you’re fucked by another man.


You don’t know how many times Gojo had edged you, but it’s enough to have you aching and sobbing for a release. Streaks from your tears stain your cheeks and leave a salty taste on your lips. 
Gojo tilts his head to the side, looking at you like you’re a helpless puppy. “You wanna come that bad?” He asks. You nod your head while choking back on tears. He looks towards Nanami who sits with a pleased smile. “Our turn first.”
Gojo picks up his speed, your insides already feeling bruised enough without his aggressive movements. You whine at the mixture of pain and pleasure. One look is all it takes for you to tell that Nanami is close. His cheeks flushed to a pretty pink that he refuses to ever acknowledge. 
As he approaches his climax, Nanami stands and shoves himself into your mouth before filling it completely with him cum. His hand covers both your mouth and nose as he pulls away, cutting off your air. “You’d better swallow.”
He watches as you let the cum fall down your throat, the salty taste fills your mouth. 
With few final thrusts, Gojo pulls out quickly and paints your body with his own cum, covering you with the white liquid. Your chest heaves as you look up at Nanami expectantly. He rolls his eyes with a slight smile and heads over to stand between your legs. 
You sit up and watch the two of them as they glance at each other with a sort of deviant look to their eyes. Not a single word is uttered, yet they both seem to know exactly what to do.

Gojo’s fingers trail to your clit while Nanami pushes two of his own inside of you. You gasp at the sensation and throw your head back. All the edging had made you especially sensitive to touch. 
With both of their hands working at the same time, it hardly takes any time to get you back to the build-up that you had been deprived of so many times. Your eyes flutter shut as you whimper. The very tipping point being Nanami mumbling a ‘good girl’ under his breath. 
You lean your hand against Nanami’s shoulder, your legs try to close but they force them open, not letting you cover up. Electricity shoots through your body as you tremble and fall back against the desk. The two of them pull their hands away from you and wait for you to sit back up. 

Nanami gathers your clothes and helps you put them back on while whispering soft praises that make you blush. He kisses you on the forehead and carries you over to the small sofa in the corner of the room where he sets you down on his lap, holding you close. 
Gojo cleans himself up and approaches the two of you, kneeling down and looking at you as your closed eyes make your eyelashes fan against your cheeks. “Pretty good test drive.” He jokes. You snicker a little and bury your face in Nanami’s chest, inhaling his comforting scent. “Might come back every now and then to check on your ‘work’.” Gojo smiles before standing up and heading towards the door. 
Nanami rolls his eyes and traces small circles on your cheeks, providing you with a sense of safety.  If there was one thing he never failed to be amazing at, it was definitely aftercare.
You peer up at him. He looks down and plants another kiss on your forehead. “Also don’t think I’ll go easy on you tonight because of this.” He breaks the silence. Your eyes widen as you gulp. “We’re using the rope tonight.” He smirks.
But fr I want to be spit-roasted by these two I will PAY GOOD MONEY
This post took me so fucking long for literally no reason

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༚*✧•.⁎⁺˳✧༚wait!? we go again?!?༚*✧•.⁎⁺˳✧༚

ft. jjk men

what makes the boys go for a second round

#characters: gojo, geto, sukuna, toji, nanami, choso, higuruma, yuuji, megumi, inumaki, todo, yuta, noritoshi.

#warnings:nsfw content ahead, creampie, some praising and aftercare

Sukuna, Choso, Megumi - Seeing you bend over to pick up the clothes you threw around the room in the heat of the moment.

Your pussy still exposed and completely visible from the way you bend over. And the moment he sees his cum leaking down your thighs? That’s it for him.

Only seconds later he’s got you at the edge of the bed once again, a hand on your head keeping it still and the other one gently keeping a hold of your wrist as he’s roughly pounding into you for a second time.

“F-fuck.. Lemme just fill you again”

Nanami, Yuuji - Seeing you put on their shirt.

The moment they see you put on their shirt right after, something snaps inside of them. You look so beautiful and he doesn’t want to see you wear anything else around the house from that moment on.

So.. slowly getting up from the bed, he makes his way to where you are, wrapping his arms around you and placing kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder. You turn around to kiss him and slowly make your way back to the bed. In between the kisses, you attempt to remove the shirt, but he stops you.

“Hmm, keep it on.. Good girl.”

Toji, Inumaki, Geto - hearing your voice being all fucked up.

Nothing is turning him on more than hearing you struggle to let out some words. It’s a boost to his ego, honestly. Fucking you so well your voice cracked from all the screaming? Nothing sexier than that.

You can be sure he’ll be over you for a second time. Capturing your arms and restraining them above your head while devouring that pretty mouth of yours. All he wants is to make you scream some more.

“Yeah… scream for me, doll”,

“Tuna mayo”

Gojo, Todo, Noritoshi - You make them understand you don’t want it to be over just yet.

Doesn’t matter if you push him back on the bed or simply tell him directly that you want a second round. He’ll be happy to oblige. He likes it when you become bossy from not having enough of his cock. For a second he may even let you think that you are in control.

Getting on top of him, hands placed on his chest, you try to ride him, but before you even realize it he’s on top of you again. He leans in for a quick kiss before he starts fucking you the way you want and need.

“How about you let me take care of it, princess”

Yuta, Higuruma - The aftercare.

He is very sweet and insisted on cleaning you up himself. You spread your legs open and get the chills when the wet towel touches your inner thigh. Seeing you clench your legs at the occasional feeling of his fingers brushing your skin is turning him on. And when a moan escapes your lips?

He tosses the towel aside and assaults your mouth, tongue fucking it while his hands are once again playing with your boobs.

“I’m sorry, i promise i will clean you properly after this..”

@cursedmoonchild the absolute best as usual ty for proofreading this for me <3

© do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works on any media platform, such as tiktok, ao3, wattpad etc.

[nanami kento x fem! reader] 

summary: Nanami decides on his own that it’s time to try something new. hellbent on getting vengeance, you subject him to similar treatment.

warnings: 18+, nsfw, overstimulation, rough sex, oral sex, forced orgasms, flogging, ball gag, restraints(handcuffs), nipple clamps, vibrators, face-sitting

word count: 3,107


“You know.. resisting will only stop you from enjoying this.” Another heavy hit of the flogger against your inner thigh, marking the third time in the same spot. Unable to move from the spread out position you’re in since each of your limbs are cuffed to the bed posts. Your unresponsiveness doesn’t sit well with the man towering above you. A firm hand slaps your thigh harder than the flogger did previously and even though you flinch viciously with every hit, the bed doesn’t shake. “Nanami what’s the meaning of this?” He leans down close to you, minty breath fanning against your face when he responds, “Why the formalities? We’re just trying something new.” Gritting your teeth, you hiss, “Yeah, clearly. The Kento I know would’ve warned me at least.” A forced chuckle is all you hear before he steps away and opens a drawer behind you, pulling an object out and walking back towards you with it behind his back. “I apologize in advance for what you’re going to experience.” Confusion is written all over your face, an expression that he’s never left you feeling before. 

When a cold cylinder shape is pressed against your lips, an incoherent slur you ask, “What are you doing?” Nanami lifts your head, and you receive no answer to your question. What you do hear, is the sound of a buckle snapping. At the same time, the object in your mouth tightens enough to stop you from speaking overall. “It’s just a ball gag, sweetheart.” He steps away from you and walks back over to the drawer that he pulled this device from. Carefully and quietly selecting which toys to use against you while you stare at the ceiling. More than anything, you’re in disbelief that he’s capable of something like this. You know that he would never cause any real harm to you, but he’s a dedicated man and you don’t know how long he’ll drag things out.

Nanami tosses a few items next to your body, before sitting down next to you and blocking your view from identifying what they are. Metal clanks together while he ruffles his hand through the pile. He picks up a pair of nipple clamps and lets you examine them before adjusting the clips to a looser setting. You watch him, quiet and alert; paying attention to his every move. Tension in the room is high, a mixture of his excitement and concentration. Nanami places the nipple clamps on you one by one. What’s supposed to be a moan ends up sounding like a hum against the gag in your mouth, eyes rolling back at the sharp sting on your nipples. His eyes peer down at your cunt that’s drooling onto the sheets below you. How’s he supposed to maintain his resolve when you’re like this in front of him? Sprawled out on the bed with vulnerability washed over your features like a fawn who lost their mother. Two deft fingers slip into your cunt, exiting as quick as they entered while he observes his slick coated fingers. “I’m glad you’re pleased by this.”

When Nanami presses two fingers back into your heat, you tense up at the feeling of something lingering inside of you after his fingers retreat from your body. A thin piece of silicone dangles out of your cunt, tickling you between both holes. A vibrator egg. The lightbulb in your head turning on evidently shows across your face and Nanami wastes no time setting the toy to vibrate. The setting is on low, just enough to shake your insides but not fill you with euphoria. He pulls out a large vibrating wand, turning it on and bringing it to your clit. All these feelings mixed together is a dangerous cocktail, leaving you trembling and wishing you had access to grab the sheets. He watches you earnestly as you come undone with each second that passes. The vibrator in your cunt doesn’t make you feel stuffed, leaving you clenching around it; wishing for more. The constant pressure of your nipples being clamped is intoxicating if you concentrate on it for long enough. Each time you’re on the brink of cumming, he highers the vibrating wand setting against your clit and watches as you orgasm violently, over and over, until near convulsions.

After your fifth forced orgasm, Nanami still hasn’t grown tired of seeing your eyes tear up at the pleasure that became painful orgasms ago. You desperately tug your arms and legs against the metal cuffs, trying to get them to break so you can put an end to this madness. Wrists and ankles have gone raw from your attempts, throat dry and scratchy from trying to scream beneath the ball gag. He notices your pupils dilated far beyond normal because of the stress you’re in. Agonizing stress resulting in you yearning for his cock, crying to be stuffed full of his cum. He’s finally ready to give in to your muffled pleads for mercy. 

Nanami unlatches the ball gag from your mouth, preparing himself to be chastised for his antics. Instead of verbally crucifying him, you ask him nicely if he can let you free. Like a butler to your requests, he pulls the vibrating egg out of you before unlocking the cuffs on your ankles and wrists. All four sets of cuffs are thrown onto the bed and the keys tossed onto the dresser. You examine the blemishes from where the metal dug into your skin, whining when you stretch your joints  and feel the air reach your wounds. The room is silent besides the sound of the ceiling fan and the wall clock. You scan over his built figure, clad in a suit with his signature blue shirt and flashy tie combination. The bulge in his pants doesn’t go unnoticed either.

With every step closer to Nanami you grimace at how soaked you are between your legs. His eyes don’t leave yours as you bend onto your knees and undo his belt, pulling his pants and boxers to his ankles quickly. As bad as you want him buried in your cunt right now, your main priority is revenge. A husky groan comes from him when you wrap your hand around his cock. Precum already spilling out the tip, you lick it off painfully slow before taking the entirety of his length into your throat. Your tongue licks a stripe on the underside of his cock before sucking on his tip firmly. Nanami’s head is thrown back, hands clutching the edge of the dresser you’ve pinned him against. He’s a man who likes to bask in the intimate moments you share. But the way you’re swallowing his cock like it’ll be your last time is making him fall apart. One hand grips into his thigh, the other jerking the rest of his length that doesn’t fit in your mouth. His senses are on overdrive, every bit of pleasure you’re giving him flows through his body and clouds his mind with thoughts of filling you to the hilt. When he looks down at your teary eyes and notices the spit dripping out either sides of your mouth, he can’t hold back. You continue maintaining eye contact while his cum shoots down your throat, going as far as making audible gulping noises that stir the knot in his stomach even more.

Nanami is putty in your hands now. You lead him to the bed and straddle his waist, unbuttoning his dress shirt and pulling him by the tie into a needy kiss. Grinding your clit against his growing length, the man beneath you is more vocal than usual. Guttural moans escape his lips as he rolls his hips upwards and brushes your clit beautifully. You lean back onto your elbows, giving him a clear view to your glistening cunt. He’s a slave for your wet pussy, taking every chance to eat you out besides today. You think he owes it to you after what he put you through, so you stand up quickly and position yourself over his face before sinking down until your clit reaches his mouth. He doesn’t complain, instantly sucking your sensitive bud with precision and sending you into a blissful state with every drag of his tongue.

This is your chance. The cuffs he restrained you with are awfully close to his own hands that are digging into your soft thighs. You pry his hands off of you, placing one of them on your breast before quickly handcuffing the other. The cold metal around his wrist instantly tells him what’s going on. To stop him from asking you what’s going on, you ride his face ardently and quickly cuff the other; already missing the feeling of his hands against your skin.

Sitting on his face was just a mere distraction, ignoring the low whimper he lets out when you detach yourself and sit on his lap. His thick cock is already hard as you grind your clit up and down his length. Precum dribbles out of his tip, a true testament of how turned on he is. You line himself up with your slick heat that’s been patiently waiting for this moment. A pleasured sigh is let out by the both of you in unison as he stretches you out.

Nanami wants nothing more than to grip you by the hips, rock you on his cock and hold your body flush to his. Instead, you snap your hips against his viciously, not giving him an ounce of decency or the chance to revel in the plush gumminess of your pussy. The frustration he feels is audible in his moans that grow increasingly louder. One thing that he’s grateful about is that you haven’t cuffed his ankles yet. He meets your cunt halfway, adamant on doing anything to contribute to your bliss. The wet noises of you taking him are sloppy, lewd and the result of the slew orgasms you’ve had earlier. Though your leg muscles yearn for a break, you grab his tie with one hand; forcing him to look at you while you roll your hips against his cock. It feels like forever before Nanami’s moans crack and drag out, his seed spilling into you while his delicious noises restore your strength.

The man underneath you is flushed red, glaring at you through low lidded eyes. You’re determined to make him feel completely sheepish in this vulnerable state. He’s earned this treatment. You undo his tie, unbutton his blue shirt and allow his chest to be out on display. His nipples taste faintly of cologne mixed with a tinge of sweat. The musky earthy scent that you’re all too familiar with after his long days of work. When you bite down on the bud, his expression is blown wide with furrowed brows. “You’ve started something that you can’t finish, Nanami.”

It doesn’t take long for him to get hard again since you’re dragging your tongue up the underside of his cock. This time you decide to ride him reverse cowgirl. Your nails dig into his legs while you hold them for support. The view of your ass is nothing short of mesmerizing. Nanami has to look up at the ceiling to stop himself from cumming prematurely. Your cunt mercilessly clamps around his length, constricting around each vein and ridge that rummages through your walls. Every rotation of your hips before sinking back onto him is intense. His bulbous tip nudges against your cervix, kissing the smooth muscle enough to tickle the coil that’s building inside of you. Normally he would sit up and bring an arm around to play with your clit, but today you’re left to do it on your own. You lean back to lay with your back against his chest. He presses kisses to your neck, nibbling on the skin he can reach comfortably. His cock is still inside of you while you circle your clit with two fingers; chasing your own orgasm as he bites his bottom lip, trying not to release before you. “Move Nanami.” Desperation woven in your tone, he puts all of his weight on the heels of his feet while rutting into you. The pressure inside of you snaps once his momentum is steady, coating him in your essence when you hear the grunting of him fucking you using all of the strength in his legs. Cloud 9 is the reality he’s living in right now, shooting his third round of cum into your sopping pussy. You stay pressed against him for a while, regaining your composure before peeling off of his damp chest. 

Nanami radiates a different type of beauty in this scenario. He’s usually levelheaded, imperturbable. Never dealing with a racing heart besides during a work out or a strenuous fight against a cursed spirit. Not having control over himself is a disadvantage in his eyes. He’s finally come to terms that you’re going to continue. A smart man, he truly is. Even though your soul is back at the starting line to ruin him, your body is worn out. He notices by your sluggish walk back over to him, tutting his teeth at your undying determination. You’ve been too lenient with him, having only restricted the use of his arms. Meanwhile, you were unable to move any of your limbs, not granted the permission to moan because of the ball gag stuffed in your mouth. He used toys on you and pushed you without any warning. So no, you don’t feel so bad while you cuff his ankles. In fact, you feel so liberated that you pull his tie off and shove the bunched fabric right into his mouth.

Through all of this, the man still has no trouble maintaining an erection. His cock stands up high, showcasing a white ring around the base. Your slick coating his light blonde pubes glisten in the low lighted room. He won’t tell you that cumming so much has grown painful, because he knows that you’ve dealt with the same treatment by him. He won’t beg you to stop because you didn’t have the chance to do the same. Not that he has the chance to talk now anyway. Needing to rest a bit, you lay on your stomach between his legs and start licking his length from the base to tip; ruining that pretty white ring of cum. His body is tense from his legs all the way up to the facial expression he’s wearing. One of your hands fondle his balls, hoping to ease him up just enough to force more out of him. The other jerks off the remainder of his length that doesn’t fit in your mouth. You don’t give him the consideration of sucking him off gently. Your licks and sucks are ruthless; making his legs tremble and toes curl. When you tighten your throat around him, his hips flinch beneath you. Warm liquid collects in his tear ducts, threatening to fall if you continue overstimulating him. You’re not oblivious to his struggle, choosing to ignore his beet red face and how his lower half jolts with every strong thrust into your mouth. Soon enough, a painful, heavy tension snaps and his cum, once again, goes flooding into your throat. You swallow every drop while he trembles underneath you. Muffled whimpers muted by the soaked tie in his mouth. He’s had enough, body gone limp besides involuntary shivers. 

One more time. That’s all you’ve got the strength for. One last time to force an orgasm out of Nanami. His body betrays him, shutting his eyes from roaming your seductive body that sends blood straight to his throbbing cock. You line up him with your entrance for the umpteenth time, legs trembling from holding yourself up. The two of you share the same feeling of sheer exhaustion, dealing with shallow breaths while fighting your own bodies from shutting down. You hook your arms behind his neck, essentially using him as leverage to help you bounce on his cock. Nanami grunts with every snap of your hips, eyes clenched shut while he bites his bottom lip. A weird heat builds up inside you. Not the normal winding that you’re familiar with. No, this feels like it’s building way more rapidly, sending heat from your chest to your abused cunt. 

Nanami promised himself long ago that he’d never use excessive force on anyone, cursed or human, if it wasn’t necessary. Technically he wouldn’t be using it on you either, but he feels guilty for deciding to break the hold of the cuffs on his hands. He grits his teeth, trying to filter out your assault from his mind and channel all of his power into his fists. It’s a long shot considering how tired he is, but he can’t deal with this much longer. Irritation is growing within him, not at you, but at himself because he should be able to reap what he sowed.

It takes one try for him to break his arms free and finally spit the tie out of his mouth. He’s quite shocked but proud of himself, thinking that he should’ve tried this sooner. There’s no time for you to react before his arms wrap around your waist and he sits up, pulling you closer and thrusting at his own, more reserved pace. That feeling is coming back, reignited when his hands travel up your back and bring you into a searing kiss. His calloused fingers rake over your breast, grip your neck, pull you as flush to him as he could while his tongue greedily overpowers yours. His ruts into your soaked and swollen pussy are slow, a tempo that you’ve missed. A warm, dragged out impact stills your entire body while cracked moans emanate from the pit of your stomach. “I— I’m squirting. Nanami. Please. Stop.” This is the most blissful you’ve felt all night, overtaken by the influx of sensations taking over your body. You swear you can see stars while pulling his hair painfully taut, grinding against him with every fiber of strength you have. Suddenly his orgasm creeps up, but it’s not painful this time, much to his delight. He spurts what seems like the last drops of semen that he has before his arms unwrap from around you and he lets his back fall against the bed.

Both of you lie in a pool of your mixed juices with not a single care in the world, too tired to move. A few minutes of rest won’t hurt. He mumbles in a perpetually tired voice, “Toying with you was worth every second of your vengeance.”

“an honest man” fluff + smut — preview

pairing : duke ! nanami kento x lady ! fem/afab reader

bridgerton / period dramaau

you watch while the older man halts. his puffing chest shows the deep inhales he begins to take, his body shaking as he exhales out. it reminds you of something, something feral.

“you are the reason i am born a sinner, tempting me like it’s something you’re used to.”

you’re captured by his words, captivated by the confession that he couldn’t have said better. nanami kento, even at his shameful arousal, remains an honest man.

NANAMI is heavy with body worship. He can’t help it, really. You’re just too beautiful to him, inside and out, for him not to. Nanami kisses your hands, and arms, and neck, and chest, and stomach, and thighs, and calves. His hands caress every inch of your body as he slips into a rhythm, leaving little hickeys on your least favourite parts. And he can’t shut up about how beautiful he finds you, panting out moans and sweet words of ecstasy between every, “You’re so beautiful,” and, “I love you.” He kisses your scars and stretch marks, licks little heart shapes around every blemish and imperfection, massages his thumb over your angles, and curves, and edges. He holds you so, so close and reminds you that you are his moon and stars, his little earthly goddess who somehow chose a mortal like him, and he wouldn’t change a thing about you. Nanami and body worship✨

© imo-chan-imagines 2021

The plastic bag full of gasoline that is my brain can’t stop won’t stop thinking about sneaking out to a masquerade ball because your evil step dad Nanami said no, a la Cinderella step mother forbidding her from going to the ball.

Tw faux incest

Not one to miss out and finally fed up with all his rules and little quirks - always accompanying you whenever you left the estate with an arm around your waist, making you sit by the fire and read to him after dinner, etc. - you put on your finest party dress, grabbed a mask that you’d kept secret deep in your drawers and climbed out your bedroom window, somehow landing without falling back on your ass, and rushing off to the ball.

Once there it was painfully obvious why Nanami didn’t want you to go: there was booze, there was dancing, there were people dressed in less than modest attire, and more importantly there were men here that took notice of you and that above all else was what Nanami detested.

Finally being able to let go and be free, you eat the food laid out on grand banquet tables, drink the champagne and rich dark wine being offered to you and danced with whoever asked. It was a marvelous time, you’d never laughed and smiled so much in your life, and as the next suitor approached you, you gave him a grand bow.

“Having fun?” The voice that belonged to the man, however, made your blood run cold. You couldn’t move fast enough, the man you’d run away from already swooping you up in his arms and dancing to the next song.

“H-how-” moving numbly, you looked at Nanami. He had a plain mask on and there was no mistaking it was him.

“You really think you can get anything past me?” His words had an edge to them that his face did not portray. To anyone looking in, he seemed happy, content. But you could tell by the way his fingers clutched you that he felt anything but that.

“Please, just let me have this one night.” Pleading desperately, you followed Nanamis lead on the dance floor and when he dipped you, your noses brushed together from how close he was.

“You’re so cute when you’re begging, you know?” Nanami smirked, enjoying the way you looked at him with scared eyes. “Ask yourself, (Y/N), why would I should I let you stay here? Why shouldn’t I drag you back to the estate and bend you over my knee until you learn never to defy me again?”

“N-Nanami,please.” The many layers of your dress moved and swayed as you did, and as one song faded into the next, your fate was sealed along with it. Trying to step away from him was no use and you weren’t going to cause a scene to try and get away.

“I can smell that cheap liquor on you.” Nanami didn’t allow you to drink. “I saw all those things you were eating too.” If it didn’t come from the garden, you didn’t eat it. “And all those men you let defile you.” Whenever you had broached the topic of courting, Nanami shut it down vigorously. The look of disgust on his face as he said the last sentence was hard to mask and he took a glance around the room, trying not to glare at the other patrons.

“I just wanted to have some fun!” Your voice got louder than you intended and thank god there was the crash of a cymbal to cover it up. Nanamis brow raised and his grip loosened on you just enough to allow you to slip away, scurry through the throngs of people and into one of the many rooms in the mansion where the party was held.

Hearing brisk footsteps behind you, you ran into a random room and tried to slam the door closed, but Nanami wedged himself in before you could do so.

“You know better than to raise your voice like that, especially in public.” Locking the door behind him, Nanami took no care in how he pushed you back, farther into the room until you nearly fell onto the large bed in the center.

“S-stop!” You cried, trying to fight him off as he manhandled you, not fazed at all by the hits and slaps that landed on him while he sat down and dragged you over his lap, ass in the air as he bundled up the layers of your dress.

“I was going to wait until we got home, but it seems you’re just begging for this.” With one hand on the back of your neck, Nanami used the other to land a hard slap across your ass, one that immediately made you cry out.

He thought about making you count them, but what was the point when he had no intention of stopping? His hits covered a wide range of your behind, some even dipping down to the backs of your thighs as well.

“Have you learned anything, (Y/N)?” It’s unclear how much time has passed but both of you were out of breath and worked up for different reasons. Allowing your head to rise, Nanami thought you were utterly beautiful from how distraught you looked.

“I-I’m…so-sorry.” You hiccuped, another wave of tears gushing out when Nanami ran his hand over the stinging, burning marks on your ass. Humming at you to continue, a sick smile grazed his face. “I’ll l-listen from now on, p-promise.”

“That’s a good girl.” Shushing you gently, Nanami adjusted so you could lay back on the bed, dress horribly wrinkled and body shaking. Slipping your mask off, Nanami cupped your cheek. “Can you prove to me that you’ll listen from now on?”

If you weren’t so disoriented, you wouldn’t have let Nanami half position himself on you with one hand on your cheek while the other slid under your dress. You shook your head no because you were saying no but because you had no idea what he intended to do.

“Don’t worry, (Y/N),” Nanami’s breath hitched the same time as yours as his fingers came into contact with your panties, “I know you can be the perfect daughter for me.”
