



i’m still confused over why minecraft skeletons universally use bows. does dying and having all your flesh rot off make you an awesome archer or something? don’t you need muscles to pull a bowstring?

If I die and become a magic bone demon and don’t automatically become an evil Robin Hood then what’s the freaking point of being an evil magic skeleton

when no one has any idea what your morph creature is

me: I don’t have any responses to that trigger


when you finally play your overcosted commander

when the group hug deck finally gets aggressive

when the whole team has an Equipment on them

when someone plays quick draw dagger

when you have four viable plays in hand and you don’t know which is best

when you add cards to a list so you can “cut later” and end up needing to cut 30+ cards you love

when both 2hg players play 5c

almost every innistrad vampire

when your board is full of legendary creatures




a cephalopod girl lawyer would be like “we can make a squid pro quo agreement”

when your new deck is extremely similar to an old one
