

Remember this art?

I’ve got sequel!

Orca-merminator Connor and Hank the mermishark

04/11 is Wen Ning’s birthday

Sweet dead boy ><

Day 8

North WR400

One more Merpril day

With Gavin Reed

One more Merpril day XDD

With Captain Allen

Day five

its MERPRIL time with RK900! awww sweet Nines I’m sorry

Day four

its MERPRIL time with Markus and Simon

Day three

its MERPRIL time with Connor-60!

Day two

its MERPRIL time!

I don’t want to wait until may comes that’s why its MERPRIL time!

(like mermay but in april)

i was 6

it was my first crush


Allen and 60


More of them

guess what i watched tonight

I need more merHank

Everyone needs more merConnors!
