

Various Neolithic Decorated Maceheads, ‘The World Of Stonehenge’ Exhibition, The British Museum

Prehistoric Archer’s Wrist Guard Made From Langdale Tuff and Gold, (2300 to 2100BCE), ‘The World Of Stonehenge’ Exhibition, The British Museum

Two Prehistoric Burials, 2575 to 2450BCE, Germany, ‘The World Of Stonehenge’ Exhibition, The British Museum.

The first burial is of a young woman holding a baby swaddled in a cloth edged with the teeth of over 50 different dogs.

The second burial is of a warrior who inflicted a serious head injury which had healed. The weapon was likely a battle axe.

Schist or Slate Iberian Idols from Portugal, (circa 3500 to 2750BCE), ‘The World Of Stonehenge’ Exhibition, The British Museum

The Shigir Sculpture is the oldest known wooden sculpture in the world, made during the Mesolithic period, shortly after the end of the last Ice Age. The wood it was carved from is around 11,500 years old..


Fish-like mesolithic sculptures found at Lepenski Vir (Serbia)Fish-like mesolithic sculptures found at Lepenski Vir (Serbia)Fish-like mesolithic sculptures found at Lepenski Vir (Serbia)

Fish-like mesolithic sculptures found at Lepenski Vir (Serbia)

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