


Colin: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it

Ty: Just rip the bandage off.

Colin: It’s Lena.

Ty: Put the bandage back on.

Y’all check out my sideblog @incorrect-metaltown for some Metaltown incorrect quotes.

Book recommendation: Metaltown by Kristen Simmons

It’s such a good book, with so many good things about it. There are real life allegories, tales of family, love, and betrayal, and a compelling story surely worth 370+ pages of your time. So many parts of it feel eerily familiar in today’s world, especially in the last few years. I laughed, cried, cheered, got mad, amongst other emotions as I turned the pages.

I first discovered it through a friend in a Hadestown Discord server who sent it and said “Hey look this is also about a factory town type of situation, with some love involved, similar to Hadestown (in a good way), and the author got inspired by other musicals of a similar genre” so I immediately ordered it, despite the shipping fee being slightly expensive.

It took me a while to finish it because life got in the way for some time, but I did it! I fell so in love with the three main characters, and I hope more people do, too.

Ultimately, all I can say is it’s definitely worth the read, and especially poignant in today’s era of pandemic and war. I hope y’all go check it out.

I’m currently obsessing over the book Metaltown by Kristen Simmons so here’s art of the main trio: Colin, Ty, and Lena

Y’all should definitely read it btw, it’s so good!

No thoughts, just all the angst of the book Metaltown
