


you lock them all into one room who dies first/last and why


[I.D.: Little black pixel sketch of Mettaton in his Box form and Alphys; Alphys reaches out towards Mettaton with an anxious smile, as though to steady him; as he points towards the sky, rectangular, sparkling speech bubbles with hearts and exclamation points zig-zagging off him. End I.D.]

prompt 1: body

thank you for making my dreams come true.


petition to bring mettaton, as he is in deltarune, to the dark world


We Don’t Talk About Gaster - An Undertale “Encanto” Cover & Animatic

Check out our newest video, a parody of We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto. This was a collaboration between over 20 incredibly skilled people and I couldn’t be happier with the result. Please have a listen, leave a like and/or comment and share with your friends? We all worked so hard on this, and I’m so proud of everyone involved! The whole team is listed in the video’s description along with their socials, be sure to give them some love!

Tagging the team members who I know are on Tumblr (if I missed you please let me know) :


Check this out everybody!! I’m so honored to be apart of this project!

Go check out my part and tell me whatchu think about it! I tried real hard

And also go check out everybody who were involved, everybody tried their damn best and it shows!

Doodles~ (All interactions with Frisk/Chara are platonic)


[@mettatonmay day 30: fanclub]

to lie on the ground and feel like garbage
