#michael cimino

loveallthegays:Michael Cimino at the Senior Year premiere loveallthegays:Michael Cimino at the Senior Year premiere


Michael Cimino at the Senior Year premiere

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I just think that Victor Salazar >


i know it doesn’t matter but venji shippers like and comment this post it has less than the r*him post


more shots of michael and george from attitude magazine

Season 3 of Love Victor trailer dropping and Victor’s getting a new love interest who’s Latino!

It’s a white latino….


Victor is levelheaded, generous, avoidant and kid. He struggles with finding himself and adapting to his families move in relation to his own feelings.

At his best, Victor is genuinely kind and compassionate to any one he meets. He is a friendly and gentle soul who makes people feel heard and accepted. He also starts to stand up for himself and his friends despite what others might think. We see this when he finally stands up to Isabel which she remarks he has never done before. He also stands up for Felix and calls him his friend when the basketballers begin to make fun of him.

At his worst, Victor can become despondent, represses his feelings and has a tendency to lie.He wants to be non problematic for his family and as a result avoids his own emotions trying to squash his feelings about being gay away by dating Mia and doing what he thinks will please others. However, we can see when he is on the road trip with Benji for work that he lies so that he can spend more time with him and avoid Mia. He continues to avoid telling Mia that he wants to break up and has the intention of doing so after the dance but is caught with Benji before he can come clean.

Victor wants to belong and fit in. Like many 9s, he is worried about how other people will see him and he doesn’t want to be embarrassed or seen as different. Due to this sometimes he will change his thoughts or opinions as a way to try and bond with a person or group. We can see this when Benji and his friends are talking about how dumb jacks can be and Victor who loves playing basketball is reluctant to voice his actual opinions as it is directly opposite of the group.


Victor finds it very difficult asserting himself and stating what he actually wants. Throughout the first season he tries to fit in being the new kid at school and falls into dating Mia. He builds a genuine friendship with her and doesn’t want to hurt her but I think he always had the idea that he wasn’t in love with her. He immediately had an attraction to Benji and tried to avoid his feelings and distract these emotions by keeping busy at school. However, much of his conversations with Simon show his thinking and how much he just wants acceptance and guidance from Simon about navigating his life.

Victor has a wing 1 as he is more reserved than a wing 8 might be.

Tri-type:9w1 - 6w7 - 2w1

Some quotes to describe Victor’s motivations:

“He’s really mad that I haven’t been standing up to my mum more.”

“Mom. Benji’s my boyfriend and I’d like you call him that.”

“Sexuality is a spectrum. Some guys like guys. Some guys like girls. Some guys like both. And some guys like feet? I’m not sure what I like but it’s definitely not feet.”

“It’s like…how am I supposed to know.”

“Mom stopped watching Jimmy Kimmel after he got skinny because she was having impure thoughts.”

michael cimino
michael cimino