


5w6 - The Problem-Solver


• Hardworking, Loyal, Scientific

• Analytical, Intellectual, Logical

• Drawn to technical subjects like engineering, science, invention

• Organized and Disciplined

• Blend Innovation & Business

• Practical, Cooperative, Reliable


• Anxious, Socially Awkward

• Skeptical, Afraid of Intimacy


Functional Order: Ne-Fi-Te-SiPerceiving Functional Axis:

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) / Introverted Sensing (Si)

George is a good-natured boy who finds humor in everything, who takes nothing that seriously, and who loves to spend hours shut up in the attic with his brother Fred, coming up with ideas for jokes and pranks to sell in their prankster emporium. He sees and leaps on chances to…

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OFFICIAL TYPING by mysterylover123


Introverted Sensing (Si):Norman is largely stuck in the past; he can’t seem to escape his crimes or move beyond the simple emotions of his childhood. He performs the same tasks, day in, day out, with hardly any change. He prefers to stay in the comfortable and predictable environment of the Bates Motel. He’s highly detail oriented, recalling the exact details of his mother’s life and going to great extremes to recreate them.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe):He’s very eager for external approval, going out of his way to attend to Marion’s needs and cooperate with anyone who comes by. He works in the hospitality business and clearly enjoys providing a pleasant experience to guests. He’s highly under his mother’s thumb and obeys her orders without much protest, allowing her to take him over (literally and figuratively). He quickly adjusts himself to the personalities of his guests.

Introverted Thinking (Ti):He’s very resourceful and organized when it comes to covering up “mother’s” crimes. His brooding and thinking over his mistakes in the past causes him to go insane. He’s quick to analyze Marion’s behavior and her possible insecurities.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne):Norman isn’t very comfortable with new experiences or alternative points of view. He occasionally displays the quirkier side of inferior Ne, using metaphors and tangled statements to describe his own feelings. However he’s largely stuck in his head and his emotions, unable to open up to new possibilities.


Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (6/6):

SX/SP (Sexual/Self-Preservation) The Vampire/The Electricity


Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (4/6):

SP/SX (Self-Preservation/Sexual) The Spider/The Witch

steeped in summer sunlight but they’re all looking to pull my teeth.
: meeting new people :

a whole new set of variables ready to input to the algorithm of tearing me apart.
everyone stands in a neutral vacuum until you tell them your name.

hello my name is Artemis, what’s yours, would you like to know that i wanted to die last month?
would you like to see all the ways i can fall apart?

we will all go along happily to our team-bonding rituals and get-to-know-you conversations, or you could just get to the point and punch me in the throat instead.

because you never know who will love you.
more importantly: you never know who will let you love them and then destroy you in response.

          hi my name’s Astraea.
          she stuck out her hand.

don’t be so ridiculous quit acting like a cornered animal stop trying to look so dangerous.

          i reached out.

save your fangs, darling.


Send me your personality type (MBTI and/or Enneagram) and I’ll give you a fictional character with the same type as you!
