#michael clifford fanfiction


Josie’s P.O.V. 

I was greeted in a commotion of people, a mixture of fans and paps who had just found my location after days of hiding.

According to a girl standing amongst the barricaded fans, I had been caught in one of Alex’s wedding photos and they had known since the wedding was over that I’d be back in town for my album release any day now, and they were right.

But once airport security led me outside, I had been forced to enter a car waiting in the front lot, not being able to go anywhere else without a crowd following, but I complied hearing the driver say that Kate sent him.

Before even arriving home, the driver immediately took me to her office. I hadn’t checked my phone since my last argument with Luke the day before, so only God knows what she has in store for me.

Once I entered the building, instead of being greeted with the bright faces of some of the workers, they gave me small smiles, others gave me puzzled looks as if they didn’t expect to see me for some odd reason. The most memorable one was small whisper of “good luck” that Kate’s secretary gave to me before leading me to her room. But entering it was an entirely new playing field.

“You didn’t answer your phone. Hell, you didn’t even have your phone on for the past few weeks. I was running your social media every single day bullshitting whatever the fuck I could until I finally got a hold of you!” She yelled once the doors closed behind me

“You act like you don’t control my social media accounts even when I am on my phone,” I rolled my eyes unphased by her attitude

“You haven’t checked your accounts at all, have you?” She groaned before tossing her phone at me

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I basically yelled back at the sudden hit of her phone

“Look at it! Look what you’ve fucking missed!”

When my eyes finally averted to the screen, it showed the picture that Jason had been threatening for weeks now to expose, the picture that Luke had seen the day before, the picture that ruined everything between us. But I had no emotion towards any more. I wasn’t hurt that he had leaked it, I knew it was going to happen one way or another, he wanted his fame and he got it. But I know that is not at all how Kate feels about it. 

 "So?“ I shrugged in annoyance turning her phone off and tossing it on one of her couches 

 "So? What do you mean so? Your album release is literally days away! You’re supposed to be the golden child right now! Not the slutty pop star!” She yelled in aggravation as I just sighed 

 "You’re my publicist, fix it,“ was all I said to her before finally leaving. She was not finished with me, as I opened the door to her office, she was still yelling, but I couldn’t care less. Her screams were mumbles to me at this point. All I could focus on was how every step away from her carried me closer to my bed, and I needed sleep more than anything at this point. I had slept on the plane ride back, but I was still drained, mentally and physically. Everything was dull around me for the time being, there was nothing I could handle with my full capabilities, it was like my strength has left the second my plane boarded for lift off in the East Coast. But I guess that’s how all break ups are.

I’ll get over it, I know I will. I have to. 

 Luke’s P.O.V. 

 No one had spoken to me after Calum left my room that morning. To be quite fair, I didn’t put myself out there to start any conversations. On the plane ride to Sydney, Calum and Michael spoke with each other, Ashton had his head phones in, and Julia was sleeping. But being in the same cabin with all of them was never so restless. I couldn’t look at Calum without thinking about how angry he was at me, knowing how Michael is, I know he is just as mad at me. I couldn’t look at Ashton without remembering how he kissed Julia right in front of me, how both of them looked so surprised to see me walking into my own band mates room. It made me think about how long they’ve been keeping their relationship a secret behind my back, had it even been as far as when I was almost in love with her? 

I told her everything, what if she told them in return?

As I sat in my seat, all I could notice was the amount of lies floating around in front of me. Calum and Michael were mad but they didn’t know the truth. Ashton and Julia betrayed my trust by not telling me the truth. And here I was, alone because I finally faced the truth.

Nothing good ever comes out with honesty, I guess. You expose yourself to the fact of the matter, but no one is ever the winner after that.

 Ashton’s P.O.V.

Once we landed in Sydney, everyone went their separate ways meeting up with their parents, but since Julia’s couldn’t make it, I offered to take her back home with which she responded with much refusal. 

"It’s fine, Ashton, be with your family, I’m going to take taxi,” she excused herself 

 "My mom would never forgive me if I told her I let you go off on your own,“ I reasoned 

 "Then don’t tell her,” she spoke back with sass in her voice as she lugged her suitcase around to the front of the airport 

 "Julia, just let me take you home,“ I sighed 

 "No,” she stated plainly before going onto her phone to call for transportation, but I took it out of her hands before she could speak 

“Ashton! Don’t be annoying, I’m calling a fucking taxi, alright!” She exclaimed, catching me off guard at the aggressiveness of her tone 

 "Why are you so pissed off? Can’t we just talk about it on the drive back to your place?“ I asked 

"That’s why I don’t want you to take me home, I don’t want to talk, not now.” She explained, but I couldn’t accept that. 

If we didn’t talk now, she would come up with some other excuse to why she was feeling this way to spare my emotions, but for once, I needed her to say exactly how she was feeling now, no matter how much it could hurt me. I’m tired of all these games, all the different stories, I needed something real with her, and I needed it now.

‘We have to do it sooner or later!” I basically yelled, clearly agitated by her attitude. But the fact that we were in a crowded airport did not help my case. My voice caught the attention of many onlookers trying to figure out why the hell I was yelling, but that also drew focus on me. It wasn’t long before some fans caught a glimpse of me and began circling around us trying to ask for a picture without being rude.

“Great, now look what you’ve done,” She mumbled before pulling her suitcase to her side to begin walking

The fans had made a clear exit for her by spreading themselves to leave a pathway for Julia to walk through, but I couldn’t let her go now. Despite the growing crowd, I had followed behind her, ensuing a brisk walk from the fans also trailing behind us. 

“Just leave me alone, Ashton,” She said trying to shoo me away, but I couldn’t take that

“Not after we talk,” I argued as she continued to quicken her pace

It wasn’t long before some girls began to grow impatient at this waiting game, so I heard my name being called multiple times behind me. The first time, I said to give me a second, but all the rest, I unintentionally ignored. I zoned a lot of the voices out except for Julia, since she was all that mattered right about now. 

“You have people to attend to,” She told me as an excuse as I scoffed

“You only have one person to attend to and you can’t even do that,” I retorted before almost running face first into a celphone forced in front of my face for a selfie. I had to physically stop myself at that point so I didn’t bump into anyone. I knew at my frame, if I kept going, I was bound to hurt someone on accident which the tabloids would eat up. I quickly took pictures, while trying to keep my eye on Julia who was still making her way to the pick up area at the airport were cabs would wait, but I lost her in the sea of people in front of me.

“I’m sorry, I’m really trying to talk to that girl again,” I apologized to the fans as a lot of them sighed. Seeing the sadness in their faces, made me second guess my words though. As I was just going to continue taking pictures of them, airport secuirty began to force their way through before asking everyone to disperse. They told me that they had my car waiting in the front being fully aware of the commotion that our band would be today, so I obliged not wanting to start anymore trouble. As I was led to the front of the airport, I spotted Julia there calling for a taxi. 

Julia’s P.O.V.

I was waving for a cab over and over again just trying to get the hell out of this location, but I could hear Ashton and his fans coming closer and closer to the airport exit. I quickly ordered an uber, knowing that if taxis weren’t an option, uber was just as reliable. I was right seeing as there was a huge line up of drivers near the airport to pick up people arriving or departing. It only took seconds for the car to arrive right in front of me. The driver was even nice enough to bring my suitcase into the trunk.

“Hi, is this for Julia?” I asked him as he nodded

I smiled slightly to be polite before opening the car door. I looked to my right, watching the hoard of fans nearing closer to me just before entering, but the second I turned left, I found Ashton sitting right next to me.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Fourty

Chapter Fourty-One

Chapter Fourty-Two

Chapter Fourty-Three

Chapter Fourty-Four

Chapter Fourty-Five

Chapter Fourty-Six

Chapter Fourty-Seven

Chapter Fourty-Eight

Chapter Fourty-Nine

Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Fifty-Three

Josie’s P.O.V.

Every one told me to go back inside, hell, even the hotel staff asked me to because of the pity they felt. But I stayed. I was sat on the floor, leaning my head against the wall next to the door in case he decided to open the door any time soon. 

“Josie, you know him, he’s not gonna open up for hours,” Calum looked down at me, but I didn’t bother to look at him. I blocked him out even. I stared at the wallpaper in front of me, the mustard yellow hinted with whites of floral stayed engraved in my mind for the time being, not what happened an hour before, not the words that Calum told me now. 

“And you know me,” I replied to him simply. He shrugged in defeat.

“I’ll order you breakfast in the morning then,” He finally ended before going back into his room.

And here I stayed. 

Luke’s P.O.V.

I didn’t know what I was doing in that room, it’s what everyone expected of me. It’s what I expected of me. But I knew it was better to lock myself up before anything else happens. It keeps me in and everyone else out, great motto to live by right?

I found myself thinking, not thinking, just soaking in my past. All the good, the bad, the Josie which was always accompanied by both. Was it even worth it anymore? Everything with her has been up and down since the beginning. It’s so much easier to just forget about it. I’m so fucking tired of looking dumb, of feeling used. 

If she is telling the truth, even if she does have a good defense for what happened. We’re still no good for each other. I think I finally understand that now. We’ve never been good for each other, we know each other too well both personal and public lives. Neither of us can admit it, but the fame will always get in the way. We could never be one of those couples to just fall in love for the hell of it, there are always strings attached. Always. 

So this is me, finally getting off of the bed, lifting my head from my hands and taking a final breath before leaving. With the hours passing by, I seemed to have collected myself enough to take the first few steps, but the second I opened the door, I saw her. She sat there, head leaning against the wall, eyes shut, and slow breaths escaping her mouth. 

Peaceful. Beautiful. Like always. I thought

But I didn’t fall at her feet like I used to.

We’re bad for each other. Everyone knows it. I thought reinforcing my mindset

I took another breath. But a different one. A calm one. 

I lifted her up gently, feeling her rustle a bit in my arms before hearing her mumble a quiet. 

“I’m sorry,” 

“Me too.” I said back before placing her in bed 

I laid the blanket on top of her, squatting down to eye level with her before kissing her forehead. My lips were pressed on hers for a lot longer than I intended. 

“Don’t act like you’re saying goodbye, Luke,” she whispered. I could see the water start to form in her sleepy eyes.

Even she knew. 

“I have to,” That broke her. 

I kept my face stone, knowing that if I broke too, she would never let me leave. 

“But I love you, you know that?” I said trying to make things better, but the tear falling down her cheek proved my failure

“I know,” She said weakly

“I love you too,” She said wiping the tear from her face 

“I know.”

I kissed her forehead one last time before leaving, but I could feel her hands tense up to mine as if she couldn’t let go. But she did. 

I left the room, heading over to mine, where Calum was situated now since I basically kicked him out of his own room. He was sleeping, of course, it was about 4 am by now, but he woke up to me rustling near him next to the complimentary alcohol that the inn provided us with.

“I swear to God, if you make me leave another bed tonight, I’m going to punch you so hard, Luke,” He grumbled into his pillow expecting me to do just what he had said

“You’re good, Cal, you can stay there,” I said back picking up the single bottle of Corona left in the room, opening it to make the popping noise, which made Calum look up at me

“You alright, bro?” He asked rolling over in his bed to pay better attention to me

“No-not really, but shit happens, it’s life,” I spewed out whatever nonsense I could before letting the beer drip down my throat in a second of relief. I started walking outside onto the balcony wear I found my permanent spot on a lawn chair overlooking the outside world. The cool air breezed through and even through the storm, everything felt calm for once, even after everything that had just happened

“You know damn well a single bottle of beer isn’t gonna solve your problems,” Calum sighed, rubbing his eyes as he started to get used to his surroundings after waking up

“I know, that’s why I brought his friend, Grey Goose with me,” I smirked signaling to the other bottle of vodka that I had placed next to me before downing a shot of that too.

Besides, I wasn’t using alcohol to escape for once. I did it to actually allow myself to let loose. Not in a care free way, but a relief. An actual fresh breath of air where there was nothing in my mind. This was all for me, for once, I was doing it because of me.

“That isn’t what I meant, Luke,” He said a little more sternly as he took a seat next to me

“You and Josie are something else, whatever happened, I’m sure you two will work it out,” He attempted to reassure me

“Not this time,” I shook my head feeling the alcohol starting to rush to my head

“She was waiting at your door all night, wouldn’t leave for anything. Trust me, we all tried to get her to go back inside since you weren’t letting her in. She loves you, and you love her back.”

“I ended it,” I cut him off before he continued his rant

“Y-you what? What did she even do to make you break up with her?” He asked seemingly appalled by my decision

“It wasn’t what she did, we’re just- we’re bad for each other. All we ever do is get into drama whether it’s inside our bubble or in the public eye. What we have isn’t healthy. You saw how much shit I got into because of our last break up. You can’t say that I’m wrong because you experienced it with me, every mood swing, every break down, I loved her too much, but we just weren’t made for each other.” I explained letting my mind roam free now that the burning liquid had finally allowed for a clear passage in my head

“As your friend, I should respect your decision, but that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You were made for each other, even during the time you hated her, you were head over heels in love with her. She never stopped loving you regardless of how much bullshit you two have been through. Of course times are going to get tough, that’s just our lives now. But the best thing about you two is that you both understood how it would be. Even now, I’m guessing she didn’t fight for you to stay in that room with her because she understands that it’s hard being with a person like her, a person just like you. I’m hoping the alcohol helps you come to your senses in the morning without a huge hangover so you can go back to her and explain just why you two are so right for each other. But if it doesn’t and this is how you want to end it, then I will respect your decision, not because I want to, but because I know I have to.” He said making me feel the annoyance in his voice because of what I did.

Maybe he was right, maybe I was wrong. But even with the drinks, his words didn’t phase me. I truly believe I did the right thing. There are so many better options for the both of us, options that don’t include this much shit, this many problematic people in our lives. It would be so much simpler if we weren’t together anymore, and that is why I finalized my decision. I did it to better the both of us no matter how much it hurt. Sometimes you have to let go in order for something greater to come along.

Hey!! I’m writing a new story about 5sos it would mean a lot if you guys checked out the new chapter

Hey!! I’m writing a new story about 5sos it would mean a lot if you guys checked out the new chapter i just posted and commented,voted, and such :) https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/118813118/write/452700994

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Forgotten Memories6. Returning HomeMichael Clifford shows up to Andy Ross’ house one day, saying tha

Forgotten Memories

6. Returning Home

Michael Clifford shows up to Andy Ross’ house one day, saying that he can’t remember anything. She takes him in, hiding him in her room while trying to figure out how to a) get his memories back, b) contact the band, c) not freak out every time he looks at her, and d) all of the above.

Andy takes Michael to the mall, where he remembers that he likes Chinese food. While they’re eating someone calls Andy’s name, potentially recognizing that she’s with a famous guitarist, and causing all hell to break free.

“Andy?” A familiar voice calls.

Oh shit.

I wheel around, “Julie?”

My art teacher smiles at me, “Andy, hi! Who’s this?“

“Ruth, my half sister,” I smile innocently, holding Ruth up a little higher.

“I know little Ruthie, of course! Him, I don’t know,“ she points to Michael, causing my stomach to drop.

"Ooh! This is err…” I look over at Michael with wide eyes. He shifts in his seat, and I see him raise his eyebrows slightly.

“I’m Michael, nice to meet you,” he holds out his arm to Julie, who’s eyes go as wide as saucers.

She shakes his hand whilst her cheeks turn red, “Likewise. How long have you and Andy been… friends?”

The way she pauses before she calls us friends makes me feel embarrassed, because even she knows that I don’t have friends.

“Only for a few days, but it feels like so much longer than that,” Michael answers, looking over at me as he says the last part, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

“Is that so?” She questions, raising her eyebrows at me, “How did the two of you meet?”

“W-we uh, we met um…” I look over to Michael in a panic.

“I fell in the street the other day and hit my head, and she practically saved my life,” he smiles at me, making the butterflies in my stomach go even crazier.

“Oh, wow! Andy, you never told me about this!” Julie exclaims, putting her hand to her heart.

My cheeks get even hotter, and all I can think to do is shrug. Ruth starts to coo as I play with her hands nervously.

“Well, I should be on my way home. Gossip Girl isn’t going to watch itself!” She laughs a her lousy joke, which a smile half-heartedly at.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael, hopefully I’ll see you around! And Andy, I’ll see you on Monday!” She exclaims, then begins to walk away.

“Not likely,” I say to myself, knowing that there’s no way I was leaving Michael alone at my house while I’m at school.

“Who was she?” The red-haired Australian asks curiously.

“My art teacher, and basically the only person I talk to at school,” I ramble, my eyes widening and my cheeks heating up again when I realize what I just said.

Michael’s eyebrows furrow, and he leans in closer to me, “Why is she the only person you talk to?”

I shake my head and focus my eyes on Ruth, “N-no reason, I’m just not very wellknow at school, so I don’t have very many friends.”

It’s not technically lying, I’m just twisting the truth a bit. I glance up at Michael for a second after feeling his penetrating gaze on me. I look quickly away, wishing that I wasn’t telling my favorite guitarist in the world how many friends I don’thave.

“Why’s that?” He asks softly.

I shake my head, “That’s a story for another time. Is there anything else that looks familiar around here?”

He’s quiet for a moment then shakes his head, “No, nothing.”

“Well then let’s head home so no one else gets there before us,” I sigh and start to put Ruth into her car seat.

Michael gathers up our garbage and takes it to the trash can while I do up the straps on Ruth’s car seat.

“Our life is crazy, isn’t it Ruthie?” I ask her quietly. She squeals when she hears her name and waves her hands around trying to grab at my hair.

I smile down at her then look over my shoulder to see where Michael is. He stands a few feet away from Ruth and I, staring at the two of us. I can’t tell what expression is on his face because of the sunglasses, but his stare gives me butterflies anyway.

“Ready?” I ask as I lift up Ruth’s car seat off of the chair it was sitting on.

He nods, “I’ll carry her if you want.”

“Sure,” I hold out the car seat. He takes it carefully, his hand brushing against mine as he does it. I pull my arm towards me quickly because of the feeling it gave me and pretend to fix my glasses when Michael gives me with a weird look. I turn around and starting walking out towards my car.

The drive home is spent in complete silence, other than the quite noise of the radio playing. As soon as we arrive home I take Ruth into her room and change her diaper. She grabs at my hair once I take her out of her crib and hold her on my hip. I silently congradulate myself for putting my hair up.

“You don’t get to pull out my hair now, do you? Do you?” I ask playfully as I start to tickle her with my free hand. She squeals happily which causes me to grin.

The sound of a camera click causes me to turn towards the door, “What are you doing?”

Michael looks from the camera in his hands to me with innocence all over his face, “Taking a photo.”

“Well don’t ever do that again, at least of me.” I mutter, taking the camera from him. I quickly find the photo and am about to delete it, but when I actually look at the picture, I freeze. There’s a completely different person on the screen, than I see in the mirror every day. She’s smiling, and happy. She hasn’t been through a huge tragedy.

I blink rapidly to take myself out of the trance. I pretend to delete the photo, then power off the camera and set it down on the changing table in Ruth’s room.

“Sorry, I just really don’t like having my picture taken,” I mumble, peeking up at Michael through my eyelashes.

He nods slowly, then moves his fingers through his now hat-free hair, “It’s alright. I should have told you I was taking won. You just looked so happy.”

“Well when I’m around Ruthie I am happy,” I reply, smiling back down at Ruth.

“Me too,” Michael agrees, walking over to tickle her. She squeals with joy, causing my smile to widen.

I look up at Michael, and after a few seconds he looks at me. I feel my heart beating faster in my chest as his stare lingers on me. My face heats up and all I want to do is look away, but I can’t.

“You’re beautiful when you smile,” he whispers and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

authors note:

Guess who’s back bitches!

Jk jk you’re not bitches, but I am back! It’s been a while; just over 3 months.

I already explained why I haven’t updated in so long in my earlier post, but I’ll just say it again: school keeps me constantly busy, my family life is insane, and my mental and physical health come before anything.

However, I am back, and I will be updating more frequently! Even if it’s just once a month, I’ll update.

I hope you all are well, and have enjoyed the past three months.

Until next time,


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Hey I know I haven’t posted on here for a while but if anyone was interested in reading a new story

Hey I know I haven’t posted on here for a while but if anyone was interested in reading a new story I’ve started about 5sos heres the link if you wanted to read it :) https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/118813118/write/452700994

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