#michelle hardwick

Chapter 1:

Over at Home farm, there was a quiet knock at the door, Graham opens the door to see Noah standing there. “Noah i thought your mother didn’t want you coming up here?”

A voice from the kitchen interrupted, “Oh never mind that Graham, he’s here now and ready for me to teach him to play poker”.

“I don’t think this is a good idea”, Graham murmured from across the room. “Charity made it very clear she didn’t want you seeing him”.

“I’m not here to play, i want you to tell me about my father”, a tentative noah said.

“Here’s the thing little brother, I don’t really remember that much about him. I know that he was a good man who loved to make money and live the good life”.

“Mum said he sent you away to boarding school so you weren’t in the way? Is that true?” Noah asked.

Joe’s expression changes, a slight look of anger mixed with sadness covered his face. “It wasn’t to get me out the way, when dad had his accident life became more difficult for him, me being here all the time didn’t help.”

“So it wasn’t my mums fault that you went to boarding school?” Noah asked.

“No, i was already at boarding school but it is her fault my father died”, an angry Joe stated.

“Now is not the time for this Joe, Noah come with me I’ll take you home”, Graham said trying to calm the situation down.

“How is it her fault? What did she do.” Noah replied with a quiver to his voice trying not to get upset.

“She poisoned him, all she ever wanted was his money. She killed our father Noah”, Joe shouted.

Noah physically started to shake, fighting back the tears he ran out of home farm. Graham chased after him, “Noah wait, I’ll give you a lift”.


Meanwhile over at the Pub Charity and Vanessa were having a catch up over a drink and a bite to eat.

“What can i get you two love birds?”, asked a smiling chas.

“Oh shut it chas, and get us a couple of pints”, an embarrassed Charity replied.

Over at a quiet table in the corner of the pub the ladies were filling each other in with what’s been happening in their lives. Charity jokingly asked “so babe where you taking me on our next date…”. Before being able to finish her sentence the pair were interrupted by a devastated Noah rushing into the pub. A worried Charity shouts “Noah babe, why aren’t you at school?”

“Just leave me alone”, Noah replied with tears streaming down his face.

Charity’s face drops, her smile disappears, worry starts to set in. A concerned Vanessa does her best to encourage charity to go comfort him, but she knows what she’s like. “Go after him, go see if he’s ok! I can wait, he’s more important right now”, Vanessa said in a calming manner.

Agreeing, Charity leans forward towards Vanessa kissing her gently on the lips. She whispered “thank you” as she got up and made her way into the back.


Charity rushes through to the back room, composing herself she asked, “Noah babe what’s happened?”

“Like you don’t know”.

“Know what babe? I cant help if I don’t know what’s wrong”.

“My dad, it was you that killed him? You wanted his money so you poisoned him”. An angry Noah shouted.

“This is all Joe isn’t it? What did i tell you about spending time with him? He is toxic, he messed with Debbie’s head and now he is trying to mess with yours”. She started to pace around the room, not knowing what to say or do, breathing increasing with every footstep. “I loved your father, yes we had our bad times, but show me a couple who doesn’t. He died in my arms Noah and there was nothing i could do to save him, i was devastated when he died”. As the tears filled up her eyes and the sadness crept into her voice she mumbled, “I have done some pretty messed up things in my life, but i promise you with my whole heart I didn’t kill your dad”.

“Why would he lie to me?”, questioned Noah.

“Because he is messing with you to get back to me… surely you can see that, even you cant be that stupid”, an angry charity shouted.

Noah picked up his bag and stormed out the room slamming the door behind him. He rushes past a worried Vanessa, “Noah, everything ok? Noah.. wait”. Ignoring everybody in sight he runs out of the pub.

Worried about what’s just happened, Vanessa tracks down an angry Charity. “What’s happened?’ She said calmly, reaching to hold onto charity’s hand.

“That little weasel has brainwashed Noah into believing that i killed his dad.”

“What? Surely he didn’t believe him. I mean you had nothing to do with him dying… did you?”

“VANESSA, did you honestly just ask me that? I thought you of all people would believe me and know I wouldn’t do that?” Questioned Charity as she moved her hand from underneath Vanessa’s.

“Umm.. of course i know you wouldn’t” mumbled Vanessa.

“You know what just leave.. go on GET OUT”. A visibly upset Charity shrieked.

With her heart racing, Vanessa gathers her thoughts and reluctantly leaves, as she moves towards the door she whispers, “im sorry”.


Whilst walking home, Vanessa spots an upset Noah in the distance. Not wanting to make a scene she quietly makes her way over to where he is sat and sits down beside him. She reaches into her handbag searching for a tissue, she pulls one out of the packet and hands it to Noah, “here, take this”.

Wiping away his tears, he snuffles “thank you”.

“Everything ok?” Vanessa asked in a calming manner.

“All i wanted was to get to know my brother, yet my family hate him and i just don’t know who to believe anymore”.

“Things are complicated between your family and Joe. Joe blames your mum for things she didn’t do, and because he blames her he’s done some really nasty to things to your family”.

“Why is he saying mum killed dad”.

“I really don’t know, maybe he is trying to find someone to blame. But the truth is your dad was a very ill man and he tried to frame your mum for his murder because Charity was seeing Cain behind his back”. Expressed a concerned Vanessa.

“So because mum was cheating on him, he tried to make it look like she killed him”.

“Yeah, i know your mum can be a nightmare sometimes. Even i have experienced first hand what your mum can be like. But she would do anything for you, to protect you and she loves you with her whole heart”.

Noah replied, “I know she loves me but sometimes i just wished she didn’t always have a go”.

A smiling Vanessa explained, “That’s our job, we nag, we moan when your bedroom isn’t clean or when you spend too much time playing video games, but we do it because we care.”

“I guess so”.

“How about we go and get a milkshake and a cake and figure out what you want to say to your mum”.

With a smile creeping back onto Noah’s face, he nods in agreement, wipes his eyes one last time and the pair make their way to the cafe.


Back over at the Woolpack Chas has poured Charity a large glass of wine hoping it will calm her down. Pacing back and fourth Charity is losing her mind worrying where Noah is, “i should be out there looking for him”.

“If you go in this state you will end up saying something else you regret”, Chas replied.

“Well i cant just sit her waiting can i?”, Charity responded.

“Look you’ve already upset two people today, just sit there and drink your wine and i will go find him. Marlon can cope for 20 minutes on his own”.

“Thanks Chas”.

Before Chas even had the chance to leave the room, Vanessa entered the room with Noah in toe. “Noah, where have you been? Ive been worried sick, i called you a million times”, said a frantic Charity.

“I went for a walk, then we went for a milkshake”.

“Look I’m so sorry for shouting at you and for calling you stupid. Because you are anything but stupid, you are the smartest boy i know”. Charity expressed as she walked over to embrace Noah.

“I’m sorry for saying you killed dad, i know your not capable of doing anything like that”. Noah replied squeezing his mum tightly.

“I best be going, Noah if you ever want another milkshake you know where i am ok? Ill see you soon”, Vanessa said from the other side of the room.

Before Charity could respond or even look at vanessa, she was gone. She knew by the tone of Vanessa’s voice she was upset and hurt by what was said to her earlier.

“Mum you can let go of me now”, said Noah who was struggling to breathe due to charity squeezing him so tight.

“Sorry babe, I just don’t ever want to lose you, you are too important to me”.

“I’m not going anywhere, but you are! Go after Vanessa mum, you need to apologise to her for whatever you have done. I like her, she nice and well she got me cake as well as a milkshake”.

“When did you grow up so much?”

Realising she had messed up big time with Vanessa, Charity knew she had to take Noah’s advice and go sort things. Taking the short walk from the pub to Tug Ghyll, taking a deep breath in she knocked on the door. Vanessa opened the door to a nervous looking Charity, “Hey babe, I’ve got some apologising to do”.

A hesitant Vanessa invites her in, “come on in”.

“Firstly i need to thank you for looking after my boy, he really likes you you know?”

“Well he’s a great kid, all he wanted was to hear the truth” Vanessa stated.

“I know and i should have told him a long time ago i just wanted to protect him from it all. I also owe you a massive apology, i should never have spoken to you the way i did, even being angry. It was no excuse and i will do my best to make sure it never happens again”.

“I accept your apology, i should never have doubted you and for that i am sorry. I didn’t know the Charity back then, i hear she was a bit of a wild one, but the Charity i know now would never be capable of anything like that”.

“So were good? Because Noah and I would like to invite you over for dinner tonight, he told me I wasn’t allowed to take no as an answer”.

“I would love to”, Vanessa replied with a smile the width of her face.

Grabbing Vanessa’s hand, she leads her to the door and the pair make their way to the pub for dinner.
