#noah dingle

Chapter 1:

Over at Home farm, there was a quiet knock at the door, Graham opens the door to see Noah standing there. “Noah i thought your mother didn’t want you coming up here?”

A voice from the kitchen interrupted, “Oh never mind that Graham, he’s here now and ready for me to teach him to play poker”.

“I don’t think this is a good idea”, Graham murmured from across the room. “Charity made it very clear she didn’t want you seeing him”.

“I’m not here to play, i want you to tell me about my father”, a tentative noah said.

“Here’s the thing little brother, I don’t really remember that much about him. I know that he was a good man who loved to make money and live the good life”.

“Mum said he sent you away to boarding school so you weren’t in the way? Is that true?” Noah asked.

Joe’s expression changes, a slight look of anger mixed with sadness covered his face. “It wasn’t to get me out the way, when dad had his accident life became more difficult for him, me being here all the time didn’t help.”

“So it wasn’t my mums fault that you went to boarding school?” Noah asked.

“No, i was already at boarding school but it is her fault my father died”, an angry Joe stated.

“Now is not the time for this Joe, Noah come with me I’ll take you home”, Graham said trying to calm the situation down.

“How is it her fault? What did she do.” Noah replied with a quiver to his voice trying not to get upset.

“She poisoned him, all she ever wanted was his money. She killed our father Noah”, Joe shouted.

Noah physically started to shake, fighting back the tears he ran out of home farm. Graham chased after him, “Noah wait, I’ll give you a lift”.


Meanwhile over at the Pub Charity and Vanessa were having a catch up over a drink and a bite to eat.

“What can i get you two love birds?”, asked a smiling chas.

“Oh shut it chas, and get us a couple of pints”, an embarrassed Charity replied.

Over at a quiet table in the corner of the pub the ladies were filling each other in with what’s been happening in their lives. Charity jokingly asked “so babe where you taking me on our next date…”. Before being able to finish her sentence the pair were interrupted by a devastated Noah rushing into the pub. A worried Charity shouts “Noah babe, why aren’t you at school?”

“Just leave me alone”, Noah replied with tears streaming down his face.

Charity’s face drops, her smile disappears, worry starts to set in. A concerned Vanessa does her best to encourage charity to go comfort him, but she knows what she’s like. “Go after him, go see if he’s ok! I can wait, he’s more important right now”, Vanessa said in a calming manner.

Agreeing, Charity leans forward towards Vanessa kissing her gently on the lips. She whispered “thank you” as she got up and made her way into the back.


Charity rushes through to the back room, composing herself she asked, “Noah babe what’s happened?”

“Like you don’t know”.

“Know what babe? I cant help if I don’t know what’s wrong”.

“My dad, it was you that killed him? You wanted his money so you poisoned him”. An angry Noah shouted.

“This is all Joe isn’t it? What did i tell you about spending time with him? He is toxic, he messed with Debbie’s head and now he is trying to mess with yours”. She started to pace around the room, not knowing what to say or do, breathing increasing with every footstep. “I loved your father, yes we had our bad times, but show me a couple who doesn’t. He died in my arms Noah and there was nothing i could do to save him, i was devastated when he died”. As the tears filled up her eyes and the sadness crept into her voice she mumbled, “I have done some pretty messed up things in my life, but i promise you with my whole heart I didn’t kill your dad”.

“Why would he lie to me?”, questioned Noah.

“Because he is messing with you to get back to me… surely you can see that, even you cant be that stupid”, an angry charity shouted.

Noah picked up his bag and stormed out the room slamming the door behind him. He rushes past a worried Vanessa, “Noah, everything ok? Noah.. wait”. Ignoring everybody in sight he runs out of the pub.

Worried about what’s just happened, Vanessa tracks down an angry Charity. “What’s happened?’ She said calmly, reaching to hold onto charity’s hand.

“That little weasel has brainwashed Noah into believing that i killed his dad.”

“What? Surely he didn’t believe him. I mean you had nothing to do with him dying… did you?”

“VANESSA, did you honestly just ask me that? I thought you of all people would believe me and know I wouldn’t do that?” Questioned Charity as she moved her hand from underneath Vanessa’s.

“Umm.. of course i know you wouldn’t” mumbled Vanessa.

“You know what just leave.. go on GET OUT”. A visibly upset Charity shrieked.

With her heart racing, Vanessa gathers her thoughts and reluctantly leaves, as she moves towards the door she whispers, “im sorry”.


Whilst walking home, Vanessa spots an upset Noah in the distance. Not wanting to make a scene she quietly makes her way over to where he is sat and sits down beside him. She reaches into her handbag searching for a tissue, she pulls one out of the packet and hands it to Noah, “here, take this”.

Wiping away his tears, he snuffles “thank you”.

“Everything ok?” Vanessa asked in a calming manner.

“All i wanted was to get to know my brother, yet my family hate him and i just don’t know who to believe anymore”.

“Things are complicated between your family and Joe. Joe blames your mum for things she didn’t do, and because he blames her he’s done some really nasty to things to your family”.

“Why is he saying mum killed dad”.

“I really don’t know, maybe he is trying to find someone to blame. But the truth is your dad was a very ill man and he tried to frame your mum for his murder because Charity was seeing Cain behind his back”. Expressed a concerned Vanessa.

“So because mum was cheating on him, he tried to make it look like she killed him”.

“Yeah, i know your mum can be a nightmare sometimes. Even i have experienced first hand what your mum can be like. But she would do anything for you, to protect you and she loves you with her whole heart”.

Noah replied, “I know she loves me but sometimes i just wished she didn’t always have a go”.

A smiling Vanessa explained, “That’s our job, we nag, we moan when your bedroom isn’t clean or when you spend too much time playing video games, but we do it because we care.”

“I guess so”.

“How about we go and get a milkshake and a cake and figure out what you want to say to your mum”.

With a smile creeping back onto Noah’s face, he nods in agreement, wipes his eyes one last time and the pair make their way to the cafe.


Back over at the Woolpack Chas has poured Charity a large glass of wine hoping it will calm her down. Pacing back and fourth Charity is losing her mind worrying where Noah is, “i should be out there looking for him”.

“If you go in this state you will end up saying something else you regret”, Chas replied.

“Well i cant just sit her waiting can i?”, Charity responded.

“Look you’ve already upset two people today, just sit there and drink your wine and i will go find him. Marlon can cope for 20 minutes on his own”.

“Thanks Chas”.

Before Chas even had the chance to leave the room, Vanessa entered the room with Noah in toe. “Noah, where have you been? Ive been worried sick, i called you a million times”, said a frantic Charity.

“I went for a walk, then we went for a milkshake”.

“Look I’m so sorry for shouting at you and for calling you stupid. Because you are anything but stupid, you are the smartest boy i know”. Charity expressed as she walked over to embrace Noah.

“I’m sorry for saying you killed dad, i know your not capable of doing anything like that”. Noah replied squeezing his mum tightly.

“I best be going, Noah if you ever want another milkshake you know where i am ok? Ill see you soon”, Vanessa said from the other side of the room.

Before Charity could respond or even look at vanessa, she was gone. She knew by the tone of Vanessa’s voice she was upset and hurt by what was said to her earlier.

“Mum you can let go of me now”, said Noah who was struggling to breathe due to charity squeezing him so tight.

“Sorry babe, I just don’t ever want to lose you, you are too important to me”.

“I’m not going anywhere, but you are! Go after Vanessa mum, you need to apologise to her for whatever you have done. I like her, she nice and well she got me cake as well as a milkshake”.

“When did you grow up so much?”

Realising she had messed up big time with Vanessa, Charity knew she had to take Noah’s advice and go sort things. Taking the short walk from the pub to Tug Ghyll, taking a deep breath in she knocked on the door. Vanessa opened the door to a nervous looking Charity, “Hey babe, I’ve got some apologising to do”.

A hesitant Vanessa invites her in, “come on in”.

“Firstly i need to thank you for looking after my boy, he really likes you you know?”

“Well he’s a great kid, all he wanted was to hear the truth” Vanessa stated.

“I know and i should have told him a long time ago i just wanted to protect him from it all. I also owe you a massive apology, i should never have spoken to you the way i did, even being angry. It was no excuse and i will do my best to make sure it never happens again”.

“I accept your apology, i should never have doubted you and for that i am sorry. I didn’t know the Charity back then, i hear she was a bit of a wild one, but the Charity i know now would never be capable of anything like that”.

“So were good? Because Noah and I would like to invite you over for dinner tonight, he told me I wasn’t allowed to take no as an answer”.

“I would love to”, Vanessa replied with a smile the width of her face.

Grabbing Vanessa’s hand, she leads her to the door and the pair make their way to the pub for dinner.

Chapter 22

Still in shock from the three words Charity just said, Vanessa was stood there with her mouth wide open.

“Yes I said I love you. Should I not have said that? Is it too early? Oh god I’ve messed things up haven’t I?” Charity replied panicking.

“No, no it’s not too early. I’ve been wanting to say it ever since you helped me with Johnny. In my mind that night cemented how I feel about you and I’ve wanted to say it but have been too scared”.


“You don’t do feelings? And I didn’t want to mess up the good thing we have going!”

“So you love me too?”

“Yes, I love you Charity Dingle”.

“Come here…” Charity replied grabbing Vanessa round the waist and pulling her in kissing her passionately.

“Steady, your son is in the room!”.

“My god if he wasn’t I would rip your clothes off right here right now”.

“Shall we go try and find somewhere private?”

“Yes, you don’t have to ask me twice. Noah we will be right back”.

The giddy pair made their way out of Noah’s room in search of somewhere private to enjoy some alone time. The only place they could find was a store cupboard, “what about in there?” Charity said.

“We cant do it in a cupboard?”

“Why not? We won’t be long, plus those clothes need to come off”.

Biting her lip in anticipation Vanessa decided to just go with the flow, the pair slyly entered the cupboard making sure nobody saw them.

“It’s a bit cramped in here”, Vanessa said.

“Shhhhh”, Charity replied pushing her finger up against Vanessa’s lips. “Enough talking”.

Pinning Vanessa up against the wall she unbuttons her jeans, sliding her hand down into Vanessa’s knickers. As Charity began pleasuring Vanessa, Vanessa’s moaning grew and grew in volume. “Shhhh or someone will hear us”, Charity said. Charity decided she needed to be quick about things so skipped the rest of the foreplay and went straight into slipping in a digit or two. Movement getting quicker and quicker, their kissing become more passionate by the second, Vanessa almost reaching climax when in burst a nurse looking to get some supplies, “Oh my… Umm I don’t think you guys should be in here”.

The pair stood there, Vanessa with no top on and Charity with her hand down Vanessa’s trousers.

“I’ll let you guys get dressed”, the nurse said to the embarrassed pair.

A blushing Vanessa reached for her shirt which was hanging on one of the shelves, “I can’t believe we just got caught having sex in a cupboard”.

Trying to control her laughter Charity zipped up Vanessa’s trousers, “I wonder if she copped an eye full? Lucky girl!”.

“Charity this isn’t funny…I was about to.. well you know! Imagine she’d walked in a minute later”.

“You were about to come, you can say it out loud! I’m sorry babe” Charity said trying to control her laughter, “but it is funny.”

Fixing their appearance to avoid anymore embarrassment the pair left the cupboard, Vanessa trying to swerve making any eye contact with the nurse that found them. Vanessa felt like a naughty school girl who had been found kissing behind the back of the bike sheds whereas Charity walked out like she had just won the lottery. As Charity walked past the nurse she gave her a cheeky wink.

“Stop it”, Vanessa said slapping Charity on the back in a playful manner.

“What? She loved it! So where we going to find to finish off what we started?”

“We’re not. I’m not risking being caught again… we will have to wait until we are back home”.

“I can’t wait that long”, Charity joked as the pair walked hand in hand back to Noah’s room.


Meanwhile back over at the Wool pack a distraught Debbie returns home from her visit with Noah.

“Debbie, what’s wrong? Is it Noah? Is he ok?” Chas asked.

“No change, mum hates me!”

“You’ve got to give her time, she’ll come around eventually!”

“Not this time, you didn’t see the look in her eyes”.

“Can you blame her though Debs? I know we all make stupid mistakes but even for you this was a step too far”.

“Do you think Dad will have a word?”

“I don’t know what good he will do, he can’t fight your battles for you, You are a grown adult with 2 children. Just stay out of her way and give her time, she loves you and always will but at the moment she can’t stand the sight of you”, Chas said telling Debbie a few home truths.

“I’m gunna go for a walk”, Debbie replied.

Chas could see that she was upset by the whole situation and what she had heard but Debbie had got used to getting away with everything. It was about time she grew up and took responsibility for her actions. “I’ll look after your children then shall I?”, Chas replied in a sarcastic tone.

Debbie didn’t respond she just walked out the room taking her keys with her.

“Bloody typical, it’s fine I’ll look after 3 kids as well as run a pub single handedly”, Chas said to what she thought was an empty room, but Paddy had heard it all.

“I hear your looking for a babysitter?” Paddy said looking at Chas lovingly.

“Ohh Paddy Kirk, I do love you”.

“I love you more! What’s Debbie done now?”

“Something really stupid”


“Like tampering with Joe’s breaks!”

“You’re joking right?”, Paddy said with disbelief written all over his face.

“I wish I was Paddy I wish I was”.

“Ok, so I’m going to pretend I never heard that”

“It’s for the best”, Chas replied kissing him on the head.

“So I’ll be on babysitting duties while you run the bar”.

“Deal, Thank you”. As Chas left the room she looked back and smiled at her man, she knew she got so lucky when they became a couple, she truly did love him with her whole heart. Before heading back to the bar she felt like she had to let Cain know that Debbie had gone awol yet again leaving her kids.

*”Cain, only me. Just wanted to let you know that Debbie went to see Noah and well it didn’t go well. Charity wants nothing to do with her and Debs hasn’t taken it well. She’s gone awol again leaving the kids with me and Paddy. You’ve gotta sort her out before she does something stupid again for the millionth time in her life.”*


Arriving back at Noah’s hospital room Charity was still laughing about what had happened to the pair of them, while Vanessa was trying to ignore her.

“Noah babe we’re back! You’ll never guess what happened.”

“Uhhh what you doing?” Vanessa said stopping Charity from blurting out what just happened to them.

“Telling my boy the fun we just got up to!”

“No you’re not. You don’t tell anyone about that!”

“Spoil sport! It’s getting late shall we try and get comfortable on these awful chairs”, Charity said hoping Vanessa would stay again with her.

“I’m going to go…”

“You’re going?” A disappointed Charity said.

“If you’d let me finish I was about to say go and see if I can find someone to ask if they have a bed we could use”.

“For a minute there I thought you were off home”.

“I’m not leaving you, don’t worry! I’ll be back in a few minutes, hopefully with a bed”, Vanessa replied.

“You’d be so proud of me Noah babe, I finally plucked up the courage to tell Vanessa that I loved her. I know you like her and well she’s good for me, when you’re better we’re gunna do things together as a little family, even go on holiday somewhere, anywhere you want. We just need you to wake up now babe”. Charity said taking the hand of her boy.

“I’m back and guess whose getting a bed tonight?” Vanessa excitedly said.

“Really? We can snuggle up we might actually manage to get a few hours sleep tonight!”

“Fingers crossed”.


Cain had been driving round for hours looking for Debbie, he was about to give up before finding her up by Home Farm.

“What are you doing here? You are supposed to be keeping a low profile, not going back to the scene of the crime!”, an angry Cain said.

“I’ve got to fix this Dad..”

“And how precisely do you intend to do that?”

“Well I haven’t worked that out yet?”

“I’m only going to say this once so listen very carefully. You messed up majorly with this one, nearly killing your little brother. Who even knows if he will ever make a full recovery. Yet your out here plotting your next move and feeling sorry for yourself, grow up Debbie. This isn’t about you… yes this is all your fault but you trying to sort it and fix it and become the hero isn’t going to help. So just stop being an idiot and go and spend time with your kids, because after Charity is finished with you they might be the only thing left”.

A speechless Debbie just nodded and got back into her car and headed back to her children. Taking in a deep breath Cain stood there, “maybe I can go and spend a night with my family now”, he muttered to himself.


Snuggling up tightly on the single hospital bed, Charity and Vanessa finally had a chance to be close to one another and to just relax. The pair knew that tomorrow was a big day for Noah, Vanessa knew that deep down Charity was bricking it but was covering it up trying to be the tough Charity we all knew. “No matter what happens tomorrow with Noah, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere!”, Vanessa said kissing Charity’s back as they spooned.

“He’s going to smash it tomorrow, I know he’s going to wake up”, Charity said trying to put a brave face on things. She pulled Vanessa arms around her tightly and the pair tried to get some sleep.

Chapter 21

Vanessa arrived back at the hospital armed with clothes for both herself and Charity, some of Noah’s favourite things to decorate his hospital room and a bunch of flowers to cheer up her girlfriend. Walking into Noah’s room she was greeted by a massive hug from Charity.

“Babe, I’ve been waiting for you to return for ages”, an excitable Charity said.

“Sorry, I was as quick as I could be”.

“He moved his hand, Noah moved his hand”.

“That’s amazing news, what did the tests show”.

“Still waiting to hear but the fact he moved his hand is really positive”.

“This is the best news”, Vanessa replied passionately kissing Charity. “These are for you!” She said putting the flowers in front of her face, “ I’ve also got Noah’s favourite things, shall we decorate his room?”

“Yes, I’d love that”.

The pair decorated his room with family pictures, some of his favourite video games and last of all Moses had given Vanessa his favourite dinosaur to protect Noah from the baddies.

“Noah, sweetheart… Moses has given you dippy the dinosaur to protect you. He’s going to be beside you at all times ok”, Charity said placing dippy by Noah’s side. “Thank you for this, it looks at lot less like a hospital room now”.

“You are welcome. Right in that bag there are some clothes, go freshen up and change. I’m here I won’t leave his side, ok… I promise you”.

“Yeah I’ll go get changed. Oh if Joe pops his head around the door, let him in. He’s desperate to see Noah”.

“Are you sure? You hate the guy?”

“I know I do, but this wasn’t his false.”

“Okay, now go and take 5 minutes off.”

“Yes boss”, Charity joked.

Charity left to go and freshen up, take a break from staring at machines and grab them both a coffee. While Charity was gone Vanessa took the opportunity to talk to Noah.

“Hey Noah, it’s me Ness. How you doing? We’re all worried sick over here, it’s time to wake up so your mum can see that beautiful smile of yours. Plus you still owe me that video game lesson.” Vanessa said to Noah whilst caressing his cheek, she felt such a strong connection with Noah and she knew that they had so much more to do together.

*knock knock*

“Only me, can I come in?”, Debbie said.

Vanessa who was oblivious to the drama going on between Debbie and Charity replied, “of course”.

“Where’s mum?”

“She just popped out to freshen up and take a break, she won’t be long.”

“How’s he doing?”, Debbie asked.

“He moved his hand earlier, so that’s a positive sign”.

“Hey little bro, I miss you. Can you come home already please, Sarah says she has no one to tease. I’m so sorry Noah. I really am.”

“Debbie it’s not your fault, you didn’t know this was going to happen”, Vanessa said.

Before Debbie could reply Charity walks in the door, “Babe I got us a couple of coffees, I couldn’t remember if yours was a skinny one or…” Charity stopped mid sentence as she saw Debbie stood next to Noah. “You’re not welcome here”, she said in an angry tone.

“I know, but I wanted to come and see how Noah is?”

“Tough, you don’t get to see him. Not after what you’ve done”.

Vanessa stood there looking extremely confused.

“Mum please, I know what I did was unforgivable but i just wanted to see my little brother”.

“You are the reason he is lying in this bed in a coma. This is all your fault, now just get out and don’t come back”.

Debbie rushed out of the room with tears streaming down her face.

“What was all that about? Why is this her fault?”, Vanessa asked.

“I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. Just know she’s not welcome here”.

“Ok, but this isn’t her fault.”

“If I tell you something you have to promise me that you won’t tell a soul, not even Rhona.”

“I promise you, I won’t tell a soul. You can trust me ok?”

“I know. Ok… you might want to sit down”.

“That bad huh?”

“The night Debbie went awol, she visited home farm. She wanted revenge on Joe once and for all, so decided to tamper with his breaks.”

“The breaks?”

“Yeah and speaking to graham yesterday the breaks didn’t respond properly when he went to break which caused them to crash”.

“Wow, so basically what you are saying is the reason they crashed is Debbie”.

“Yeah, hence why I don’t want to see her, hear from her. I cant stand the sight of her. Why would she be so stupid? I mean I’m all for revenge but not when you are putting peoples lives at risk. I don’t know the person she’s turning into? I thought I brought her up to know better”.

“Hey, listen. This is not your fault, you would never do that to anyone, nor would you ever condone it. I cant believe she’s done this”.

“You can’t say anything. As much as I hate her right now, I don’t want her to go to prison. It’s the worst place in the world”.

“I won’t say a word. I promise you”, Vanessa replied. She couldn’t quite believe what she had just heard, she knew the dingles had a chequered past but she didn’t think that Debbie was capable of this. She knew that if she wanted a future with Charity she had to keep her mouth shut. “Going back to the coffees I’ll have which ever one you don’t want”.

“I can’t wait to have something stronger than coffee.”

“How about when Noah’s better and back at home, I take you for a nice romantic dinner and we drink lots and lots of wine. Then we can have lots of fun and lots of sex”, Vanessa said winking at her girlfriend.

“Careful what you say, Noah can hear everything remember”

“Oh yeah.. I mean we can have lots of fun and play rock.. paper.. scissors”.

“That’s my favourite game”.

“What time did the docs say they’d be back with Noah’s results?”

“In about half an hour, I pray something, anything has improved”.

“I’m sure it will have, especially if he squeezed your hand”.

“Is this a bad time?”, Graham said peering around the door.

“No, come in”.

Graham helped push Joe into the room, placing his close to Noah.

“Thank you for letting me come to see him, it means a lot”.

“You’re welcome, do you want some time alone?”

“Would that be ok? I just have some things I need to say to him”.

“Take your time, well go get a bite to eat. If anything happens you’ve got my number”

“Sure thing, enjoy”, Joe replied.

Vanessa and Charity left Graham and Joe with Noah. Charity could hear genuine remorse in Joe’s voice for what had happened to Noah, she felt like she owed him the opportunity to spend time with him.

“That was very nice of you, you know”, Vanessa said as she interlinked arms with her lover.

“I owe him. Yes he shouldn’t have picked up Noah without my permission but he thinks this is his fault and it’s not”.

“I’m proud of you, for being the bigger person”, she said kissing Charity.

Back in Noah’s room Joe is shocked at how understanding Charity is being, maybe he has got her all wrong. Maybe she’s not the monster he thought she was. Taking full advantage of the time he has with his little brother he starts by giving him the best hug he can with his broken arm and Noah being led down.

“Hey little bro, I’m so sorry that our adventure turned into a crash. I take full responsibility for your injuries and I promise you that when you wake up I will get you whatever video games or consoles you want. I wish we could rewind and stop you from getting in the car. I’d do anything to stop you getting hurt, but I’ve promised your mum that from now on we do everything through her. She loves you very much and we all want you to wake up so we can see that cheeky smile of yours”. Joe said trying to hold back the tears.

“That was very sweet of you Joe”, Graham said.

“Do you mind if we wait with him until Charity gets back?”

“Absolutely not”.

“He will wake up won’t he?”

“They seem very positive and he has age on his side, so yes I think he will”, Graham said trying to be as positive as he could be.

“I’m looking for Noah’s mum?”, Dr Noble said as he entered the room.

“She just popped out for some food, do you have news?”, Joe asked.

“We have some news yes, I’d rather wait for her return though”

“Graham do you think you could ring her”

“Yes I will do that now”, Graham said as he stepped out of the room in order to ring Charity. “Charity, the doctor has some news. He’s in Noah’s room now if you could pop back”.

Charity dropped everything and rushed back to Noah’s room. “I’m here, I’m here, so doc what’s this news”.

“Maybe somewhere private?” Dr Noble replied.

“No they can stay”

“So from the tests we took earlier we can see that the internal bleeding has stopped. His liver is responding well to the medication and hopefully all being well we can try and take him out of the coma tomorrow. Now he might not be ready to come out of it, but we will give it a shot”.

“I could bloody kiss you right now! This is the best news ever”, Charity said giving the doctor a hug.

“Like I said let’s not get too excited, but it’s progress and it’s all very positive. I’ll leave you guys to it”.

“Thank you Doctor”, Joe said.

“Yes thanks”, Charity added.

“This is the best news ever!” Vanessa said embracing Charity.

“We will leave you two to it! Thanks again for letting me see Noah”.

“You’re welcome” Charity responded.

Graham and Joe left the two love birds to celebrate.

“He’s going to be ok!” Vanessa said to Charity.

“I can’t believe it. The last day or so have been the worst of my life, but no matter what you were always there. I really don’t know what I did to deserve you but all I know is I am never letting you go. I love you”. Charity said grabbing onto Vanessa’s hand.

“You love me?” A surprised Vanessa said. Did Charity Dingle a woman who doesn’t do feelings just say those three words?

Chapter 20

Charity and Vanessa had both fallen asleep in the most awkward positions on the extremely uncomfortable hospital chairs. Vanessa woke to the sight of Charity asleep holding onto Noah’s hand, she decided to get a flannel and clean Noah’s face of the dried blood from his cuts. She also decided to try and give his hair a brush as she knew he’d want to be looking his best, as Vanessa brushed his hair Charity slowly woke.

“Morning, how did you sleep?”, Vanessa asked a sleepy Charity.

“Not great, the constant beeping was doing my head in. You manage to get any?”

“A little, but i was more worried about you getting some. I’ve given Noah’s face a good wash and brushed his hair the best I could. I know he’d want to look his best for when he has visitors”.

“Thank you, I appreciate you being here with me, well with us more than you’ll ever know”.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else” Vanessa replied.

“Has the doctor been round yet?”

“Not yet, no. Do you want me to go find him?”

“It’s ok, he’ll be round eventually! You couldn’t do me a massive favour could you?”

“Yeah of course!”

“Can you head back to the pub and pack me some clothes and grab a few of Noah’s things to make him feel at home?”

“Of course I can, I need to go and sort Johnny out too. Ill be back as soon as I can, ok? If anything changes you ring me right away and I’ll come straight back!” Vanessa replied.

Embracing Vanessa, Charity kisses her on the cheek, “thank you. Ill see you in a bit”. Vanessa heads for the door, reluctantly leaving Charity alone, she waits outside the room for a couple of seconds just to make sure Charity was ok.

Moving her chair right up close next to Noah’s bed, Charity reaches for his hand, holding it tight, “Wake up sweetheart, mummy’s here. I’ll look after you”. Vanessa knew that Charity was really struggling, but was putting a brave face on.

“I’m not angry with you for seeing Joe, when you wake we can sort out a schedule for when you two can hang out! Would you like that? I should never have stopped you from seeing him, I’m sorry, you hear me… I’m sorry. Just wake up”. Charity said to Noah hoping that he can hear every word she’s saying.


Arriving back at Tug Ghyll a very tired Vanessa opens the door to see her little boy playing with her dad. After the events of the last 24 hours she couldn’t be happier to see her boy safe and happy, “hello little man, mummy’s home”, she said rushing over to Johnny to give him the biggest hug ever.

“Mummy your squeezing me too tight”.

“Sorry sweetheart, I just missed you so much”.

“How’s Noah?” Frank asked.

“No change, Charity’s besides herself. I’m trying to be strong but it’s so hard to see him just lay there motionless”.

“It must be horrendous, just keep being there for her. Teenie, Megan and I will look after Johnny for you, for as long as you need. You need to be there for Charity and Noah!”

“Would that be ok? Obviously I won’t be able to stay at the hospital all the time but will be a relief knowing Johnny is safe with you”.

“Absolutely! Johnny you going to come stay with grandad for a few days while mummy looks after Charity?”

“Can we play dinosaurs?”, johnny asked waving his dinosaur around.

“Of course we can, shall we go pack a bag?”

“Ok”, Johnny said following his Grandad upstairs.

Taking the time to finally sit down and just breathe Vanessa let out a big sigh, she couldn’t quite believe what had happened. As she sat there thinking about things her eyes filled with tears, she didn’t know how Charity was being so strong, if that was Johnny she’d be inconsolable. Wiping the tears away she composed herself before Johnny returned from packing his bag.

“You all ready? Come here little man. I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much lately. But you know I love you to the moon and back”.

“I love you too mummy”, johnny replied giving his mum a big sloppy kiss.

“I’ll come and see you tomorrow, I’ll miss you!”

“Don’t worry Teenie, we will take good care of him. See you later, give Charity our best wishes”.

“Thanks dad, will do”. Vanessa felt like she was being a bad mother loading Johnny off with her dad, but she knew that she had to be a rock for Charity at her time in need. She found comfort in the fact that Johnny loved spending time with his grandad and was young enough to forget about a few days without his mum.

Vanessa quickly hopped in the shower, put on some fresh clothes, packed a few clothes into a bag and made herself a coffee to go.


Doctor Noble was on his way to speak to Charity about any updates on Noah’s condition, “Good morning, I hope you managed to get a few hours sleep! These chairs aren’t the comfiest things”.

“You’re telling me! So any update on Noah?”, Charity asked.

“His condition is still the same, but the fact it hasn’t got worse is a very good sign. We are going to do a series of tests and a scan to see how things are doing internally. As soon as he starts to show improvement we will take him out of his coma”.

“So the tests should show you if he’s improved or not?”.

“Yes, we will start to run them immediately”.

“Thank you Doctor”.

“We will need you to wait in the waiting room while the tests are being done, if that’s ok?”

“Yeah that’s fine just take care of my boy”, Charity said squeezing Noah’s hand one last time before leaving to wait in the waiting room.

“Hello Noah, I’m Dr Noble. We are just going to be doing a few tests ok”, he said reassuring Noah.

Charity grabbed herself a coffee to try and give her a hit of energy before making herself comfortable in the waiting room.

“Charity? How’s Noah?” Joe asked nervously.

“No change, still in a coma. The doctors are in there now running some tests”.

“I’m so sorry, I know you will blame me for this, but I truly never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to spend time with my little brother”.

Charity desperately wanted to be angry with Joe and blame him for everything that has happened but she knew the only thing he was guilty of was wanting to spend time with Noah, all be it behind her back. “Look it was an accident, it was no ones fault. But next time you want to see Noah, tell me first please”.

Shocked that Charity hadn’t ripped him apart, Joe responded “of course. I promise. Would it be ok to come and see him later when the doctors have finished?”

“I’m sure he would love to see you. Remember to talk to him, he can hear everything you say”.

“Thank you. I’ll leave you to it. But if there is anything you need let me or Graham know! Ok?”

Deciding to put the past in the past for Noah’s sake Charity agrees.


Walking into the pub, Vanessa was bombarded with questions asking how Noah was.

“Any news on Noah?”, Diane asked.

“How’s the little man doing?”, Nicola added.

Addressing everyone in ear shot, “last I heard his condition hadn’t deteriorated which is good news, they were going to run some tests to see if there is any sign of improvement”, Vanessa announced to the pub. “I’d love to stay and chat but need to grab a few things and head back to the hospital”.

“Give them both our love, we are all thinking of them”, Nicola replied.

“Will do”, Vanessa replied as she made her way into the back. “Debbie, you couldn’t help me pick a few of Noah’s things to take back to the hospital could you?”

“Vanessa, hi! How is he? Any change? Yeah I’ll grab some things for him! How’s mum?”, Debbie said nervously.

“No change yet, but he hasn’t got any worse so that’s good! Charity is dealing with things well on the outside but deep down I think she’s struggling. That’s why I want to get back quickly”.

“Do you think she’ll be up for visitors?”

“Possibly yeah, your her daughter I’m sure she’d love to see you”, Vanessa said disappearing upstairs to get Charity some clothes.

“I doubt that”, Debbie muttered to herself as she gathered some of Noah’s things.

“Right, I’ve got some things for them both, shall I let Charity know you will be visiting later?”, Vanessa asked.

“No, don’t get her hopes up just incase I cant”, Debbie replied.

“Ok, well thanks and if I hear any new news I’ll let you know”. Vanessa said making her way to her car ready to go back to the hospital.

Chapter 19

The police had turned up at the pub looking for Charity as they had news regarding her son, the whole pub and Charity waited to hear what they had to say.

“What’s happened to my son?”

“Can we go somewhere private Miss Dingle?”

“No, please just tell me!”, Charity replied trying to hold back the tears.

“He’s been involved in a car crash, he has sustained some serious injuries. The ambulance is taking him to hospital as we speak”.

“No, not my Noah”, A distraught Charity yells. “How?”

“We’re not sure of the nature of the accident but two others were injured in the crash”.

“Ok, I need to get to the hospital”.

“We can take you there now if you’d like”.

“Yeah, ill just grab my bag”, Charity said as she was physically shaking.

“I’ll come with you”, Debbie said as Charity brushed past her.

“I don’t want you anywhere near me right now”, she quietly said as she walked past.

“Debs leave it”, Cain said.

“Chas will you make sure you give Moses and extra long hug tonight, I’ll let you know as soon as I know anything. Rhona can you tell Vanessa please”.

Both Chas and Rhona nodded agreeing to everything Charity had just said.

As Charity left with the police officers tears were streaming down her face, Why was this happening to her? Especially at a time where she was so happy and content.


Shock filled the pub, they couldn’t believe what had happened. They were so used to seeing the police coming because Charity had done something illegal, not because her son has been involved in a car accident.

In the back room Cain was trying to calm down an hysterical Debbie. “Debs just breathe”.

“How? How can I breathe? What have I done dad? My little brother is in god knows what state all because I wanted revenge on some idiot who broke my heart”.

“Debs, we don’t know how bad Noah is yet?”

“It doesn’t matter Dad, it’s still my fault. Mums never going to forgive me and I don’t blame her. How could I be so stupid?”

“We all do stupid things when we are mad. I know your upset and scared but this needs to be kept on the down low. We can’t have the cops getting wind of this because you will go away for a very long time”.

“If anything happens to him, they can lock me up. I wouldn’t deserve to be free”.

“Stop, you need to stop saying things like that right now. This can’t leave the family. As far as everyone is concerned right now this was an accident.”

“I should be with them I should be at the hospital!”

“If you go there now things will kick off with your mother and the police will become suspicious. What you need to do is look after the kids, calm down and be prepared for the wrath of Charity when she gets home”.

“Ok, if you hear anything let me know!” Debbie asked.

“Of course, I’ll head down there now”, Cain reluctantly said leaving Debbie on her own. As he walked back to through the pub he pulled Chas aside, “keep an eye on her, I’m worried about”.

“How could she be so stupid Cain?”

“I really don’t know, I’m gunna head to the hospital see what I can find out”.

“You sure that’s a good idea? I doubt you are high on her list of people she wants to see”

“She cant be on her own”.

“Just don’t cause a scene, last thing we need is the police sniffing around. I’ll keep you up to date”.

Cain left to head to the hospital.


Charity arrived at the hospital with the police officers who took her straight in to speak with the doctors. As they were walking through the hospital, Charity got an eery feeling, she hated the atmosphere. Before reaching where Noah was in the hospital she saw Graham sat in the waiting area with several cuts and bruises on and around his head and what looked like a dislocated shoulder.

“Graham what happened?” Charity asked.

“Charity, have you seen Noah yet?”

“Not yet no, look what happened?”

“We were driving Noah back from school and a about 5 or 6 sheep ran out in front of the car. I tried to slam the brakes on but they didn’t respond quick enough. I’m so sorry.”

“I need to go find my son”, Charity responded.

The officers escorted Charity to the ward in which Noah was on, “Dr Noble this is Noah’s mother”.

“Miss Dingle it’s a pleasure to meet you”.

“Charity please”.

“Charity, your son sustained some very serious injuries in the crash, as a precaution we have placed him in an induced coma to try and allow his body time to try and recover”.

“A coma?”

“With all the internal bleeding and damage to some of his organs it was the best and safest option. Like I said it’s a precaution and we’re hoping that in time his body will sort itself out”.

“Can I see him please?”, Charity asked with tears rolling down her face.

“Of course, follow me. The wires and machines will look very scary but I promise you they are helping him”.

Feeling numb Charity just nodded.

As the door opened the first thing to hit Charity was the noise, the noise of all the machines, beeping constantly. She then saw her little man led there hooked up to several machines, cuts and bruises all over him. She reached for his hand, holding it tighter than she had ever held anything before in her life. “I’m here little man, mummy’s here”, she said with tears streaming down her face, “I won’t leave your side I promise you”.

“I’ll leave you to have some alone time with your son. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask”, Dr Noble said.

“He will wake won’t he? He will be ok?”

“We are very hopeful that with time Noah will make a full recovery”.

“Thank you” Charity replied as she sat there holding her sons hand.

Graham knocked on the door to Noah’s room, “I just wanted to check how he was doing?”

“He’s in an induced coma, but they are very hopeful that he will make a full recovery. What about you? Joe?”

“I was lucky, a few cuts and a dislocated shoulder. Joe he’s broken both his leg and an arm, but he’ll be ok. I’m so sorry, I tried so hard to break”.

“I’m glad you are both ok, but I’d like to be alone with my son please”. Graham left the room leaving the two of them in peace. Charity knew that non of this was Graham or Joe’s fault, it was all Debbie’s. How could she be so stupid.

Charity didn’t want to leave Noah’s side for a second but she knew that she had to let Chas know what was happening. Leaving the room for a second she quickly rang Chas and filled her in.


Chas’s complexion had gone white after hearing the news about Noah, she headed back to the bar to let people know what was happening.

“Chas everything ok?” Paddy asked, who was sat with half the village.

“That was Charity, Noah’s in a coma”

“Oh my god, a coma? That’s really bad isn’t it?” Tracy asked.

“Poor lad”, Pete added.

“It’s an induced coma, which is supposedly going to help give his body time to recover”, Chas replied.

“I can’t believe this is happening, he’s so young. I only saw him this morning getting on the bus”, Rhona explained.

“Will you mind the bar for me Paddy, while I go tell Debbie”.

“Sure thing”, he said kissing Chas on the forehead.

Trying to keep her anger to a minimum Chas sat down next to Debbie. “You’ve heard something haven’t you? It’s bad I can tell by your face” Debbie said.

“He’s in an induced coma”.

“What? No.. a coma?”

“It’s for the best as they want to give his body time to recover”

“What have I done? My little brother is in a coma because of me”.

“Not gunna lie Debs you have well and truly messed up here. But like your dad said you have to keep your mouth shut”.

“What if he doesn’t wake up?”

“Let’s not even think about that right now, we have to stay positive for everyone. I think it best for everyone if you get an early night tonight”.

“Don’t worry I’ll stay out the way”.


Back at the hospital Cain had arrived to see Charity and Noah, “Can I come in?”

“I don’t want to see you cain. You were supposed to fix this!”, Charity said as Cain embraced her. “I was relying on you”.

“I know, I’m sorry. I let you down”.

“Look at my boy, this is all her fault. Why.. why did she have to be so stupid”

“I don’t know, she wasn’t thinking. Its just a horrible stupid mistake”

“Don’t make excuses for her”

“She’s our daughter Charity!”

“Yeah but he’s my son, Look I don’t have time to think about her right now. My priority is Noah, so I’d appreciate it if you just left”.

“Ok, but if you need anything I’m a phone call away ok?”


Cain decided it was probably best not to argue with Charity today so left. As he was leaving he bumped into an agitated Vanessa. “Cain, I’m here to see Charity”.

“She’s not really up for visitors”

“Please, just tell me where she is!”

“Third room on the right”


*knock knock*

“Cain I’ve already told you, I’m fine please just leave me alone”.

“It’s not Cain, it’s me”, Vanessa said in a quiet manner. “Come here”, she said as she rushed over to give Charity a hug. “He’s going to be alright, I promise you. I will be right by your side every sep of the way”.

“Thank you”, Charity responded grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight. “I just can’t believe this has happened”.

“I know, when Rhona told me I couldn’t believe it.”

“Nothing can happen to my baby Ness! I’d never forgive myself”.

“Hey, enough of that. He will be fine, we have to remain positive. Has the doctor said you can stay here tonight?”

“I haven’t even asked. I’m not leaving him though”.

“I’ll go find someone and find out! I’ll get us some coffee too!”.

“Thanks babe”, Charity replied kissing Vanessa hand as she let it go.
