#midnight dancing


We never cliff dived;

never found ourselves lost.

We had a plan; a plan to be anything

except our parents. A plan to be

okay; thriving. In love. Happy.

And we’ve come so far but

I’m tired of safety; maybe this

feeling is coming from my

self destructive heart.

We both know that sometimes it

tends to boil over but maybe it’s just

that I feel safe anywhere you are.

So let’s jump. Let’s move to France

and learn a new language. Let’s

raise the children with love

and freedom and cultures that

aren’t our own. Let them bear

witness to our love story.

Let them tell their friends and

spouses stories of us laughing

hysterically while dancing in the

kitchen at midnight in a new

country, our kitchen is feeling a little

small lately and I would love

to spend a night lost in Paris with you.

Lost. Blissfully lost.

ReBecca DeFazio

More Than A Flower
