#miitopia access key


Over the past few months, I’ve had a grand old time with the Mii maker in the new Miitopia. So, I figure I may as well share what I’ve made. It’s a wide range of random, mostly unrelated characters I made for fun, but hopefully someone appreciates the effort that went in.


Finally cleared through Miitopia, and since I’ve seen that there’s plenty of fans of ALTER EGO (I thought I was alone), so I decided to share Es, my beloved Cleric and other creations I’ve made! Nothing will be locked and some are from other people’s creations but all I made will be shown here. Feel free to use them to your heart’s desire!

Riba and Alice from MMTB

Ryan, Dawko, Mark and Ethan from Youtube

Aveline, Kalvera are ocs but you can use them if you wish

Mira from Dragon Ball Xenoverse

Zinnia from Pokemon ORAS

And hidden from that view is Steven Stone from Pokemon and Professor Sycamore from Pokemon

Tari from Meta Runner

Kaze from Fire emblem

Here’s a horribly cropped picture of a bunch of pictures together of them. Enjoy!

I just got Miitopia and I’m trying to make Beetlejuice Mii’s Nintendo wouldn’t let me name Beetlejuice, “Bj” rude lol and Beetlejuice as too long.
