#mik reblogs



First draft of my twoface design :)

I like it so fare so I’m moving on to the costume. He’ll probably change a little as I figure out how to draw him consistently. I’m also excited to design the penguin :D



Doodles based on @janayuga’spost here




A few screenshot redraws and other sketches based on a dumb idea I had.

Basically a post bw2/anime au where Cilan becomes the trainee/intern of Ingo and Emmet.

Gotta love train obsessed Cilan- and now he can finally eat lunch on a daily with his idols ✨✨


I slept thru Twosday so I didn’t get anything done in time lmfao but here’s a late picture to celebrate 2/22/22!! Harv and his clones.


Bruharvey Weekend

Day 1:Fake Dating /First Time / “Let me take you home”

Don’t you just hate it when you and your work friend get photographed by the paparazzi after he saves your life? @bruharveyweekend


I like to think about Harvey Dent and his design too. This time I wanted to imagine what he might look like after facial surgery. In the comics, his recovery is made perfect, but on the contrary, I like the imperfect work with his face, which often happens with a real difficult facial recovery. I hope you enjoy it too.


My comic for the SFW volume of @batfam-problematic

Strayed a little from the usual Soft™ for this


I still obsessively think about that “OOF!” scene lol


Hardenshipping shitpost ft. ghetsis, colress and Guzma.

Been listening to GenoSamuel’s Chris Chan documentary while drawing this. Maybe you can tell.

Anyways,, have fun with this until im back with something better.


Quick doodle because I have yet to draw them smooching in the year 2022


No one Probably gives a shit since this isn‘t submas. But I really felt like making kid versions of some of the villains.

Some additional info headcanons Me and My friend came up with while I was designing them :

•Archie grew up by the beach and often went looking for heartscales and pearls. He loved bringing them home to show his mom. His dad was either a sailor or captain, so he wasn‘t home much.

•Maxie is really into scrapbooking and treasure hunting/looking for knick knacks and other fun stuff. He does have a metal-detector in his funny little bag, but often his Numel helped him dig for stuff.

(Additional for them - Maxie and Archie met through treasure hunting at the beach one day and became friends because I said so.)

TW/ hinted Pokémon/Animal abuse

• Ghetsis grew up without a father figure and only had his mother looking after him. He developed a hatered for Pokémon and discovered that he enjoys seeing them suffer or in pain. It‘s a bit dark so make of this whatever you will.

What he‘s using the stick for? Who knows. But rest assured that Karma came back and bit him in the ass. He‘s covering his eye for a reason.

• Giovanni is a spoiled brat. He grew up wealthy since his mother (canonically known as ‚Madame Boss‘) founded Team Rocket and made a shitload of money through that. His mom didn‘t really have much time for him so whatever he wanted, he gets. His Meowth (which evolved into his beloved Persian) was meant as a distraction for him so he doesn‘t bother her. It‘s safe to say that she is now his little princess and closest friend.

Additional sketches of Giovanni‘s Mother (she‘s canon, go look her up.)

They don‘t have the best relationship. Ever since Giovanni took over Team Rocket, they barely ever see eachother.

• Cyrus is a neglected, introverted kid that spends most his time in his room. He loves tech and tinkers around with it all the time. His Zubat (later Crobat) is his only companion to keep him company all day.


So - part two. I think??

Did this instead of working today so

Shippers gtfo, thanks
