#mime bomb


MimeBombfromCarmenSandiego Has Gun

Requested by @rasherdash



  • Gray/Crackle- Phantom of the Opera
  • Sheena/Tigress- Slutty mouse
  • Jean / Le Chevre- Oven
  • Antonio/El Topo- Baker
  • Mime Bomb- a lemon dressed as a mime
  • Dark! Carmen- Queen of Hearts
  • Paper Star- Michael Myers but neon
  • Neal the Eel- Court Jester with a LOT of tiny bells

  • “I’m a mouse, duh” (is wearing a mouse headband with a random dress)
  • Gray treats halloween as a formal event
  • Sheena’s just there for the booze, naturally, secretly loves halloween
  • Theres footage of Mime bomb putting makeup on his lemon suit
  • Paper star acts like she isn’t wearing a costume
  • Everyone is SICK of Neal jingling every time he breathes
  • Jean pulling out tacos out of his costume even though he’s an oven
  • Antonio constantly smacking someone with a wooden spoon
  • Tigress and Paper Star having a “what the hell are you wearing?” moment with each other
  • Dark!Carmen asking Paper Star to help her with the cards and Paper Star being intimidated
  • Dark! Carmen being super dramatic
  • Gray having a dramatic entrance which mime bomb and neal the eel helped with
  • Gray stepping into the room with fog drama effect being immediately thrown out with neal’s bells jingling as he carries the fog machine
  • Sheena ending the night very drunk and everyone groaning at her 14th round of karaoke
  • Emergency heist where they dispatch them and theyre all wearing their costumes haphazardly

  • Le Chevre managing to be stealthy as a boxy pastel green oven
  • Paper Star jumpscaring everyone, every moment
  • Mime Bomb not even attempting stealth, being a 4 feet wide 6 foot tall foam neon yellow lemon with mime makeup on
  • Tigress slowly clawing out neal’s bells
  • Crackle bringing his fog machine
  • Dark!Carmen being her usual sexy mysterious gala esque self.
  • El topo with an apron and huge drills and a wooden spoon smacking security
  • Neal the eel ending up being the most useful
  • Crackle singing “the phantom of the opera” as a distraction

Maelstrom:I want you to take this man down but make it seem like an accident

Mime Bomb:


Zari: looks like the killer beat him

to death with a crowbar and then

placed a banana peel by his feet

What VILE Operatives probably have for breakfast:

Crackle- avocado toast (more of a brunch guy)

Le Chevre - poached eggs and a toasted bagel

El Topo- blueberry waffles

Tigress- yogurt and granola

Dark! Carmen- black coffee and an apple

Mime Bomb- lucky charms

Paper Star- dinosaur nuggets and brown rice tea

Neal The Eel- egg mayo sandwich

Dash Haber- chia and granola pudding or anything with asparagus/ spinach

The Troll- monster energy drink
