

While I work on part 15 of YAMC, please enjoy this variant cover #2! Do you recognize the design on his T-shirt?

Links to pages:


An AU where Keith never left but instead remained as the Black Paladin, therefore teaming up with Lotor in season 5. This conversation would take place in S5E4 right before the Kral Zera. At this point Lotor doesn’t know that Keith is half-Galra yet and vice versa.

Haha no I’m not bitter at all what gave off that impression

I’m a little late but Happy New Year! Hopefully this joke hasn’t been made yet hehe

You Are My Cosmos Part 14/?


It looks like Rey didn’t take Ben’s advice after all

Coming up next: a family dinner with the Skywalker-Solo bunch, featuring Lando and Chewie! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the year!

You Are My Cosmos part 14 sneak peek!


Any guesses as to why Ben and Rey are making these expressions?? I’m also quite happy with how shocked Finn and Poe turned out

This week is finals and of course the holidays can be busy, but ideally I’d like to have it finished by the end of this week, or at the latest, by next week!

Rinharu Week 2021 Day 8: Free Day

Iwatobi Cha Cha Cha

Rin Matsuoka had to grow up quickly and take care of his mother and sister after his father passed away. When he was old enough, he studied abroad to earn his degree, but returned home after five years as a changed man ― still cheerful and compassionate, though guarded and holding everyone at arm’s length. No one knows what happened during those five years. He’s known as Chief Matsuoka to his neighbors, and they rely on him to do odd jobs around town and look to him as someone to depend on. One day, he takes the afternoon off to enjoy his hobby of surfing when he sees a strange young man introspecting on the beach.

Haruka Nanase reaches an impasse for the first time in his life. He finds his days dull and unfulfilling, and is uncertain about what he wants out of life and the future. He wants to be alone and independent, yet there is something, some spark missing, and he can’t figure out what it is. After quitting his job in Tokyo and with nowhere else to go, he returns to his hometown Iwatobi for the first time in many years. He sits on the beach, passively watching a surfer in the distance as he slowly sinks into self isolation and loneliness. He then quickly realizes that he’s lost his shoes, perhaps in the water, and exasperatedly starts to look for them ― the catalyst for a new beginning.

Rinharu Week 2021 Day 6: Animals

My very first pixel art! I also made it into an alpha pattern which I’m currently working on!

Rinharu Week 2021 Day 5: Sci-Fi

Haru, Rin and many other children were raised from infancy in the Galactic Republic to become powerful Jedi ― keepers of the peace and figureheads to lead the war against the Separatists. Rin left the Jedi Order as a Padawan, but the reason as to why still remains a mystery. Years later, Haru runs into Rin on the battlefield and is horrified to find that not only has his childhood friend turned to the Dark Side, but has also become a Sith Lord…

Rinharu Week 2021 Day 3: Rivals

Screencap redraw of one of my favorite moments! I always love to see the affect that Rin has on Haru~

Rinharu Week 2021 Day 2: Webcomic AU

Based off of one of my favorite webtoons Devil Number 4!

Just wanted to post something really quick before disappearing back into the void that is school haha. I hope you are doing well! I’ve been going through some serious artist block during the past several weeks, but my sister and I are doing a 30-day character drawing challenge together and that has helped me to get motivated again. Here are some of my favorites so far!

A bit of explanation for my choices for the prompts: it’s not that I hated Keith, I just didn’t pay him much attention while I watched the show, but now he’s one of my favorites. And Ty Lee and I are only really similar in that we both have brown hair and are Asian

Hometown Cha Cha Cha screencap redraws!!! These are from episode 3, one of my favorite episodes that have come out so far

If you are looking for a feel-good, healing drama with golden comedy and slow-burn romance, I highly recommend that you check this Korean drama out! I cannot stress enough how amazing the slow-burn romance is alone, it is just beautiful!!!

Firstly, I want to say that these drawings aren’t necessarily “spoilers” or indications of what’s to come in You Are My Cosmos Secondly, long time no see!!! A while back I said that I’d be coming home from my trip at the end of May, but due to some circumstances I will actually be returning around mid-June. It’s nothing serious of course! I can’t say for certain how active I’ll be until then, but it sure was nice to take a break from social media. Other than that I wanted to hop on real quick to say hello!

Drawings were made using Medibang, a lil Samsung tablet, and some ink pens. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far! Please take care!!

Links to YAMC pages:


I always look for you in a crowd. Whether you’re right next to me or clear across the room, I wait for you to notice me ― to see your eyes light up when they meet mine, to see your soft smile that you don’t use for anyone else but me. It would annoy me if you looked at somebody else like that.

I always look for you, hoping you’ll look for me, too.

You Are My Cosmos Part 20/?


Rose and Jannah’s conclusions may be a tad bit biased…

YAMC will be going on hiatus until the end of May! I will be out of the country, and since I can’t take my behemoth of a tablet with me, I won’t be able to make any proper digital art until I get back. As always thank you for all of your support and for reading this comic! Please take care!!!

One of my favorite things about Rin is that he stutters when he gets nervous or flustered. It’s so cute! I also love the idea of Haru showing his affection for Rin by touching his face, just like in that one official art

Dialogue inspired by starstarfairy!
