#mind of my mind


who doesn’t love octavia e. butler? grabbed this text off of my bookcase as i was walking out the door one morning because it was small & could easily fit in my pocketbook. a relatively interesting tale of a young black woman’s unexpected rise to power.

  • 3.0/5.0
  • don’t get me wrong this book had me on the edge of my seat at some moments, but those were few. having previously read kindred i guess i was expecting something very similar or as entertaining, but was left disappointed. because it was a quick read i gave it a bit of a higher rating, it should also be mentioned that i did not read the prequel to this text, but didn’t not find this to be an issue in any manner. if you’re into science fiction, life extension, reincarnation, mental magic, afrikan history, aliens, astral projection, kemetics, sociology & things of the like or just have some idle time on your hands this book is for you. 
  • not exactly sure how this text found it’s way into my library, but it did. im going to hold on to it simply because it is one of two octavia books in my possession, however i do not know if i would purchase it. that being said i would suggest borrowing this text from your local library & decide for yourself it should have a home in your collection. 