#domestic goddess

November is a time of reflection and relaxation, as it heralds in “blank slate” weekends, restful ti

November is a time of reflection and relaxation, as it heralds in “blank slate” weekends, restful time alone, and the joyous return to honoring life inside the home. For many, October is so much fun there is barely space for peace and quiet. But now that the wild action of October is over, and you can pause to savor the crisp air and quietness of the November sky, I suggest you ponder the opportunistic question of “now what?”

The weather is colder and the atmosphere is darker in November – while the view from your bedroom window can be romantic and beautiful, the feeling outside is cold, damp, and sometimes gloomy. Just this morning we experienced our first freezing fog this season. It is this kind of weather that makes us crave coziness, warmth, and comfort. November allows you the opportunity to lean into the temptation to relax, recuperate, and maintain your health and spiritual wellness.

A List of Chill Magic and Practical Rituals for November
November can be a time when you can create a sacred space inside your home. While indoors, it is a great time to take up hobbies and activities that allow you the opportunity to spend time with the most important person in your life: yourself. Contemplate what aspects of yourself you have been neglecting and use the downtime of the indoor months accordingly. My hope is that this list below honors the magic of being chill and the comforting energy of November.

Fall Cleaning: For me an organized house is a creative house. I don’t know if this is something that everyone feels, but I function better in an orderly environment. If you are like me use the first couple of weeks in November to clean and clear your home of clutter. Consider donating clothes, books, and food.

Bring in the Green: Try bringing some green into your home to liven the indoors. Herbs that do well indoors are basil, bay, chives, cilantro, lemongrass, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, and thyme. If you need some easy plants to work with try aloe, calathea, Christmas cactus, English ivy, jade, peperomia, philodendron, snake plant, and spider plant.

Warm Lighting: Try the warm and soothing glow Himalayan rock salt lamps and candle holders.

Purifying Incense: Burn a blend of frankincense, rosemary, and sage to purify your home. Allow the smoke to escape the home through cracked windows. 

Protection Spell Bottle: Put together a spell bottle to create a protective boundary around your home. Some suggested items to add to a protection spell bottle include rosemary, rose thorns, needles, nails, dimes, vinegar, garlic, obsidian, black salt, sea salt, tourmaline, black pepper, hyssop, rue, and dragon’s blood. Seal it with black wax and bury it in the front yard of your property.

❤️Blessed and Loving Home Simmering Potpourri: This is an inviting simmering potpourri to bless a home with loving energies. Slice an apple and place in a saucepan. Add four cups of water. Add in a couple cinnamon sticks, three star anise seed pods, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a teaspoon of cloves, and a small piece of ginger root. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a low simmer. Allow the mixture to slowly cook and spread it’s inviting and loving fragrance through your home. Stir clockwise occasionally, and replacing more water if necessary. 

Relaxing Aromatherapy Oils: Use a relaxing oil blend in an oil diffuser to create a calming space. Essential oils that can help calm moods include lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, bergamot, ylang ylang, vanilla, patchouli, Roman chamomile, clary sage, and marjoram. 

Prosperity Spell for Holiday Funds: For this spell you will work with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. Find a glass jar or container and adhere a picture of Lakshmi on it. In the bottom of the container place a piece of green jade, aventurine, or other crystal associated with money. The first money to place in the jar should be four new quarters, which you can anoint with patchouli or money-attracting oil. Place money into the jar each day, no matter how large or small the amount is. When it is time to empty the jar and access the holiday funds, be sure to put aside a small amount of the wealth you’ve attracted to donate to charity.

Blanket Magic: Here’s a sweet little enchantment for the throw blankets in your house. Hold a blanket and visualize it being imbued with pink and gold light. Say to yourself the following incantation: “Wrapped in love, this blanket glows, with care and healing for those it holds.” 

‍♀️Homeopathic Remedies: We are blessed to live in a time where we can both take care of ourselves with modern medicine like flu shots and antibiotics, but we can also keep homeopathic remedies in stock to support our daily health routines. Try and create Fire Cider or Elderberry Syrup – they are said to help the body fend off colds.

Basil Rinse: Boil a pot of water and stir in a handful of basil and a couple bags of chamomile tea. Use this as a cleaning rinse to welcome in prosperous and loving energies.

Divination:November is a fantastic month to work through divination. Treat yourself to a new tarot deck, practice a new tarot spread, or try a form of divination that you’ve always been curious about.

November Correspondences

  • Astronomical Dates for 2019: Taurid Meteor Shower (11/5-6), Beaver Full Moon (11/12), Leonids Meteor Shower (11/17-18), New Moon (11/26)
  • Crystals: Amber, Citrine, Obsidian, Onyx, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz
  • Food in Season: Apples, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cranberries, horseradish, leeks, mushrooms, parsnips, persimmons, pomegranates, potatoes, pumpkin, turnip, winter squash
  • Herbs, Plants, and Incense: Blackthorn, Cedarwood, Cypress, Dragon’s Blood, Elder, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Pine, Rosemary, Star Anise, Thyme, Wormwood, Yew
  • Magical Work: Beginnings, Divination and Spirit Communication, Prosperity, Release, Removal of Obstacles, Transformation
  • Meditation Work and Reflective Topics: Charity, Comfort, Gratitude, Self-Love

The Magic of Samhain Isn’t Gone (Where to Look Next)

While many will celebrate Samhain through October 31st and November 1st, there are those who chose to observe Samhain at the exact midpoint between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. For 2019 that happens to land on November 7th. So, if you are enjoying the work with ancestors, divination, spirit communication, and banishment magic, don’t let it disappear now that it’s November. And, just because Samhain has passed doesn’t mean that the energy and magic of Samhain will instantaneously drop off. If you are new to witchcraft I recommend reading The Door to Witchcraft by Tonya Brown to help you continue your interest and magical pursuits. If you are fascinated by the idea of a Veil marking a boundary between our world and the Otherworld, I recommend visiting John Beckett’s blog Under the Ancient Oaks where he frequently discusses his impression of the Veil in modern times. And, hopefully the list above gave you some inspiration for November as well. The dark side of the year is an excellent time to go inwards and do deep, reflective, and personal magical work. The magic of pause and rest can be very powerful.

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  • 3.9/5.0
  • surprisingly i never read this text in entirety as a young adult. figured it was about time to get around to reading it once and for all. was & was not what i was expecting. at times i found it to err on the side of plain old weird. the references to this text will for sure have a stronger meaning to me as the set up on 1984 is really quite scary. it was a quick & easy read with an interesting story line, so much so that i watched a film adaptation, but felt it fell short. why a 3.9? well i guess because it was all a bit predictable & at times i felt a little extra. nonetheless i think it is a book that everyone should read because it does make for good discussion. 
  • had a dogged copy in my library… will purchase a new one to replace it. don’t think it it’s totally necessary to own, but because it takes up such little space why not?

Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda

Noam Chomsky 

 grabbed this book from the library shelf while walking out the door. another pocketbook story, but this time it wasn’t fiction. very much pleased with the random pulling

  • 4.5/5.0
  • after reading this text, i think from now on i would rather read noam chomsky than listen to him speak. truly enjoyed this read because it was fitting for the times although published in the 90′s & simultaneously helped me brush up on world [gov.]  history, as well as introduce me to some information i was not familiar with. 
  •  if this book comes your way i would read it. literally took me the equivalent of a single commute. if not i would suggest reading at least one of noam chomsky speech or at least part of one just for the heck of it. easier on the brain than i thought. doesn’t take up too much space on the shelf so i’ll keep it for now, don’t know if its necessary.

George Orwell



smh…. i can’t find the text

the text has been found! [1.8.18]

so this text somewhat speaks for itself. for some reason it was also in the why have i not completed you yet? pile. a text for anyone who is interested in the inner & outer workings of these worlds… a friendly reminder & mind blower all at the same time. take your time with it & like all great works revisit…

  • 5.0/5.0
  • a simple & introductory text to hermetic teachings. coupled with good intent this text can take even a novice quite far. from the principles of polarity, to the principles of gender, the kybalion easily takes one through the highs & lows of life. 
  • i highly suggest purchasing this book for your personal library. it is filled with life gems & words of wisdom
Today’s Homemade Vegan Lunch:CallalooFried PlantainsQuinoa & Kidney Beans‘Caeser’ Kale Salad

Today’s Homemade Vegan Lunch:


Fried Plantains

Quinoa & Kidney Beans

‘Caeser’ Kale Salad

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Last month my King man blessed me with a beautiful introduction to Shojin Ryori. 

There’s a lot of information on this style of cooking & I highly suggest those interested in Zen Buddhism, Tea, Conscious Eating, Vegan/Vegetarianism, Japan, Foraging, Tofu, or just food in general to take a deeper look into it. Shojin Ryori cuisine is basically the foundation of the Japanese Kaiseki meal style and is just generally really quite interesting.

Intro to Shojin Ryori:



my king man brought home some marinated bbq jack fruit. the inside packaging looked like space food

my king man brought home some marinated bbq jack fruit. the inside packaging looked like space food or military food or something, which kind of inspired me to give it a bit more texture by frying it.

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haven’t worked out in months & my body looks & feels like it… did a few dance routines today, but found this one the most enjoyable

Early day for me even if there’s nothing to do other than vacuuming life of a housewife I know you g

Early day for me even if there’s nothing to do other than vacuuming life of a housewife I know you guys have seen this shirt before but it is my favorite shirt and if looks so cute with my white jeans! I love wearing these heels they make my legs look so long

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Domestic Goddess”


Domestic Goddess”

♥️Bailey Jay♥️

“Domestic Goddess”

Bailey Jay



“im too pretty for this” is a valid excuse

This is how i feel everyday at my job lol

I think that is my MO for many things in life. I am too pretty to pump gas (excuse to get hybrid cars repeatedly) is probably my favorite. I know how to do it, but I don’t drive much and my SUV is a plug-in hybrid. My Husband pumps it for me whenever He drives my SUV. I don’t take out the trash and recycling either.

New Christian Louboutin Domestic Goddess.Such a rich color, wow From C.L. More here

New Christian Louboutin Domestic Goddess.
Such a rich color, wow

From C.L.

More here

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