

There is a Japanese term “shinrin yoku” which directly translated means “swimming in the forest”.

Doctors prescribe it to patients for stress related symptoms, and even though there’s a logical explanation to the healing benefits of nature, there’s also something magical to it.

The water has a calming effect on the nervous system, the natural light eases the mind, the silence and space sensitizes and grounds the body.

That’s the logical part… explained by science. The magical part is the one where you are at once allowed to be completely and utterly alone, yet completely and contently connected to something bigger and to everything at once. By being outside you get drawn in.

You’ll feel it when you go, and you know it’s there before you do. It’s right there waiting for you. A heightened sense of consciousness just waiting for you to dive in




Today is day 83 of my 365-day Yoga journey and at the same time, it is also January 1, 2022.

A new year is upon us and, although symbolic in nature, I do still like to use this day as a day of reflection. Upon the year that has just ended and the new one that has just started.

I started January 1, 2022, off with a 1-hour yin yoga session to set intentions for the new year. It was a moment of meditation and to create openness in my heart, mind, and body. It was great!

I will not set any resolutions, but my intentions are as follows:

- living according to my personal philosophy (which entails putting on paper what this philosophy actually is)
- I will embrace flexibility in being and doing
- I will release mistakes made in the past, and work on Ahimsa, Satya, and Asteya. I will not live in the past. I will find refuge in the present
- I will attempt to be a helpful person to all
- I choose silence, love, gentleness, forgiveness, creativity.


“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.” ~Aldous Huxley~

Days 29-33 of 365: Although it has been a stressful week at work, I have been able to use my yoga not only on the mat, but also off the mat.

I have been doing a lot of grounding and balancing work, since I feel it’s what I need most at the moment.

I can’t wait for the next two days, seeing as I can do much longer sessions during the weekend!

