#mineblr tag


Mineblr Intro (take 2)

So I’m not actually a new mineblr, I’ve been here for a while, but after losing interest in Hermitcraft and Minecraft as a whole due to school and the state of the fandom as a whole I basically went dormant. So, I’m here to remake my blog!

  • My name is Geoff/Seamus, and I follow from @spale-vosver
  • I’m 17, I live in the United States on EST
  • I’ve loved Minecraft since I was about 10, but really got back into it with the Renaissance of 2019
  • I got into Hermitcraft when one of my friends got into it. My favorite Hermits are Python, Impulse, Tango, and Joe. I’m also slowly getting into Mindcrack through the lovely VintageBeef
  • I also have a YouTube channel of my own! It’s SeamusEM (not linking so this post shows up in tags) and I’ve been kind of dormant but I’ll try to post more! I mainly make Minecraft videos there.
  • I’m autistic (hence my blog name), and I ADORE endermen
  • I’m really excited to start making friends again, but I’m not sure if I’m close enough with anyone to @ them yet so I’m just not gonna for now haha oops
  • It’s in my bio but obviously DNI if you are an ace exclusionist, a transmed, a TERF, or support PDP
  • I personally don’t approve of Hermitshipping (so you won’t see me posting stuff about it) but I don’t mind if you reblog my content if you’re a shipper, though I probably won’t interact with you at all back. I just ask that you tag your content appropriately and that you don’t interact at all if you’re going to fetishize stuff like being trans or abuse.
  • I’m a writer and I’m getting into art, so I’ll probably post edits, scenarios, etc during my time here!
  • If you have any questions about me/specifics you want me to clear up, please shoot me a message! I’m very friendly and love talking to people!

That’s it for now! I’m excited to get back into Minecraft and the mineblr community!
