


this was, hard to format on mobile but uh. pythongb stimboard!


Mineblr Intro (take 2)

So I’m not actually a new mineblr, I’ve been here for a while, but after losing interest in Hermitcraft and Minecraft as a whole due to school and the state of the fandom as a whole I basically went dormant. So, I’m here to remake my blog!

  • My name is Geoff/Seamus, and I follow from @spale-vosver
  • I’m 17, I live in the United States on EST
  • I’ve loved Minecraft since I was about 10, but really got back into it with the Renaissance of 2019
  • I got into Hermitcraft when one of my friends got into it. My favorite Hermits are Python, Impulse, Tango, and Joe. I’m also slowly getting into Mindcrack through the lovely VintageBeef
  • I also have a YouTube channel of my own! It’s SeamusEM (not linking so this post shows up in tags) and I’ve been kind of dormant but I’ll try to post more! I mainly make Minecraft videos there.
  • I’m autistic (hence my blog name), and I ADORE endermen
  • I’m really excited to start making friends again, but I’m not sure if I’m close enough with anyone to @ them yet so I’m just not gonna for now haha oops
  • It’s in my bio but obviously DNI if you are an ace exclusionist, a transmed, a TERF, or support PDP
  • I personally don’t approve of Hermitshipping (so you won’t see me posting stuff about it) but I don’t mind if you reblog my content if you’re a shipper, though I probably won’t interact with you at all back. I just ask that you tag your content appropriately and that you don’t interact at all if you’re going to fetishize stuff like being trans or abuse.
  • I’m a writer and I’m getting into art, so I’ll probably post edits, scenarios, etc during my time here!
  • If you have any questions about me/specifics you want me to clear up, please shoot me a message! I’m very friendly and love talking to people!

That’s it for now! I’m excited to get back into Minecraft and the mineblr community!

PythonGB stimboard with soap cutting, slime, and clay cracking for @ spale-vosver !!Reblogs apprecia

PythonGBstimboard with soap cutting, slime, and clay cracking for @ spale-vosver!!
Reblogs appreciated!


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